Psychology Exam 1

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Botox injections smooth facial wrinkles because botox is an ACh antagonist that A.increases water retention. B.decreases water retention. C.activates the pituitary gland. D.paralyzes underlying facial muscles


Broca's area is associated with language _____. Wernicke's area is associated with language ____. A.outputs ; inputs B.inputs ; outputs


Adoptive parents are least likelyto influence the _____________ of their adopted children. A.religious beliefs B.political attitudes C.moral values D.personality traits


After a masculinity threat, men will place higher bets during a gambling game. This is an example of a A.theory. B.hypothesis. fact about life. D.None of the answers above are correct


After being startled awake in the middle of the night, it turns out the noise the person heard was the closet rod breaking from the weight of their winter coats. Knowing that, they begin to calm down and their heart stops racing, which means their _____________ has been activated. A.sympathetic nervous system B.adrenal system C.parasympathetic nervous system D.central nervous system


An informed consent explains everything about an upcoming experiment (including the hypotheses and the deceptions that are going to be used) to a participant. A)TrueB)False


Axons are to _____ as dendrites are to ______. A.stop signs; traffic signals B.speaking; hearing C.primary reinforcement; secondary reinforcement D.action potential; neurons


Compared to an axon without a mylein sheath, an axon witha mylein sheath A.would be slower to transmit neural impulses. B.would transmit neural impulses at the same rate. C.would be faster to transmit neural impulses. D.None of the above are correct answers


Even if the musician Stevie Wonder (who is blind) had his vision restored by a miracle surgery, he probably would not get his eyesight back because A.brain cells normally devoted to vision died or were diverted to other uses. B.normal pruning of the visual brain cells occurred. C.brain development ends in childhood. D.Visual deprivation has no effect on brain development


Evolutionary psychologists attribute gender differences in sexuality to the fact that females have A.greater reproductive potential than do males. B.weaker sex drives than males. C.stronger sex drives than males. D.lower reproductive potential than do males


Justice White says that "of course the death penalty will deter murders; everyone knows that punishment keeps kids in line". How is Justice White resolving the question of the deterrent effect of the death penalty? A.By relying on psychology. B.By relying on chance. C.By appealing to common sense. D.None of the answers above are correct


Karen is a research assistant at the University Psychology lab and finds that the mice cortexes she is studying are thinner and lighter. What happened? A.They were all born prematurely. B.Their cortical abnormalities are due to their enriched environments. C.They were raised in deprived environments. D.They were all mutations


Karen is a research assistant at the University Psychology lab and finds that the mice cortexes she is studying are thinner and lighter. What happened? A.They were all born prematurely. B.Their cortical abnormalities are due to their enriched environments. C.They were raised in deprived environments. D.They were all mutations


Karen is a research assistant at the University Psychology lab and finds that the mice cortexes she is studying are thinner and lighter. What happened? A.They were all born prematurely. B.Their cortical abnormalities are due to their enriched environments. C.They were raised in deprived environments. D.They were all mutations


Men have a ________ threshold for perceiving ________ responses as a sexual come-on. A.lower; warm B.lower; cool C.higher; warm D.higher; cold


Men in their ________ are most likely to be sexually attracted to women who are several years older rather than several years younger than themselves. A.20s B.30s C.teens

parasympathetic nervous system(calming)

conserves energy: decelerates heart rate, lowers blood pressure


chromosomes make up this

autonomic nervous system

controls our glands and muscles of our internal organs

three types of research designs

descriptive correlational experimental

identical twins

develop from a single egg, genetically identical (same sex only)

fraternal twins

develop from separate eggs, share half of their genes (same or opposite sex)

molecular genetics

goal is to identify specific genes that influence normal human traits body weight, sexual orientation, and personality traits

temporal lobes

hearing, understanding language, storing visual memories, contains auditory cortex


helps control alertness and arousal

central nervous system

comprises the spinal cord and brain


mathematical estimate to which variation among individuals can be attributed to their differing genes

correlational methods

measure the variables as they already exist in nature


minimize or eliminate animal distress

B.F. Skinner

modern behaviorism's most important figure

frontal lobe

motor function, language and memory and executive functions

random assignment to condition

necessary to establish causality in a true experiment

1. serotonin pathway 2. dopamine pathway

neurotransmitters have 2 designed pathway where it operates. what are they?

research questions develop

observing the world around you and thinking why people do and behave as they do


primitive functions, heartbeat and breathing

wernicke's area

processing of words that we hear

broca's area

production of language


psychology was redefined as the scientific study of observable behavior and was led by John Watsom

experimental methods

purpose is to explore cause and effect by manipulation one or more facotrs, while holding others constant


receive messages from other cells


receives information from all senses and routes it to high brain regiones

naturalist observation

recording behavior in its natural environments


regulates fear and aggression


rules for expected and accepted behavior


science of behavior and mental processes

parietal lobe

sensations of touch pain and temp; contains somatosensory cortex

shared evirnonmental influence

small percentage on personality and intelligence


small segments of DNA molecules

older brain structures

sustain basic life functions and enable memory, emotions, and basic drives

hindsight bias

tendency for people to exaggerate how much they could have predicted and outcome after knowing that it occurs

peripheral nervous system and central nervous

the nervous system has two parts what are they?

gestalt psychology

the whole is different from the sum of its parts, opposed to structuralism

operational defintion

turn a conceptual variable into a variable that can be measured or manipulated

same intelligence= due to genetics different intelligence= due to environment

twins with same DNA but different environment

common sense problems

very contradictory, common sense answer for any conclusion and its opposite , in highsight is when "everybody knows"

occipital lobes

vision, contains visual cortex

somatic nervous system

voluntary control of skeletal muscles

Brainstem, thalamus, cerebellum, and limbic system

what are the main brain structures?

somatic nervous system and autonomic nervous system

what are the two parts of the peripheral nervous system?


what neuroimaging technique shows specific places of the brain?


what sense does the thalamus not receive information from?


when the neural impulse reaches the terminal of an axon it triggers the release of ____ into the synaptic gap

William james

who introduced experiment psychology to the united states

king of egypt

who recorded the first psychological experiment in the 7th century BC?

men can father unlimited number of children and be successful in constant reproduction

gender differ in their mating behaviors (men)

women selective because they're limited ability to raise and produce children in a lifetime

gender differ in their mating behaviors (women)

men are found to be more likely to initiate sex than women and desire it more than women as well

gender differences (about sex)

men offer height, seek weight

gender differences (male appearances)

men seek younger women, women seek older men

gender differences (what male and women seek)

behavior genetics

study of environmental and genetic factors, and their interplay on differences in psychological traits


subjects raised in an enriched environment develop a larger _______ than those raised in an impoverisheed environment


"little brain" that helps coordinate voluntary moments and balance and role in learning motor skilsl

cerebral cortex

-Enables higher-level functions, including perceiving, thinking, and speaking -At least 2/3 mass of brain 2mm deep layer -Convoluted

research ethics

1. obtain informed consent 2. protect them from harm 3. maintain confidentiality 4. debrief


A segment of DNA that provides the code for creating protein molecules is called a(n) A.environmental factor. B.gene. C.chromosome . D.genome.


A significant correlation of +0.70 between children's physical height and popularity among their peers indicates that: A)higher levels of popularity among peers is associated with greater physical height in children. B)there is no statistically significant relationship between children's height and their popularity. C)being really short or really tall causes a negative impact on children's popularity. D)children's height causes negative popularity

dendrites-->cell body--> axon--> terminal

Debbie Call Andrew Tongith


Dendrites transmit messages ___________ the cell body and axons transmit messages ___________ the cell body. A.away from; toward B.away from; away from C.toward; away from D.toward; toward


Detects cahnges in blood oxygenation in different brain regions; revels functioning as well as structure


Dr. Snell studies the part of the brain that is active when people are lying. She asks half of her participants to tell the truth about an event from their childhoods and half to tell a lie about an event from their childhoods. Which of the following brain imaging techniques should she use to detect specificbrain areas that are active when the participants are lying? A.electroencephalogram (EEG) B.polygraph (lie detector machine) C.magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) D.functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)


Genes are always active/expressed. A.True B.False


Given findings from adoption studies, which of the following scenarios is the MOST likely? A.An adopted brother and sister reared together will be similarly outgoing and agreeable. B.An adopted brother and sister reared together will share the same political and religious beliefs. C.A biological older brother and younger sister reared apart will be similarly outgoing and agreeable. D.A biological older brother and older sister reared apart will share the same political and religious beliefs


Given findings from adoption studies, which of the following scenarios is the MOST likely? A.An adopted brother and sister reared together will be similarly outgoing and agreeable. B.An adopted brother and sister reared together will share the same political and religious beliefs. C.A biological older brother and younger sister reared apart will be similarly outgoing and agreeable. D.A biological older brother and older sister reared apart will share the same political and religious beliefs


If a genetically based attraction to beautiful people contributes to survival, that trait will likely be passed on to subsequent generations. This best illustrates A.collectivism. B.behavior genetics. C.heritability. D.natural selection


In his research on the limbic system, Dr. Harrington electrically stimulates the ____________ of cats and then measures their rage and fear reactions. A.thalamus. B.amygdala. C.hippocampus. D.hypothalamus


In stressful situations, the sympathetic nervous system _________ your blood pressure and ___________ the pupils of the eyes. A.lowers ; dilates B.raises ; contracts C.lowers ; contracts D.raises ; dilates


In terms of your heartbeat, digestion, and glandular functioning, your body is a fairly well oiled machine that works even when you are asleep. This is possible due to your A.sympathetic nervous system. B.somatic nervous system. C.parasympathetic nervous system. D.autonomic nervous system


Provides amplified tracing of waves of electrical activity in the brain


Random assignment is the great equalizer in terms of extraneous variables. Well, that's the hope anyways. A)TrueB)False


Sleep boosts memory. This is an example of a A.theory. B.hypothesis fact about life. D.test of a hypothesis.


Some smokers will be given Nicorette for one week; they will be compared with other smokers not given any Nicorette. If random assignment was used A.the average number of cigarettes a day each participant smoked before the study began should be roughly equal across each condition. wouldn't be able to establish causality. wouldn't be a true experiment. D.Both B and C are correct answers


Some smokers will be given Nicorette for one week; they will be compared with other smokers not given any Nicorette. The dependent variable in this experiment could be A.whether or not participants are given Nicorette. many cigarettes each participant smoked during the week before the experiment began. many participants quit smoking after the one week trial. D.Both B and C are correct answers


Some smokers will be given Nicorette for one week; they will be compared with other smokers not given any Nicorette. The independent variable in this experiment is A.whether or not participants are given Nicorette. many cigarettes each participant smoked during the week before the experiment began. many cigarettes each participant smoked the week after the experiment ended. D.There is not an independent variable


T/F: peers play a huge role in shaping personality, more than parents


The _______ lobe is concerned with executive functioning (good vs. bad behavior). A.Frontal B.Parietal C.Occipital D.Temporal


The ____________ is responsible for heartbeat and breathing. A.thalamus B.reticular formation C.medulla D.cerebellum


The correct order of the structures of the motor neuron is: A.dendrites, the cell body, axon, terminal branches of the axon. B.the myelin sheath, dendrites, axon, terminal branches of the axon. C.dendrites, neuron, terminal branches of the axon, and axon. D.the terminal branches of the axon, axon, dendrites, cell body.


The limbic system structure that is involved in the acquisition of memories is the A.thalamus. B.amygdala. C.hippocampus. D.hypothalamus


The most amount of brain tissue in the motor cortex is dedicated to the _____. A.eyes B.knees C.ears D.A and C have the same amount of brain tissue in the motor cortex


The neurons that carry outgoing information from the brain and spinal cord to the body's tissues are the A.iconic neurons. B.sensory neurons. C.inter neurons. D.motor neurons

same intelligence= due to environment different intelligence due to genetics

Twins with different DNA but same environment have what


Whenever you turn the pages of a book, use your pen to take notes, or raise your hand, you know that this is possible due to your A.sympathetic nervous system. B.somatic nervous system. C.parasympathetic nervous system. D.autonomic nervous system


Why does correlation not equal causation? A) You do not know the direction of the effect. B) It could be due to chance. C) There could be a third variable that is responsible for the relationship. D) All of the above are reasons why correlation does not equal causation


Why shouldn't we rely upon our common sense to answer empirical questions? A.Our common sense is always wrong. B.Common sense is often contradictory, supporting any statement and its opposite C.Both A and B are correct answers. D.None of the answers above are correct


You are in charge of hiring a cruise-ship social director and you want to pick someone who is very outgoing. Unfortunately, you only have information about the siblings of the potential candidates. Given what we know about the genetic transmission of outgoingness, which of the following candidates would you choose? A.the candidate whose older sibling is outgoing B.the candidate whose fraternal twin is outgoing C.the candidate whose identical twin is outgoing D.Genes do not influence extraversion


You are looking through the personal ads one day in the newspaper and notice all of the following in the ads EXCEPT that A.women promote their beauty and health. B.women promote their maturity and affluence by citing career and wealth. promote their maturity and affluence by citing career and wealth

high spatial resolution

___ = better image


____ can either halt or advance progession of traits and behavior

conceptual variable

a hypothetical factor/contract that is not observed directly


a testable prediction implied by a theory


acquisition of memories Four F's- fighting, fleeing, feeding and reproduction


affects mood, hunger, sleep, and arousal

trained brain

after much practice more motor cortex neurons become active and alive


alternative to animal research when possible


an accidental discover (finding something while looking for something else)

motor cortex

area at near of frontal lobe, controls voluntary movements


base of brain stem and controls involuntary functions such as heartbeat and breathing

wilhelm wundt

birth of contemporary psychology- "structuralism"

sensory neurons

body--> brain

motor neurons

brain--> body

motor neurons

carry messages from the brain and out to the body's tissues

sensory neurons

carry messages from tissues and organs to the brain and spinal cord for processing

random assignment to condition

each participant has an equal chance of being in any condition

neural impulse

electrical signal traveling down the axon

limbic system

emotions and drives, memory formation

self as independent

emphasizes independence, autonomy, and self-reliance


employ designs that require feast number of animals possible


enables muscle action learning and memory


excess dopamine causes what?

sympathetic system(arousing)

expands energy: accelerates heart rate, raises blood prssure, dilates eyes


explanation using an integrated set of principles that organizes observations

reticular formation

filters incoming stimuli from spinal cord and relays information to other areas of brain

william james

first psych professor at an American university


focused on the etiology, development, and treatment of abornmal behavior and was led by Sigmund Freud

terminal branches of axon

form junctions with other cells

self as interdependent

independence, cooperation, and social harmony


influences movement learning attention and emotion

case study

investigation of a single/very few subjects

the survey

investigation of many cases in less depth by asking people to report opinions and behaviors


lack of ACh neurons causes what?

parkinson's disease

lack of dopamine causes what?

depressed mood

lack of norepinephrine causes what?


lack of serotonin causes what?


passes messages away from cell body to other neurons, muscles, or glands

doesn't give self enough credit

people are happier with status of whole group, not just self and does what?

takes credit for self and blames others

people strive for personal achievement and do what?

the rationale

perceptual psychologists discovery that the human visual system is most sensitive to light with wave lengths between 510 and 570 nm


popular but wrongheaded theory that claimed the bumps on the skull could reveal mental abilities and traits

temporal resolution

precision in measurement of time

programs of research

studies are typically interrelated and lead to numerous follow up studies

biological psychology

studies the link between biological activity and psychological events

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