Public Speaking Final Review UNWSP

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What word do the author and his wife use to prevent escalating arguments?


What's speaker's ethos?

Perceived credibility

According to Aristotle, what is rhetoric?

Persuasive speech

What is autobiographical research?

Examining one's own experiences

1st step in planning neighbor-serving speech?

Identify the topic

What is secondary research?

Searching for what other people already know

Addressing an audience at a celebratory occasion borrows meaning from ancient forms of ____________. Select one: a. worship b. comedy c. debate d. none of the above


An ad hominin argument is an attack on someone's Select one: a. character b. argumentation c. values d. beliefs


As a result of confirmation bias, we tend to seek information that Select one: a. Confirms our existing biases b. Confirms supposed experts' biases c. Confirms what most people already believe d. Confirms what popular media say


Biblically speaking, how might we think about each other as members of a group? Select one: a. mutual neighbors called to serve one another b. collaborative partners needing to work together c. branches on the same tree connected at the roots d. children of the light emanating shared truth


Engaging informative speeches are like a Select one: a. drama b. news report c. visual poem d. food feast for the ears


Extemporaneous speaking usually requires Select one: a. rehearsing without extensive notes b. memorizing transition statements c. memorizing stories d. all of the above


For Christians, what is a group presentation? Select one: a. a shared calling to use the gift of communication cooperatively to serve an audience b. a research-based series of personal/individual presentations based on biblical truth c. a performed story designed to inform or persuade d. none of the above


For a servant speaker, empathy is Select one: a. seeing things from others' perspectives b. expressing our own perspectives to others c. explaining what we mean to say d. listening to ourselves as we speak


How should the speaker move when doing a stage video? Select one: a. the speaker should stay in a designated spot on the stage unless the director suggests otherwise b.the speaker should move slowly from one side of the stage to the other c. the speaker should move to various spots on the stage as long as they are the same distance from the camera d.the speaker should move forward and backward in line with the camera


Inductive reasoning (or argument) involves Select one: a. using specific information to make a general conclusion b. using a general statement or principle to make specific conclusions c. using evidence to say that something causes something else d. all of the above


Primary (or personal) evidence includes Select one: a. our own life experience b. others' personal life experiences c. all statements of value d. all of the above


The problem-solution approach to logical persuasion often works well when the audience___________. Select one: a. already feels the burden of the problem b. does not know it has a problem that requires a solution c. is required to attend a speech on an uninteresting topic d. none of the above


What describes a virtuous speaker? Select one: a. Good character b. Persuasiveness c. Intelligence d. Expressiveness


What does the Greek concept of kairos (time) mean? Select one: a. the right and fitting moment—such as when to say something b. the length of something—such as the duration of a speech c.the length of pauses—such as in the middle of speeches d. all of the above


What free, online search engine provides one of the easiest ways of accessing citations for scholarly articles on various topics and by various scholars? Select one: a. Google Scholar b. Amazon c. Web of Science d. Harvard University Library


What is a "myth" (mythos) in the deepest, classical sense according to Aristotle? Select one: a. a powerful tale to move an audience b. a false belief c. a logical claim about reality d. all of the above


What is a figure of speech? a. Language that is used metaphorically rather than literally b. A common linguistic expression c. A semi-true statement designed to persuade d. Whatever most people believe that the meaning of a word is


What is a good rule to use with selecting and designing presentation visuals? Select one: a. less is actually more b. reddish is better than blueish c. prepared templates are better than personally designed visuals d. larger is better than smaller


What is a helpful rule for attending to a group's personal visual dynamics in front of an audience? Select one: a. all team members should recognize that they are essentially on stage even when they are not presenting b. members should never look directly at the audience except when they themselves are presenting c. members should support one another nonverbally by shaking their heads in agreement when others are presenting d. all of the above


What is a source's credibility? Select one: a. Its apparent trustworthiness b. Its accuracy c. Its comprehensiveness d. Its notoriety


What is fabrication? Select one: a. Making up material, such as data, examples, and findings b. Using only a part of a longer quotation or data set c. Citing a source without indicating the person's credentials d. All of the above


What is hyperbole? Select one: a. Exaggeration for effect b. Emotionally charged language c. Flowery expressions d. Excessive persuasion


What is identification in public speaking? Select one: a. helping the audience identify with us and others b. introducing ourselves at the beginning of a speech c. wearing a large name tag d. sympathizing with the audience


What is impromptu speaking? Select one: a. speaking on the spot with little preparation time b. speaking with minimal notes c. speaking at the request of others d. speaking on time


What is misinformation? Select one: a. Unintentionally erroneous information b. Intentionally erroneous information c. Statistically inaccurate information d. All of the above


What is misspeaking? a. Unintentionally making a false, misleading, or at least confusing statement b. Saying the opposite of what we meant to say c. Saying something that gives the wrong impression to listeners d. All of the above


What is satire? Select one: a. using irony and exaggeration to criticize others' stupidity or vices b. using stories to emotionally engage an audience c. using humor to make fun of one's self d. all of the above


What is techno-magic? Select one: a. the belief that there are technological solutions to just about every human problem b. the power of communication technologies to influence people subliminally or unconsciously c. the invention of stunning new technologies d. all of the above


What is true of popular quotations? Select one: a. They are notoriously suspect/questionable b. They are almost always true c. They are true if used in books d. They are true if very widely used


What kind of a story is a metanarrative? Select one: a. a story that makes sense of other stories b. an entertaining tale c. a story used to open and close a speech d. all of the above


What part of group work is usually best done by one person? Select one: a. overseeing media/technology b. researching the topic c. presenting to the audience d. none of the above


What should the camera show in a meeting video? Select one: a. the presenter from about the waist up and at eye level b. the presenter's entire body at a downward angle c. the presenter and some adjacent props, such as a table or plant d. the presenter's head and neck


When we express semi-informed personal opinions in speeches, what kind of sentence might best serve our audience with fair language? Select one: a. "This is my view, but I might be wrong." b. "Many informed people agree with me." c. "My research shows that I am probably correct." d. None of the above


What is a neologism? Select one: a. a made-up word b. an unusually creative sentence c. a new idea that probably few have ever heard about d. all of the above

a. a made-up word

According to the author, how many times should we usually rehearse extemporaneous speech? Select one: a. 1-3 b. 3-5 c. 5-7 d. over 10 times


At or near the beginning of an informative speech we need to Select one: a. tell a humorous story b. explain or illustrate how the info will meet audience needs c. ask the audience to stay attentive d. start using our entire body expressively to maintain audience interest


Deductive reasoning (or argument) involves Select one: a. using specific information to make a general conclusion b.using a general statement or principle to make specific conclusions c. using evidence to say that something causes something else d. all of the above


Monroe's 5-Step Motivated Sequence begins with audience attention and ends with Select one: a. offering a satisfying solution b. a call to audience action c. showing need d. visualization of the anticipated outcome


The best way to avoid verbal fillers in our public speaking is to Select one: a. speak rapidly b. eliminate the fillers in our everyday conversation c. practice speeches with a friend who can identify fillers d. speak slowly


What does Frederick Buechner say about some speaking occasions? Select one: a. they often lead to boring speeches not worth listening to b. they can give us a glimpse of what life is all about c. they misuse emotional appeals d. they tend to overlook the bad side of human nature


What is a helpful guide for how many slides to use in a presentation? Select one: a. no more than 4 slides per minute b. one slide each for the introduction and conclusion, and one additional slide for each significant point on our outline c. no more than 20 slides per speech/presentation d. use as many slides as will fit into the presentation to keep the audience interested


What is apologetics? Select one: a. logical support for a Main Idea b. the defense of a faith c. evangelization of nonbelievers d. ethical persuasion


What is copyrighted material? Select one: a. all material used for a for-profit, non-educational purpose b. material owned by someone and not available for general public use c. material that falls under the "fair use" laws d. all of the above


What is plagiarism? Select one: a. Citing unverified facts or claims b. Passing off someone else's ideas and expressions as our own c. Failing to provide complete citations so others can check the accuracy of our claims d. All of the above


What is usually the most inclusive way to both begin and end meetings? Select one: a. praying out loud for each other b. taking turns speaking around a circle c. sharing food together while talking d. shaking hands


Typically, how long should a speaker's introduction be? Select one: a. 10-15 seconds b. 30-60 seconds c. 1-2 minutes d. no more than 10% of the speaker's designated time

b. 30-60 seconds

What are Aristotle's three important means of persuasion? Select one: a. Logos, pathos, and mythos b. Logos, pathos, and ethos c. Logos, ethos, and mythos d. Logos, pathos, and kairos

b. logos, pathos, ethos

Which type of public speaking probably requires the most patience? Select one: a. Informing b. Persuading c. Delighting d. Storytelling

b. persuading

Which of the following speech topics might best be organized chronologically? a) The causes of increases in college tuition b) How to get better sleep c) The steps required for writing a solid resume d) The pros and cons of buying a used vehicle online

c) steps required for writing resume

What's wrong with the following main idea for a speech: "This speech is about TV, parents, and children" a) too complicated b) too long c) too general d) all of the above

c) too general

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be open to you" (Matt. 7:7). What are Jesus' words an example of? Select one: a. alliteration b. repetition c. parallelism d. all of the above


"Pilate had a notice prepared and fastened to the cross. It read: JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWS" (John 19:19). What kind of trope (figure of speech) was the sign an example of? Select one: a. personification b. simile c. irony d. hyperbole


"This is how you are to build it: The ark is to be three hundred cubits long, fifty cubits wide and thirty cubits high" (Gen. 6:15). What is this verse is an example of? Select one: a. active voice b. vividness c. concreteness d. simile


A descriptive form of informative speech on the general topic of phone apps would not Select one: a. compare two apps' features b. show how an app works c. advocate for one app over a different one d. describe the speaker's experience with the app


How can we best avoid personal defensiveness during audience Q&A? Select one: a. by not responding to critical comments or questions b. by calling only on those who are smiling c. by imagining that a beloved family member is asking the question d. all of the above


We gain integrity as speakers by unifying our Select one: a. Words and goals b. Attitudes and values c. Inner and outer selves d. Thoughts and attitudes


What is a cue? Select one: a. a verbal instruction b. a nonverbal directive for the audience to respond c. an unintentional nonverbal signal d. all of the above


What is alliteration? Select one: a. speaking slowly and clearly b. speaking playfully c. speaking with matching sounds at the beginnings of words d. speaking with short, even one-word sentences


What is extemporaneous speaking? Select one: a. speaking from a manuscript b. speaking without preparation c. speaking from an outline d. speaking without technology


What is the unintentional message that the audience receives when speaker misspells a word on a PowerPoint slide? Select one: a. the speaker is a human being b. technology is always a problem c. the presenter is careless d. apparently the spellcheck did not work


When might we poke fun at a person being honored? Select one: a. never b. only when we know the person extremely well c. if we can sensitively address endearing quirks or foibles, not failings d. only if the honoree gives us permission in advance


Why is handing out printed materials at a speech particularly risky? Select one: a. we might not have enough handouts for everyone b. the lighting might not be good enough for attendees to read the material c. attendees might read the material rather than pay attention to us d. it suggests to audiences that we are going to try to cover too much in the speech


With what type of communication was the ancient art of public speaking associated? Select one: a. reciting mythical tales b. giving wedding speeches c. conducting theatrical performances d. delivering political oratories


As a general rule, how much of the presentation time should be reserved for Q&A? Select one: a. 2 percent b. 5 percent c. 10 percent d. 20 percent

c. 10%

What's a lie? a. Any form of deception b. Verbal and nonverbal false impressions c. A statement intended to deceive d. All of the above

c. a statement intended to deceive

"The first way to shed a few pounds...." is likely an example of which kind of transition device? a. A visual metaphor b. An acronym c. Numbered points d. All of the above

c. numbered pts

A common problem with the use of acronyms for speech organization and transitions is a. They can seem trite b. They can seem forced c. They do not help with memorability d. A & B above

d) a & b

It is usually a bad idea to begin a speech with a) joke b) off topic tale c) rhetorical question d) all of the above

d) all of the above

Speech outlines include: a) short list of pts b) ideas that support the main idea c) complete sentences d) all of the above

d) all of the above

What's the Main Idea similar to? a) elevator pitch b) a thesis c) a one-sentence summary d) all of the above

d) all of the above

An effective way to begin a speech is often with a) A relevant story b) A significant fact c) A relevant quotation d) Any of the above

d) any of the above

Which is of the following is not a traditional public speaking purpose? a) informing b) persuading c) delighting d) expressing

d) expressing

Audience attitudes are essentially _________________. Select one: a. untruths b. interests c. ideas d. biases


Generally speaking, secondary research includes which of the following? Select one: a. Public websites b. Periodicals c. Scholarly/academic publications d. All of the above


How can team members avoid conflicts and thereby nurture good relationships? Select one: a. by keeping disagreements on a task rather than personal level b. by addressing person-to-person conflicts outside of the group c. by discussing one central question: "What will best serve the audience?" d. all of the above


How does the author decide whether or not to say something that he had not planned to say during a speech? Select one: a. he looks at the time to see if he needs more material b. he says it if it will not take too long c. he says it if it will engage the audience d. he asks himself if the content will serve the audience


In ancient Greece and Rome, what was epideictic oratory? Select one: a. speaking designed for public ceremonies b. speaking in a way that would show off one's speaking abilities c. speaking designed to criticize opponents or praise friends d. all of the above


Simple logic in a persuasive speech involves? Select one: a. making a claim b. stating a reason c. providing evidence d. all of the above


We should mark up our extemporaneous speech outline because Select one: a. we remember visually b. it makes it easier to keep track of where we are in the speech c. we can make last-minute changes d. A & B


What is a good activity to use at the first group meeting to build relationships? Select one: a. make a list of everyone's expectations for the group b. compare each other' weekly schedules to see what everyone is doing c. discuss what you like and dislike about group projects d. share life stories


What is a good practice for attire/clothing on video? Select one: a. wear solid colors b. avoid clothing with company logos c. wear non-seasonal clothing d. all of the above


What is a malapropism? Select one: a. making an ungrateful remark b. making a deeply critical comment c. speaking self-servingly d. using the wrong word for a similar one


What normally should be done at the end of a group meeting? Select one: a. ensure that the group agrees on what has been accomplished at the meeting b. determine as a group what needs to be done next c. determine who will carry out the specified tasks within specified deadlines d. all of the above


When does an "aha moment" usually occur in a speech? Select one: a. When the speaker corrects disinformation b. When the speaker corrects misinformation c. When the speaker challenges an authority on the topic d. When the speaker offers a new and interesting insight


Which servant dynamic should a group nurture among members? Select one: a. value all members b. be mutually gracious c. foster equal participation d. all of the above


What is the general rule about using emotional appeals? Select one: a. use emotional appeals early in a speech to gain audience interest and open listeners' heart b. use emotional appeals toward the end of the speech to move the audience toward a change in belief or action c. avoid emotional appeals which come across as manipulative d. A & B

d. A & B

What should we normally include in a speaker introduction? Select one: a. event sponsors b.the purpose/value of the speech for the audience c. speaker credentials d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Why should we consult topical authorities even if we know a lot about our speech topic? Select one: a. Because we need credible sources for our speech b. Because we need to validate our assumptions c. Because we need to speak beyond our personal opinion and experience d. All of the above

d. all of the above

3 main parts of speech

intro, body, conclusion

Difference between summary and preview transition statement?

A summary statement looks back, whereas a preview looks forward in the speech

Which type of question might work best in a speech introduction?

An inclusive question

A persuasive speech should normally conclude with

A call to specific belief or action

Intrapersonal communication

Communicating with self

What is primary research?

Discovering for ourselves what other do not yet know

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