PT 101 Lesson 04

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Clips are "fixed" to a specific time location.

"What is the definition of a "sample based"" track"

Clips are "fixed" to beat and bar locations

"What is the definition of a "tick based"" track"

MIDI and Aux Input

An Instrument track is really a combination of what 2 track types?


Can the Track>Delete command be undone?

No it can only be used to route audio

Can you record onto an Aux Input Track?

It allows you to create a copy of your session with different parameters and place it in a new location.

Describe "Save Copy In?

Options>Link Timeline and Edit Selectors.

How can the two types of cursors be linked or unlinked?

Use the shortcut Com+L/R Arrow to cycle through the various tracks to be named.

How can you cycle through multiple tracks that need to be renamed without double clicking on each name plate?

Select, Double click.

How can you open a session after locating it in the Workspace browser?


How many Pro Tools sessions can you have open at one time?

Edit and Playback Cursor

How many cursors are their and what are the names?

As many as you like/need.

How many tracks can you add at a time?

Open the Mix or Edit Window. The session was probably saved with no windows open.

If you open a session and no windows appear what can be done?

Click on the Playback cursor locator icon in the timebase.

If your playback cursor is off the Edit Window how can you go to its present location?

Either place all new sessions in a specific location or prompt you with each new sessions as to where it should be saved.

In the Dashboard what do these buttons do?


In the new tracks dialog box what is the modifier key used when using the up/down or L/R arrows to add track types etc.

Advanced because you can choose the type (PT session) and this will reduce the amount of material that you have to search through.

Is it best to use simple search or advanced search in the workspace window when searching for a Pro Tools Sessions file

1) Select the track name then go to Track>Delete 2) Right click on the track nameplate an select delete.

Name 2 ways to delete a track

1) Double click on the nameplate of the track 2) Right click on the nameplate and select Rename from the dropdown menu

Name 2 ways to name a track

Playback Cursor, Edit Cursor

Name the two types of cursors in the Edit Window.

One file that essentially contains 2 files of information. A left and right channel combined into one file.

What are interleaved files?

1) No scrolling 2) Page 3) After playback 4) Continuous

What are the 4 scrolling options

Wav, Aiff

What audio file types does Pro Tools natively support?

Blue or Red (if a track is record enabled)

What colors can the playback cursor locator be?


What command starts and stops playback?

Create blank session, Create session from template, Open 10 most recent sessions, Open session

What four actions can be initiated from the Dashboard Dialog Box?

It doubles the amount of space consumption; or 10 MB per minute.

What happens to disk space consumption if the sample rate is doubled from 44.1 to 88.2 kHz with a 16-bit bit depth?

Clips are stored in the clips playlist, but their arrangement is not saved.

What happens to the audio and MIDI data on a track when the track gets deleted from your session?

A variety of settings that can be saved that best suites your working preferences.

What is a Pro Tools Template?

16, 24, 32 Floating Point

What is the Bit Depths does Pro Tools Supports?

Used to indicate where in the Edit Window the cursor currently is, if not in frame.

What is the Playback Cursor Locator used for?


What is the create new track shortcut?


What is the maximum sample rate that Pro Tools Supports?

To rename a session and keep copies of the session being worked on.

What is the purpose of the Save As command?


What is the shortcut for adding a new track?

8 on the 10 keypad

What is the shortcut for enabling the Countoff?

7 on the 10 keypad

What is the shortcut for enabling the metronome?

The Playback Cursor Locator. It will take your screen to where the playback cursor is located in your session.

What is this Blue Triangle called? What happens if you press it?

The Dashboard - It enables you to create open a Pro Tools session or project

What is this screen called and what is its function?

Com+R/L Arrow

What shortcut can be used to "toggle" through tracks when renaming multiple tracks?

Selector Tool

What tool do you need to use to "place" your playback cursor?

Audio Track, Aux Input, MIDI Track, Instrument Track, VCA Track, Master Fader

What track types are supported in ProTools?

A = Timeline B = Edit

What type of Selection is A and B?

No they will still remain in the clips list

When you delete a track are the clips on that track permanently deleted?

In the Options Menu Options>Scrolling>No Scrolling

Where can scrolling be turned on and off?

In the Ruler View Area

Where can you find the Playback cursor locator?

Main Timebase Ruler

Where will the Playback Cursor Locator appear (in what ruler)?

The renamed copy will be open.

Which session will be open after completing the Save As function?

Selector Tool.

Which tool can be used to set the playback point by clicking directly on the track?

1) To protect against loss 2) So you can access your project from anywhere 3) To collaborate with other musicians

Why may you consider creating a project with cloud backup?

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