Psychology Hockenbury Study Guide Chapter 9 concept checks Lifespan Development

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trust versus mistrust; autonomy versus doubt; initiative versus guilt; industry versus inferiority

Prior to adolescence, Brendan very likely struggled with other conflicts. According to Erikson, his first psychosocial his first psychosocial conflict during infancy was about ____________; his second, during toddlerhood (18 months to 3 years), involved ____________; his third, which is likely to have happened during early childhood (3 to 6 years), was concerned with ____________; and his fourth psychosocial conflict in middle to late childhood (6 to 12 years) dealt with ____________.


Researchers at State University are working to understand the processes that guide and determine gene expression. In particular, they want to know how gene activity is regulated within a cell and what signals switch genes to "on" or "off". These researchers work in a field called ____________.

allele, in particular, the simple dominant-recessive pattern

Sapna read that the development of freckles appears to be controlled by a single gene, which can be dominant or recessive. To have the potential for freckles you need to inherit a dominant version of the freckles gene from either or both your parents. Sapna is reading about one of the best-known patterns of gene variation, called ____________.


Seventeen-year-old Brendan questions his parents' values but is not sure that his peer group's standards are totally correct either. His confusion about what is really important in life suggests that Brendan is struggling with the problem of ____________.


The last of the Sandwells' four children has just left home to pursue a career with NASA. If the Sandwells are like most parents whose children have left home, they are likely to experience a steady ____________ in marital satisfaction.


Adam is 15 and has gained both height and weight, some body hair, and a deeper voice during the past year. These changes are referred to as ____________ sex characteristics.


Andrew, a 45-year-old accountant, has just learned he has a terminal illness. According to Kübler-Ross, as soon as Andrew gets over his initial denial, he will experience ____________.


As Kathy's infant develops, she readily adapts to new experiences, displays positive moods and emotions, and has regular sleeping and eating patterns. She is likely to be classified as a temperamentally ____________ infant.

a later

Compared with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Belmont's children are likely to marry for the first time at ____________ age.

late adulthood; despair

David, a 65-year-old retired civil servant, feels that his life has been unproductive and ultimately meaningless. David is in the ____________ stage of life and, according to Erikson, is experiencing ____________.

1; preconventional

Delbert resists stealing cookies from the cookie jar because he is afraid his mother will punish him if he does. According to Kohlberg's theory, Delbert is demonstrating stage ____________ of the ____________ level of moral reasoning.


Dr. Dalliwhal's research focuses on the relationship between various teratogens and birth defects. Dr. Dalliwhal is most likely a ____________ psychologist.

genetic predisposition

Dr. Markowitz argues against the "genetic blueprint" analogy and the idea of a fixed, inevitable master plan. He is most likely to suggest that people with a specific genetic configuration develop in a particular way because they may be more or less sensitive to certain environmental factors, a tendency called a ____________.


Dr. Ramenian also believes that cognitive development is a process of continuous change over the lifespan, not a series of distinct stages, as Piaget proposed. His views are consistent with the ____________ model of cognitive development.

motor skill; cognitive

Dr. Ramenian believes that infants have limited physical coordination and are therefore incapable of clearly demonstrating their mental abilities in tasks involving manual responses. The results of Dr. Ramenian's research using visual tasks suggest that Piaget confused ____________ limitations with ____________ limitations.

stem cells

Dr. Ramsey conducts research on ____________, which are undifferentiated cells that divide and give rise to cells that can develop into any one of the body's different cell types.

human face

Dr. Snow is interested in the abilities of newborns. While testing visual perception, she is likely to find that newborns will look longer at the image of a(n) ____________.

infancy; early childhood; middle childhood

Dr. Zhang conceptualizes the lifespan in terms of eight basic stages of development. She is most likely to label the stage from birth to 2 years of age as ____________, the stage from 2 to 6 years as ____________, and the stage from 6 to 12 as ____________.


During a tutorial devoted to the pros and cons of genetic engineering, Vasilis raised some important issues about the ownership of fertilized eggs and whether destroying them constitutes taking a life. Piaget would say that Vasilis is in the ____________ operational stage of cognitive development.


During the final months of Darrel's prenatal development, there was fierce competition among the neurons in his brain to make connections, and those that did not make connections were eliminated. This process is called ____________.

concrete operational

Eight-year-old Nadia has the ability to think logically about visible and tangible objects and situations. She is in the ____________ stage of cognitive development.

middle adulthood; generativity

Forty-eight-year-old Dr. Gretinger has three grown children, a thriving dental practice, and is very involved in local community activities. Dr. Gretinger is in the ____________ stage of life and, according to Erikson, has achieved the psychosocial task of ____________.


Four-year-old Tiborg is not completely egocentric, and 5-year-old Natasha exhibits some understanding of conservation. Observations such as these suggest that Piaget may have ____________ the cognitive abilities of infants and children.


Geoffrey and Allison have been married for four years and Allison is now pregnant. If they are typical of couples having their first child, they can expect that satisfaction with their marital relationship will ____________.


Harry and Mort pursue hobbies, such as fishing, golf, and chess, travel occasionally, take an interest in their grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and do occasional volunteer work. Mort and Harry appear to epitomize the ____________ theory of aging.


In contrast, Kathy's first child Kamron tended to be tense, frightened, and somewhat shy when exposed to new experiences, strangers, and novel objects. According to Jerome Kagan, who classified temperament in terms of reactivity, Kamron is likely to be categorized as a(n) ____________ infant.

Carol Gilligan; care and responsibility

In her studies of women's moral reasoning, Dr. Haydari found that women tend to stress the importance of maintaining interpersonal relationships and responding to the needs of others rather than focusing primarily on individual rights. Her findings are consistent with those of psychologist ____________, who developed a model of women's moral development that is based on the ethic of ____________.

embryo; fetus

It is now six weeks since Jennifer conceived. The human organism she is carrying is called a(n) ____________; at the third month, it will be called a(n) ____________.


Jane and Barbara are both in their late sixties and have physically active lives. They walk four or five miles three times a week, take Zumba exercise classes, and are generally actively involved in their community center programs. One area of the brain that is likely to benefit from this level of aerobic activity is the ____________.

standing alone well; walking well

Jerome is 10 months old and has mastered all the motor skills of the typical infant his age. During the next three to four months, he is very likely to be able to master two more motor skills, ____________ and ____________.


Kathy and her husband are consistently warm, responsive, and sensitive to their infant's needs, and the infant has developed the expectation that her needs will be met. It is very probably that the infant will form a(n) ____________ attachment to her parents.

25 percent

Kathy just gave birth to a normal, healthy, eight-and-a-half pound baby. In terms of brain development, the baby's brain weighs ____________ of its adult weight.

an illusory correlation

Malcolm's parents really like the "Baby Video" that claimed to enhance infants' vocabulary and believed that their infant greatly benefited from watching the video. Malcolm's parents may have misattributed normal developmental progress to the baby's exposure to the video, a phenomenon called ____________.

ego integrity

Mort and Harry, who are in their seventies, belong to a club called the "Active Ancients Association". Both men feel that their lives have been meaningful and satisfying, and they are not disappointed in their accomplishments. Erikson would say that Mort and Harry have achieved ____________.


Mr. and Mrs. Atkins have three adolescent children. If they are like most American parents, their relationships with their children are likely to be generally ____________.

generativity versus stagnation; middle adulthood

Mr. and Mrs. Kartwright both have jobs they enjoy, are involved in community activities, and have two young children. Erikson would say that they have successfully dealt with the psychosocial conflict called ____________, which is typical of the ____________ stage of life.

integrated identity; intimacy versus isolation

Thomas, who is now a young adult, had a typical adolescent period of conflict over identity issues but now feels comfortable with the choices and commitments he has made. According to Erikson, Thomas has achieved an ____________, and the next psychosocial task he is facing is likely to be ____________.

assimilating; schema

Three-year-old Rita calls all unfamiliar four-legged animals "doggies". She appears to be ____________ these new experiences into her existing concept of a dog. Piaget would call Rita's mental representation or concept of a dog a ____________.

Strange Situation

To determine whether a child is securely or insecurely attached, researchers are likely to use the ____________ procedure.

comprehension; production

When Kathy tells 12-month-old Kaila to "Bring Mommy the dolly", Kaila immediately does so, even though she cannot say the words bring, Mommy, or dolly. This suggests that Kaila's ____________ vocabulary is larger than her ____________ vocabulary.

rooting reflex; sucking reflex; grasping reflex

When Kathy touched her newborn's right cheek, the infant turned to the right and opened her mouth, a response called the ____________; touching her lips elicited the ____________; and when Kathy put a finger on each of the infant's palms, she grasped them tightly, a response called the ____________.


When Mrs. Goodley cut Janet's hot dog into eight pieces and Simon's into six pieces, Simon started to cry and complained that he wasn't getting as much hot dog as Janet. Piaget would say that Simon doesn't understand the principle of ____________.


When Myra became pregnant, she decided that she would not drink any alcohol because she did not want to risk causing abnormal development or birth defects in her unborn child. Myra is aware that alcohol is a ____________.

chromosomes; deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA); genes

When answering an exam question about what makes each individual unique, Philipa is most likely to note that every cell in the body has 23 pairs of ____________. Each of these long, threadlike structures is composed of twisted strands of ____________, which are arranged in thousands of segments called ____________.

4; conventional

When her daughter chided her about driving slowly, Mrs. Estafani replied that she would not drive faster than the posted speed limit because responsible, law-abiding citizens should always obey traffic laws. According to Kohlberg's theory of moral development, Mrs. Estafani is probably at stage ____________ of the ____________ level of moral development.


When she was almost 13, Manjit experienced her first menstrual period. She has reached ____________.


While Coral was still in high school, she imagined that most of her college professors would be older bearded males. During her first year, she was surprised to find that many were relatively young females. Because of these new experiences, she has changed her way of thinking about college professors, a process Piaget called ____________.

object permanence

Young Adrienne attempts to retrieve her toy bear after her father hides it under a blanket. This suggests that Adrienne has developed a sense of ____________.

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