Racial/Cultural Identity Development Models

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According to Troiden, it is during this phase that individuals seek out social and sexual relationships with gays or lesbians and disclose their sexual orientation to gay and lesbian peers and adults and to some heterosexual family members and friends.

identity assumption

According to Cross, a person in the immersion-emersion stage would prefer a _____ therapist.


According to Cross, a person in the internalization stage would prefer a _____ therapist.


The 2 substages of the pre-encounter stage of the Black Racial Identity Development Model are _______ and anti-black.


A person in the _____ status stage of Helms' White Racial Identity Development Model internalizes a non-racist white identity that includes an appreciation of and respect for racial/cultural differences and similarities. He or she actively seeks out interactions with members of diverse groups. The IPS for this status is flexibility and complexity.


During the _______ stage of Troiden's Homosexual Identity Development Model the person has adopted a homosexual way of life and publicly disclose their homosexuality.

commitment/identity integration

In which stage of Atkinson, Morten, & Sue's Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model ​does the person have positive attitudes toward and a preference for dominant cultural values and appreciating attitudes towards one's own culture?


A person in the _____ status stage of Helms' White Racial Identity Development Model has little awareness of racism and of his or her racial identity and may exhibit unsophisticated behaviors that reflect racist attitudes and beliefs (e.g., may consistently based judgments of members of minority groups on white society's standards). The information processing strategy status for this status is obliviousness and denial.


A person in the _____ status stage of Helms' White Racial Identity Development Model has increasing awareness of race and racism which leads to confusion and emotional conflict. To reduce internal dissonance, the person may identify with members of minority groups, act in paternalistic ways toward them, or retreat into white society. The IPS for this status is suppression of information and ambivalence.


According to Atkinson and Sue's Theory of Racial Identity Development, in which stage would the patient perceive his/her personal problems as being related to racial/cultural issues?


In which stage of Atkinson, Morten, & Sue's Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model is there predominant confusion and conflict over the contradictory appreciating and depreciating attitudes that one has toward the self and toward others of the same and different groups?


According to Cross, a person in the ______ substage of the immersion-emersion stage rejects all aspects of white culture and begins to internalize black identity.


According to Cross, a person in the _____ stage would prefer a Black therapist.


In the _____ stage of Cross' Black Racial Identity Development Model, exposure to a single significant race-related event or series of events leads to greater racial/cultural awareness and an interest in developing a black identity.


According to Troiden, it is during this phase that individuals begin to accept their gay or lesbian identity, usually occurring between 19 and 21 years of age for males and between 21 and 23 for females.

identity assumption

During the _______ stage of Troiden's Homosexual Identity Development Model the individual becomes more certain of his or her homosexuality and may deal with this realization in a variety of ways - e.g., by trying to pass as heterosexual, by aligning him or herself with the homosexual community, or by acting in ways consistent with society's stereotypes about homosexuality.

identity assumption

According to Troiden, it is during this stage that individuals have internalized a gay or lesbian identity, accepted homosexuality as a way of life, and are comfortable disclosing their sexual orientation to heterosexual individuals including family members, friends, and coworkers.

identity commitment

According to Troiden, this is the stage wherein individuals attempt to alleviate their sexual feelings with denial, avoidance, repair (attempting to change) , redefinition (viewing homosexual feelings as a phase), or acceptance.

identity confusion

According to Troiden, this phase begins in middle or late adolescence and is characterized by feelings of sexual attraction toward individuals of the same sex.

identity confusion

According to Cross, a person in the ______ substage of the immersion-emersion stage idealizes blacks and black culture and feels a great deal of rage towards whites as well as guilt and anxiety about his or her own previous lack of awareness of race.


Race and racial identity have high salience during the _____ stage of Cross' Black Racial Identity Development Model.


A person in the _____ status stage of Helms' White Racial Identity Development Model explores what it means to be white, confronts his or her own biases, and begins to understand the ways he or she benefits from white privilege. This status is characterized by increased experimental and affective understanding of racism and oppression. The IPS for this status is hyper-vigilance and reshaping.


According to Atkinson, Morten, & Sue, a client presenting in the ________ stage of the Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model is likely place a greater emphasis on similarity in worldview, attitudes, and beliefs than on ethnic, racial, or cultural similarity.

integrative awareness

In which stage of Atkinson, Morten, & Sue's Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model does the person present with a sense of self-fulfillment with regard to their cultural identity and have a strong desire to eliminate all forms of oppression?

integrative awareness

In the _____ stage of Cross' Black Racial Identity Development Model, race continues to have high salience and individuals in this stage have adopted one of three identities - a pro black, non racist (Afrocentric) orientation, a biculturist orientation that integrates a black identity with a white or other salient cultural identity, or a multiculturalist orientation that integrates a black identity with two or more other salient cultural identities.


According to Atkinson, Morten, & Sue, a client presenting in the ________ stage of the Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model is likely to prefer a therapist from their own group but more open to therapists who share a similar worldview.


In which stage of Atkinson, Morten, & Sue's Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model does the person present with conflicts between loyalty and responsibility for one's group and feelings of personal autonomy?


According to Atkinson, Morten, & Sue, a client presenting in the conformity stage of the Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model is likely to prefer a therapist from the ______ group.


According to Atkinson, Morten, & Sue, a client presenting in the dissonance stage of the Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model is likely to prefer a therapist from the ______ group.


According to Atkinson, Morten, & Sue, a client presenting in the resistance and immersion stage of the Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model is likely to prefer a therapist from the ______ group.


According to Cross, a person in the _____ stage would prefer a White therapist.


In which stage of Cross' Black Racial Identity Development Model does race and racial identity have low salience?


A person in the _____ status stage of Helms' White Racial Identity Development Model experiences a personally jarring event or series of events causes a person to question his or her racist views and acknowledge the role that whites have had in perpetuating racism. The person is interested in understanding racial/cultural differences but does so only on an intellectual level. The IPS for this status is selective perception and reshaping reality.


A person in the _____ status stage of Helms' White Racial Identity Development Model attempts to resolve the moral dilemmas associated with the disintegration status by idealizing White society and denigrating members of minority groups. He or she may blame minority group members for their problems and view whites as the victims of reverse discrimination. The IPS for this status is selective perception and negative out group distortion.


According to Atkinson and Sue's Theory of Racial Identity Development, in which stage would the patient perceive his/her personal problems as a result of oppression?

resistance and immersion

In which stage of Atkinson, Morten, & Sue's Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model does the person actively reject dominant society and exhibit appreciating attitudes towards and toward members of their own group?

resistance and immersion

The _______ stage of Troiden's Homosexual Identity Development Model occurs at the onset of puberty and is the point at which the individual realizes that he or she is attracted to people of the same sex and attributes those feelings to homosexuality, which leads to turmoil and confusion.

self-recognition/identity confusion

According to Troiden, it is during this phase that individuals feel different from their same-sex peers.


A person in the _______ stage of Troiden's Homosexual Identity Development Model begins to feel different from his or her peers. For example, the individual may realize that his or her interests differ from those of same-gender classmates.

sensitization/feeling different

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