Backup file
A compressed copy of your data that can be stored online.
Portable company file
A compressed copy of your data; great for sending via email.
Company File
A decompressed, regular file for carrying out daily transactions.
Kili is setting up a new company file and, as he scrolls through the list of industries, he doesn't find one that perfectly fits his business. He knows QuickBooks will create accounts based on the industry selected and is worried that it won't have the accounts he needs no matter what industry he chooses. What advice might you give Kili?
Add your own accounts to the Chart of Accounts after setup is complete.
Made to bring some general Journal account balances up to date
Adjusting entries
When working with batch timesheets, what criteria must all workers must have in common?
All of these options
Progress invoicing
Allows you to invoice from an estimate in stages
Advanced Setup
Allows you to provide more information when creating your company file
Start Setup
Allows you to set up new a company file with only basic information
Credit Card
American Express
Owner's Equity
Amount of owner investment in the company
When are transactions saved in QuickBooks?
As they are entered (automatically)
Finance charge
Assessed to customers who have not paid on time
Cost principle
Assets are recorded at cost, not at fair market value
Fixed Asset
Assets you don't plan to convert to cash within a year
Other Current Asset
Assets you plan to use or convert to cash within a year
Shows all asset, liability, and equity accounts
Balance Sheet
Time period Principle
Business activities or divided into time periods
Objectivity principle
Business statements are based on objectivity
Sales tax item
Calculates a single sale tax at a specific rate, which you pay to a single tax agency
Can be created for either a customer or a job
Can decrease the number of accounts shown on a Profit & Loss report
Wetland is entering a bill for supplies needed for a job and for which the customer will pay. Using the Enter Bills window, how can Weyland pass the supplies cost on to the customer?
Check the "Billable?" box for the supplies
Do this when setting a closing date in QuickBooks
Clean up your data
Provides a quick view of the company's bottom line
Company Snapshot
Network data file
Contains important configuration data; should not be deleted.
Personal Preference
Controlled by individual users
Company Preference
Controlled by the administrator
Wholesale purchase price of inventory
Cost of goods sold
Ship Via List
Create invoices form
After this you can choose to write a check or enter a bill for the payment
Credit card reconciliation
Sales Rep List
Customer & Job List, Additional Info Tab
Funds are taken directly from your checking account
Debit card purchase
Health Insurance
Enter one for fixed assets every fiscal period in which you produce Financial statements
Depreciation transaction
Offered to encourage customers to pay bills earlier
Discount payment terms
Make a vendor inactive
Do this for vendors not currently being used.
What QuickBooks feature allows you to upload, store, and use scanned documents and other files?
Doc Center
Change orders
Done after the estimate has been created
Customer Message List
Enter sales receipts form
Nolan has entered a bill but did NOT use the Pay Bills window. Which statement describes the behind -the-scenes effect of this?
Expenses are double-stated and Accounts Payable for the vendor is not cleared out.
Matching principle
Expenses are matched to revenue
Amortization is the process of a balance increasing over time.
In QuickBooks, non-inventory parts are tracked in the same way as inventory parts.
In QuickBooks, the start date is the date your company began doing business.
The cash basis accounting method means the sales transaction is recorded when the sale is made and expenses are recorded when they are incurred.
Using a debit card deducts funds from a checking account, which is an asset. This means the debit card normal balance is a credit.
While you can pay employees or vendors directly using billing rate levels, you can't make that cost billable and pass it on to a customer.
You CANNOT add information to a customer entry; you must enter the information into a job.
Medicare Company
Federal tax
Scheduled reports
Have selected reports emailed to you automatically
Eisa recently added a new customer. After about a week of entering transactions for that customer, Eisa notices that he misspelled the customer's name when he originally created the record. How can Eisa most efficiently correct the problem?
He can edit the customer name in the Customer Center, as any changes made to the customer record will change all future and past transactions.
Barry wants to show appreciation to his best customer by discounting all of their business. What's the easiest way for him to do this?
He should use fixed percentage price levels to decrease the items being charged to that customer.
Transaction log file
Helps to recover any data entered after the last backup.
Office-Billable Time
Hourly wages
What does "2% 10" mean in the payment terms 2% 10 Net 30?
If paid within 10 days, the customer receives a 2% discount.
Also known as the profit and loss report
Income statement
What happens behind the scenes if you don't use the Receive Payments window to record a payment on an invoice?
Income will be overstated and Accounts Receivable will not be cleared out.
Tracked and sold by quantity
Inventory part
In QuickBooks, an employee is someone to whom you:
Issue a W-2 at the end of the year.
Chart of Accounts
Listing of all asset, liability, equity, income, and expense accounts
Jasmine is considering purchasing a backhoe for her construction business. What QuickBooks took can help Jasmine consider and compare different loan option.
Loan Manager What If Scenarios
Long Term Liability
Loans you don't plan to pay off within the next year
Long term Liability
When closing the books, if the balance in the income summary account is a credit, the company has experienced a (n):
Net income
Sayid is entering the purchase of a new truck for the company. He starts the transaction; selects the correct account; and enters the date, vendor, and amount before realizing that he did not first create the fixed asset item for the new truck. Does Sayid have to cancel the transaction and start over?
No; he can create the fixed asset items while entering the transaction.
An item purchased for a specific customer
Non- inventory part
Does not affect what happens behind the scenes
Non-posting account
Sales Discounts
Not an equity account
Opening Balance Equity
Offset account for initial balances when starting a company
Opening balance equity
Industry specific reports
Options include reports for job costing professional services, construction, and retail businesses
Other Current Asset
Prepaid rent
Revenue principle
Publicly traded companies record when revenue is earned, not when cash is received
Payment Method List
Receive payments form
Shows transactions that have and have not yet cleared the bank
Reconciliation reports
Records partial remittances at the time of sale and reduces the total amount owed
Contributed reports
Reports that are shared as templates with others in the QuickBooks community
Savings account
Rasha doesn't like how her Chart of Accounts is sorted and that she must scroll up/down to find accounts. What can she do to make it easier to find the accounts she needs?
She can click a column heading to sort that column.
Prudence principle
She is a solution that is least likely to overstate assets and income
Fixed Asset
Short term loan
Other Current Liability
Short term loan
Start Date
Should not be too far in the past
Inventory Stock Status by Item
Shows inventory that needs to be ordered
Inventory Valuation Detail
Shows the specifics for transactions that affect inventory value
Inventory Valuation Summary
Shows the value of your inventory by item
Commented reports
Snapshots of reports with user notes, queries, and other feedback
Shows capital at the beginning/end of a fiscal year
Statement of owners equity
Tracks every entry, modification, or deletion to transactions
The audit trail
With temporary accounts...
The balances are zeroed out at the end of the fiscal period
The assumption of the growing concern
The business Will be in operation and definitely
Business entity principle
The business is separate from the owner
With permanent accounts...
The ending balance for one fiscal period is the opening balance for the next
The owner's investment in the company
Kumar's business is expanding, and he is eager to find out just how much income has increased. Which report should Kumasi want to compare profits from this year to last year?
The profit and loss previous year comparison or balance sheet previous year comparison
What happens on the profit and loss by category report if they are unclassified transactions?
The report will include a column showing the unclassified amount for each transaction
Catelina wants to create custom fields on a standard form provided by QuickBooks but she can't find the option to do so. Why not?
The standard reports in QuickBooks cannot be customized in this way.
Which report can indicate the financial health of the company?
The statement of cash flows
Rasgar is working in QuickBooks as a heavy storm begins. Her building is notorious for losing power during storms, so she wants to save her company file right away. How should she do this?
There is no need to save because QuickBooks automatically saves all actions.
Edit a vendor
This action affects past and future transactions
Merge list entries
This cannot be undone
Delete a vendor
This is allowed if you have not used the vendor in a transction
During the data cleanup process that can occur after the books are closed, which transactions are NOT summarized?
Those that are linked to others with open balances
Files in the QuickBooks docs center are not secure, so take care with sensitive information
In QuickBooks, portable files must be restored before use.
Mitch is trying to pay a bill for the first time in QuickBooks, but the bank account from which he will draw the funds is NOT listed. Mitch needs to add the bank account to his Chart of Accounts.
Subitems do NOT affect the accounting behind the scenes.
The timer feature is used for timed activities on the current day only.
When accounting for returned merchandise, you can either issue a refund check or apply a credit toward a future purchase.
When selecting a payment date in the Pay Bills window, set the date the payment should be reflected in your bank and Accounts Payable
When working with payroll schedules, you can choose to pay employees by group or by batch.
You can create a progress invoice for just a single item.
You edit, delete, and create new employees just as you do for customers and vendors.
Monetary unit principal
Use a stable currency for the unit of record
Consistency principle
Use the same accounting principles and methods year to year
Use this to apply a percentage discount or surcharge to many ítems
Use this to subtract a percentage or fixed amount from a total or subtotal
Physical Inventory Worksheet
Used to compare inventory on hand to inventory recorded in QuickBooks
What should you do if you used a regular check to pay payroll taxes?
Void the check and then process the payment through the Pay Payroll Liabilities window.
Register QuickReport
What are all the transactions in my Checking account involving a specific payee?
Reconciliation Discrepancy
What changes in transactions may affect my next reconciliation?
Reconciliation Summary
What checks have not cleared the bank as of the last bank statement?
What you charge for or purchase
Inventory Part
What you purchase, track as inventory, and resell
Materiality principle
When an item is reported, its significance is considered
Company Snapshot
Where can I see a quick view of my company's bottom line?
Retained Earnings
Where net income/loss is transferred at the end of the fiscal year
Balance Sheet
Which report shows all asset, liability, and equity accounts?
Job costing
Will help in creating future estimates
Sick Salary
Yearly salary
Create a subcontractor
You can do this on the fly in the Enter Bills window.
How can you control what employees can access in your QuickBooks file?
You can grant access rights for specific areas to each employee.
If the income summary account balance is a debit...
You credit it and debit the capital count, and the kidding a net loss
If the income summary account balance is a credit...
You debit it and credit the capital account, indicating a net income