Psychology Test 3

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Which of the following is an example of a schema?

A dog has four legs, a tail, and a snout and can bark.

Why is eyewitness testimony problematic?

All of the answer choices are correct.

Andy was driving and Mariano was in the passenger seat when they were in a car accident. Initially, Mariano thought that Andy ran a red light. The police interviewed Andy first, who insisted the light was yellow. When police asked Mariano what happened, confirmation bias led Mariano to believe the light was, indeed, yellow. With confirmation bias as the culprit, what may Mariano have thought?

Andy is a caring person, good student, and an excellent driver. Those types of people don't cause accidents. And he'd never put a friend in danger.

Julia is 83 and participates in a seniors' exercise group. Mark and Maria, who are the same age as Julia, participate in a book club and meet twice a week with friends for coffee. Bob, also 83, spends most of his time watching television. All else being equal, who among them is most likely to develop dementia?


In an innovative study, two groups of participants memorized lists of words, but one group was on land and the other in water. This study demonstrated the context-dependent memory effect. What was the conclusion of this study?

Both groups recalled words better when they were tested in the same environment where they had learned them.

Corbin wants to know which strategy is best for encoding information in his long-term memory. If he is trying to remember a long list of dates for a history test, which strategy would you advise?

Corbin should attribute some meaning to each date, so that he can take advantage of semantic processing.

Dr. Martinez Blanco found in her research that people who score high in mathematical ability are usually gifted musicians. For which theory of intelligence is this a problematic finding?


Which of the following major biases explains the psychological reasoning described in this box?

Ignoring evidence (confirmation bias)

Which of the following is or are true about working memory?

Items can be maintained in working memory as long as the person continues to pay attention to them.

Drawing on this and previous chapters, which of the following details the physiological process of why people report seeing things they did not actually see?

Our brains pay more attention to some things than others, leading us to remember some information more accurately than other information. Our brain's left hemisphere formulates an explanation to fill in missing details.

Donna, Roxanne, and Millie are all drug users; Donna uses nicotine, Roxanne uses opiates, and Millie uses alcohol. If they continue to use these drugs while pregnant, which of the women is putting her child at the greatest risk of sudden infant death?


Patient L.P. has anterograde amnesia following a boating accident. Through a series of tests, doctors have confirmed that her implicit memory is unimpaired, although both types of explicit memory are damaged. Which of the following could L.P. be able to do after her injury?

She could still learn new skills, such as riding a bike.

While Terri cannot remember what she ate for lunch, she recalls a wide number of facts and is someone you always want on your team for trivia games. Which of these statements is true?

Terri has good semantic memory but poor episodic memory.

Jake just turned 25, and Joseph just turned 30. Jake teases Joseph about being an "old man" and tells him that since he's 30, "it's all downhill" for him. Evidently, 25-year-old Jake feels that he is presently exempt from the mental and physical decline associated with aging and that, for Joseph, it has already started. Which of the following statements could Joseph correctly employ in his defense?

The correct answer is: "Between the ages of 20 and 40, we all begin to experience a steady decline, so you're probably already headed downhill right along with me."

Baby Resa is able to stand while holding on to something for support but cannot crawl or walk yet. According to what is known about average ages for the acquisition of motor skills, about how old is Resa?

The correct answer is: 9 months

Which of the following is true about representations?

The correct answer is: A mental map is a combination of analogical and symbolic representations.

Harper and Ezra both drink beer and smoke cigarettes. Since they want to eventually start a family, Harper tells Ezra that they both need to stop drinking and smoking now to avoid potential drug-related birth defects. Ezra argues that since Harper is the one who will carry the child, he can keep drinking and smoking as long as he does not expose her to either substance. Which of the following arguments would best support Harpers's point of view?

The correct answer is: Alcohol consumption and smoking can affect men's sperm and are associated with known birth defects.

When evaluating a news story, which of the following questions should we ask?

The correct answer is: All of the answer choices are correct

Which of the following is true about dyslexia and dyslexics?

The correct answer is: All of these are true.

How does assimilation differ from accommodation?

The correct answer is: Assimilation is the process of storing new experiences into existing ways of thinking. Accommodation is the process of creating a new way of thinking based on new experiences.

Several months of studying is recommended prior to taking the GRE (Graduate Record Exam). Based on what you know about memory and recall, which of the following is the best strategy?

The correct answer is: Assuming that one has learned the material and just needs to recall it, take as many practice GREs as possible.

Beth takes a test that she believes men typically score higher than women on. Marta takes the same test, but she does not hold such a belief. All else being equal, which of the following outcomes is most likely?

The correct answer is: Beth will score lower than Marta because of stereotype threat.

The case of Bruce Reimer-the boy who underwent gender reassignment surgery after a botched circumcision-illustrates which of the following?

The correct answer is: Biology strongly influences both gender identity and gender roles.

How is blocking different from retrograde amnesia?

The correct answer is: Blocking is the inability to recall information from long-term memory. Retrograde amnesia is damage to one's long-term memory.

Speech is produced in which of the following areas of the brain?

The correct answer is: Broca's area

Why do retail outlets and product manufacturers use framing and anchoring?

The correct answer is: Each of these methods works. People buy more when either technique is applied successfully.

Which of the following major biases explains the psychological reasoning described in this box?

The correct answer is: Failing to accurately judge source credibility

Abrahim, a sophomore in college, is in Erikson's "identity versus role confusion" stage. According to Erikson's theory, which of the following behaviors might we expect Abrahim to exhibit?

The correct answer is: He considers changing his major every few months.

Instead of worrying about how to find his future dream job, Dan breaks a big problem down into smaller, more manageable parts by doing which of the following?

The correct answer is: He forms subgoals: visiting the career center, researching occupational salaries, and talking to people in professions he is considering.

Rena is pregnant and also drinks a lot of alcohol. If she continues to drink during her pregnancy, it may affect her baby. Which of the below is the most likely impact it will have on her child?

The correct answer is: Her baby's abnormalities may include a small head and malformations of the face and limbs.

Family court judges generally do not consider children's preferences in custody disputes until they are at least age 12. In contrast to Piaget, what would Vygotsky say about this guideline?

The correct answer is: Higher-level thinking develops as a child's experiences expand and his or her language abilities grow. Once the child develops inner speech (such as telling oneself to do something while playing), that child has developed higher-level cognition and should be allowed to have a voice in custody cases.

Your text describes a study by Loftus et al. in which one group of participants watched a video of a red car approaching a stop sign and the other group watched a video of a red car approaching a yield sign. After viewing the tapes, both groups were asked if another car passed the red car while it was stopped at the stop sign. Some participants who saw the yield sign claimed they saw the car at the stop sign. What are the implications of this study?

The correct answer is: How questions are phrased can influence people's answers. Police officers, attorneys, and researchers must ask questions carefully to avoid suggestibility bias.

Which of the following is an example of framing a political issue?

The correct answer is: In describing the U.S. economy, conservatives emphasize that the unemployment rate is down to 5.7 percent in January 2015 compared to 9.8 percent in 2010, while many liberals emphasize that 5.7 percent of Americans seeking work remain unemployed and many employed workers are underemployed.

Which of the following is true according to studies on the theory of mind?

The correct answer is: Infants and preschoolers demonstrate some awareness of others' intentions and limitations.

Which of the following summarizes how the results of scientific studies sometimes get so grossly misinterpreted in the popular press?

The correct answer is: Lack of understanding of basic statistics and research methods.

Among the following people, who is likely to experience the greatest life satisfaction and the best health?

The correct answer is: Loretta, who is happily married

Which of the following major biases explains the psychological reasoning described in this box?

The correct answer is: Making relative comparisons (falling prey to framing effects)

Family court judges generally do not consider children's preferences in custody disputes until they are at least age 12. What would Piaget say about this guideline?

The correct answer is: Piaget would agree, since most children develop logical and abstract reasoning around age 12.

At the end of the "What to Believe" section, the author states that all studies to date on the Mozart effect were conducted on college students and asks, "Do you see a problem here?" What, exactly, is that problem?

The correct answer is: Sampling issues.

Your text describes research on how many more women have joined orchestras since the blind audition process, where candidates audition behind a curtain and their names are withheld from judges, was introduced. What was the role of schemas in limiting the number of women on orchestras before the blind audition process was introduced?

The correct answer is: Schemas are used to assign social roles in various social situations. The blind audition process prevented women from being overlooked because of cultural assumptions that their social role is that of caregiving.

According to the notion of general intelligence, if Ayeesha is very good at math, how would you expect her to do in other subjects, such as writing?

The correct answer is: She would perform relatively as well in writing as she does in math.

Scientists have revised their model of memory, replacing short-term memory with working memory. What is the difference between working memory and short-term memory?

The correct answer is: Short-term memory was defined as a temporary storage unit for verbal information. Rehearsed information was remembered and the rest forgotten. Working memory is defined as including active information processing for all kinds of information.

Shawna needs to decide whether or not to breast-feed her baby. In light of the known relation between breast-feeding and cognitive development, what would you advise her to do?

The correct answer is: Since breast-feeding is associated with enhanced cognitive development, Shawna should strongly consider breast-feeding her baby.

Why are repressed memories controversial?

The correct answer is: Some therapeutic methods, such as hypnosis, involve a high level of suggestibility. Suggestibility can create false memories.

Many parents of teenagers lament that their children do not think before they act. What is the biological reason for this apparent failure to think?

The correct answer is: The amygdala develops much faster than the frontal lobe.

Looking at all studies on the "Mozart effect," which of the following is an accurate summary?

The correct answer is: There is no scientific evidence that infants' intelligence is impacted in any way by listening to classical music.

What is the difference between framing and anchoring?

The correct answer is: Using framing involves weighing potential gains or losses in making one choice over another. Anchoring involves gauging new information based on the first piece of information learned.

Whole-language instruction advocates assert that humans should learn to read the way they talk and breaking down words into phonemes is unnatural. Given this and everything else you know about whole-language instruction, which of the following is a possible critique of the whole-language approach?

The correct answer is: When children learn to talk, they learn phonemes before they learn words. If learning to read should be modeled on how children learn to speak, then breaking words down into phonemes is, indeed, natural.

Which of the following is true about differences in intelligence between identical twins?

The correct answer is: Whether raised together or apart, identical twins score much more similarly on IQ tests than any other pairs of siblings.

Olaf's computer crashed suddenly the other day. Olaf kept trying the same solution that worked the last few times his computer crashed, even though it did not fix his computer. Olaf's failure to solve this problem is most likely due to

The correct answer is: a mental set.

Logan completes a test that assesses his current skills and knowledge. Ana completes a test that assesses her ability to learn in the future. In these examples, Logan has probably completed an __________ test, and Ana has probably completed an __________ test.

The correct answer is: achievement; aptitude

To figure out how many students attended an Introductory Psychology class on a given day, your professor could count the exact number of students in the room. Alternatively she could break the class into four equal groups and estimate the number of students in one group and multiply that number by four. Your professor would be using __________ to calculate attendance in the first case and __________ in the second case.

The correct answer is: an algorithm; a heuristic

Which of the following is an example of anchoring?

The correct answer is: an employee who puts in a lot of work early on, knowing that good first impressions can enable her to slide a little in the future

According to Sternberg's theory of multiple intelligences, Vicky, who is an accomplished theoretical physicist, would likely score high in __________ intelligence, whereas Doug, a successful politician, would probably score high in __________ intelligence.

The correct answer is: analytical; practical

Maquinna takes the SAT, a test designed to assess his potential to do well in college. Sayen takes an Advanced Placement English literature test, which is designed to assess how much she has learned in that subject. Maquinna is taking an __________ test, while Sayen is taking an __________ test.

The correct answer is: aptitude; achievement

According to Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, Boris, who is an accomplished dancer, would likely be higher in __________ intelligence, whereas Amber, a successful computer scientist, would probably be higher in __________ intelligence.

The correct answer is: athletic; mathematical/logical

When he was little, Aidan ate Beef Stroganoff right before riding a roller coaster. The ride made him motion sick, and he threw up. Since then, Aidan has never wanted to eat Beef Stroganoff , even though the corn nuts did not cause him to be sick. Which type of implicit memory is at play?

The correct answer is: classical conditioning

Pari is a highly intelligent person and also a successful attorney. She is thankful that both of her parents not only had very high IQs but also gave her an experience-filled and educationally rich childhood. Generally speaking, Pari's high intelligence can be attributed to the

The correct answer is: contributions of nature and nurture.

Chuck tells his son Jeff that a triangle is "a three-sided figure with three angles in its interior." Chuck has explained this concept in terms of the

The correct answer is: defining attribute model.

Morris is 85 years old. Which of the following tasks would you expect him to have the most difficulty with?

The correct answer is: driving while listening to the radio

Baby Kwame has been able to stand for a while but cannot walk yet. Today, his dad gives him a small toy shopping cart. He stands holding on to the handle, but when he leans his weight on the cart, it rolls forward and Kwame takes a step. It rolls again, and he takes another step. Soon, he is using the cart to walk all around the house. This is an example of

The correct answer is: dynamic systems theory.

At six weeks of pregnancy, the developing baby is in the __________ period, which is the most important time for physical development of the __________.

The correct answer is: embryonic; internal organs

Roger taught his new dog, Jade, a new trick. If Jade is to perform this trick tomorrow, which of the following sequences will have to occur?

The correct answer is: encode, store, retrieve

Bananas and kiwi are __________ for the category of __________.

The correct answer is: exemplars; fruit

Terry is trying to make a multilayered wedding cake. While trying to figure out a way to make the cake so that it does not collapse, he remembers a bridge he saw that had an interesting support system. That bridge gives him an idea of how to put the cake together so that it does not collapse. Terry solves this problem by

The correct answer is: finding an appropriate analogy.

Chen has just discovered that she is pregnant. She should expect to be able to feel her baby's movements in around

The correct answer is: five months.

Gweneth performs well at the word game Scrabble because she is good at problem solving and rearranging letters to form many words, which demonstrates her __________ intelligence. However, she is also good at Scrabble because she has a large vocabulary, which demonstrates her __________ intelligence.

The correct answer is: fluid; crystallized

Terry was making a multilayered wedding cake. While trying to figure out a way to make the cake so it did not collapse, he remembered a bridge he once saw that had an interesting support system. That bridge gave him an idea of how to put the cake together. Terry solved this problem by

The correct answer is: forming an appropriate analogy.

Which barrier to problem solving are you overcoming when you use a paper clip as a temporary replacement for the screw that fell out of your glasses?

The correct answer is: functional fixedness

Devon worked for a major corporation for 20 years but recently switched jobs because she wanted to make a larger contribution to her community and help young people who are disadvantaged. Now she works for a nonprofit organization that promotes public awareness of teenage runaways. According to Erikson, Devon is working through the developmental stage of

The correct answer is: generativity versus stagnation.

Seventeen-year-old Juan thinks he wants to be a preschool teacher, but he also wants to be a professional boxer. According to Erikson, Juan is most likely experiencing the major psychosocial crisis known as

The correct answer is: identity versus role confusion.

Bochy, the dog salivates when his owner's alarm clock goes off because his owner always feeds him shortly thereafter. Bochy is using

The correct answer is: implicit memory, because Bochy's salivation is an unconscious reaction to the alarm clock.

Tabitha witnesses an assault and is asked to identify the suspect in a lineup of five people. Tabitha is not sure she can recognize any of them, but her heart begins to race and she starts sweating when she sees the last person in the lineup. Tabitha must have a(n) __________ memory of the suspect, but she has no __________ memory of the suspect.

The correct answer is: implicit; explicit

Mary started menstruating six months earlier than all the other girls in her class. A possible explanation could be that Mary is

The correct answer is: in a high-stress environment.

Francine is 85 and looks back on her life with some satisfaction regarding her choice of work, her family values, and her community involvement. But she also has a few regrets. Her reflections on her life represent which of Erikson's developmental stage crises?

The correct answer is: integrity versus despair

Unpleasant memories are difficult to expunge because

The correct answer is: memories are stored in multiple areas of the brain.

Which barrier to problem solving are you failing to overcome when you continue to push on a door to get to the next room when what you really need to do (according to the sign on the door) is pull on it?

The correct answer is: mental set

Which theory of intelligence includes musical intelligence?

The correct answer is: multiple intelligences

Children learn language in which order?

The correct answer is: phonemes, basic words, telegraphic speech, overgeneralizations

According to the text, the interaction of what three developmental domains shapes human development?

The correct answer is: physical, cognitive, socioemotional

Studies on multitasking have found a negative correlation between the number of tasks performed and performance and memory of those tasks. Which of the following explains this?

The correct answer is: poor attention

Sven loves to go swimming. While swimming, he sometimes thinks about the temperature of the water in Fahrenheit and how to convert it to Celsius. Sven's memory of how to swim is __________, and his memory of how to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius is __________.

The correct answer is: procedural; semantic

Julie does not know what a "clunker" is, so her friend Bob says, "You know that old car Fred has? That is a great example of a clunker." Bob is describing the "clunker" concept in terms of the

The correct answer is: prototype model.

Ken, now in his 70s, finds all of the following tasks more difficult than when he was younger, except

The correct answer is: remembering events that occurred when he was a child.

Objects, words, images, or other stimuli that remind us of something we forgot are called

The correct answer is: retrieval cues.

Pete taught Introductory Psychology last term and is teaching it again this term. When he runs into one of his students from last term, he does not remember her name. He can only remember names of his students from this term. Pete's inability to remember his students' names from the last term is most likely due to

The correct answer is: retroactive interference.

To try to get her newborn baby to feed, which of the following should Jackie attempt to trigger in him?

The correct answer is: rooting reflex

After Chester turned 13, he noticed that his voice deepened and the hair on his arms and legs grew thicker and darker. Both of these physical changes are considered to be typical changes in boys' __________ that occur during puberty.

The correct answer is: secondary sex characteristics

One-year-old Wyatt is in the __________ stage of cognitive development. Thus, when his father shows Wyatt a ball and then hides it behind her back, we would expect him to __________.

The correct answer is: sensorimotor; appear to lose interest in the ball and not look for it

Which developmental behavior do most babies experience at about 1 year of age when their parent is out of sight or when they are with a nonparent caregiver?

The correct answer is: separation anxiety

Mercedes takes her 14-month-old son, Justice, to a playground. While in the sandbox, a stranger begins to play with him, and Justice seems to prefer playing with the stranger to playing with his mother. When Mercedes leaves Justice to play in the sandbox and takes a seat on a nearby bench, Justice does not become upset. Justice's behavior indicates that he and Mercedes

The correct answer is: share an avoidant attachment relationship.

Attempts to use cognitive training strategies to reduce memory deficits in the elderly

The correct answer is: show some ability to delay the memory problems associated with aging.

Victor and Stanislaus are two elderly gentlemen standing in line at the Division of Motor Vehicles. They are both waiting to take a written test on driving laws to renew their licenses. Stanislaus overhears a DMV employee commenting that elderly men usually perform worse on the exam than other groups of people, but Victor does not hear the comment. Victor scores higher than Stanislaus on the exam, even though their performances are usually quite similar. Stanislaus's lower score may have been due to the effect of

The correct answer is: stereotype threat.

The sound of the word "cow" is a(n) __________ for a cow, while the sound of the word "moo" is a(n) __________ for the sound a cow makes.

The correct answer is: symbolic representation; analogical representation

The word crow is a(n) __________ for a type of bird, while the word caw is a(n) __________ for the sound a crow makes.

The correct answer is: symbolic representation; analogical representation

When Beatrice was a baby, her first word was mama. When she was 10 years old and her thinking was more complex, she was able to solve a puzzle by picturing the solution in her mind. In this example, the word mama is a(n) __________ representation, and the pictured solution is a(n) __________ representation.

The correct answer is: symbolic; analogical

Children have more neural connections as infants than at 10 years old. Why?

The correct answer is: synaptic pruning

Jenny's best friend Doris got a bad case of food poisoning after eating at a Mexican restaurant. For weeks afterward, every time Jenny spent time with her, Doris would go on and on about how awful it was. Now Jenny refuses to touch Mexican food, because she thinks she may get sick too. It appears Jenny has fallen prey to the bias in decision making called

The correct answer is: the availability heuristic.

Ava and Bella strike up a conversation while sitting next to each other on an airplane. Bella thinks Ava is very intelligent and knowledgeable. When Ava tells Bella that she works at an University, Bella assumes that Ava is a Professor, but Ava is actually the secretary. Bella used which of the following to form her incorrect conclusion?

The correct answer is: the representativeness heuristic

The word reconstructed has

The correct answer is: three morphemes and twelve phonemes.

Florian could never remember his locker combination until he realized that the three numbers perfectly matched his favorite singer's birth date. Now he has no problem remembering, thanks to which of the following?

a mnemonic

Patients with Alzheimer's disease have low levels of which neurotransmitter?


Which of the following concepts from a previous chapter explains how people "remember" seeing things they did not actually see?

after-the-fact explanations

Aurora's mother brings her 2-year-old daughter to see a new doctor. Aurora's looks at her mother and smiles, but at the same time she yells and pushes her mother away. Aurora has most likely formed a(n) __________ attachment to her mother.


When Kathy thinks of a lemon and imagines biting one, her mouth begins to water. In this example, the picture of the lemon in her mind is an example of a(n) __________ representation.


Patient J.B. suffered an injury and now has memory problems. He remembers his childhood, past events, and knowledge he has previously learned, but he does not form new explicit memories. Luckily, he can still learn new implicit tasks. What disorder does J.B. have?

anterograde amnesia

After a frustrating day encountering blank stares from her students, Katie reminds them that listening requires not just hearing but also which of the following?


Marina has struggled with exams all semester. She has started to worry that she has memory problems, but her roommate points out that Marina checks her email, sends texts, and listens to music while studying. In other words, Marina's real problem is not memory but which of the following?


A baby who shows little interest in her caregiver would likely be classified as having a(n) __________ attachment style.


Arav takes pride in being able to memorize long strings of letters very quickly. His trick is to see each group of letters as the initials of people he knows. That way, instead of remembering 20 letters, he only has to remember a group of seven friends. What is the name for Arav's technique?


This semester, Kofi is studying in a new way. After dinner, he brings his books to the empty lecture hall and studies there instead of in the dorm. He is hoping to get a boost from the

context-dependent memory effect.

While walking home, Danny finds a wallet containing $100. He then turns in the wallet and money at the police station. He thinks that he did the right thing because it is what his parents and others would have expected him to do. According to Kohlberg, Danny is at the __________ level of moral reasoning.


Joaquin worked really hard to write his first history paper. He went to the library and took thorough notes about everything he read. But he mistakenly thought that some of his notes represented his own original ideas rather than those of other scholars, so, without realizing it, Joaquin plagiarized the work of others by making a source attribution error called


Mrs. Mussante always takes the time to make lessons meaningful for her students. She does not ask them to memorize lists of information without giving her students background and context for each item. She is hoping that _______ encoding based on semantics will allow her students to remember the information better in the future.


The most important time for the physical development of a baby's spinal cord, brain, and all internal organs is the __________ period.


Carol seems to remember every detail about every conversation she has. She also remembers what everyone has given her for her birthday for the past several years. Which type of long-term memory is Carol known for?


Inez, who is five months pregnant, is thrilled when she begins to feel her baby move inside her. At which stage of prenatal development is her baby?


According to Erikson, what is the primary task of adolescence?


One-year-old Finster seems to believe that his father is intentionally trying to frustrate him, because he shows signs of irritation when his father teases him. This means Finster has likely developed a theory of


In deciding whether or not he should return a wallet he found in the street to its owner, Timmy thinks, "Wow, there's $50 in this wallet. No one will even know if I just take the money and throw the wallet in the river." Timmy's thinking about what action to take suggests he is at which stage of moral reasoning?


Meredith has a Spanish exam this week. She used to study Latin, and she is afraid that her old memories of Latin will interfere with her ability to remember Spanish vocabulary. Which of the following is Meredith concerned about?

proactive interference

The process of carefully considering the information that would test the validity of a claim is a form of thought called


Jonah tells his friend about his run-in with a wild moose while camping. When he tells his mom about it the next day, he remembers the story a little differently. The memory probably changed slightly when it was


Piotr loves to tell a good story, and his friends have noticed that, over time, some of his stories have changed slightly. Every time he accesses a memory, it can be affected by new circumstances. This can be explained by the theory of


Recently, researchers have shown that during this process, old memories are susceptible to being changed or even erased.


Coleman is currently 30 years old. He took the WAIS and was told that his score was 110. If the test is __________, when Coleman retakes the same intelligence test again at age 50, his score will likely still be 110.


Joe has a horrible pain on his right side, a symptom that is prototypical of appendicitis. Even though he does not have any of the other symptoms of appendicitis, Joe is convinced he has it and goes to the emergency room. He is mortified to learn that he just has a bad case of gas. Because Joe's error was based on the prototype of the symptom he had, he relied on which heuristic?


Phyllis hardly remembers any Italian now that she is studying French. Which of the following is this a case of?

retroactive interference

Your niece loves fairy tale books. Even though she cannot read yet, she has many of them memorized. When you get her a new fairy tale book, she is able to memorize it quickly, probably because she has developed a __________ for fairy tales.


Giana is studying abroad in Italy and realizes that, compared with the local students she has befriended, she sometimes remembers events differently. Perhaps her preexisting _______ are affecting the way she encodes experiences.


This quotation is an example of which of the answer choices? "First, you need to drive to your date's house, bring her flowers, and talk to her parents. Then, ask her where she would like to go to eat. Afterward, take her to the movies. Then, be sure to drive her back to her house and walk her to the door, and be back home by midnight."


After the room went dark, John had a mental image of what everything looked like. But as soon as he tried to recall one specific detail, everything else faded. John was experiencing this type of memory store.


Jed works for an animation studio where movies are drawn frame by frame. Thanks to this ability of the human memory system, the audience will experience the movie as a continuous stream of animation-not just a series of isolated drawings.

sensory storage

Without a pen handy, Olga mentally rehearsed the number her boss told her to call. While __________ memory provided storage for the phone number, __________ memory allowed her to rehearse it for longer maintenance.

short-term; working

According to this type of theory, seeing a hammer might also partially activate memories for related items, such as nails, screwdrivers, and wrenches.

spreading activation models

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