PY 361 Chapter 6: Other Sensory Systems

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Why can't Torie tickle herself?

Because her brain is comparing the sensation to what is "expected" and creates a weaker response.

______ have almost no taste receptors since they swallow their food whole.


Adaptation occurs quickly to pheromones.


When Anette cut her hand, her Meissner's corpuscles sent information to her brain about her pain level.


Why is it important for sound vibrations to be amplified as they pass through the ear?

More force is needed to create waves in fluid.

What does the vestibular system detect?

Movement of the head

What process is predicted by the gate theory of pain?

Non-pain information can inhibit pain information.

Where are the auditory receptor cells located?

On the basilar membrane

According to the place theory, the basilar membrane resembles the strings of a piano in that each area along the membrane is tuned to a specific frequency.


Alline is able to tell where a sound is coming from thanks, in part, to the pinna.


Phase differences are useful for detecting localization of low frequency sounds.


Surrounding the primary auditory cortex are additional auditory areas, in which cells respond more to changes in sounds than to any prolonged sound.


Which ability would be most impaired with damage to the vestibular senses?

Visually tracking an object while dancing

An individual with damage to the primary somatosensory cortex would most have problems with ____.

ability to locate where they are being touched

Loudness is to ____ as pitch is to ____.

amplitude; frequency

Reduced response to one taste after exposure to another is referred to as ____.


A mild degree of pain releases the neurotransmitter ____. A more intense pain also releases ____.

glutamate; substance P

Nicola has an area on her arm that itches. That area itches because of _____.

histamine release

How many kinds of olfactory receptors do we have?


Repeated exposure to male pheromones may be associated with ____ in young women who are not sexually active.

more regular menstrual cycles

The vomeronasal organ (VNO) is a set of receptors located ____.

near, but separate from, the olfactory receptors

What kind of deafness is the result of damage to the cochlea or the hair cells?


The taste nerves initially project to the ____.

nucleus of the tractus solitarius

In the otolith organs, the otoliths are calcium carbonate particles that ____.

push against hair cells when moved

Olfaction also plays a subtle role in ____.

social behavior

The sensory aspect of pain activates the ____ cortex, whereas the emotional aspect activates the ____ cortex.

somatosensory; cingulate

One hypothesis of synesthesia is that ____.

some of the axons from one cortical area have branches into another cortical area.

During her lecture on the auditory system, Professor Breen tells the class that area A1 is located in the _____ lobe.


The current view of how we perceive sounds less than 100 Hz is based on ____.

the frequency of action potentials

An acceleration of the head at any angle causes ____.

the jelly-like substance in one of the semicircular canals to push against hair cells

When mechanical pressure bends the membrane of a Pacinian corpuscle, ____.

the membrane's resistance to the flow of sodium ions decreases

In terms of sound localization, low frequencies are to ____ differences, as high frequencies are to ____ differences.

phase; loudness

Many women living in a college dormitory will gradually begin to synchronize their menstrual cycles. The research indicates that this is, at least in part, based on ____.


Chester told his doctor that "the taste of chicken is green." He will likely be diagnosed with _____.


The current view of how we perceive high frequencies is based on ____.

where along the basilar membrane neurons fire most rapidly

Professor Schimke is giving a lecture on the somatosensory system. He tells the class that sensory information travels from the thalamus to the _____.

parietal lobe

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