Quality Mngt final

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Mission is the pattern of decisions that determines and reveals an organization's goals, policies, and plans to meet the needs of its stakeholders.


Which of the following is true about the stage 4 of the Baldrige roadmap to performance excellence?

This stage can result in continued improvement or decline as organizations lose focus or become distracted

A fundamental aspect of Six Sigma methodology is identification of CTQ characteristics that are vital to customer satisfaction. "CTQ" denotes:

critical to quality characteristic

Japanese firms introduced a newer deployment process adapted by Japanese and American companies known as _____.

hoshin planning

According to the policy deployment process diagram, a catchball situation occurs between the _____ stage and the _____ stage.

short-term objectives; policy deployment plan

Which of the following stages of the Baldrige roadmap marks the transition from the singular focus on change through projects, however well executed, to systematic evaluation and improvement of leadership approaches


Which of the following is a proper description of a tree diagram?

A tool to map out the paths and tasks necessary to complete a specific project or reach a specified goal

Which of the following is true about the stage 3 of the Baldrige roadmap to performance excellence?

At this stage approaches of leadership, such as values deployment and culture building, begin to link and align with the operational processes of the organization.

Which of the following personal leadership competencies refers to taking responsibility for the organization, community, or self that the leader serves?


With respect to the six stages of a quality life cycle, in which of the following stages is quality strategically aligned and deployed across the organization?


Which of the following is a management and planning tool for organizing a large number of ideas, opinions, and facts relating to a broad problem or subject area?

Affinity diagram

Which of the following is true about the stage 1 of the Baldrige roadmap to performance excellence?

At this stage projects succeed often enough for most of the organizations, but the overall culture does not change and system-wide performance excellence is elusive

Which of the following is true about the stage 2 of the Baldrige roadmap to performance excellence?

At this stage senior leaders begin to experience traction on their organizational transformation strategies

Of the four levels of awards given in Australia, the _____ recipients will demonstrate Approach and Deployment that are well defined, planned, subject to review, and show evidence of improvement over time.

Bronze Award Level

With respect to the six competencies summarized by the human development and leadership division of the American society for quality, which of the following competencies in a leader, entails assuming responsibility for ensuring necessary resources are available and the evaluation of processes to ensure effective resource use?


leaders set the overall approach and direction but work with subordinates and allow them to manage the details?


creation of an environment that reduces barriers and fosters the use of open, honest and honorable means for exchanging information?


the mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty with a firmness of mind and will, allowing leaders to navigate into the unknown?


With respect to American Express's change process, which of the following steps answer the question "Why are we doing this?"

Creating a vision

Which of the following personal leadership competencies refers to the ability to see possibilities, horizons, and futures that don't yet exist, enabling the leader to help build a shared vision?


Which of the following perspectives of the balanced scorecard include service levels, satisfaction ratings, and repeat business?

Customer perspective

Within GE, Six Sigma includes a diverse population of technical and nontechnical people, managers, and others from key business areas who work together as a team to attack a problem using the _____ approach.


leadership characterized by a minimal task-oriented and a minimal relationship-oriented behavior?


managers define tasks and roles, and closely supervise work?


With respect to American Express's change process, which of the following steps answer the question "What needs to happen to make the change work?"

Driving commitment

An organization must address certain key practices to achieve a strategic focus on performance excellence. Which of the following is NOT one of them?

Execute mergers and acquisitions, with an aim to expand business globally and to form coalitions and cartels to achieve the same

According to Bass, compared to transformational leaders, transactional leaders have greater interest in continuous organizational change and improvement transcending or aligning self-interests for the longer-range greater good of the organization and its members


All organizations must take the one best route to quality and performance excellence, which is Six Sigma.


Fully empowered TQ organizations and those with strong self-directed teams typically use the coaching style of leadership.


Google is one of the most prominent vendors for ERP software.


In times of change, organizational learning benefits more from transactional leadership.


Leaders who take on a transformational style of leadership have a short-term perspective.


Mid-level strategic leaders are involved in vision and strategy formation


Process changes within an organization are the ones that impact the organization's culture the most rapidly.


Process decision program charts are spreadsheets that graphically display relationships between ideas, activities, or other dimensions in such a way as to provide logical connecting points between each item.


Small organizations and nonprofits have generally been quick to adopt quality initiatives.


Strategic change is confined to a particular unit, division, or function while process change motivates organization-wide changes in behavior.


The Six Sigma program provides two simple instruments called Are We Making Progress?


The concept of strategic leadership has moved leadership perspectives away from the team- and system-based "great group" concept toward a solitary "great leader" paradigm.


The major proposition of situational leadership theory is that the effectiveness of task and relationship-oriented leadership behaviors depends upon the maturity of a leader and not his subordinates.


The quality of information can be improved by capturing data multiple times and as away from the origin of the data as possible


The second group of questions in the Baldrige Organizational Profile is listed under the heading "Organizational Environment."


An iterative process in which employees at the lower level in the organization ask what senior management can do, what they need, and what conflicts may arise can avoid many of the implementation problems that managers typically face.


In line and staff organizations, staff departments carry out the functions of marketing, finance, and production for the organization.


In the context of the criteria for performance excellence, the strategic planning category is positioned as the foundation for all other categories in the systems framework that underlies the Baldrige philosophy.


In the policy deployment process, employees negotiate with management the performance measures that are used to indicate progress toward accomplishing the objectives.


Joseph Juran viewed the Baldrige Award as a competition, which was fundamentally at odds with his teachings.


The Organizational Profile provides the "finer picture" of the various organizational parts and thus sets the context for good strategic decisions.


The term "management challenges" refers to those pressures that exert a decisive influence on an organization's likelihood of future success.


Traditional organizations tend to develop structures that help them to maintain flexibility.


Which of the following measures of the Baldrige criteria of performance measurement includes revenue, return on equity, return on investment, and operating profit?

Financial outcomes

Topline Inc. is a leading supplier of food products to retailers across the U.S. As part of its quality management principle, it focuses on product and service conformity for guaranteeing equity in the marketplace and concentrates on fixing quality system problems and product and service nonconformities, with the key requirement being customer focus. The guidelines for the quality management system followed by Topline are as per the framework of _____.

ISO 9000:2000

_____ is the basis for Deming's plan-do-study-act cycle.

Incremental gains

_____ refers to the harmonization of plans, processes, information, resource decisions, actions, results, and analyses to support key organization-wide goals.


the ability to discern what is right from wrong and commit to the right path?


Which of the following is an advantage of the matrix type of organizations?

It improves the efficiency of personnel use.

Gary Hamel and C.K. Prahalad suggested that a core competency meets three conditions. Which of the following is NOT one of them?

It provides focus to the organizational objectives

_____ involves the process of identifying, capturing, organizing, and using knowledge assets to create and sustain competitive advantage.

Knowledge management

If everyone is able to answer the question, "What does strategy mean in terms that I can act on," which aspect of deployment will it address?

Lack of alignment across the organization

Which of the following concepts and assumptions are included in GE's virtuous teaching cycle?

Leadership at all levels

continuously developing personal knowledge, skills, and abilities through formal study, experience, reflection, and recreation?


involves providing others with a role to guide their actions?


One of the reasons for poor deployment of action plans is insufficient operational measures. Which of the following is a feature of this aspect?

New legislative mandates

sticking to a task or purpose, no matter how hard or troublesome, which is vital for overcoming obstacles and motivating subordinates?


Which of the following points of the Deming's 14 points discusses about creating and publishing to all employees a statement of the aims and purposes of the company or other organization, and the management demonstrating constantly their commitment to this statement?

Point 1

_____ involves the discovery, learning, creation, and reuse of knowledge that eventually becomes intellectual capital—knowledge that can be converted into value and profits.

Rapid knowledge transfer

With respect to the six stages of a quality life cycle, in which of the following stages is a new quality initiative used in conjunction with an existing one to give rise to new energy and impact?


Which of the following focuses on measuring product quality and driving process improvement and cost savings throughout the organization?

Six Sigma

In which of the following stages of the Baldrige roadmap, visionary leaders recognize the inherent limitations of a project-based approach to performance improvement?

Stage 1

Which stage of the Baldrige roadmap marks the transition from the singular focus on change through projects, however well executed, to systematic evaluation and improvement of leadership approaches?

Stage 2

_____ set an organization's longer-term directions and guide resource allocation decisions.

Strategic objectives

leaders allocate tasks and set direction, but the subordinate has full control over the performance of the work?


The senior management at Life Inc., a pioneer in the health care domain, came up with a blueprint to address the current issues facing the company. This blueprint provides the framework for the company to address the current business needs while giving it the agility and strategic management to prepare successfully for the future, to prepare for real-time or short-term emergencies, and for workforce and customer engagement. Which of the following Baldrige organizational concepts is being used by the company?


With respect to American Express's change process, which of the following steps answer the question "How are we going to manage the effort on an ongoing basis?"

Sustaining momentum

With respect to American Express's change process, which of the following steps answer the question "What have we learned and how can we leverage it?"

Sustaining momentum

A useful approach to ensuring data reliability is for internal cross-functional teams or external auditors to conduct periodic audits of the processes used to collect the data.


An important aspect of an organization's leadership is its responsibility to the public and practice of good citizenship.


An important element of organizational sustainability is ensuring future leadership; thus the development of future leaders and a formal succession plan are vital.


As managers work with different individuals in different stages of careers and maturity, it is their responsibility to adapt the leadership style to the individual and the situation.


As performance excellence practices are used routinely within an organization, its people learn to believe in the underlying principles of total quality, and cultural changes can occur.


Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is the "responsibility of enterprises for their impacts on society."


Corporate social responsibility implies that organizations must behave ethically and be sensitive of social, cultural, economic, and environmental issues.


For quality and performance excellence to truly succeed in an organization, it must define and drive the culture of the organization.


Impatient managers often seek immediate results by adopting off-the-shelf quality programs and practices, or by imitating other successful organizations.


In the context of transactional leadership theory, contingent reward behavior includes clarification of the work required to obtain rewards to influence motivation.


In viewing the three core principles of TQ, a focus on customers is clearly vital to small enterprises.


Learning organizations have become skilled in creating, acquiring, and transferring knowledge and in modifying the behavior of their employees and other contributors to their enterprises.


Managers must take a positive approach to self-assessment findings, no matter how unpleasant they might appear.


Measurement reliability in manufacturing demands careful attention to metrology, the science of measurement.


Sustainability requires continual learning.


The key to developing learning organizations is effective leadership.


The leadership system refers to how leadership is exercised, formally and informally, throughout an organization


The leadership system refers to how leadership is exercised, formally and informally, throughout an organization.


The managers of small organizations and non-profits are wrapped up in entrepreneurial activities that typically focus on sales strategies and market growth, day-to-day cash flow problems, and routine fire fighting.


The significance of emotional intelligence for effective total quality lies in translating the "vision" of an integrated leadership system and long-range planning process into action.


The situational leadership theory classifies leader behaviors into task-oriented and relationship-oriented behaviors.


The transfer of knowledge within organizations and the identification and sharing of best practices often set high-performing organizations apart from the rest.


Workforce-focused outcomes used for performance measurement in the Baldrige criteria show how well the organization has created and maintained a productive, engaging, and caring work environment.


A key role of strategic planning is to align work processes and learning initiatives with an organization's strategic directions.


A strategy is a pattern or plan that integrates an organization's major goals, policies, and action sequences into a cohesive whole.


Catchball is an up, down, and sideways communication process as opposed to an autocratic, top-down management style.


Effective strategy deployment is dependent upon, and tends to shape, organizational structure because the organizational structure must be aligned with and support the accomplishment of strategic initiatives.


In many cases, the decision to vertically integrate is based solely on costs without considering the impact on other business priorities.


In the context of the criteria for performance excellence, the results category provides "real-time" information for evaluation and improvement of processes and products, in alignment with overall organizational strategy.


In the line and staff form of organization structure, quality managers and inspectors may take on the role of guardians of quality.


Matrix data analysis takes data and arranges them to display quantitative relationships among variables to make them more easily understood and analyzed.


Outsourcing refers to the practice of transferring the operations of a business function to an outside supplier.


Six Sigma can have a significant impact on the cost of quality because of its focus on financial return.


Six Sigma initiatives fulfill in part many of the elements of ISO 9000:2000.


Six Sigma is based on understanding and improving processes on a project-by-project basis.


Strategic objectives are what an organization must change or improve to remain or become competitive.


The criteria for performance excellence consist of a hierarchical set of categories, items, and areas to address.


The vision, values, and mission area to address asks organizations to answer the following question: In creating a sustainable organization, how do senior leaders develop and enhance their leadership skills?


In the context of the organization, which of the following is a factor that affects how work is organized?

Unionization of personnel

_____ is the process by which certain business functions are acquired and consolidated within a firm.

Vertical integration

Which of the following personal leadership competencies refers to the ability to stay healthy in both work and play, demonstrating the importance of being ready to implement leadership competencies when needed?


_____ coordinate the internal work processes and the external resources necessary to develop, produce, and deliver products and services to customers and to succeed in the marketplace.

Work systems

_____ is probably the most challenging concept for an organization to master in order to receive the Baldrige Award.

Work systems and work processes

With respect to the "changing nature of leadership" (CNL) studies conducted by the Center for Creative Leadership, the leadership skills will have to change form from:

a functional orientation to a boundary-less orientation

Leadership, _____ challenges were those that leaders and their organizations had faced in the past and built competence in solving.


The term _____ refers to the ability of an organization to change.

adaptive capacity

An organization chart shows the _____ of the formal organization.

apparent structure

In the Baldrige assessment, _____ refers to the methods a company uses to achieve the processes addressed in each category.


After the _____ review process for the Baldrige Award, the Panel of Judges selects potential applicants for site visits.


Effective implementation of a strategy is achieved through action plans. This is called _____.


In the Baldrige assessment, _____ refers to the extent to which the approach is applied by a company in addressing item requirements relevant and important to the organization, the approach is applied consistently, and the approach is used by all appropriate work units.


The Seven Management and Planning Tools had their roots in post—World War II operations research developments in Japan, but were combined and refined by several U.S. companies over the past several decades as part of their planning processes.


The major drawback of the matrix-type organization is that it:

requires split loyalty.

Process management activities are:

included in the Baldrige and the ISO 9000:2000 standards.

Culture is driven by:


In the policy deployment process, the _____ forms the basis for shorter-term planning

long-term strategic plan

In the policy deployment process, the _____ forms the basis for shorter-term planning.

long-term strategic plan

In policy deployment, the _____ process is called catchball.


With _____, top management is responsible for developing and communicating a vision, and then building organization-wide commitment to its achievement.

policy deployment

A $50 million information system has been upgraded by a healthcare organization as they discovered weaknesses in the organization's ability to collect and analyze information. This is an example of a _____ change within the organization.


government officials who legislate, execute, and enforce regulations exhibit _____.

rational-legal leadership

The goal of _____ is to envision the future for purposes of decision making and resource allocation.

strategy development

Point 14 of Deming's 14 points emphasizes on:

taking action to accomplish the transformation in organizational culture

Point 7 of Deming's 14 points emphasizes on:

teaching and instituting leadership in an organization

The clarification of authority, responsibility, reporting lines, and performance standards among individuals at each level of the organization is referred to as _____.

the organizational structure

All of the following are key factors included in an environmental assessment EXCEPT:

the workforce profile and future requirements.

Core competencies may involve technology expertise, unique service offerings, a marketplace niche, or a particular business acumen.


Strategic planning is the process of envisioning the organization's future and developing the necessary goals, objectives, and action plans to achieve that future.


A firm purchasing a key supplier to strengthen its value chain is an example of _____.

vertical integration

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