Psychology test 2

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Darryl thinks that playing peek-a-boo is hilarious! He does not know where his mom goes during the game, but it excites him when he sees her face again. Darryl is most likely in Piaget's ________ stage of development.


Chris is looking for his friend in a crowd of people at a concert. As he scans the crowd, he often blinks but still retains a brief visual image of many of the faces in the crowd for a very brief time. Chris is able to maintain this visual information due to the function of his

sensory storage.

Liora is reading her textbook. As her eyes scan the page, each visual image is retained for less than a second in her

sensory storage.

A cat is classically conditioned to purr when it hears the refrigerator door open, because it contains the cat food. But the cat does not purr when it hears the pantry door open. The fact that the cat only purrs when the refrigerator door opens is most likely a result of

stimulus discrimination.

Jack uses classical conditioning to teach his dog Luna to sit whenever Jack says "Sit." But now, anything that Jack says that is similar to "Sit" causes Luna to show the conditioned response of sitting. This is most likely the result of

stimulus generalization.

Katie is afraid of clowns. She has been trying to overcome this fear by getting into a relaxed state and then looking at pictures of clowns. After months of this exposure, she is no longer afraid when she sees a clown. Katie has been using ________ to overcome her fear.

systematic desensitization

When his sister becomes pregnant, Graham gives her a mini-lesson in prenatal care based on what he learned in his introductory psychology class. He should tell her all of the following EXCEPT that

teratogens work on recessive genes to affect prenatal child development.

Derek is conducting research with chimpanzees and realizes that when the chimps' behaviors lead to some sort of satisfaction, they repeat those behaviors. Derek's observations are most consistent with

the law of effect.

Addie told Callum her top 10 favorite movies. When he tries to recall the list later on, he can only remember the last two movies Addie mentioned. The fact that Callum only remembers the last two movies is most likely due to

the recency effect.

In Pavlov's research, classical conditioning occurred when the dogs learned the metronome predicted the arrival of food because this process began with an animals' instinctive response to the ________ stimulus.


oseph used classical conditioning to teach his sister to be afraid of squirrels. If he is successful, the neutral stimulus, the squirrel, must have been paired with a(n) ________, such as ________.

unconditioned stimulus; a loud noise

Gretchen is excited when her son Brian demonstrates that he has developed theory of mind and will now be able to

understand that his mom has intentions that guide her actions

You are paying close attention to the basketball game on the TV. Suddenly, you are distracted by your roommate talking to someone on the phone about the upcoming psychology exam in the class you both take. This conversation most likely captured your attention because it

was personally important.

When you first bought your pet hamsters Fudge and Brownie, only Fudge would let you pet him. After a few weeks of Brownie watching you pet Fudge, Brownie started to let you pet her. In this case, Brownie's new behavior is most likely the result of learning by

watching others

At Starbucks, a cup of coffee costs $2.82. To use exact change, you must hold the number 2.82 in your head while sorting through your wallet and calculating what coins you have. To be successful in actively processing this information, you must keep the information maintained in short-term storage by using your

working memory.

Marcia's baby is just starting to eat solid food, and like all babies, he prefers certain tastes. Which of the following mashed foods is the baby most likely to want to eat?


​Evan is in preschool and uses overregularization when speaking. Which of the following is he most likely to say

He hitted me with a stick.

​Shayne works as a researcher conducting studies in developmental psychology. Which of the research questions is Shayne LEAST likely to address in his work?

How is auditory information processed in the brain?

Shanna wants to use an observational study to explore how classical conditioning works. Before beginning her own study, it would be most helpful for Shanna to read about the research of

Ivan Pavlov.

​Jane is four months pregnant. When describing how her baby is developing, Jane is most likely talking about changes that occur during the ________ period


​Lila is not an alcoholic and never drinks to excess. However, she does have wine with dinner every evening. When Lila is two weeks pregnant, she asks you whether this can injure her baby. What correct response can you give her?

She should stop drinking wine until after the baby is born

​Ernst is jealous that several of his friends are going through puberty but he has not started yet. He eagerly keeps checking for signs that his body is changing. Ernst knows he should be experiencing all of the following EXCEPT

The development of a more rounded jaw

​Immediately after birth, Giada's son Maxwell was able to display the rooting reflex. Which of the following behaviors did Giada observe Maxwell doing?

When the corner of his mouth was stroked, Maxwell turned to search for food.

Memory is an imperfect record of everything we see and experience primarily because our

ability to direct attention is limited.

​Nora took her young son Alfred to the zoo, where he pointed to a zebra and said, "Look, Mommy, a horse!" Nora replied, "That is not a horse; that is a zebra. See, it has black and white stripes." Alfred then replied, "Wow! Look at the striped zebra!" In this situation, Henry's development of a zebra schema required


A main outcome of Ivan Pavlov's research is that a neutral stimulus can become a conditioned stimulus

after pairing it with a stimulus that triggers a reflexive response

​Baby George's mother leaves him sitting in the grocery cart as she goes around the corner searching for cake mix. George screams as she leaves, reaches for her when she returns, but then pushes her away. George's behavior is most consistent with a(n) ________ attachment style


​Paul is babysitting Pamela for the first time. When Pamela's mom leaves, Pamela cries. When her mom returns, Pamela reaches for her but then pushes away from her. Paul assumes Pamela has a(n) ________ attachment


Ralph ate sushi for lunch, and an hour later he felt sick to his stomach. In this situation, classical conditioning might occur. In other words, Ralph might learn an association between sushi and feeling sick because the two events

are paired closely in timing.

​Five-year-old Simone is shown two evenly spaced rows of five nickels. When asked which row has "more," Simone responds that the rows are the same. Next, one of the rows of nickels is squished close together. When asked which has "more," Simone responds that the row that is still spaced out has more. In this example, Simone has displayed


To remember her nine-digit Social Security number, Alyssa uses her working memory to place the numbers into three groups. In addition, each group of three or four digits is easy to remember because it is meaningful. Alyssa has made her Social Security number easier to remember by using


Fallon is afraid of loud sounds, like thunder. She associates lightning with thunder because it regularly precedes thunder. Thus, when Fallon sees lightning, she braces herself for hearing a big boom several seconds later. Fallon has experienced a certain kind of associative learning known as

classical conditioning

​Derek pretends to be a baker while playing in the sand. He forms five sand cookie balls, and then he forms a sixth but flattens it into a pancake. "Wow! This cookie is way bigger than the others!" he exclaims. This example best illustrates Derek's _______


​Kara explains to her roommate why Harry Harlow's experiments were so important to explaining an infant's socio-emotional development. Kara correctly says that his results demonstrate that

comforting touch is more important than food, particularly when an infant is stressed.

Professor Kraig is known for his difficult quizzes, which automatically make the students anxious. Immediately before each quiz, he always turns off the projector. Students soon notice that they start to feel anxious when Professor Kraig turns off the projector. In terms of classical conditioning, Professor Kraig

conditioned stimulus.

​Eddie's neighbor Marjorie steals a laptop computer from another student in their dorm and makes Eddie promise not to tell on her. After campus police come to the dorm and question him, Eddie decides to tell them that Marjorie stole the laptop, because Eddie knows that Marjorie broke the law. According to Kohlberg, Eddie is exhibiting ________ moral reasoning


​If Ansel believes in a dynamic systems perspective, he most likely believes that development occurs through a series of interactions between the child's biology, his or her ________, and his or her

culture; environment

Harry is reading the textbook for his astronomy class and is trying to relate the material to his own life experiences. According to the levels of processing model, Harry is more likely to remember the information over the long term because he is using

deep processing.

​Phil has been having trouble remembering where he left his keys, glasses, and favorite book. Now he also forgets to brush his teeth, comb his hair, and put clothes on in the morning. Phil is most likely experiencing


Fadeke is studying for her English literature test. For each novel she reads, she tries to think of how the novel relates to her own life. In order to remember the novels, Fadeke is using the memory strategy called

elaborative rehearsal.

When you are reading your textbook, your brain changes the words you are reading into a meaningful neural code that it can use. In memory, this process is called


If someone asks you to describe what a school is, you would most likely retrieve a(n) ________ memory.


Reinforcement that comes after a predetermined amount of time is called a

fixed interval.

When his sister becomes pregnant, Tyrone learns the effect of teratogens, which include all of the following EXCEPT

folic acid

Patient H.M. had part of his medial temporal lobes, including the hippocampus, removed to eliminate seizures. After his surgery, H.M. could no longer

form new explicit memories.

Every day after class, Jerome smells delicious pizza from Steel's Pizza House on his walk home and his mouth starts to water. One day, Jerome is riding the bus home from class and sees the Steel's Pizza House sign, and even this makes his mouth start to water. Jerome has most likely experienced all of the following EXCEPT


When Billy's upstairs neighbor wakes up early to take a shower, Billy is typically awakened when the water starts, but then he gets used to the noise and goes back to sleep. In this example, Billy is showing learning through


Monica hears that George goes to a lot of parties. When a friend asks Monica what George is like, she tells him that George drinks a lot of alcohol. Even though Monica only knows that George goes to parties, she believes that George drinks a lot because she

has a schema about going to parties that includes drinking alcohol.

​Tanya looks back on her high school years with fondness because it was the first time she began to find others who dressed and acted like her and who held similar beliefs. Based on this information, Tanya recognizes how her identity was affected by

her clique.

​Ralph is very upset. His infant daughter was born with a preventable birth defect because she was exposed to a teratogen. Ralph's daughter may have all of the following EXCEPT

high birth weight.

Aldo cannot get the answer to a chemistry problem even after sitting at his desk for an hour. He gets up and goes for a walk. Suddenly, even though he appears to have stopped thinking about it for a while, the answer comes to him. Aldo has most likely solved the problem based on

insight learning.

Simone's desk at her new job is right next to an air conditioner. After a week of being chilly, she brings a sweater to work. Simone's change in behavior, which is based on her prior experience, is an example of


Thirteen-year-old Sasha has a hard time getting along with her siblings because she often feels emotional and acts irrationally. She knows that she overreacts to their teasing, but she cannot help it. Sasha's feelings are most likely due to activation in her

limbic system

Short-term storage has a(n)

limited capacity

Professor Smith refuses to learn his students' names because he believes the names will take up space in his memory that he needs to store research-related information. Professor Smith's belief about his memory is INCORRECT because

long-term storage holds unlimited amounts of information.

Kumar is trying to remember the name of his psychology professor from last semester. To answer this question, Kumar must search for information in his

long-term storage.

During the famous experiment with "Little Albert," Albert learned to fear rats when researchers used classical conditioning and presented a

loud sound as the unconditioned response.

Thayer is holding her infant cousin and she smiles at the baby. The baby observes Thayer smiling and imitates the smile by smiling back. The baby most likely learned to smile in this situation based on


Elaborative rehearsal is a more effective memory strategy than maintenance rehearsal because the information is processed

more deeply.

​Ming is learning English and today learned that the word talking is made up of two units of meaning: talk and ing. Ming is learning about


Jonathan is traveling to Italy, and his motto for his trip is "When in Rome, do as the Romans do!" This phrase suggests that Jonathan is most likely to learn how to behave in Rome based on

observational learning

Ian, who is three years old, was watching his father hammer a nail to join two pieces of wood together. If Ian learns how to hammer wood together after this experience, it is most likely the result of

observational learning.

When wild Arctic wolves hunt, their efforts are only sometimes reinforced because finding food is difficult. The fact that the wolves are only sometimes reinforced for hunting is an example of ________ reinforcement.


Which of the following actions is an example of prospective memory?

planning to pick up a library book on your way home

If getting $1 for every correct answer on this test makes you study harder for the next test, then being given $1 is a form of

positive reinforcement.

​A child is playing at the beach. She pours an equal amount of sand into both a short, fat container and a tall, thin container. When asked which container holds more sand, the child points to the tall, thin container. This response suggests that she is most likely in the ________ stage of cognitive development


Joffrey's wife asked him to go to the store and buy milk, bacon, apples, juice, butter, and cereal. Joffrey did not write down the items, and ended up only remembering to buy milk and bacon at the store. The fact that Joffrey only remembered milk and bacon demonstrates the ________ effect.


Channing believes that the best way to get his boyfriend to clean up after himself is by initiating sex as soon as his boyfriend cleans up the apartment. Channing knows that sex is a ________ reinforcer that will likely ________ the probability that his boyfriend will clean the apartment in the future.

primary; increase

Percy wants to teach his daughter good manners. To increase the likelihood of her saying "Excuse me" when bumping into someone in a store, he should use a stimulus called a(n)


Samantha tells her roommate that negative reinforcement and negative punishment are similar because they

remove a stimulus.

A person who has experienced the loss of past memories may be experiencing

retrograde amnesia.

Sampson is a dolphin trainer who trains his dolphins to perform tasks by blowing a high-pitched whistle immediately after the dolphins do the task. The dolphins enjoy the sound of the whistle because it had previously been paired with the fish they were given to eat. Based on this, you know that Sampson is using the whistle as a ________ reinforcer to train the dolphins.


You are driving to school when suddenly an ambulance rushes past you with its sirens blaring, so you quickly pull your car to the side of the road. A few minutes later, when you hear sirens in the distance, you get ready to quickly pull the car over again. You have learned to respond quickly to the sirens because of


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