Psychology Unit 5 Review

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What are the three stages of Hans Selye's general adaptation syndrome (GAS)?

1) alarm stage also known as the fight or flight stage 2) resistance stage 3) exhaustion

Approach-Approach Conflict

All options are good but we have to make a choice EX: Deciding what to order at a restaurant

Avoidance-Avoidance Conflict

All options are unattractive EX:Getting your tonsils out or enduring the pain

______________is characterized by irresponsibility, shallow emotions, and lack of conscience.

Antisocial personality

People who do not express or who deny their negative emotions have a greater risk of getting _______.


positive ways to promote psychological wellness

Eat well, get a good night's sleep, meditation, think positive, exercise, and have good self-esteem

ways to distinguish normality from abnormality: __________,_________, and_________.

Identify any deviation from the majority, identify a failure to adjust, and identify mental illnesses

Approach-Avoidance Conflict

One option is good, the other is not; but the bad one needs consideration EX:Going out with friends or helping dad clean the garage (he needs the help and will be more willing to let you have the car on the weekend)

A __________is characterized by a short period of intense fear and physiological discomfort involving a pounding heart and difficulty breathing.

Panic attack

_______________involves delusion of grandeur and persecution.

Paranoid schizophrenia

Treatment for mental illness from the cognitive approach would include : __________ or ____________.

Rational Emotive Therapy or Cognitive Restructuring

The _______believes they must view the patient in context of society and what could be done to help them become more productive citizens. Their treatment would include group therapy, family counseling, marriage counseling, and other group type counseling.

Sociocultural model

The autonomic nervous system and stress react with one another within the human body, causing anything from ________to________.

a fight-or-flight feeling to mental tranquility


a person's reaction to his or her inability to cope with a certain tense event or situation

All of the following are true of obesity:

a. It is a complex disorder involving an excessive amount of body fat b. It increases your risk of health problems c. An obese person is 30% or more of his ideal body weight

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by all of the following:

a. a fear of gaining weight b. prolonged self-starvation c. dramatic weight loss

Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by all of the following:

a. compulsive overeating b. self-induced vomiting c. laxative abuse

Problem solving is an _______coping strategy that targets the causes of stress in practical ways which tackles the problem or stressful situation that is causing stress, consequently directly reducing the stress.


What hormones are produced in the fight-or-flight response?

adrenalin, noradrenaline, corticosteroids

The autonomic nervous system also tries to ________.

alleviate stress to maintain hormonal and mental balance

Individuals suffering from _________are basically thrill seekers who feel no shame or guilt if they injure other people or break social rules.

antisocial disorder


any deviation from the average or from the majority

If a person is diagnosed with __________,the individual alternates between feelings of happiness and sadness.

bi polar disorder

General symptoms of panic disorders include________,_________,________, and ___________.

breathing difficulties, faintness or dizziness, nausea, and chest pains

Schizophrenia disorders

characterized by a split with reality

Dissociative disorders

characterized by changes in memory, consciousness or identity due to psychological factors

Mood disorders

characterized by feelings of worthlessness or elation and diminished pleasure

Personality disorders

characterized by long standing maladaptive perceptions, thoughts, and behaviors

Anxiety disorders

characterized by overwhelming feelings that disrupt functioning or produce significant distress.

Somatoform disorders

characterized by physical symptoms for which there is no physical cause

Schizophrenia is characterized by _________,_________, and__________.

confused and disconnected thoughts, emotions, and perceptions

Axis IV of the DSM-V is a measurement of the ____________.

current stress level at which a person is functioning

Fight-or-flight response

designed to prepare a person for defense

Axis II of the DSM-V is used to describe___________.

developmental disorders

When your immune system is suppressed, your body becomes more susceptible to ______and_______.

diseases and infections

In _____________a person experiences alterations in memory, identity, or consciousness.

dissociative disorders

A person who suddenly and unexpectedly travels away from home and cannot recall the past is experiencing________.

dissociative fugue

A schizophrenic person who has __________is unable to focus his/her attention.

diverted attention

The following are possible treatments for mental illness from the biological and medical approach:____________,__________, and _________.

drug therapy, electroconvulsive therapy and Psychosurgery

The treatment for __________is some form of psychotherapy or counseling, coupled with careful attention to medical and nutritional needs.

eating disorders

Which stage of GAS is most hazardous to your health?


The parasympathetic nervous system gets us ready for stress or what is called the___________

fight or flight response

Perceptions that have no direct external cause are called __________.


A person in good health who is preoccupied with imaginary ailments suffers from __________.


In the fight-or-flight stage of Han's Selye's general adaptation syndrome, physiological changes include

increased heart rate, pupils dilate, and the breath quickens


irate reaction likely to result from frustration

In __________a person experiences feelings of worthlessness and diminished pleasure in many activities.

major depression

A person under stress may develop _________,_________, and_________.

nervous habits, psychosomatic symptoms, or a weakened immune system


person must choose between two or more options that tend to result from opposing motives

A__________is a licensed medical doctor who can diagnose, treat and write prescription drugs to treat mental illness.


Social relations

refers to the quality of a person's relationships with family and friends

The DSM-5 currently specifies two subtypes of anorexia nervosa. They are the ______and the________.

restricting type ;binge/purge type

A person who is extremely afraid of darkness suffers from a __________ phobia.


General adaptation syndrome

stages in the body's stress reaction consisting of alarm, resistance, and exhaustion


stems from acute anxiety or pressure


stems from motivating strife or challenges


the ability to get along in the real world


the process of striving toward ideal functioning

The somatic nervous system _____________ and is responsible for ____________.

transmits sensory communication; responsible for voluntary action

Dissociative amnesia most often results from a ____________.

traumatic event


used to categorize mental illness


usual reaction when a stressor involves real or imagined danger


vague, generalized apprehension or feeling that one is in danger

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