REL 102--Powell Quizzes

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What Jewish group was radically anti-Roman and advocated armed rebellion against Roman forces? A. Essenes B. Herodians C. Zealots D. Samaritans


What city plays a central role in the structure and theology of Luke-Acts? A) Rome B) Jerusalem C) Antioch D) Ephesus


What designation is used by scholars to denote the earthly, historical figure of Jesus? A. the pre-Easter Jesus B. the post-Easter Jesus C. the Son of Man D. the Son of God


What does Jesus do more often in Luke than in any other Gospel? A. sleep B. baptize C. become angry D. pray


What does Paul teach the Corinthians regarding marriage and sex? A) Sexual abstinence is to be encouraged even within marriage B) Divorce is permissible only in cases of adultery C) Celibacy is preferable to marriage D) All of the above


Which of the following is not characteristic of the Samaritans? A. claimed to represent the true Israel B. had their own temple on Mount Gerizim C. had their own version of the Pentateuch/Torah D. supported the family and dynasty of Herod


Which of the following strikes scholars as a distinctive aspect of Ephesian's view of Christians? A) Christians receive the Holy Spirit at the resurrection B) Christians continue to live as Jews or Gentiles C) The exaltation of Christians to heaven is depicted as a present reality D) Christians are prohibited to marry


Which one of the seven wonders of the ancient world was located in the city of Ephesus? A) the Temple of Artemis of the Ephesians B) the Colossus of Ephesus C) the Pharos of Ephesus D) the Statue of Ephesian Zeus


Which person brought Palestine under Greek control, inaugurating the Hellenistic period? A. Cyrus B. Alexander the Great C. Pompey D. Antiochus Epiphanes


Which person, who was appointed by the Romans, ruled over Palestine from 37 BCE to 4 BCE and was known for his building projects as well as his paranoia of those wanting to usurp his throne? A. Pompey B. Herod Antipas C. Pontius Pilate D. Herod the Great


Which philosophical school emphasized free will, questioned fate, and encouraged the attainment of true pleasure through the avoidance of anxiety and moderation in all things? A. Stoicism B. Cynicism C. Epicureanism D. Gnosticism


Which philosophical school emphasized radical authenticity, repudiation of shame, simplicity of lifestyle, and a desire to possess only what is obtained naturally and freely? A. Gnosticism B. Stoicism C. Cynicism D. Epicureanism


Which philosophical school emphasized the attainment of virtue through acceptance of fate, based on the notion that all things are predetermined and that there is logic to all that transpires in the universe? A. Stoicism B. Epicureanism C. Cynicism D. Gnosticism


Which religious movement promoted secret knowledge that will allow the soul to be set free from the bodily prison in this material world? A. Cynicism B. apocalypticism C. animism D. Gnosticism


Which ruling family ruled an independent Jewish state until civil wars made them ripe for conquest by the Romans? A. Herodians B. Ptolemies C. Seleucids D. Hasmoneans


Which terms are used most often to describe the dynamics of the patron-client relationship: the patron's bestowal of benefits and the client's expected attitude of loyalty to the patron? A. grace and faith B. nature and law C. virtue and piety D. master and slave


Which tetrarch, and son of Herod the Great, was appointed by the Romans and ruled the region of Galilee the entire time of Jesus' life and ministry? A. Herod Antipas B. Herod Agrippa C. Pontius Pilate D. Pompey


Which word occurs 42 times in Mark's Gospel--eleven times in the first chapter--and is characteristic of its narrative style? A. immediately B. certainly C. carefully D. joyfully


Why does Paul seem to regard the gift of prophecy as more important than speaking in tongues? A) It is given to all B) It is more helpful to the church C) It is given only to apostles D) It is more edifying to the one who possesses it


According to 1 Corinthians 13, what will abide forever? A) faith, hope, and love B) wisdom and understanding C) heaven and earth D) power and glory


According to Ephesians, the mysterious plan of God is accomplished in what 2 stages? A) Jesus' crucifixion and exaltation B) Jesus' earthly teachings and heavenly reign C) the apostle's preaching and the church's ministry D) God's word to the prophets and God's words become flesh in the person of Jesus


According to Ephesians, what was the mysterious plan of God? A) that all Israel will be saved B) for righteousness to prevail in all the earth C) to destroy the works of the devil D) to unite all people in Christ


According to Mark, Jesus speaks in parables so that A. only insiders will understand him B. he can get people's attention C. people will remember what the says D. people will be able to apply his teaching to their own lives


According to Matthew, in what way is God's abiding presence a reality on Earth? A. God is present in Jesus B. Jesus is present in the church C. The church is present in the world D. all of the above


According to Paul's letter and Acts, which of the following is NOT an aspect of Paul's early life? A) Paul was born in Jerusalem B) Paul was a Pharisee C) Paul was a Roman citizen D) Paul studied under the famous rabbi Gamaliel


After Paul's conversion, his thinking changed on all of the following EXCEPT... A) Paul had believed that the law kept people in right relation with God; afterward, Paul believed the law only reveals the reality of the power of sin B) Paul had believed that circumcision was the rite through which people became part of God's people; afterward, Paul believed that baptism was the rite through which people became part of God's people C) Paul had believed that Jesus' death on a cross was a shameful sign that he had been cursed by God; afterward, Paul believed the cross of Jesus was a sacrifice by which God reconciled himself to humanity D) Paul had believed that Jesus was a prophet sent by God; afterward, Paul believed that Jesus is the Son of God and Lord of all


Among the four Gospels, Matthew shoes the greatest interest in the role of A. women B. Samaritans C. Peter D. Gentiles


Among the four Gospels, only Matthew presents Jesus as speaking about A. the church B. the kingdom of God C. the Holy Spirit D. all of the above


As an example of Matthew's affinity for structure and fondness of numbers, he cites twelve ___________, perhaps playing on the number of tribes of Israel. A. healings of blind people B. parables of the kingdom of God C. fulfillments of Old Testament prophecy D. beatitudes


Matthew emphasizes the role of Jesus as teacher by presenting the teachings of Jesus in ______ large blocks of material A. seven B. five C. ten D. three


Corinth was the capital city of which Roman province? A) Achaia B) Macedonia C) Asia D) Pontus


Divisions in the Corinthian church seem to be based on A) the Holy Spirit giving spiritual gifts to whomever the Spirit desires B) Corinthians identifying themselves in terms of allegiance to prominent Christian leaders, whom they regard as wise and powerful C) the Corinthians different perspectives on how to evangelize the city D) all of the above


Ephesians is remarkably similar and has close parallels to material found in what other New Testament letter, which has resulted in the 2 letters being called "literary siblings"? A) Colossians B) Philippians C) 1 Thessalonians D) Titus


Ephesus is the capital city of what Roman province? A) Macedonia B) Achaia C) Asia D) Pontus


For Luke, the salvation that Jesus makes available is A. connected with Jesus' death on the cross B. only completed at Jesus' parousia C. a reality to be experienced here and now D. all of the above


For Matthew, the key to interpreting the Jewish scripture (Old Testament) lies in the recognition that A. it was written by Moses B. it was passed down by the community of faith C. it is fulfilled in the life and teachings of Jesus D. all of the above


From reading the Gospel of Matthew, what can be surmised about its author? A. He is a Jewish Christian, perhaps even a converted rabbi or synagogue leader, writing a generation or more after the time of Jesus B. He is one of the original twelve disciples, writing in the decade after the time of Jesus C. He is a Roman historian, living in Carthage and considering becoming a Christian D. He is a Gentile Christian who was converted by Peter, writing from Rome after the death of Peter


Geographically, Matthew's Gospel is often thought to have originated in the city of A. Antioch B. Rome C. Jerusalem D. Ephesus


In 1 Corinthians 5, Paul instructs the church to exclude from Christian fellowship a (presumably unrepentant) "wicked man" with the purpose of A) bringing about the repentance necessary for this person to be saved B) condemning this person to eternal punishment C) demonstrating to the other Corinthian Christians the effects of sin D) all of the above


In Christian letters, the customary "Greetings" is generally substituted by A) "peace" B) "grace and peace" C) "grace" D) Christians did not substitute the customary "Greetings"


In Matthew's Gospel, Jesus regards the Jewish leaders as A. well-intentioned but misguided B. pawns of the Roman government C. evil persons closely identified with Satan D. potential converts


In developing a chronology for Paul's life, one of the most helpful pieces of information has been... A) Paul's explicit references to a church-wide council in Galatians 2 B) the brief mention in the book of Acts that Gallio was the proconsul of Corinth when Paul was in that city C) Paul's identification of Philippians as being written from Rome D) the book of Acts carefully noting how long Paul spent in each locale he visited


In his teachings on the resurrection, Paul emphasizes in 1 Corinthians 15 that A) those who are raised by Christ will have new, glorified bodies B) the human soul is immortal and cannot die C) resurrection is a spiritual experience in which believers can participate during their lifetime D) those who have died are in heaven watching over their loved ones on Earth


In modern scholarship, the speeches in the Book of Acts are most often understood as A) remnants of early written sources Luke probably possessed B) evidence that Peter and Paul often thought and spoke alike C) dictated records of the original speeches D) literary devices for expressing Luke's own theology


In the Gospels, possession by an evil spirit (demon) causes people to A. become sinful or immoral B. become incapable of salvation C. experience some sort of physical distress or disability D. all of the above


In the NRSV, the first verse of Ephesians reads, "Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, To the saints who are in Ephesus and are faithful in Christ Jesus." Which words or words are missing from our most reliable Greek manuscripts? A) "Paul" B) "an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God" C) "and are faithful in Christ Jesus" D) "in Ephesus"


In the book of Acts, Jesus remains active on Earth... A) through the work of the Holy Spirit B) through the use of his name C) through the lives of his followers D) all of the above


In the book of Acts, Paul is also known by his Hebrew name... A) Barnabas B) Saul C) Cephas D) Jacob


In the book of Acts, the Holy Spirit... A) produces such fruit as love, joy, and peace B) can only be received through baptism C) empowers the apostles to preach and perform miracles D) is called "the Paraclete"


Many scholars argue that the secrecy motif in Mark's Gospel functions to highlight this event in rightly understanding the identity and mission of Jesus A. the transfiguration B. the cross C. his baptism D. Peter's confession


In the context of authorship and pseudepigraphy, what is apprentice authorship? A) A church leader dies, and disciples who have been authorized to speak for him while he was alive continue to do so by writing letters in his name years or decades after his death B) A church leader describes the basic content of an intended letter to disciples or to an amanuensis, who then writes the letter for the leader to approve and sign C) A church leader dies, and admirers write letters in his name as a tribute to this influence and in a sincere belief that they are responsible bearers of his tradition D) A church leader dies, and his disciples compose a letter that he had intended to write


In the context of authorship and pseudepigraphy, what is honorable pseudepigraphy? A) A church leader dies, and disciples who have been authorized to speak for him while he was alive continue to do so by writing letters in his name years or decades after his death B) A church leader describes the basic content of an intended letter to disciples or to an amanuensis, who then writes the letter for the leader to approve and sign C) A church leader dies, and admirers write letters in his name as a tribute to this influence and in a sincere belief that they are responsible bearers of his tradition D) A church leader dies, and his disciples compose a letter that he had intended to write


In the second century, a prominent Christian named Tatian produced the "Diatessaron", which was a A. critique of the four Gospels, demonstrating their differences and inconsistencies B. lectionary of the four Gospels, providing Gospel readings for worship services C. commentary of the four Gospels, giving proper apostolic interpretations of Jesus' life over against Gnostic interpretations D. synthesis of the four Gospels, creating one extended narrative of Jesus' life


It is generally believed that Paul spent the interim years between his conversion and his first missionary journey doing what? A) working in order to pay reparations to those whom he had persecuted B) honing his missionary skills and developing his theological understanding of the gospel C) working with Roman authorities to indict the synagogue leaders who had contracted Paul to persecute the church D) learning Hebrew in order to read and interpret the Jewish scriptures


Jesus' ministry brought him into conflict with the religious leaders of Israel in matters of A. Sabbath regulations B. ritual hand-washing C. fasting D. all of the above


Mark ends his Gospel with A. the resurrected Jesus meeting the disciples in Galilee B. the resurrected Jesus commissioning his disciples to proclaim the Gospel to all nations C. the women being afraid and telling no one the angel's message D. Jesus dying on the cross


Mark's Gospel is often said to be dominated by A. liturgical material B. Jesus' parables C. Jesus' sermons D. the passion narrative


Mark's technique of sandwiching one story into the middle of another is called A. parataxis B. intercalation C. hypotaxis D. homoteleuton


Knowing Luke's editorial tendencies, which three words in the following passage from Mark will not be found in the Gospel of Luke? "When Jesus saw this, he was indignant and said to them, 'Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs'" A. "come to me" B. "do not stop" C. "kingdom of God" D. "he was indignant"


Luke portrays Jesus as one who A. fulfills expectations of Jewish scripture B. is similar to Hellenistic philosophers or benefactors C. has features in common with mythological heroes D. all of the above


Luke's Gospel is addressed to a certain Theophilus, who is most likely A. a Roman official intrigued by the Christian religion B. a wealthy patron responsible for commissioning Luke's literary project C. a code name for all Christians D. none of the above


Luke's Gospel shows special concern for A. women B. the poor C. tax collectors D. all of the above


Luke's birth narrative is unique in its use of A. parables B. hymns C. Old Testament citations D. male/female parallels


Luke's representation of Paul in Acts is sometimes regarded as inaccurate because in contrast to Paul's letters the "Paul of Acts" A) never indicates that Jesus' death on the cross brings salvation B) engages philosophers and idolaters more positively C) never mentions justification by grace through faith D) all of the above


Passion narratives are accounts of Jesus' A. arrest, trial, and crucifixion B. compassion for the crowds C. love for and teaching to his disciples D. birth


Paul tells the Corinthians that he decides to know nothing among them but Christ A) glorified B) spiritualized C) sanctified D) crucified


Paul understood his life-changing revelation of Jesus as... A) a conversion B) a prophetic call C) an affirmation of his Judaism D) a psychological projection


Paul writes 1 Corinthians in response to A) reports from Chloe's "people" B) a letter written to Paul from the Corinthian church C) reports from Stephanas, Fortunatus, and Achaius, who delivered to Paul a letter from the Corinthian church D) all of the above


Paul's ethical expectations for Christians are shaped by all of the following EXCEPT A) Christ's sacrificial humility: Christians will seek what is the good of others rather than what benefits themselves B) community: Christians are united spiritually with one another, so what one does has consequences for the others C) Christ's coming: Christians have a short time for their work to be accomplished D) natural law: Christians have moral codes that are set and learned as natural laws


Paul's interest in Jesus focuses mainly on A) Jesus' virgin birth B) Jesus' miracles C) Jesus' death and resurrection D) Jesus' moral teachings


Problems arose around the Lord's Supper in the Corinthian church because A) of different theologies concerning the meaning of the Lord's Supper B) different church leaders had different responsibilities in administering the Lord's Supper C) wealthier members were eating the food before the lower class members arrived after long work hours D) Jewish Christians objected to Gentile Christians including food sacrificed to idols at the meal


Scholars have explained the dissimilarities of Ephesians with Paul's undisputed letters in all of the following ways EXCEPT A) Paul wrote Ephesians to a general audience soon after writing Colossians for a specific congregation B) A disciple or companion of Paul wrote Ephesians after Paul's death, providing the church a generic statement of what the apostle would have written C) Paul wrote Ephesians as a rough draft for Colossians but it was mistakenly inserted in the Pauline collection D) A later admirer of Paul wrote Ephesians in Paul's name to continue Paul's legacy and to gain an audience for the letter's teachings


Scholars who think that the New testament letters ought to be considered authentic writings (not pseudepigraphical) may argue that... A) early Christians would have viewed pseudepigraphy as a dishonest practice B) early church traditions about authorship are generally reliable C) linguistic and other features that make the letter seem non-Pauline can be explained through Paul's use of amanuensis D) all of the above


The Captivity Letters are... A) the 5 letters that appear to have been written by Paul from prison: Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 2 Timothy, Philemon. B) the 3 letters addressed to colleagues of Paul entrusted with pastoral leadership of churches: 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus C) seven writings thought to be addressed to the church at large: James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude D) none of the above


The Catholic (or General) letters are... A) the 5 letters that appear to have been written by Paul from prison: Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 2 Timothy, Philemon. B) the 3 letters addressed to colleagues of Paul entrusted with pastoral leadership of churches: 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus C) seven writings thought to be addressed to the church at large: James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude D) none of the above


The Gospels present the death of Jesus as a result of A. the collaboration of high-ranking Jewish leaders and an unjust Pontius Pilate B. the unrepentant Jewish people manipulating a weak-willed Pontius Pilate C. the politically astute Pontius Pilate manipulating high-ranking Jewish leaders D. the politically astute Pontius Pilate undermining the Jewish people


The Greek translation of the Jewish Bible is referred to as the A. Mishnah B. Septuagint C. Talmud D. tradition of the elders


The span of Jewish history from 515 BCE to 70 CE is referred to as A. the Second Temple Period B. the time of the Maccabees C. the Persian Period D. the Roman Period


The typical structure of an ancient letter was... A) thanksgiving, salutation, main body, closing B) salutation, main body, thanksgiving, closing C) salutation, thanksgiving, main body, closing D) thanksgiving, main body, salutation, closing


The Pastoral Letters are... A) the 5 letters that appear to have been written by Paul from prison: Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 2 Timothy, Philemon. B) the 3 letters addressed to colleagues of Paul entrusted with pastoral leadership of churches: 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus C) seven writings thought to be addressed to the church at large: James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude D) none of the above


The Synoptic Gospels are A. Matthew, Mark, and John B. Matthew, Mark, and Luke C. Mark, Luke, and John D. Matthew, Luke, and John


The author of the Gospel of Luke also wrote what other New Testament book? A. Acts B. Revelation C. Hebrews D. Romans


The elaborate parallels that exist between Luke's Gospel and Acts are taken as an indication that A) both books are works of fiction B) the author and companion could not have been a companion of Paul C) they are intended to be read together as two volumes of one work D) all of the above


The literary genre that best describes the Gospels is A. epic B. history C. ancient biography D. none; the Gospels represent a unique genre


The most prominent topic addressed by Jesus in his preaching and teaching is A. resurrection B. the law C. the kingdom of God D. the Pharisees


The phrase "binding and loosing" in Matthew's Gospel most likely refers to Jesus' (and so the church's) authority to A. interpret and apply the law B. forgive and retain sins C. command and expel demons D. determine who is qualified for leadership


The second-century writer Marcion actually knows and refers to what we know as "the letter to the Ephesians" as what letter? A) "the letter to the Colossians" B) "the letter to the Philadelphians" C) "the letter to the Laodiceans" D) "the letter to the Trallians"


Theologically, Paul understands Jesus to be A) the image of God but also a second God B) a prophet announcing God's kingdom but not Lord C) the image of God, the Son of God, and Lord D) the Davidic messiah preparing God's kingdom but not the Son of God


Though called the Acts of the Apostles, the book focuses primarily on only two apostles--Peter and Paul--who in Christian art are usually portrayed holding what items? A) key(s) for Peter and a shepherd's crook for Paul B) key(s) for Peter and a sword for Peter C) bishop's mitre for Peter and key(s) for Paul D) sword for Peter and a shepherd's crook for Paul


Though generally understood as a "history," when Acts is read as the sequel to the Gospel of Luke, the combined Luke-Acts resembles A) epics B) Hellenistic biographies C) the Hebrew scriptures D) none of the above


Tradition has identified Luke, the author of the third Gospel, as a physician, but what other occupation has been associated with this Gospel writer? A. carpenter (building contractor) B. fisherman C. painter (artist) D. tentmaker


What is "the New Perspective on Paul"? A) a scholarly view that understands Paul's contentions against "works of the law" not as "works righteousness" but as rejecting ethnic markers that designate Israel as God's chosen people B) a scholarly view that sees Paul as the founder of Christianity as opposed to Jesus C) a scholarly view that reconstructs the life of Paul based on the book of Acts instead of the undisputed letters of Paul D) a scholarly view that believes Paul's theology was influenced by pagan ideas as opposed to his Jewish tradition


What motif is prominent in Luke's Gospel and probably functions to establish connections between the stories in the Gospel and the Christian gatherings in Luke's own time? A. baptism B. secrecy C. food/meals D. none of the above


What religious perspective combines a radical dualistic outlook (clear distinction between good and evil) with a deterministic view of history (the idea that everything is proceeding according to a divine plan)? A. wisdom theology B. animism C. apocalypticism D. Gnosticism


What social value refers to the status that one has in the eyes of others whom one considers to be significant, including factors such as age, gender, nationality, and economic class? A. wealth B. honor C. patron D. piety


What term refers to Jews living outside the traditional homeland of Palestine who were influenced by Hellenism? A. Samaritans B. Diaspora C. Herodians D. God-fearers


What term, describes the facet of Jesus' ministry in which he preaches on the road, taking his message to different groups as he and his disciples move from place to place? A. rural B. itinerant C. Jewish D. local


When the "table of household duties" (Haustafel) found in Ephesians is compared to such tables that were typical for this culture and time period, the most remarkable aspect is A) the insistence that wives be subject to their husbands B) the demand for children to obey BOTH their parents C) the inclusion of instructions for husbands, fathers, and masters D) the assumption that slaves are members of the household


Which Gentiles embraced Jewish theology, worship, and mortality, but did not fully convert to Judaism by being circumcised and following the Jewish dietary law? A. Zealots B. Samaritans C. Herodians D. God-fearers


Which Gospel do most scholars think was the first to be written? A. Mark B. Matthew C. Luke D. John


Which Roman governor ruled Judea from 26 to 36 CE and was responsible for the sentence and crucifixion of Jesus? A. Herod the Great B. Herod Antipas C. Pontius Pilate D. Antiochus Epiphanes


Which Seleucid (Greek) ruler initiated a reign of terror designed to exterminate the Jewish religion? A. Herod the Great B. Alexander the Great C. Antiochus Epiphanes D. Cyrus


Which aspect of the development of Christianity in the first century is especially emphasized in Acts? A) development of dogma B) numerical growth C) liturgical reform D) formation of polity


Which group led a successful Jewish rebellion to gain freedom from foreign rule? A. Romans B. Pharisees C. Zealots D. Maccabees


Which of the following New Testament letters is considered to be pseudepigraphical? A) Hebrews B) 1 John C) Philemon D) James


Which of the following are unique to Matthew's Gospel? A. visit of the magi (wise men) B. Peter trying to walk on water C. Pilate washing his hands of responsibility for Jesus' death D. all of the above


Which of the following can be surmised about the author of the Gospel of Luke? A. He was well educated, knowledgeable in both classical literature and the Jewish scriptures B. He was a Jewish rabbi, adopting the storytelling style of rabbinic literature C. He was a converted pagan priest who incorporated cultic images in telling the story of Jesus D. He was only functionally literate, slavishly following and using his sources


Which of the following has NOT been offered as a reason why Luke wrote Acts? A) to provide an objective and comprehensive account of early Christianity for the annals of history B) to demonstrate the political innocence of Christianity in order to forestall further Roman persecution C) to offer an irenic portrayal of Christian origins in order to unify an increasingly diverse church D) to present a long-term theology of mission for a church that had come to recognize the delay of Christ's second coming


Which of the following is NOT a conclusion by scholars regarding the background of Mark's Gospel? A. written for Roman Christians B. written around 70 CE C. written anonymously D. written in Palestine


Which of the following is NOT a description of Paul's stay and ministry in Corinth according to the book of Acts? A) Paul stayed in Corinth for at least 18 months B) Paul stayed with a Jewish-Christian couple named Priscilla and Aquila C) Paul made a living preparing meats for the marketplace D) Paul converted at least 2 leaders of Jewish synagogues


Which of the following is NOT a feature in the portrayal of the mission to the Gentiles in Acts? A) The mission to the Gentiles replaces the mission to Israel B) The salvation of the Gentiles was prophesied in scripture C) The mission to the Gentiles was authorized by Jesus D) The mission to the Gentiles was prompted and guided by the Holy Spirit


Which of the following is NOT a feature of Acts in emphasizing the role and character of God? A) God's partiality only toward Israel in offering salvation B) divine guidance through prophets, angels, and visions C) God's faithfulness to Israel and the promises made to Israel D) divine sovereignty over history


Which of the following is NOT a feature of letter writings in ancient times as reflected in the New Testament letters? A) the mandatory use of official Roman stamps (or imprints) on letters B) use of an amanuensis C) co-authors (or co-senders) of letters D) the use of entrusted individuals to deliver letters


Which of the following is NOT a feature or characteristic of Ephesians that is different in Paul's undisputed letters? A) Ephesians has no references to the specific circumstances of that community or Paul's previous ministry with them B) Ephesians refers to the church as the "body of Christ" C) In Ephesians, there are no personal greetings to individuals D) Ephesians has an impersonal tone and comments that suggest that the author and recipients know each other only by reputation


Which of the following is NOT a feature or strategy of Paul's missionary work? A) Paul's mission work was authorized by Peter and the other leaders of the Jerusalem church B) Paul targeted urban commercial centers for establishing churches C) Paul worked as the leader of a missionary team D) Paul often supported himself financially by practicing a trade


Which of the following is NOT a reason why scholars sometimes claim that a letter is pseudepigraphical? A) the intent to deceive B) theological inconsistencies with letters considered to be authentic C) historical anachronisms D) biographical discrepancies with the putative author


Which of the following is NOT a regular part of Jesus' ministry? A. making sacrifices B. telling parables C. prophetic acts D. exorcisms


Which of the following is NOT a theme developed further in Acts? A. imminent expectation of the parousia B. centrality of the city of Jerusalem C. work of the Holy Spirit D. exemplary portrayal of the disciples


Which of the following is NOT an aspect or quality of "historical Jesus" studies? A. The "historical Jesus" is not equated with the actual person of Jesus who lived in Galilee B. Miracles who cannot be verified on the basis of what counts as historical evidence C. The exalted figure of Jesus in the New Testament helps "historical Jesus" scholars fill out their historical reconstructions D. The Gospels are "religious propaganda" and so cannot be accepted as reporting objective, historical fact


Which of the following is NOT an implication of Jesus' preaching of the kingdom of God, that is, God's presence and power? A. uncompromising allegiance to and trust in God B. promise of forgiveness that leads to reconciliation and inclusion of sinners C. a radical love ethic for God and neighbor that provides a synopsis of God's own love, even love for enemies D. an insistence on strict purity, separating oneself from sinners


Which of the following is NOT characteristic of the Gospels? A. The authors of the Gospels were detached from their subject matter and attempted to offer objective and balanced perspectives of Jesus. B. The Gospels are compilations of smaller literary forms, including genealogies, miracle stories, parables, and pronouncement stories C. The authors of the Gospels knew the stories of the Old Testament and were influenced by them D. The Gospels employ a fictive style of narrative


Which of the following is NOT distinctive of Matthew's Gospel when compared to the Gospel of Mark? A. Matthew is interested in simplifying and organizing material, and often removes the more lively or colorful details found in Mark's stories B. Matthew introduces changes to Mark's Gospel in order to make his Gospel more appealing to his Jewish (or Jew-ish-Christian_ readers C. Matthew alters Mark's portrait of Jesus so that in his Gospel Jesus exhibits less human frailty D. Matthew intensifies Mark's negative portrayal of the disciples by doubling those scenes that show the disciples misunderstanding Jesus' teachings


Which of the following is NOT part of Mark's portrayal of the disciples? A. The disciples faithfully proclaim the gospel B. The disciples do not grasp the significance of a suffering messiah C. The disciples betray, deny, and forsake Jesus D. The disciples do not understand Jesus' parables


Which of the following is NOT part of the Ephesian's idea or perspective of the church? A) The term "church" is used onlywith reference to the universal church, not a specific local congregation B) The church's union with Christ is compared to the union between a husband and wife C) There are 2 dimensions of the church, the heavenly ministry inspired by Christ but also the sinful struggle of living in this world D) The church is described as a living building that grows into a holy temple of God


Which of the following is NOT true of "Q"? A. a source in the Two-Source Hypothesis B. a source that contains sayings of Jesus C. a source discovered among the Dead Sea Scrolls D. a hypothetical source


Which of the following is NOT true of miracles in the Gospels? A. Miracles in JOhn's Gospel are called "signs" B. Miracles in the Synoptic Gospels are referred to as "power" C. Miracles are sometimes intended to have symbolic meaning D. The most common response to miracles in the New Testament is disbelief


Which of the following is an undisputed letter of Paul? A) Colossians B) 2 Thessalonians C) 1 Timothy D) 2 Corinthians


Which of the following is characteristic of parables? A. compare spiritual things with mundane realities B. sometimes function as riddles introducing an element of complication C. usually intended to make one basic point D. all of the above


Which of the following is counted among the deutero-Pauline letters? A) Ephesians B) Romans C) Philippians D) 1 Corinthians


Which of the following is found in Mark's Gospel? A. the birth of Jesus B. the empty tomb C. resurrection appearances of Jesus D. the parable of the Good Samaritan


Which of the following is not characteristic of the Essenes? A. lived in separate communities B. advocated an ascetic lifestyle C. practiced ritual baths D. associated with the Jerusalem temple


Which of the following is not characteristic of the Pharisees? A. practiced celibacy B. associated with the synagogues C. accepted as authoritative "the tradition of the elders" D. believed laypeople should follow the same purity regulations in their daily lives as the priests serving in the temple


Which of the following is not characteristic of the Sadducees--a group comprised primarily of priests who controlled the temple system and dominated the Sanhedrin? A. comprised primarily of priests B. radically anti-Roman C. controlled the temple system D. dominated the Sanhedrin


With regard to eating "food offered to idols," Paul claims that believers should A) prohibit the practice for any who are baptized B) continue the practice in order to attract more Gentile converts C) be willing to give up their rights for the sake of others D) refuse to allow anyone to restrict their freedom

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