quiz #2 questions- elbow, radioulnar, wrist, EXPH 2200 EXAM/QUIZ combined questions

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the erector spinae group becomes inactive ~ 1/2 trunk flexion

indentify which statement is correct about the spine

Which muscle performs adduction of the wrist?

Flexor carpi ulnaris (ulnar flexion); felxor carpi unlaris and extensor carpi ulnaris

Distribution of forces AND providing mobility.

the similar curvatures of the glenoid fossa and the humeral head functions to assist in____.


which of the following actions is performed by the levator scapulae?


which of the following is an action by the middle fibers of the deltoid muscle?

flexion of the elbow

which of the following is the sole action of the brachialis muscle?


which of the following muscles performs stabilization and protection of the sternoclavicular joint?

serratus anterior

which of the following muscles would most likely be substantially weak in an individual with winging scapula?


which of the following positions would be best to stretch the pectoralis minor?

cortical bone

with respect to density, ____ bone has low porosity, 5-30% non-mineralized tissue.

what is sole action of the brachialis muscle?

flexion of the elbow


the only uniarticular knee flexor is the ______.

contraction; relaxation

Activation of a muscle spindle will cause a _____ in the muscle, while activation of a GTO will cause a _____ in the muscle.

Fiber length AND muscle architecture

Active ROM at a joint depends on

Toward; toward

Afferent sensory neurons carry signals ____ the spinal cord while efferent motor neurons carry signals ____ effector muscles.

Relax, contract

An activated Golgi Tendon Organ causes a muscle to _____ while an activated muscle spindle will cause a muscle to _____.

the muscles that perform radioulnar supination include all of the following EXCEPT?

Anconeus supinators: biceps brachii, supinator muscle, brachioradialis


As a particular muscle contracts, the sarcomeres pull toward the _______.

tightening a screw which using the right hand depends SIGNIFICANTLY upon the action of the _____

Biceps brachii

Concentric; triceps

During elbow extension, if the hand/weight is lowered faster than gravity allows it is a(n) _____ contraction in the _____ muscle.

junction tendinae

It is difficult to extend the middle finger while keeping the other fingers in full flexion because extensor digitorum tendons are connected by _____ connective tissue.

Force; ROM

Muscles with pennate fibers are designed for ____ while muscles with parallel fibers are designed for_____.


Neural control of voluntary motion begins in "general" CNS locations and continues through "specific" CNS locations

biceps, supinated

Strength differences between chinning with the palms toward the face (chin up) and chinning with the palms away from the face (pull up) greatly depends on the activity of the _____ muscle. As a result , the strongest position is supinated/ pronated. (pick one)

Rhomboid major and minor

The ______ muscle is extrinsic- suspends scapula from the trunk. Stabilize and/or actively moves the scapula.

roll, spin, glide

The three specific types of accessory motions are described as_____.

Saggital; med/lat

When performing a somersault, the body moves in the ____ plane, with a(n)_____ axis.

> 90 degrees

When the biceps muscle group concentrically contracts, a dislocating force occurs at the joint where the angle of force application is_____. (consider full elbow extension as 0 degrees)

active insufficiency/ passive insufficiency

When the wrist is in maximal flexion, your grip strength is compromised because of ____ of the wrist flexors. However _____ occurs when ankle dorsiflexion is limited by full knee extension causing tightness in the gastrocnemius muscle.

External Rotation

Which is not a function of the latissimus dorsi?

decreases stability

Which of the following is NOT correct regarding menisci in the knee joint?

Provides static stability to the knee joint

Which of the following is NOT true regarding the hamstring muscle group?

Upward rotation

Which of the following is an action performed by the serratus anterior

Left Sternocleidomastoid

Which of the following muscles would not be concentrically active when attempting to place the right ear on the right shoulder while lying on the left side?

All are true: -A motor unit can stimulate many muscle fibers -A motor unit can stimulate a small number of muscle fibers -A muscle group (ie pectoralis major) can be activated by more than one motor unit. -Each motor unit will activate only one fiber type

Which of the following statements is true regarding a motor unit?

swimming, cycle, jogging

Wolff's law of bone adaptation states that stress can alter bone formation and/ or remodeling. List the exercise activities from lowest stress to highest stress on the bone structure:

cortical/ tabecular

_____ bone is 5-10% non-mineralized tissues, while ____ is 30-90% non-mineralized tissue

Pacinian corpuscles

______ corpuscles are only activated by rapid changes in the joint capsule and activation is brief.

tensile/ compression

a bending stress on a bone is a combination of:

elbow stability is locked when at full ____ and unlocked at > ____

extension, 20 degrees flexion

which muscle performs extension of wrist?

extensor carpi radialis longus wrist extension: 8 extensor muscles


extreme ____ of the spine is prevented in part by the spinous processes.

the wrist joint moves through the ____ plane about the ____ axis with ulnar deviation.

frontal, sagittal

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL)

in basketball and soccer, injury to the ____ occurs more commonly to females than to males.

the carpal tunnel houses flexor tendons as well as the median nerve. what wrist flexor tendon does not pass through the carpal tunnel, making it an easy tendon to harvest and use during UCL reconstruction? ( its absent in a small % of population)

palmaris longus

5 functions of bones

protection, movement, hematapoiesis, calcium storage, posture/ support

of the carpal bones, which articulates with the radius and is critical in transferring force from the hand into the forearm?


compression/ decompression of the joint

synovial joints supply nutrients and remove waste by:


the CONSCIOUS awareness of the body's position and movements in space is______.

uniaxial; humeroulnar

the Ginglymus (hinge) allows_____ articulation, an example of this would be the _______ joint.

Lumbar, hamstrings

the ____ region of the spine would experience a loss of lordosis in a patient with tightness of the _____ muscle group.


the ability of a muscle to return to its original length following stretching is defined as_____.

Elevation (what it actually does: upward rotation, depression, adduction)

the actions of the lower portion of the trapezius muscle include all of the following except ______.

helping synergists

the anterior and posterior fibers of the deltoid to perform shoulder Abduction is an example of:


the most common glenohumeral dislocation is_____.

most commonly injured ligament in elbow due to throwing

ulnar collateral ligament

- Flexion - Abduction

what are the two motions that physcially cause the sub acromical space to decrease? (common limitation to individuals with shoulder impingement)

internally rotated, externally rotated

when performing pelvinc girdle left transverse rotation, your left femur is ____ and your right femur is _____

left lateral pelvic tilt

when standing on the left foot and attempting to abduct the right hip as much as possible, which of the following will most likely result?

flexion, extension

when standing, anterior rotation of the pelvic girdle will cause ____ at hips and _____ at the lumbar spine.

Glenohumeral Abduction

which is NOT an example of a movement in the transverse plane

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