Psychology Exam 3

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Three top leading causes of death in Adolescents

1. Unintentional injuries (motor vehicle accidents) 2. Homicide 3. Suicide

Social learning

A form of education that promotes social responsibility and service to the community


A heightened state of pleasure experienced when we are engaged in mental and physical challenges that absorb us


A hormone associated in boys with the developmental of genitals, an increase in height and a change in voice

Extreme binge drinking (high-intensity drinking)

A person who drinks 10 or more or 15 or more drinks in a row in the last 2 weeks

Personable fable

A sense of uniqueness and invincibility (invulnerability) *might say no one understands them, particularly their parents don't

STIs caused by viruses

AIDS, genital herpes, genital warts

What did Stanley Hall propose about adolescence?

Adolescence is a turbulent time charged with conflict and mood swings "Storm-and-stress"

Which of the following is true about gender differences in adult friendships? Choose one: *Compared with women, men's friendships involve more self-disclosure and exchange of mutual support. *The adult female pattern of friendship often involves keeping one's distance while sharing useful information. *Compared with women, men have more close friends. *Adult male friendships are more competitive than those of women.

Adult male friendships are more competitive than those of women.

Narrative approach

Ask individuals to tell their life stories and evaluate the extent to which their stories are meaningful and integrated

Changes in girls during puberty

Breast enlarge, pubic hair, hips become wider than her shoulders, grows in height, menstrual period, and weight gain

According to Jeffrey Arnett, which of the following statements accurately describes emerging adulthood as a time during which individuals are self-focused? Choose one: *Many individuals experience key changes in identity during emerging adulthood. *Emerging adults experience residential changes during early adulthood, which commonly leads to instability in love, work, and education. *Many emerging adults don't consider themselves adolescents or full-fledged adults. *Emerging adults have little in the way of social obligations, which leaves them with a great deal of autonomy in running their own lives.

Emerging adults have little in the way of social obligations, which leaves them with a great deal of autonomy in running their own lives.

Intimacy vs. Isolation

Erikson's stage in which individuals form deeply personal relationships, marry, begin families

psychosocial moratorium

Erikson's term for the gap between childhood security and adult autonomy that adolescents experience as part of their identity exploration Try our different identities

The abstract quality of thinking during the ________ stage is evident in an adolescent's verbal problem-solving ability. Choose one: *Concrete operational *Conventional reasoning *Formal operational *Passive operational

Formal operational

________ is the status of identity of an individual in which crisis and commitment are both absent and the individual is undecided about or shows little interest in occupational and ideological choices. Choose one: *Identity moratorium *Identity foreclosure *Identity diffusion *Identity achievement

Identity diffusion

Which of the following is Erikson's fifth developmental stage? Choose one: *Identity versus identity confusion *Autonomy versus shame and doubt *Initiative versus guilt *Intimacy versus isolation

Identity versus identity confusion

Pituitary gland

Important endocrine gland that controls growth and regulates other glands

The new model of parent-adolescent relationships emphasizes that Choose one: *Parent-adolescent conflict is intense and stressful throughout adolescence. *Even minor parent-adolescent conflicts are not normal and should be avoided as much as possible. *In most families, parent-adolescent conflict is moderate rather than severe. *Parents should take an authoritarian approach to control the lives of adolescents.

In most families, parent-adolescent conflict is moderate rather than severe.

Changes in boys during puberty

Increase in penis/testicle size, deeper voice, appearance of pubic hairs/armpit hair/facial hair, maximum growth in height and weight, and first ejaculation

Avoidant Attatchment Style

Individuals are hesitant about getting involved in romantic relationships and once they are in a relationship they tend to distance themselves from their partner

Anxious attatchment style

Individuals demand closeness. They are less trusting, nor emotional, jealous and possessive

romantic love or passionate love or Eros

Love with strong components of sexuality and infatuation, often predominant in the early part of a love relationship.

What is the average age of marriage in the U.S?

Males: 29.5 Women: 27.4

Based on the results of the national surveys conducted in 2009 that were funded by the Kaiser Family Foundation, identify a true statement about media use and screen time in adolescents' lives. Choose one: *Adolescents seldom engage in media multitasking. *Eight- to eleven-year-olds used media an average of 8 hours and 40 minutes a day. *Media use jumps more than 3 hours in early adolescence. *The largest increases in media use in early adolescence involved listening to music.

Media use jumps more than 3 hours in early adolescence

Which of the following statements is true about sexual activity in emerging adulthood? Choose one: *Casual sex is more common in the late twenties than in emerging adulthood. *Surveys usually indicate that slightly less than 10 percent of individuals have experienced sexual intercourse at the beginning of emerging adulthood (age 18). *According to Lefkowitz and Gillen, emerging adulthood is a time frame during which most individuals are unmarried but are hardly sexually active. *Most individuals have had sexual intercourse by the end of emerging adulthood (age 25).

Most individuals have had sexual intercourse by the end of emerging adulthood (age 25).

According to Robert Sternberg's triangular theory of love, love is characterized by the dimensions of Choose one: *Role exchanges, exclusivity, and commitment. *Shared activities, self-disclosure, and commitment. *Transference, companionship, and self-disclosure. *Passion, commitment, and intimacy.

Passion, commitment, and intimacy.

Which of the following is another name for romantic love? Choose one: *Affectionate love *Consummate love *Companionate love *Passionate love

Passionate love

Identity foreclosure

Person has made a commitment but not experienced a crisis

Identity diffusion

Person has not experienced a crisis or made any commitments

Identity achievement

Person has undergone a crisis and made a commitment

Identity moratorium

Person is in the midst of a crisis but has not made a commitment or the commitment is vaguw

"I know I can handle the car at high speeds much better than others can," says 18-year-old Jake. This reflects the tendency of adolescents to engage in the ________ aspect of adolescent egocentrism. Choose one: *Imaginary audience *Personal fable *Perspective taking *Collective myth

Personal fable

Hypothetical-deductive reasoning

Piaget's formal operational concept that adolescents have the cognitive ability to develop hypotheses, or best guesses, about ways to solve problems

Some theorists have pieced together cognitive changes in young adults and proposed a new stage of cognitive development. This stage is termed as Choose one: *Preconventional thought. *Postconventional thought. *Postformal thought. *Preformal thought.

Postformal thought.

Puberty refers to a period of Choose one: *Declining abstract thought and emotional maturation during late adolescence involving neural and synaptic development in the brain. *Rapid physical maturation involving hormonal and bodily changes that occur primarily during early adolescence. *Rapid psychological and emotional maturation that lasts through adolescence and is a product of enhanced cognitive development. *Declining gross motor development during late childhood due to the maturation of the temporal and parietal lobes.

Rapid physical maturation involving hormonal and bodily changes that occur primarily during early adolescence.

Joseph Allen and his colleagues found that adolescents who were securely attached to their parents at 14 years of age were more likely at 21 years of age to report Choose one: *Continuing financial dependence on their parents. *Conflict in the relationship with their parents. *Relationship competence and fewer problematic behaviors. *Feeling uncomfortable in other intimate relationships.

Relationship competence and fewer problematic behaviors.

Amy is not overly stressed out about her relationship with her boyfriend Danny. She trusts him and is sure that if there are any problems, they can talk it through and come to an understanding. Which of the following best describes Amy's attachment style? Choose one: *Anxious *Disorganized *Avoidant *Secure


Secure attachment to parents during childhood correlates with Choose one: *Poorer sibling relationships in adulthood. *Lower academic achievement in college. *Secure attachment to romantic partners in adulthood. *An easy temperament in adulthood

Secure attachment to romantic partners in adulthood.

What are negative effects that early maturing in girls might lead to?

Smoking, drinking, depression, eating disorders, struggle from earlier independence from their parents, older friends, earlier dating and sexual actions


Structure in the brain that monitors eating and sex

Which of the following reflects a key finding of the research conducted by Park and others (2006) on the mortality rates of emerging adults? Choose One: *The mortality rates of emerging adults are more than twice the mortality rates of adolescents. *Among males, suicide is the highest cause of mortality than unintentional injuries. *Usually, females are chiefly responsible for the higher mortality rates of emerging adults. *The mortality rate among male adolescents is higher than emerging adults.

The mortality rates of emerging adults are more than twice the mortality rates of adolescents.

Corpus callousness in adolescence

The nerve fibers that connect the brains left and right hemispheres thickens improving the adolescents ability to process information

Which of the following is an advantage of having children early? Choose one: *The parents have more time to consider their goals in life. *Parents are more likely to build up expectations for their children. *The parents are likely to have more physical energy. *Planning for children's growth or education is more methodical and realistic.

The parents are likely to have more physical energy

Emerging adulthood

The transition between adolescence and adulthood. Occurs approximately between 18-25 years of age.

What does LARC recommend?

The use of IUDs and contraceptive implants because they have a much lower rate of unwanted pregnancy than birth control pills and condoms

True or False? Every year more than 3 million American adolescents (about 1/4 of those who are sexually experienced) acquire and STI


True or False? In a single act of unprotected sex with and infected partner, a teenage girl has a 1% risk of getting HIV, a 30% risk of acquiring genital herpes, and a 50% chance of contracting gonorrhea


Adolescent Egocentrism (Elkind)

Way of thinking the world is focused on themselves through imaginary audience & personable fable

Mary Carskadon and her colleagues' research on adolescent sleep patterns found that Choose one: *Younger adolescents tend to be sleepier during the day than older adolescents. *When given the opportunity, adolescents will sleep an average of 9 hours and 25 minutes a night. *Increased sleepiness in adolescents during the day was primarily due to academic work or social pressures. *Adolescents' biological clocks undergo a shift as they get older so that older adolescents start to feel sleepy an hour earlier than younger adolescents.

When given the opportunity, adolescents will sleep an average of 9 hours and 25 minutes a night

Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa affect Choose one: *Women more than older men but less than younger men. *Men and women equally. *Men more than women. *Women more than men

Women more than men


a brain-neuroendocrine process occurring primarily in early adolescence that provides stimulation for the rapid physical changes that occur in this period of development

Relationship education

a movement to integrate relationship- and communication-level factors into comprehensive sex-education


a period of identity development during which the individual is exploring alternatives

Ethnic identity

a sense of belonging to an ethnic group, and the feelings and attitudes that accompany the sense of group membership

Imaginary audience

adolescents' belief that others are as interested in them as they themselves are *make attempts to be noticed, visible, and "on stage"

Secure attachment style

an attachment style that describes adults who have positive views of relationships, find it easy to get close to others, and are not overly concerned or stressed out about their romantic relationships

Bulimia nervosa

an eating disorder characterized by episodes of overeating, usually of high-calorie foods, followed by vomiting, laxative use, fasting, or excessive exercise Hard to detect because people usually are within a healthy weight range

Anorexia nervosa

an eating disorder in which a normal-weight person diets and becomes significantly underweight, yet, still feeling fat, continues to starve May lead to death

Limbic System: Amygdala

controls emotion

Developmental social neuroscience

examines connections between socioemotional processes, development, and the brain

menarche & spermarche

first period and first ejaculation

Dual cycle model

fluctuating between in-depth exploration and reconsideration/commitment

STIs caused by bacteria

gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis

Formal operational stage

in Piaget's theory, the stage of cognitive development (normally beginning about age 12) during which people begin to think logically about abstract concepts


infectious disease spread by sexual contact through oral-genital or anal-genital

affectionate love or companionate love

love that occurs when an individual has a deep, caring affection for another person and desires to have that person near **intimate/commitment lacks passion



fatuous love

passion + commitment


personal investment in identity

Rites of passage

rituals marking initiation into adulthood

Aerobic exercise

sustained exercise that increases heart and lung fitness; may also alleviate depression and anxiety


testes in males, ovaries in females

Top-dog phenomenon

the circumstance of moving from the top position in elementary school to the lowest position in middle or junior high school

identity vs identity confusion

the period during which teenagers seek to determine what is unique and distinctive about themselves

Narrative identity

the story one tells oneself about who one is

Postformal thought

thinking that is reflective, relativistic, and contextual; provisional; realistic; and influenced by emotions

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