Question Types

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Compare and Contrast

How are_______ and_______ the same? • In what way does the article contrast_____ with______? • Which of the following best describes how_______ and _______ differ? • Based on information in the article, which best describes the difference between_______ and_______? • In what way are_______ and_______ similar? • ______ and______ are similar in all of these ways except... • Which of the following best describes one similarity between_______ and_______? • How are_______ and_______ different? • Which sentence best describes a similarity between...?

Reference Source

Suppose that Paul wants to find out about_______. He would find most of his information by... • This article would be most useful as a source for a student research project on ...

Word or Phrase Meanings

Synonym • Which word means almost the same as...? • Which word must mean...? • Which is the closest synonym...? • Which two words from the article are the closest synonyms? Antonym • Which means the opposite of...? • Who is_______ is not_______? • Which two words from the article are the closest antonyms?

Drawing Conclusion

The news story does not say... • The article says all of the following except... • Which question is not answered by the article? • Which of these statements is contrary to the ideas presented in this article? • This article is placed in a category of news called "Science Scene." In which other category would this article fit best?


The reader can predict that... • Which is most likely to happen next?

Supporting Evidence

What specific facts are mentioned to support the statement? • Which sentence from the text best shows that ...? • How does the textual evidence support your conclusion? • Which evidence is most relevant? • Which statement best supports the idea that...? • Which sentence best tells...?


Which best retells the news story? • Which best summarizes the second paragraph of the article? • Which of these is most important to include in a summary of this article? • Which is the best summary of the news story? • Which of these should not be included in a summary of this article?


• The reader can tell from the news story that... • According to the article, the reader can infer that... • The reader can infer from the article that ...

Main Idea

• The story talks mostly/mainly about... • What is this article mainly about? • What is the main idea of this news story? • The author's primary point is... • The central point of this passage is... • What could be a different title for this article? • The best alternate headline for this article would be... • What is the second paragraph mainly about?

Cause and Effect

• Think about the news article. What caused... • Which statement shows one benefit of...? • What is one reason why... • What is the cause and effect relationship that takes place in the article? • According to the article, why did...? • In light of the main ideas of this article, what caused_______ to make such a public statement?

Facts and Opinion

• Which of these is an opinion? • Which of these is a statement of fact?


• Which took place second? • Which happened before...? • Which of these had not yet happened when this article was written? • Which most likely happened first? • Which must have happened last? • Which of these happened after ... • Which must have happened first? [last] [second] [third] • Which of these must have happened before _______? • Which of these must have happened after _______? • Which event in the article took place first? [second] [last]

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