Psychology test 3

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Specific phobias can be categorized by type. Which of the following is a type of specific phobia?

Blood-Injury type; symptoms include a fear of blood or needles

Which historical event led directly to Milgram's research on obedience?

German citizens' willingness to go along with Nazi leaders during the Holocaust

A person who avoids public places or situations because they are viewed as not "safe" would most likely be diagnosed with:


Twin studies suggest that familial influence on Major Depressive Disorders is due to _______________________.

genetic factors and environmental factors

Which symptom is associated with Social Anxiety Disorder?

intense fear and avoidance of social situations

Research indicates that typically,

women are twice as likely to experience depression.

In order for a diagnosis of persistent depressive disorder to be made, the required symptoms must be present for a minimum of:

2 years

According to the American Psychiatric Association (2013), approximately one out of _______ women experience the symptoms of depression after the birth of a baby.


Which of the following is the most accurate statement regarding the difference between Bipolar I Disorder (BD I) and Bipolar II Disorder (BD II)?

BD I involves at least one manic episode, while BD II involves at least one hypomanic episode.

Which of the following is the best definition of conformity?

Changing one's attitude or behavior to match a perceived social norm.

In Asch's classic study of conformity, what were research participants asked to do?

Judge the sizes of lines that were on a card held a few feet away from them.

Under which of the following circumstances would you expect a person to demonstrate the highest level of conformity in Solomon Asch's research protocol?

Orlando has to give his choice out loud

Which of the following statements is true of Asch's research on conformity in groups?

Participants conformed with the group norm on about a one-third of the total trials

Russell has been suffering from the symptoms of a major depressive episode for the past three weeks, and his symptoms have included both hallucinations and delusions. Which specifier would be added to his diagnosis of a major depressive episode?

Psychotic features

Walking down the street, Areanna is approached by a police officer. The police officer encourages Areanna to be a Good Samaritan and put money in a parking meter that's about to expire on a stranger's car. What factors might lead Areanna to obey this police officer's order and help pay for the parking meter?

She views the police officer as an authority figure.

Which of the following demographic variables is associated with the prevalence of Major Depressive Disorder?

Socio-economic status: people with lower incomes and education levels are more likely to have MDD

Which researcher is well-known for having conducted a study of conformity that involved having participants express a judgment of the sizes of lines?

Solomon Asch

Ethical concerns have been raised about Stanley Milgram's obedience research. Specifically, some have suggested that the project caused too much distress in the participants, distress that could not be justified. If you were asked your opinion of this issue, which of the following would be a legitimate response?

The majority of participants reported that they were pleased to have participated in the research, so it does not seem to have been damaging to most of those who were involved.

What was one correct outcome of Asch's classic research on conformity in groups?

Three-quarters of the participants conformed to the incorrect group norm at least one time.

Which of the following is true of Milgram's (1963, 1965, 1974) research on obedience to authority?

With each increment of shock voltage, fewer participants obeyed, but about 65% still administered 450 volts (the highest level).

Which of the following factors does NOT influence conformity?

age group

When a person experiencing depression demonstrates the symptom of psychomotor __________, they might fidget, pace, tap their feet, or wring their hands.


A person who presents with multiple vulnerabilities and life stress, and symptoms of this stress interfere substantially with daily functioning, will most likely be diagnosed with _______________.

an anxiety disorder

Stuart loves to play golf. He typically plays 2 or 3 times a week. Lately, he has been feeling down and has lost interest in the game, and has asked his friends to find someone to play in his place. This loss of interest and pleasure in an activity that Stuart used to enjoy is called ________ and is a symptom of depression.


Which of the following is not a common symptom of generalized anxiety disorder?

auditory hallucinations

For the previous six weeks or so, Carlton's co-workers have noticed that he has seemed very sad much of the time. He has also stopped going to team lunches and stays in his office on his own far more than usual. However, in the last few days, he has seemed very different. He has been in an excited state much of the time, talking more rapidly than usual, and many of his ideas at team meetings seem unrealistic and overambitious. Which of the following disorders are Carlton's symptoms most consistent with?

bipolar disorder

Research finds that __________ stress, which involves problematic events that activate one's biological or psychological stress response system over an extended period of time, is related to an increased risk of major depressive disorder.


Manpreet experiences high levels of anxiety about exposure to germs. As a result, he typically washes his hands more than 100 times a day. What is the clinical term for this behavior?


Shania notices that all of her high school friends have started wearing glitter eye shadow to school. She doesn't really like the look but she wants to fit in with the crowd, so she starts wearing it too. Shania has engaged in __________.


A Major Depressive Episode requires ________ of nine symptoms, including a depressed mood and/or diminished interest in activities for at least two weeks.


In order for a mood-related episode to qualify as a period of hypomania, the associated symptoms of elevation must last for a minimum of:

four days

Which of the following is NOT a form of biological treatment for a person suffering from depression?

functional magnetic resonance imaging

____________________________ is characterized by constant worry over minor and catastrophic events. Other complaints, such as muscle tension, fatigue, and irritability are also common.

generalized anxiety

Gary spends much of his day wondering "what if" about catastrophic scenarios. This thought process makes him feel he has control over the situation. However, the lack of any catastrophes only reinforces the "what if?" behavior. Gary would most likely be diagnosed with:

generalized anxiety disorder

April is starting to spend money quickly to buy the fanciest clothes, car, and hotel rooms because she has an inflated sense of self-importance and self-worth, believing she deserves these things due to her superior powers and abilities. What symptom of mania is April displaying?


Bipolar disorder has a _______________ rate of heritability, suggesting a biological cause.


__________ influence refers to conformity that results from a desire to act in a manner that is clearly socially approved such as speaking softly in libraries.


Celine has been having difficulty sleeping, cannot seem to concentrate at work, is sad most of the time, and seems to have lost interest in things that she always used to enjoy. Which disorder is Celine most likely suffering from?

major depressive disorder

Asch's study on conformity, where participants had to make line-judgments, can be best explained by what concept?

normative influence

Kyle is so preoccupied with avoiding germs that he washes his hands as many as 20 times an hour. Kyle most likely suffers from:

obsessive compulsive disorder

When he leaves his house, Carlton experiences high levels of anxiety about whether he has locked his front door. As a result, he goes back to check the door multiple times, and sometimes he is so anxious about not having locked up that he is unable to leave his home at all. Which disorder is he most likely experiencing here?

obsessive compulsive disorder

Research indicates that bipolar disorders are:

often found to co-occur with other disorders such as an anxiety disorder or substance use disorders

Richard experiences unexpected episodes of intense fear, accompanied by shortness of breath and the thought that he might be going crazy. He constantly fears the onset of these episodes. Richard most likely suffers from:

panic disorder

After serving two terms in Afghanistan, Kurt is suffering from insomnia, is agitated and jumpy, and has intrusive thoughts that cause great distress. Kurt is most likely suffering from:

post traumatic stress disorder

Bethany has found herself pacing with a feeling of restlessness while Bernard is starting to perform normal routine actions in an unusually slow manner. While Bethany is likely experiencing ________________, Bernard is showing _________________.

psychomotor agitation; psychomotor retardation

Cory has an intense fear of flying and endures flights with extreme distress. Although she knows her fear is irrational, it is overwhelming and uncontrollable. Cory most likely suffers from:

specific phobia

Which term refers to the tendency to think that a "bad" thought is equal to a "bad" action?

thought-action fusion

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