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Any prejudice against someone because of their race, when those views are reinfected by systems of power -racism=prejudice + power

Formation of prejudice

Associating with others -sociological finding: in studying hate groups, racism was not necessarily the cause of joining(KKK white supremacists) but rather joining was cause of racism

African Americans

Continued gains in politics, economics, and education Current losses-lag behind in politics, economics, and education William Julius Wilson says social class is more important than race in determining life chances of blacks Racism as an everyday burden-identical resumes with white names got more callbacks than black names

Asian Americans

Diversity-income has outstripped that of all groups-stereotype that all are successful 3 reasons for financial success: fam life, education, and assimilation into mainstream culture More prominent in politics, but senate has no Asian members

European Americans/non-Hispanic whites

Dominant group in US in terms of power and privilege WASP vs white ethnics -WASP: white anglo-Saxon Protestant -white ethnics: white immigrants to US whose cultures differ from WASP cultures Faced pressure to assimilate: being absorbed into mainstream culture

What three steps does Helms say are necessary for Whites to develop a positive White identity?

Each person must become aware of their Whiteness Recognize that there whiteness is personally and socially significant Learn to feel about their whiteness in the context of a commitment to a just society

Psychological perspectives

Focus on explanation within people 1. Frustration and scapegoat -holocaust, anti Asian during covid Prejudice results from frustration 2. Authoritarian personality People who rank high on conformity, intolerance, respect for authority, and submissiveness to superiors tend to be ore prejudiced

sociological explanations

Focus on explanations outside people Functionalism Conflict theory Symbolic interactionism

Conflict theory

Focus on how groups compete for scarce resources • Split labor market: workers split along racial-ethnic, gender, age, or any other lines - This split is exploited by owners to weaken the bargaining power of workers Prejudice arises if we pit groups against one another in an "I win, you lose" situation

Symbolic interactionism

How labels affect perception and create prejudice - How Labels Create Prejudice • Selective perception: seeing certain features of an object or situation, but remaining blind to others - Labels and Self-Fulfilling Stereotypes- an example • Group X - Stereotype: they're lazy so they don't deserve good jobs - Denied the jobs, most members of Group X do the jobs few people want - this type of work is often sporadic so members of group X are often seen "on the streets" - Reinforcing original stereotype


Individual/group unfairly blamed for someone else's troubles -Holocaust, anti-Asian during covid -prejudice results results from frustration

White privilege

Inherent advantages possessed by white person on basis of race -coined by Peggy McIntosh in Unpacking Invisible Knapsack -I can, if I wish, arrange to be in company of people of my race most of time -I can talk with my mouth full and not have people put this down to my color

Jim Crow laws

Laws designed to enforce segregation of blacks from whites

Ethnic identity triange

Low sense of ethnicity -part of majority -no discrimination -Greater power -similar to national identity Heightened sense -smaller numbers -Discrimination -lesser power -different from national identity

What two new categories did research suggest should be added to the 2020 census? (These were ultimately rejected as racial categories and will not be on the 2020 census)

Middle eastern/North African and Hispanic


Most prejudices are not chosen, they are societally ingrained We all have these prejudices-relates to implicit bias Is a spectrum rather than a dichotomy (not just you are a racist or you're not) Related to structural racism, classism, xenophobia, homophobia, etc across society


Nation of origin/citizenship (American, Canadian, French, Nigerian) -some ethnicities are also nationalities but there are many cases where multiple ethnic groups live in same nation- Dinka and Nuer in South Sudan

Authoritarian personality

People who rank high on conformity, intolerance, respect for authority, and submissive to superiors tend to be more prejudiced


Population with less than 50% non-Hispanic white -one or Moreno ethnicity majority makes up most of pop


Prejudice and discrimination can be functional for society (can create in-group solidarity) • Nazi propaganda It's possible to arrange social • Sherif summer camp study environments to generate either • 2. Conflict Theory positive or negative feelings about people

Internalizing norms of dominant groups

Prejudice is persuasive and affects us all Colorism

Identity development in adolescence

Racial grouping happens when kids enter middle school because puberty starts and all adolescents begin to explore their identity. Adolescents who are people of color are more likely to explore their racial identity because they know society treats them differently because of their race. For some adolescents, race is a particularly important part of that identity exploration. Looking glass self- telling black kid he was tall for his age Salient parts of identity-physical characteristics regarding your race


Socially constructed category used to categorize people who share inherited physical traits that a society thinks are important -an idea, not a fact-Nell Irvin Painter

Native Americans

Speak 139 different languages; don't think of selves as single people who fit nearly within single label Invisible minority and self determination:most live in rural areas and few states and isolation on reservations; won control over reservation lands=opened business Bring in $30bill a year, more than all vegas casinos combined separatism-tribes maintained right to remain separate from US gov Determining identity and goals: formed national and regional organizations and operate own embassy in DC, most common cooperation organization is intertribal councils

Prejudice begets prejudice

Study with made up groups (wallonians, etc) -Prejudice toward 1 group predisposes to other prejudices -prejudice not usually dependent on any actual experience Implicit bias

what two developmental tasks does Tatum say are necessary?

The abandonment of individual racism The recognition of and opposition to institutional and cultural racism

Model minority myth

The myth of the model minority is based in stereotypes. It perpetuates a narrative in which Asian American children are whiz kids or musical geniuses. Within the myth of the model minority, Tiger Moms force children to work harder and be better than everyone else, while nerdy, effeminate dads hold prestigious—but not leadership—positions in STEM industries like medicine and accounting. This myth characterizes Asian Americans as a polite, law-abiding group who have achieved a higher level of success than the general population through some combination of innate talent and pull-yourselves-up-by-your-bootstraps immigrant striving.

Ethnics groups among European Americans

Top 6 countries of origin-Germany, Ireland, England, Italy, France Poland 77%-hawaii has highest percentage of minority groups; IL-37.7%

Indian removal act

US gov adopted pollito of population transfer -goal was to confine NA to specified areas-reservations


Umbrella term that lumps people from many cultures in single category -many identity more with their country of origin that umbrella term Latino -lack of representation in politics -23.6% fams are in poverty Language is factor that clearly distinguishes latinos from other US minorities -most latinos speak spanish, but not all Reactions from dominant culture-English only movements in California

What do you think the author means when she says, "To be counted in the census is to be both seen and supported"?

When someone is counted in the census, it shows that they matter and the government wants to help them. Not only does that individual have representation, but their racial and/or ethnic group also has representation.

White silence

When white people remain silent on topic of racism -supports status quo which is a system of racial oppression


White Anglo Saxon Protestant

Development of white identity

White people don't have to think about their racial identity because their race doesn't negatively affect them. They need to start having a discussion about their race and the benefits they have because of it in order to fight for racial equality.

why is classifying Arabs as White a "complicated proposition" in this day and age?

White represents power; however, Arab people are victims to travel bans and national security debates.

Racial and ethnic groups in US

White-numerical majority 9%-points that percentage of whites have changed since 2000 More diversity under 16 pop than total pop

White fragility

Whites live in social environment that typically protests/insulates them against race—based stress; can lead to lowered ability to tolerate racial stress -immediate defensiveness around discussions of race -outward displays of rage/fear -leaving discussion altogether


a fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers

Spillover bigotry

a stereotype that lumped Asians together, depicting them as sneaky, lazy, and untrustworthy

Ethnic work

activities designed to discover, enhance, maintain, or transmit an ethnic or racial identity -lower sense of ethnicity if you're a majority vice versa


an attempt to develop an identity that goes beyond the tribe by emphasizing the common elements that run through Native American cultures

Prejudice vs. Discrimination

attitude vs behavior

Positive prejudice

exaggerates the virtues of a group, as when people think that some group is superior to others


having distinctive cultural characteristics (common ancestry and cultural heritage) -African American, Jewish, Hispanic, Pacific Islander, apache, Irish Americans, Kurds, han Chinese, Hmong people -2 people with same ethnicity can be different races Cuban American (Hispanic) -Cameron Diaz- white —Rosario Dawson-black

Institutional discrimination

negative treatment of a minority group that is built into a society's institutions; systemic discrimination -home mortgages Bankers were less likely to give loans to minorities versus to white people. 200,000 borrowers were discriminated against by one major mortgage lender Predatory lending 15% difference in between above average income Whites who were denied mortgages and above average income African Americans who were denied mortgages? -health care Black mothers and babies are more likely to die White men have longer life expectancy than black males Both white and black docs have implicit bias and race is a factor in both of their medical decision Minorities are more likely to die of covid

Minority groups

people who are singled out for unequal treatment and who regard themselves as objects of collective discrimination -size doesn't matter-group that's minority in terms of size can still be a majority in terms of power: South African apartheid-white minority maintained system of racial segregation and discrimination against black South Africans

individual discrimination

person-to-person or face-to-face discrimination; the negative treatment of people by other individuals

Unintentional discrimination

results from policies that have unanticipated consequences favoring one group over another

Selective perception

seeing certain features of an object or situation, but remaining blind to others


the belief that one type of skin tone is superior or inferior to another within a racial group


the brief and commonplace daily verbal or behavioral indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative attitudes toward marginalized groups

Dominant group

the group with the most power, greatest privileges, and highest social status

Contact theory

the idea that prejudice and negative stereotypes decrease and racial-ethnic relations improve when people from different racial-ethnic backgrounds, who are of equal status, interact frequently -folded maps project

Rising expectations

the sense that better conditions are soon to follow, which, if unfulfilled, increases frustration

Master status

the social position that is the primary identifying characteristic of an individual -status that has exceptional importance for social identity, often shaping a person's entire life -can be ascribed from birth or achieve

Implicit bias

when we have attitudes towards people or associate stereotypes with them without our conscious knowledge.

Split labor market

workers split along racial-ethnic, gender, age, or any other lines; this split is exploited by owners to weaken the bargaining power of workers -split is exploited by owners to weaken bargaining power of workers -pres juice arises if we pit groups against one another in an I win you lose situation

What is racism reading

"Real racism" 2 definitions to racism- any prejudice against someone because of their race; prejudice against the someone because of their race, when those views are reinforced by systems of power* When we use only the 1st definition, we inaccurately reduce issues of race in US to a battle for hearts and minds of individual racists-instead of seeing racists, racist behaviors and racial oppression as part of a larger system You don't have to racist to be a part of the racist system How we define racism also determines how we battle it When we look at racism simply as any racial prejudice, we enter into battle to win over hearts and minds of everyone we encounter-fighting only symptoms of cancerous system, not cancer itself So much of what we think and feel about other races is dictated by our systems Racism was designed to support economic and social system for those at top. Never motivated by hatred of BIPOC. Ultimate goal of racism was profit and comfort of white race Being called cracker is different from n-word because it won't have long lasting affects on your life Link systemic effects of racism when you talk about racism -black people are always late=contributes to false beliefs about black worlds that prevents them from being interviewed for jobs Tying racism to it systemic causes and effects will help others see important difference between systemic racism and anti white bigotry

In what year were respondents first able to check more than one box?



A perspective recognizing the cultural diversity of the United States and promoting equal standing for all cultural traditions


A process by which banks draw lines on a map and refuse to lend money or purchase or improve property within the boundries. -affected mostly black people


A process of converting an urban neighborhood from a predominantly low-income renter-occupied area to a predominantly middle-class owner-occupied area.

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