PTI BLOCK 1: Nervous System B1L5
Types of Neurons (SAME)
(Sensory) Afferent - information carried towards the brain (Motor) Efferent - information carried away from the brain
Abnormal Respiratory Patterns
- Biots (rapid/deep with short pauses) - Cheyne-Stokes (gradual increases and decreases in respirations w/ pauses) Biot Causes: meningitis/head/CNS injury Cheyne. Causes: increase ICP/brainstem injury
parasympathetic nervous system responsibilities (recovery)
- Digestion - growth - healing - slow heart rate - decrease blood flow
Blood supply to and from the Brain
- Primary arterial supply to the brain = carotid arteries - primary venous return from the brain = jugular veins
What happens if the brainstem gets injured?
- become altered - vomit (increase ICP) - pupils dilate - pulse pressure widens - Decerebrate or decorticate posture - breathe abnormally - HR slows (brady) - systolic BP goes up
parasympathetic nervous system (body at rest)
- constricts pupils - heart beats more slowly - constricts airway - stimulates digestion - reduces blood flow to skeletal muscles
sympathetic nervous system (Fight or flight)
- dilates pupils - heart beats faster and stronger - relaxes airway, which lets you breathe more deeply - inhibits digestion - increases blood flow to skeletal muscles
Neuron Structure
1. Body (soma- contains nucleus) 2. Dendrites (branch like projections) 3. Axon (long tail projection) 4. Myelin (white matter- tissue around axon for protection and transfer impulses faster) 5. Axon terminal
Divisions of the Nervous System
1. CNS: (brain/spine: responsible for thoughts/perception/sensory/autonomic body functions) 2. PNS: (somatic/autonomic) Somatic: sensory + motor Autonomic breaks down to sympathetic (fight flight) and parasympathetic (rest digest)
Anatomy of Brain (4 areas)
1. Cerebrum 2. Diencephalon 3. Brainstem 4. Cerebellum
Main Functions of Nervous System
1. Monitor internal/external environment 2. Integrate sensory info 3. coordination of voluntary/involuntary response
Neuron Characteristics
1. sensitive to changes (O2/glucose) 2. high metabolic rate (uses O2/glucose in 10 sec) 3. neurons cannot store O2/glucose 4. does not require insulin 5. Neurons do not regenerate 6. capable of excitability and conductivity
Cranial Nerves (CN)
12 pairs of cranial nerves that arise from the base of the brain (4 of these nerves are associated with the parasymp system) Important CNs include: CN3- oculomotor nerve CN10- vagus nerve
Cerebrum Hemispheres
2 Hemispheres divided by white matter band called CORPUS CALLOSUM along the LONGITUDINAL FISSURE Each hemisphere controls the opposite side of the body
Peripheral Nervous System
31 pairs of spinal nerves and 12 pairs of cranial nerves Responsible for communication between CNS and rest of body 2 Divisions: Somatic & Visceral
Parasympathetic Neurotransmitter
Acetylcholine (causes resting HR/digest food)
How to check damage in spinal column
Ask Pt to wiggle fingers and toes
Spinal Nerves
Attaches to the spinal cord by two roots: posterior (dorsal) and anterior (ventral) Posterior: afferent sensory fibers Anterior: efferent moter fibers
Nervous System Receptors
Baroreceptors (detect changes in pressure) Chemoreceptors (changes in chemistries)
Phrenic Nerve
C3,4,5 (keeps the diaphragm alive)
Vagus Nerve
CN10: longest cranial nerve responsible for swallowing, gag reflex, parasympathetic innervation (90% of PNS) of the body Big 4 Nerve controls: 1. Chronotropy (HR rate) 2. Inotropy (contraction strength) 3. Conductility (AV conduction) 4. Irritability
Oculomotor Nerve
CN3: responsible for eye movement, upper eyelids, and regulation of pupil size Stimulation causes pupillary constriction Increased ICP causes pupillary dilation
Cerebral Perfusion Pressure
CPP = MAP - ICP Amount of perfusion the brain is receiving Can improve brain perfusion in field by increasing the MAP and decreasing ICP (reverse trendelenberg, prevent vomitting) MAP you want at least at 60, normal 80 Other factors interfereing with CPP: CO2 and Hypotension
Microglial Cells (CNS)
Clean up crew of the CNS/eat up bacteria and cell waste
Sympathetic System Adrenergic Receptors
Comes from the Catecholine- norepinephrine Alpha 1: vasoconstriction Alpha 2: smooth muscle contraction Beta 1: Found in the heart, increases HR Beta 2: Found in lungs, bronchial dilation
Central Nervous System
Composed of brain and spinal cord coordinates sensory information and motor responses Fragile- protected by bone, meninges, CSF, and blood brain barrier (filtration system) Spinal cord protected by vertebral column
Spinal Cord
Connects brain to the rest of the body via the spinal nerves Exits the skull through the foramen magnum and extends through the column
Brain Stem
Connects brain to the spinal cord responsible for essential functions body requires to survive contains specialized group of neurons called RETICULAR ACTIVATING SYSTEM (RAS) Stem is composed of: 1. midbrain 2. pons 3. medulla oblongata
Reticular Activating System (RAS)
Controls the level of consciousness responsible for specific motor movements Injury to area will produce ALOC
Meninges (3 layers)
Covering over the brain and spinal cord 1. Dura Mater (outermost - durable) 2. Arachnoid (middle) 3. Pia Mater (innermost)
Pia Mater
Delicate innermost layer lies directly over CNS and follows the contours of the brain + spinal Where meningitis occurs (inflammation of meninges)
Sympathetic Neurotransmitters
Epi/NorEpi/Dopamine (causes increased HR, vasoconstriction, contractility) Note these are catecholamines
Ependymal Cells (CNS)
Found in CNS Line the fluid filled cavities of the brain called ventricles Function: secrete and circulate CSF
Satellite cells (PNS)
Found in PNS Similar to astrocytes in CNS (feeder cells)
Astrocytes (CNS)
Found in the CNS (type of neuroglia) Provide nourishment to neurons recycles neurotransmitters
Occipital Lobe
Function: - origin of optic nerve - process visual info - color vision/spatial perception Dysfunction: - visual disturbances - visual field distances/blurred vision
Parietal Lobe
Function: - primary sensory cortex - sensory interpretation - process info - determine shapes/distances - process math/speech - body position (proprioception) Dysfunction: - abnormal sensory response - paresthesia
Functioning unit of nervous system
Frontal Lobe
Functions: - higher cognitive function - voluntary motor function - memory - personality/emotion Dysfunction: - short term memory loss - personality changes - expressive aphasia (cant form sentences AKA brocas aphasia)
Temporal Lobe
Functions: - primary auditory cortex - process/perceives memories/sensations - speech comprehension Dysfunction: - hearing problem - warnakes area (receptive aphasia aka difficulty understanding) - long term memory loss
Medulla Oblongata
Inferior part of brainstem contains vital centers: 1. Cardiac center 2. vasomotor center 3. Respiratory center
Largest part of the brain (3/4 its volume) Responsible for higher mental function/memory/reason Folded grey matter known as the cerebral cortex Divided into 4 lobes: 1. Frontal 2. Temporal 3. Parietal 4. Occipital
Middle portion of brainstem relay both afferent and efferent nerve fibers contains sleep and respiratory centers (controls breathing along with medulla)
Most superior portion of brainstem Reflex center for pupillary reflexes and eye movement Coordination of motor activity and muscle tone
Spinal Cord Injury: at or above T5
Neurogenic shock
Oligodendrocytes/Schwann cells
Oligo: found in the CNS, forms myelin sheaths around axons within brain/spine Schawnn: found in PNS, form myelin sheaths around axons in PNS
Autonomic Nervous System
Part of the PNS, breaks down into two main branches: 1. Sympathetic (fight or flight) 2. Parasympathetic (rest digest) Most structures are innervated by both symp and parasymp fibers except for the spleen and blood vessels which are only controlled by sympathetic fibers
Regulation of body temp, hunger, thirst, sleep, and sex development Regulates involuntary body function (cardiac/smooth musc.) Functions w/ endocrine system Vomiting reflex **in an infant, the hypothalamus is less effective in regulating body temp (infants dont shiver)**
Relay neurons that carry impulses from sensory to motor neurons (located in spine to prevent signal from going all the way to the brain and back)
Second largest part of the brain (inferior to the occipital lobes) involved in fine/gross motor movement maintenance of equilibrium/balance
Arachnoid Mater
Second meningeal layer, very thin, delicate, web-like
Blood Brain Barrier
Semi-permeable protects brain from foreign substances + hormones Maintains a constant environment permitted molecules can pass through via diffusion or active transport - water/glucose pass easily - O2/CO2/alcohol diffuse easily
Supporting cells of the nervous system Function: support structure, improve conduction, defend from pathogens, air in repair, regulate fluids
Dura Mater
Toughest/thickest layer. Made up of two layers parietal (closer to bone/outer) & visceral (closer to brain/inner) Bleeds below dura but before arachnoid are called sub dural (common)
Two types: Central & Peripheral
Neurotransmitters are...
a chemical released from one nerve that crosses the synaptic cleft to reach a receptor on the next cell
chemical messengers used to transmit signals (may excite or inhibit a response) Electrical synapses occur between cardiac muscle cells and smooth muscle cells
Cerebral Spinal fluid (CSF)
clear, watery fluid produced by choroid plexus in all 4 ventricles (155cc total volume in adults) - provides protection - delivers nutrients - eliminates wastes - homeostasis
Cerebellum Dysfunction
common cause of dysfunction: Alcohol and drugs/tumors/poor perfunsion/trauma/ hypoxia S/S of dysfunction: - ataxic gait - dysarthria - nystagmus
Vasomotor Center
controls smooth muscle tone of blood vessels Vasoconstriction: increased peripheral vascular resistance Vasodilation: Decreased peripheral vascular resistance
Action Potential
electrical impulse the cell use to create an effect
located above the brainstem and between the two hemispheres Composed of: 1. epithalamus 2. thalamus 3. hypothalamus
Central Chemoreceptor
located in brainstem responds to CO2 levels in the CSF. Increased CO2 leads to increased RR and tidal volume (sometimes non functional in COPD)
Peripheral Chemoreceptor
located in the carotids and aorta responds to low O2 levels (hypoxic drive)
occurs with the turning on of the Na+/K+ pump (3 Na+ gets pumped out, and 2 K+ move into the cell)
Sympathetic and Parasympathetic systems have...
opposing effects on muscles
Spinal Cord Injury: At or below C7
place where neurons connect and communicate (chemical and electrical synapse)
pressure sensitive cells located in the aortic arch and carotid sinus and kidneys measure the stretch in great vessels (that changes the BP) Info is then sent to vasomotor center and medulla Valsalva is the artificial stimulation of the baroreceptors resulting in vagal stimulation (drops BP/HR)
Spinal Cord Injury: Above C7
Spinal Cord Injury: Above C5
respiratory impairment
Subarachnoid Space
space between arachnoid mater and the pia mater Very vascular and has network of veins/arteries (all vessels that feed to the brain)
stimulus causes Na+ channels to open, NA+ rushes in, making neuron more positive
Resting potential
the electrical charge at which a cell is in a resting state, the cell will have a negative charge (greater concentration of extracellular Na+ and intracellular K+; but negatively charged Cl- ion inside the cell makes cell more negative)