Quiz 4 chap 19 blood vx

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systolic pressure minus diastolic pressure

19. The pulse pressure is ________. systolic pressure plus diastolic pressure systolic pressure divided by diastolic pressure systolic pressure minus diastolic pressure diastolic pressure plus 1/3 (systolic pressure plus diastolic pressure)

significant because resistance is inversely proportional to the fourth power of the vessel radius

2. The influence of blood vessel diameter on peripheral resistance is ________. A. significant because resistance is inversely proportional to the fourth power of the vessel radius B. significant because resistance is directly proportional to the blood vessel diameter C. insignificant because vessel diameter does not vary D. the only factor that influences resistance

tunica media

4. Which structural layer of blood vessels is most responsible for maintaining blood pressure? tunica media subendothelial tunica externa tunica intima


An increase in blood viscosity will cause an increase in total peripheral resistance. An increase in blood viscosity will cause an increase in total peripheral resistance.TrueFalse


At what point would we definitely not be able to measure the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure? At what point would we definitely not be able to measure the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure?arteriolesmuscular arterieselastic arteries capillaries


Atherosclerosis causes elastic arteries to become less stretchy. How does this affect pulse pressure? Atherosclerosis causes elastic arteries to become less stretchy. How does this affect pulse pressure? Pulse pressure is chronically decreased. Pulse pressure is chronically increased.Pulse pressure is temporarily decreased.Pulse pressure is temporarily increased.Pulse pressure is unaffected by atherosclerosis.

Pulse Pressure is chronically increased

Atherosclerosis causes elastic arteries to become less stretchy. How does this affect pulse pressure? Pulse pressure is chronically decreased.Pulse pressure is chronically increased.Pulse pressure is temporarily decreased.Pulse pressure is temporarily increased.Pulse pressure is unaffected by atherosclerosis.

directly; inversely

Blood flow is ________ proportional to the difference in blood pressure. Blood flow is ________ proportional to the total peripheral resistance. directly; inversely inversely; directly inversely; inversely directly; directly

inferior vena cava

Blood from the lower limbs drains into the __________ before returning to the heart. Blood from the lower limbs drains into the __________ before returning to the heart.inferior vena cavathoracic aortaabdominal aortasuperior vena cava

It will result in higher sodium levels in the urine.

Each of the following describes the action of aldosterone except one. Which of the following does NOT describe the activity of aldosterone hormone? Each of the following describes the action of aldosterone except one. Which of the following does NOT describe the activity of aldosterone hormone?It promotes an increase in blood pressure.It promotes an increase in sodium reabsorption from the kidney to the blood.It will reduce urine output.It will result in higher sodium levels in the urine.

B)decreased heart rate

If a person were to have substantial blood loss, you would expect to see all of the following physiological events to happen EXCEPT one. Select the least likely response to substantial blood loss. 55)If a person were to have substantial blood loss, you would expect to see all of the following physiological eventsto happen EXCEPT one. Select theleast likelyresponse to substantial blood loss.A)increases peripheral resistanceB)decreased heart rateC)increasing vasomotor toneD)a weak, thread pulseAnswer:B


In local autoregulation of blood flow, usually low oxygen levels cause vasodilation. Which tissue shows the opposite pattern?A. liverB. skeletal musclesC. lungsD. heart C.


Mean arterial pressure is closer to systolic blood pressure than diastolic blood pressure Mean arterial pressure is closer to systolic blood pressure than diastolic blood pressureTrueFalse


Osmotic pressure is created by the presence in a fluid of small diffusible molecules that easily move through the capillary wall. Osmotic pressure is created by the presence in a fluid of small diffusible molecules that easily move through the capillary wall.TrueFalse

MAP = 86.33~87

Pulse pressure = systolic pressure - diastolic pressure MAP = diastolic p + pulse p/3 Calculate the mean arterial pressure (MAP) for a patient whose systolic blood pressure is 120 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure is 70 mm Hg.

C) Blood flow through the entire vascular system is equivalent to cardiac output

Select the correct statement about blood flow. A) It is measured in mm Hg.B) It is relatively constant through all body organs.C) Blood flow through the entire vascular system is equivalent to cardiac output.D) It is greatest where resistance is highest. C

Elastic fibers are extensive in the tunica media of the aorta and dampen the pulse pressure generated by the heart

The aorta receives the full force of blood exiting the heart during ventricular systole. Which of the following statements best describes the adaptive anatomy of the aorta? The aorta's tunica media is thick with dense regular connective tissue to withstand the blood's pressure. The tunica external of the aorta is nearly absent compared to other vessels. Elastic fibers are extensive in the tunica media of the aorta and dampen the pulse pressure generated by the heart. Smooth muscle is relatively thin in the aorta to increase lumen size and systemic blood flow.

local chemical conditions

The beginning of a true capillary is surrounded by a precapillary sphincter. The opening and closing of precapillary sphincters is controlled by ________. The beginning of a true capillary is surrounded by a precapillary sphincter. The opening and closing of precapillary sphincters is controlled by ________.parasympathetic nervous systemblood pressure in the metarteriolesympathetic nervous system local chemical conditions

the artery selected to palpate

The pulse rate depends on all of the following except one. Select the one answer the does NOT affect a pulse rate reading. The pulse rate depends on all of the following except one. Select the one answer the does NOT affect a pulse rate reading. emotions the artery selected to palpate postural changes activity

increases as blood viscosity increases

Total peripheral resistance ________. Total peripheral resistance ________.is not a major factor in blood pressure in healthy individuals increases as blood viscosity increases decreases with increasing length of the blood vesselincreases as blood vessel diameter increases

blood can still return via the deep veins

Varicose veins seen in the superficial veins of the legs are unsightly and are often treated by surgical removal. However, even without these veins being present, the return of all blood toward the heart from the legs is not diminished. This is primarily because ______. the precapillary sphincters will contract to prevent blood from flowing toward areas where veins have been removed blood can still return via the deep veins in the absence of the venous valves (that have been removed), the blood will backflow into the capillary beds and then flow into other venules All of the listed responses are correct

muscular arteries

Vessels that carry blood away from the heart and are named by the organs they supply (renal) are _________. Vessels that carry blood away from the heart and are named by the organs they supply (renal) are _________. muscular arteries elastic arteries capillaries arterioles


What blood vessel experiences the steepest drop in blood pressure? venules arteries arterioles capillaries

What is the most significant source of blood flow resistance? Blood Vessel Diameter

What is the most significant source of blood flow resistance? Blood Vessel Diameter


Which artery branches into the common hepatic artery, splenic artery, and left gastric artery? A. The celiac truck serves as a source of blood for the liver and spleen as well as parts of the stomach, pancreas, and small intestine.


Which artery serves the distal part of the large intestine via its left colic, sigmoidal, and superior rectal branches?

Tunica intima The tunic intima of blood vessels, like the endocardium of the heart, is made of simple squamous epithelium

Which layer of the typical blood vessel is constructed from simple squamous epithelium? tunica externa tunica intima tunica media.

The contraction and relaxation of the smooth muscle in their walls can change their diameter.

Which of the choices below explains why the arterioles are known as resistance vessels? Their prime function is the exchange of nutrients and wastes between the blood and tissue cells. They contain a large quantity of elastic tissue. They distribute blood to various parts of the body. The contraction and relaxation of the smooth muscle in their walls can change their diameter.

The contraction and relaxation of the smooth muscle in their walls can change their diameter.

Which of the choices below explains why the arterioles are known as resistance vessels?Their prime function is the exchange of nutrients and wastes between the blood and tissue cells.They contain a large quantity of elastic tissue.They distribute blood to various parts of the body.The contraction and relaxation of the smooth muscle in their walls can change their diameter.


Which of the following blood pressure readings would be indicative of hypertension? Which of the following blood pressure readings would be indicative of hypertension?120/80 170/96 110/60 140/90

The vasomotor center would increase sympathetic output to arterial smooth muscle to increase TPR.

Which of the following correctly describes how the baroreceptor reflexes would respond to a fall in blood pressure? - contractility would decrease and heart rate would increase - the cardioacceleratory center would increase parasympathetic output to the heart - the carioinhibitory center would be stimulated - the vasomotor center would increase sympathetic output to arterial smooth muscle to increase TPR

venous anastomose

Which of the following does NOT contribute to venous blood pressure? venous anastomose sincreased abdominal pressure during breathingconstriction of smooth muscle around veins by the sympathetic nervous systemskeletal muscle activity

total blood volume

Which of the following is NOT an important source of resistance to blood flow? Which of the following is NOT an important source of resistance to blood flow?vessel diametervessel length total blood volume blood viscosity

Blood flow (F) is inversely proportional to the pressure gradient (ΔP) in the blood vessels. NB: Blood flow (F) through the entire circulation equals cardiac output (CO).

Which of the following is NOT correct regarding the relationship between pressure, flow, and resistance in the cardiovascular system? Which of the following is NOT correct regarding the relationship between pressure, flow, and resistance in the cardiovascular system? Blood flow (F) through the entire circulation equals cardiac output (CO). Blood flow (F) is inversely proportional to the pressure gradient (ΔP) in the blood vessels. Resistance (R) is more important than the pressure gradient (ΔP) in influencing blood flow to an individual organ. The relationship between resistance (R) and flow (F) is the opposite of the relationship between pressure (ΔP) and flow (F).

Angiotensin II promotes vasodilation that decreases total peripheral resistance

Which of the following is NOT one of the ways that angiotensin II increases arterial blood pressure? Angiotensin II stimulates the secretion of aldosterone. Angiotensin II promotes vasodilation that decreases total peripheral resistance. Angiotensin II triggers the sensation of thirst. Angiotensin II prompts the release of antidiuretic hormone (ADH).

Fenestrated capillaries form the blood-brain barrier

Which of the following is NOT true regarding fenestrated capillaries? Fenestrated capillaries are essential for filtration of blood plasma in the kidney. Fenestrated capillaries form the blood-brain barrier. Fenestrated capillaries in the small intestine receive nutrients from digested food. Fenestrated capillaries in endocrine organs allow hormones rapid entry into the blood.

osmotic pressure in the capillary (OPc) drops

Which of the following is an INCORRECT statement regarding pressure conditions in a capillary as blood moves through it from the arteriole end to the venous end? interstitial hydrostatic pressure does not play a significant role in capillary pressuresnet filtration pressure dropsosmotic pressure in the capillary (OPc) dropsblood hydrostatic pressure (HPc) drops

larger internal diameter Veins have larger internal diameters than similar sized arteries.

Which of the following is characteristic of veins but not arteries? elastic membranes vasa vasorum large muscular tunic larger internal diameter

B)renin-angiotensin-aldosterone mechanism

Which of the following is involved in long-term regulation of blood pressure? ***Please just post the answer. Explanation is not necessary. A) chemoreceptor reflexes B)renin-angiotensin-aldosterone mechanism C) baroreceptor reflexes D) adrenal medulla hormones

veins: resistance vessels veins have relatively large diameters; large diameter vessels reduce resistance

Which of the following is mismatched? veins: resistance vessels elastic arteries: conducting vessels capillaries: exchange vessels muscular arteries: distribution vessels

blood vessel diameter

Which of the following is the most significant source of blood flow resistance? Which of the following is the most significant source of blood flow resistance?total blood vessel lengthblood vessels typeblood viscosity blood vessel diameter

Veins have valves; arteries do not. Veins have valves; arteries do not. Veins have valves to prevent the backflow of blood

Which of the following is true about veins? Veins have a smaller diameter lumen than arteries. Veins are more muscular than arteries. Veins carry blood away from the heart, while arteries carry blood to the heart. Veins have valves; arteries do not.

rapidly falling blood pressure

Which of the following signs of hypovolemic shock is a relatively late sign? Which of the following signs of hypovolemic shock is a relatively late sign? rapidly falling blood pressure increased heart rate cold, clammy skin rapid, thready pulse

c. The myogenic response is an example of extrinsic control of tissue perfusion.

Which of the following statements does NOT correctly describe tissue perfusion in the cardiovascular system?a. Perfusion of the kidneys is important for urine formation.b. Autonomic nervous system regulation of blood pressure is an example of extrinsic control of tissue perfusion.c. The myogenic response is an example of extrinsic control of tissue perfusion.d. Accumulation of local metabolites triggering dilation of arterioles is an example of intrinsic control of tissue perfusion.

They decrease the osmotic pressure in the thoroughfare channel.

Which of the following statements is NOT true of the precapillary sphincters? Which of the following statements is NOT true of the precapillary sphincters?They allow blood to bypass the true capillaries that are fed by the metarteriole.They regulate the flow of blood to tissues served by the true capillaries.They increase or decrease rates of perfusion to the tissues served by the true capillaries.They decrease the osmotic pressure in the thoroughfare channel.

. atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)

Which of the following will lower blood pressure?A. antidiuretic hormone (ADH)B. aldosteroneC. atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)D. angiotensin II

conversion of angiotensin I into angiotensin II

Which of the following would be interrupted in the indirect renal mechanism if angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) is blocked from performing its job? A. sympathetic nervous system activityB. conversion of angiotensin I from angiotensinogenC. release of renin from the kidneysD. conversion of angiotensin I into angiotensin II

decreasing the hematocrit

Which of the following would decrease total peripheral resistance to blood flow? Which of the following would decrease total peripheral resistance to blood flow? increasing blood vessel length decreasing the hematocrit atherosclerosis vasoconstriction

increased filtration by the kidneys

Which of these would NOT be an expected response to a drop in mean arterial pressure? increased filtration by the kidneys secretion of aldosterone increased thirst release of renin from the kidney

b. pulmonary vein

Which vessel(s) return(s) oxygenated blood to the left atrium of the heart to complete the pulmonary circuit? a. inferior vena cava b. pulmonary vein c. pulmonary arteries d. pulmonary trunk

Barorecptors in the carotid sinuses and aortic arch will be stimulated.-- They will be inhibited

Which will NOT occur if blood pressure drops below homeostatic levels? A) The cardioacceleratory center of the medulla will be activatedB) Barorecptors in the carotid sinuses and aortic arch will be stimulatedC) Vasomotor center of the medulla will trigger vasoconstriction

C) arteriosclerosis

secondary hypertension can be caused by ________.A) obesityB) stressC) arteriosclerosisD) smoking Answer: C NB: include kidney disease, adrenal disease, thyroid problems and obstructive sleep apnea

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