Quiz: Drama
Compare and contrast a soliloquy and an aside.
A soliloquy is an actor who makes a speech to himself, whereas an aside is directly to the audience. The soliloquy portrays the actors thoughts and may or may not be essential to the plot, but the aside is essential to the plot and for people to udnerstand the play.
What type of play typically has a happy ending?
Classical drama began in _____.
What type of religious drama in the Middle Ages focuses on the lives of saints and martyrs?
Miracle play
Three types of plays that grew from the Christian church were: _____.
Miracle plays Morality plays Mystery plays
What form of drama uses popular legends to teach morals through allegory?
Morality play
What form of drama is based on Biblical events?
Mystery play
Shakespeare was a(n) _____ dramatist.
Explain how the church both nearly destroyed drama and also helped revived drama.
The church nearly destroyed drama because the plays went against Christian values. The immoral and blaspheming acts had quickly deteriorated. But as people started to change the plays into being biblical stories, using legends to give moral teaching, and miracle plays depicted the lives of saints and the church.
What are the two classical, basic forms of drama as symbolized by the smiling and frowning masks?
The two classical forms of drama are comedy and tragedy. Comedy is symbolized by the smiling face and tragedy is symbolized by the frowning face.
What type of play involves the fall of a main character?
A dramatic device used to create a realistic atmosphere for a play is called a dramatic convention.
During the end of Roman Empire, drama fell out of favor with the church.
Roman dramatists imitated their Greek predecessors.
The Roman church reintroduced drama during the Middle Ages.
n the classical tradition, comedies may not be "funny" and still be considered a comedy.
At the climax of the play, just before the mystery is solved, the crook turns to the audience and says, "Is this guy really going to let me get away with it?"
Carlo and Miguel are both very popular athletes. However, Miguel's temper causes him to lose his popularity. On the other hand, Carlo's patience and grace on the field become noticed by the entire student body.
character foil
The problem in a play is the _____.
What is the "point of no return" in the play?
a word or action signaling an actor to speak things other than costume or scenery used in the play the actors in a play the part of the play where the action becomes complex one who gives cues or helps actors remember lines lines spoken by characters the time or place of the story the part of the play introducing or explaining the problem and characters the series of events or action in a play
cue props cast complication prompter dialogue setting exposition plot
The director explained to the cast that the dimming of the lights would indicate the sun was setting and the music playing would indicate the passing of time.
dramatic convention
The audience knows that rescuers are only a mile from the stranded motorists. However, the motorists have no idea how close they are and decide to start walking to find help.
dramatic irony
when the audience knows something the character doesn't a comment that a character says directly to the audience A speech made by an actor to himself. a character who contrasts a main character the "rules" of a play
dramatic irony aside soliloquy character foil dramatic convention
What is the conclusion of the story?
Arrange in order the elements of plot by clicking in each blue box.
first: exposition second: complication third: climax fourth: denouement
According to the text, which are some modern variations or experimental ideas used in twentieth-century plays?
little plot or action no script; improvisation
The stage and props together are called the _____.
The character, alone on the stage, proceeded to talk about how he had, at one time, been very poor and was afraid of ever being in that predicament again. For several minutes, he told the entire story of how he overcame his poverty.