Psychology chapter 6

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*Mr. Leung fell down, hit his head, and went into a coma. When he woke up his speech was clear but mixed up. He would say things like "bring go the floor cat." Which term describes his condition?


A five-year-old watches his father Dunk a basketball. Since the child is unable to reach the basket in the way his father can the child cannot learn this behavior by observing because he cannot accomplish the step of


And Watson's experiment with little Albert he demonstrated that

Irrational fear responses could be conditioned

______ occurs when an organism learns to respond to different stimuli in different ways

Stimulus discrimination

Oriole Joshua reacts with anxiety to the sound of thunder. We need your slides across the wooden floor making a sound similar to thunder Joshua reacts with some anxiety. This is an example of

Stimulus generalization

Theo gets excited whenever he finds a quarter laying on the ground outside. While walking home from school one day Theo noticed a shiny round object laying on the sidewalk and became very excited. He soon realized that the object was a bottle cap in his excitement quickly dissipated. Which concept is demonstrated in this example?

Stimulus generalization

A condition response that has been extinguished can re-up here briefly in the presence of the original condition stimulus through a process called

Spontaneous recovery

Bandura found that consequences:

do matter in motivating a person to imitate a model

Doretha eats all of her dinner knowing that afterward she will get a bowl of ice cream. Doretha's behavior is best explained by what type of learning?

operant conditioning

Kohler's idea of animal insight was controversial because:

other researchers, like Thorndike, did not believe that animals demonstrated that trait.

Ivan Pavlov was a Russian _____ who spent his life studying classical conditioning.


Bandura concluded that there are _____ elements of observational learning


When a previously neutral stimulus the repeated pairing with the unconditioned stimulus begins to cause the same kind of reflexive response to the neutral stimulus has become

A conditioned stimulus

______ is an example of a primary reinforcer, where as ______ is an example of a secondary reinforcer

A hug; a certificate of appreciation

And unlearned involuntary response such as salivating when presented with food is an example of

A reflex

Which of the following is an example of a stimulus that is likely to elicit a conditioned emotional response

A slap on the face

In his later research Bandura added the condition of _____ into his studies of children in the Bobo doll


Which of the following examples of change demonstrates learning as defined in the text

Ama slows down her car after seeing a police officer on the side of the road

Köhler's chimpanzee experiment involved

Ancient filling one stick into another stick to reach out of his cage for a banana

For each day that Tonya was good she earns a fake dollars from her teacher. By the end of every week Tonya has the option of using her dollars to buy something from the school store or saving them to buy something at a later time. The issue of fake dollars in response to good behavior is an example of ______

Behavior modification

When a person is unable to speak words in a smooth and connected fashion what region of the brain might be damaged

Broca's area

Bandura conducted some of his research to study

Children's exposure to aggressive behavior towards others

Piaget noted that preschool children spent a great deal of time talking to themselves even playing together and that the conversations had nothing to do with the speech of the children around him. He called this process

Collective monologue

Three young boys are in a daycare center. Although they appear to be playing and chatting together, on closer inspection each child is talking aloud to himself. Piaget would call the boys' speech ____

Collective monologue

Khalila decided to try a new dish consisted of rice and tomatoes just as she was coming down with the flu. Now every time she sees rice or tomatoes she gets sick to her stomach. In this example her experience of nausea at the side of rice or tomatoes exhibits a _____

Conditioned response

Shortly after eating a piece of his great aunt's famous coconut cake which he's had many times Amad becomes very nauseous. Now whenever his great aunt offered him a piece of cake he quickly declined. Which concept best explains his change in behavior?

Conditioned taste aversion

Martin Seligman connected learned helplessness to


Noah is a junior in college and has always been an average student. This semester he feels very passionate about his political science class and even sees himself pursuing a career in politics. For the first time he wants to do well so that you can get an a. This is an example of which element of observational learning?


______ was one of the first researchers to look at the laws involved in learning voluntary responses

Edward Thorndike

When Pavlov stopped giving the dogs food after the real CS they stopped salivating to the sound of the ticking. This is called _____


At the end of the day during the first week of kindergarten Jeremiah's teacher exclaimed you may all leave after the bell rang. On the first day of the second week of school Jeremiah immediately left the room just as the bell rang without any notice from his teacher. In this example what is the condition response?

Jeremiah left the room after the bell rang

Lan received a noisemaker for his birthday and has played with it every day. Desperate for some peace and quiet lands father gives him a lollipop which take lan's attention away from the toy and gives his dad some temporary silence. What type of reinforcement process is taking place

Lan is being positively reinforce her playing with the noisemaker

What cognitive learning concepts did Martin Seligman say plays a role in depression

Learned helplessness

The second group of rats and Tolman's mesic sperm it was not reinforced for finding the exit until the 10th day. Once they started getting the reinforcement the rats ____

Learned to find the exit almost immediately

*While shopping with her little sister Amber decided to look at some jewelry. As soon as she turned her head her sister disappeared. Though it only took a minute to find her Amber's fear of losing her little sister again cause her to keep a very close eye on her from that moment on. Ambers change in behavior demonstrates


Which of the following is a holophrase?

Me want juice

*Every time Paul's neighbor upstairs plays loud music Paul bangs on his ceiling with a broom and the music stops. Pause behavior of banging on the ceiling to get the music to stop is an example of _____

Negative reinforcement

A police car triggers the process of blank_____ when driver see it and slow down

Neutral stimulation

A stimulus that has no effect on the desired response is a

Neutral stimulus

Who believe that all humans are able to learn and use language through an innate language acquisition device

Noam Chomsky

_____ is more resistant to extinction then ______

Partial reinforcement; continuous reinforcement

According to Bandura, to learn anything through observation, the learner must first

Pay attention

After passing his chemistry exam Tito was told by his parents he could have access to the family car for a week. Tito's parents are using

Positive reinforcement

The behavior of infants and young children and animals can be most easily reinforced using

Primary reinforcers

Aida loves to sing for her family and friends but is extremely shy. In order to encourage her to sing again what primary reinforcement might Aida's mom use

Promised her an ice cream cone when she sings

A student in a fourth-grade class keeps talking out of turn no matter how many times the teacher tells her to stop. Finally in desperation the teacher sends a student to the principals office. This final action is a form of ______


Layla's new puppy keeps chewing the bottoms of her favorite curtains. Now whenever Layla sees the puppy begin chewing she turns on a device that makes a loud continuous annoying sound she will not turn it off until the puppy stops chewing. Layla is using which technique to change the puppy's behavior


Anna's mother scold her for lying. Anna's mother is using

Punishment by application

Issuing a timeout to a disobedient child is an example of

Punishment by removal

Changing the ______ of a phrase can change its entire meeting


Operant conditioning can be used to teach complex tasks through a process called


Michael painted the picture and the picture was painted by Michael have the same semantic meeting but different


Which of the following is not an example of a normal reflex

Tabatha feels queasy after seeing a plate of oysters

Dr. Rubio is conducting an experiment in classical conditioning. Shortly after playing music she places a loaf of bread on the windowsill outside her office window. After doing this several times she notices that now just as she begins to play her music several birds fly to her window even before she presents the bread. In this example what is the condition stimulus?

The bread

Whenever you take a shower in your bathroom the water turns ICE called just as the toilet in another bathroom is flushed causing you to cringe. After several occurrences you tend to cringe whenever you hear a toilet flush even when you're not in the shower. In this example of classical conditioning what is the unconditioned stimulus

The sound of the flushing toilet

For every three boxes of cookies Tammy sells her scout troop gets a dollar. On what schedule of reinforcement is Tammy being conditioned?

Variable ratio

Tamar just can't seem to get away from the slot machines. She has no idea how many times she has to pull the lever is to win money but she's aware that at some point she's likely to win. What schedule of reinforcement is being used in this example?

Variable ratio

When children witness other children cry when getting a vaccination and the witnesses then cry before the needle even touches them is an example of

Vicarious conditioning

In operant conditioning responses are _____, where as in classical conditioning, responses are _____.

Voluntary; involuntary

And example of a condition taste aversion is

When coyotes eat sheep laced with lithium chloride, get extremely sick, then stop eating sheep meat

In classical conditioning the actual response involved in a CR and a UCR are the same. However what makes that response conditioned or unconditioned depends on

Whether the subject is responding to a UCS or a CS

The repeated pairing of the NS and UCS is called


Marco's mom gives him a treat every night after dinner when he picks up his plate and places it in the dishwasher. Marco's mom uses

continuous reinforcement

The heart of operant conditioning is the effect of ______ on behavior


In most employment situations, people are paid:

fixed interval schedule of reinforcement

Research suggest that once people learn something

it is always present somewhere in memory

Voluntary behavior to Skinner was _____ behavior


According to Noam Chomsky humans have an innate ability to understand and produce language through

their language acquisition device

Fishing is an example of an activity with a

variable interval schedule of reinforcement

What does punishment do to a response

weakens it

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