RBT Training Module 4
What is an example of a motivating operation?
Jan is hungry, so she works harder to get crackers as a reward.
What is an example of overcorrection?
Marty had to clean the bathroom wall because she wrote on it.
Escape extinction works by:
Not allowing the individual to escape what they were tying to avoid
What is an example of negative punishment?
Paying a speeding ticket
Differential reinforcement works by:
Reinforcing only the behaviors that should be increased while removing reinforcement from behaviors that should be decreased.
What is an example of positive punishment?
Telling someone "no" when they are about to run into the street
What is the difference between DRA and DRI?
The replacement behavior selected in DRA does not have to be incompatible with the problem behavior.
At what point should a behavior reduction plan be considered?
When environmental variables for behavior are ruled out
Under what circumstances should extinction not be used?
When it could cause harm to the individual or others in the environment
Type 1 Punishment involves:
Adding a condition to reduce a behavior
In which situations are DRL's used?
Behaviors that are acceptable at low rates
What can ensure that an intervention involving the use of punishment is effective?
Collecting and reviewing intervention data