Psychology Lesson 4

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Gus receives a paycheck every week. Which reinforcement schedule is this?

fixed interval

operant conditioning

form of learning in which the stimulus/experience happens after the behavior is demonstrated

associative learning

form of learning that involves connecting certain stimuli or events that occur together in the environment (classical and operant conditioning)

cognitive map

mental picture of the layout of the environment

Gabrielle watches her father put batteries into her toy phone, and she is then able to put the batteries into the toy phone herself without further instruction from her father. In this example, Gabrielle's father is a ________.


unconditioned response (UCR)

natural (unlearned) behavior to a given stimulus

vicarious punishment

process where the observer sees the model punished, making the observer less likely to imitate the model's behavior

vicarious reinforcement

process where the observer sees the model rewarded, making the observer more likely to imitate the model's behavior

spontaneous recovery

return of a previously extinguished conditioned response

continuous reinforcement

rewarding a behavior every time it occurs

If a slamming door is a conditioned stimulus, then being able to distinguish between the sound of a slamming door and the sound of a heavy item being dropped would represent ________.

stimulus discrimination

Grace whistles while tickling Khaleel with a feather. Eventually, Khaleel starts to squirm and giggle every time Grace whistles, even when he is not being tickled. In this example, squirming and giggling is a(n) ________.

conditioned response

Jemma wants to teach her son to say thank you. Every time he says thank you, Jemma praises him and gives him a hug. Which reinforcement schedule is this?


secondary reinforcer

has no inherent value unto itself and only has reinforcing qualities when linked with something else

In ______ conditioning, an established conditioned stimulus is paired with a new neutral stimulus

higher order


implementation of a consequence in order to decrease a behavior


implementation of a consequence in order to increase a behavior

conditioned response (CR)

response caused by the conditioned stimulus

Dave's boss told him that he doesn't have to attend the company picnic (which everybody dislikes) if Dave meets his sales quota this month. Dave's boss is using ________.

negative reinforcement

You call a friend on the phone and repeatedly get sent to voicemail, so you continue to call her every 5-20 minutes hoping to speak to her personally. Which reinforcement schedule is this?

variable interval

Gambling at a slot machine is an example of which reinforcement schedule?

variable ratio

positive reinforcement

adding a desirable stimulus to increase a behavior

positive punishment

adding an undesirable stimulus to stop or decrease a behavior

If the principles of social learning theory are true, then children may model aggressive behavior ________.

after seeing a television character receive a reward for taking violent action against another character

Which of the following is an example of instinct: unlearned knowledge that involves complex patterns of behavior?

baby seeking food by rooting and sucking

fixed interval reinforcement schedule

behavior is rewarded after a set amount of time

variable interval reinforcement schedule

behavior is rewarded after unpredictable amounts of time have passed


decrease in the conditioned response when the unconditioned stimulus is no longer paired with the conditioned stimulus

stimulus generalization

demonstrating the conditioned response to stimuli that are similar to the conditioned stimulus

Molly attempts to condition her puppy to greet her when she enters the house. She repeatedly pairs her entry to the house with a treat for the puppy. The puppy eventually acquires this ability, and Molly realizes how irritating it is for the puppy to run up to her every time she enters the house. She attempts to make the puppy stop, and eventually the puppy no longer feels motivated to greet her when she enters the house. The puppy no longer greeting her when she enters the house is an example of ________.


Which of the following is the decrease in the conditioned response when the unconditioned stimulus is no longer presented with the conditioned stimulus?


primary reinforcer

has innate reinforcing qualities

classical conditioning

learning in which the stimulus or experience occurs before the behavior and then gets paired or associated with the behavior

latent learning

learning that occurs, but it may not be evident until there is a reason to demonstrate it

variable ratio reinforcement schedule

number of responses differ before a behavior is rewarded

Dymesha watches her older sister do headstands. Dymesha falls over when she attempts to do a headstand herself. She watches her older sister more carefully, and she notices that her sister leans backward slightly to complete her headstand. Dymesha is then able to do headstands herself. Which type of learning is this?


Hideki tells a lie and is grounded. He does this several times, finally learning that his behavior (lying) is associated with a consequence (being grounded). Which kind of learning is this?

operant conditioning


period of initial learning in classical conditioning in which a human or an animal begins to connect a neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus so that the neutral stimulus will begin to elicit the conditioned response


person who performs a behavior that serves as an example

partial reinforcement

rewarding behavior only some of the time


rewarding successive approximations toward a target behavior

fixed ratio reinforcement schedule

set number of responses must occur before a behavior is rewarded

neutral stimulus (NS)

stimulus that does not initially elicit a response

unconditioned stimulus (UCS)

stimulus that elicits a reflexive response

conditioned stimulus (CS)

stimulus that elicits a response due to its being paired with an unconditioned stimulus

negative punishment

taking away a pleasant stimulus to decrease or stop a behavior

negative reinforcement

taking away an undesirable stimulus to increase a behavior

which of the following is an example of observational learning

teaching yourself yoga by watching a yoga group in the park

observational learning

type of learning that occurs by watching others

in classical conditioning, the _____ is an unlearned reaction to a given stimulus. For example, if you have an allergy to pollen and sneeze, sneezing is an unlearned reaction to the pollen (stimulus).

unconditioned response

Which of the following is an example of operant conditioning?

when a dog plays dead she gets a treat in order to encourage her to repeat the behavior


when we learn not to respond to a stimulus that is presented repeatedly without change


unlearned knowledge, involving complex patterns of behavior; instincts are thought to be more prevalent in lower animals than in humans


unlearned, automatic response by an organism to a stimulus in the environment

higher-order conditioning

using a conditioned stimulus to condition a neutral stimulus

stimulus discrimination

ability to respond differently to similar stimuli

law of effect

behavior that is followed by consequences satisfying to the organism will be repeated and behaviors that are followed by unpleasant consequences will be discouraged


change in behavior or knowledge that is the result of experience

In ___ conditioning, the unconditioned stimulus unconditionally elicits a reaction. For example, a bit of black pepper blown into the eye produces a blinking response.


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