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One Component of a good behavior plan is

A measurement system

A potential negative side effect of punishment is

Aberrant behavior

Which four functions are commonly included in historical literature on functional analysis?

Access to attentions, access to tangibles, escape, and automatic

Environmental conditions or stimulus changes that exist or occur prior to the behavior of interest is the definition of which of the following terms?


Time-in could be implemented with which of the following?

Any student

" A Systematic approach to understanding behavior of social important economic" best describes

Applies behavior analysis (ABA)

A learner receiving a high five contingent upon displaying aberrant behavior would occur in which condition of a functional analysis


Which one of the following is one of the four basic schedules of reinforcement A. Fixed variable B. Variable interval C. Ratio interval D. Fixed timing

B. Variable interval

The rate, duration, latency, etc of the behavior of interest prior to manipulation of the environment


We extinguish the _______.

Behavior not the student

A potential negative side effect of punishment is

Behavioral contrast

This is the term for when a learner is engaging in disruptive behaviors and is offered something preferred to stop.


The majority of studies on functional analysis have shown it

Can lead to successful treatment

A previously neutral stimulus change that has acquired the capability to function as a reinforcer through stimulus - stimulus pairing with one or more unconditional reinforcers or condition reinforcers

Conditioned Reinforcers

A stimulus change that functions as punishment as a result of a person's conditioning history is a definition of which of the following?

Conditioned punisher

Uncontrolled variable known or suspected to exert an influences on the depended to variable

Confounding Variable frequency

Rainbow tokens most closely aligns with which schedule of reinforcement?


A stimulus change that follows the behavior of interest is the definition of which of the following terms?


According to the Autism partnership method what is another potential function of behavior?


A potential negative side effect of punishment is

Could interfere with learning

What is one component of reactive procedures?

Creating behavioral momentum

What is the second step of direct observation?

Describing the behavior

Reinforcement contingent upon the learner engaging in a specific behavior instead of the aberrant behavior is known as which of the following?

Differential reinforcement of alternative behavior (DRA)

A stimulus that is auditory that evokes a response of speaking in a way that sounds similar to that stimulus


"The practice of objective observation of the phenomena of intrests' best describes


A learner being provided a break from demands contingent upon displaying aberrant behavior would most likely occur in which condition of a functional analysis


Which type of time out best describes when the learner is completely removed from the environment ?


Discontinuing the reinforcement of a previously reinforced behavior primarily results in a decrease int he frequency of the behavior, which is known as which of the following?


When implementing a procedure based upon extinction, one might observe an initial, but temporary increase in the targeted behavior. This is known as which of the following?

Extinction burst

What is one potential problem with bribery

Facilitates negotiation

Collecting A-B-C data is also known as which of the following

First hand observation

Scalloped patterns of responding are typically associated with which schedule of reinforcement

Fixed interval

Which schedule of reinforcement requires the completion of a specified, unvarying number of responses to produce a reinforcer?

Fixed ratio

A reinforcer delivered contingent upon the first behavior following the time period where the time period is fixed


Having a learner select which items they like prior to teaching following a systematic protocol to identify hierarchy of potential preference is known as which of the following?

Formal preference assessment

The duration, rate, frequency, etc. of behavior absent of any restrictions is the definition of which of the following terms?

Free Operant

Providing free access to a variety of stimuli for the purpose of identifying potential reinforcers is best described by which of the following

Free operant preference assessment

This type of definitions describes changes in the environment related to the behavior


Money is most likely an example of what?

Generalized Conditioned reinforcers

An essential component of time-out is ensuring which of the following?

High quality time-in

Which of the following two variables affect the effectiveness of punishers?

Immediacy and schedule

A procedure in which the RBT makes assesses a variety of variables moment to moment to identify what could potentially function as a reinforcer is known as a(n)

In the moment reinforcers analysis

what is one way to make learning fun?

Interspersing tasks

The first rule of punishment is

It happens

Why is an operational definition important

It results in more accurate scoring of behavior

Was he screaming, hitting, or throwing objects, is an indirect method known as which of the following?

Laundry list

Which token economy is in place when the learner is unaware of how many tokens are required prior to exchanging?

Magic number

What is one component of proactive procedures?

Make learning fun

A type of verbal behavior in which the response form a topography controlled by a current unlearned or learner establishing operation


When compared to formal preference assessments, research on in-the-moment reinforcer analysis as shown it to be

More efficient

Presenting an array of items and asking the learner select one item and then putting the item back in the array after the selection in an effort to identify potential reinforcers best describes which of the following?

Multiple stimulus preference assessment

Providing a learner with a break following a correct response that increases correct responses is most likely an example of

Negative Reinforcement

The occurrence of a response produces the removal, termination, reduction, or postponement of a stimulus, which leads to an increase in the future occurrence o that response

Negative Reinforcement

Removing a token contingent upon a response that results in a decrease in the probability of that response in the future is an example of which of the following?

Negative punishment

According to the leaf and colleagues's study, what was the correlation between mock exam scores and implementation of DTT?

No relationship and moderate positive relationship

Which type f time out best describes when the learn is not removed from the environment?


When using a progressive approach to conditioning reinforcers, one variable the RBT should evaluate is the learner's

Non-verbal and verbal behavior

Watching others access stimuli contingent upon a response best describes which of the following?

Observational pairing

One concern with standard functional analyses is that they are not

Occurring in natural settings

Defining a behavior in observable terms is known as which of the following?

Operational definition

Providing a learner with a series of choices between two items in an effort to identify potential reinforcers best describes which of the following

Paired stimulus preference assessment

When a response is followed by the presentation of a stimulus, and, as a result, similar responses occur more frequently in the future

Positive Reinforcement

Which best describes an overcorrection procedure in which aberrant behavior sets the occasion for the learner to repeatedly engage in a task?

Positive practice

Saying "no" contingent upon a learner's response that results in a decrease in the probability of that response in the future is an example of which of the following?

Positive punishment

Providing a learner with an iPad following a correct response that results in an increase in correct response best describes which of the following

Positive reinforcement

Functional analysis has been described as the most ____ way to determine function.


Those events that take place within an organism's skin or are otherwise only accessible to the organism

Private events

Which of the following is one advantage of the time-in procedure?

Provides a prompt for the teachers/therapist

A response followed immediately by a stimulus change that decreases the future probability of similar responses is best described by which of the following?


The primary behavioral principle responsible for the effectiveness of time out is which of the following


Which of the following is the primary behavioral principle responsible for the effectiveness of a response cost system?


One potential problem with the addition of assistant trainers in the RBT Certification process is the assistant trainer could be a


Extinction should always be combined with which of the following?


Response cost should always be combined with which of the following?


When a consequence is provided contingent upon a learner engaging in appropriate behavior and that appropriate behavior is more likely to occur in the future is best described by which of the following?


One problem with informal interviews to identify potential reinforcers is they are not


Which best describes a procedure that involves blocking an individual from engaging in a behavior?

Response blocking

A group of responses with the same function

Response class

Which best describes an overcorrection procedure in which aberrant behavior sets the occasion for the learner to restores the environment to its previous state?


Which of the following best describes a stituatioin when a behavior that is no longer reinforced starts to appear again?


Indirect measures of aberrant behavior are also known as which of the following?

Second Hand observation

Presenting a previously neutral stimulus with an established reinforcer best describes which of the following?

Stimulus pairing

A type of verbal behavior with the response controlled primarily by an immediately prior nonverbal stimulus "Best describes which of the following"


What is one of the 10 commandments of reinforcement within the Autism Partnership Model?

Thin the schedule of reinforcement

Which best describes a procedure that involves a stimulus that signals the availability of reinforcement for engaging in appropriate behavior and is removed for engaging in inappropriate behavior?


One main difference between bribery and reinforcement is the

Timing if the items provided

Which of the following is the best reason for conducting a functional behavior assessment?

To identify the function of behavior

In a progressive approach to problem behavior (I.E the big 4) which of the following is recommended?

To proactively teach the skills required to navigate the four conditions of a standard functional analysis

Which if the following best describes when a learner ears tickets which are eventually exchanged for toys

Token economy

A stimulus change that can increase the future frequency of behavior without prior pairing with any other form of reinforcement

Unconditioned Reinforcer

A bad odor is likely an example of which of the following

Unconditioned punisher

Food is an example of which of the following?

Unconditioned reinforcers

What is a potential problem with using candy as a reinforcer?


What is one of the most important components of a token economy?

Using effective reinforcers

A reinforcer delivered contingent upon the first behavior following the time period where time period is variable

Variable interval

Which schedule of reinforcement requires the completion of a variable number of responses to produce a reinforcer

Variable ratio

If a behavior followed closely in time by a stimulus event and as a result the further frequency of that type of behavior increases in similar conditions


A learner receiving a toy contingent upon displaying aberrant behavior would most likely occur in which condition of a functional analysis


What are the three comments of active listening?

what we do, what we say, what we observe

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