REL 130 - Periodic Exam 2 - Fall20

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Amos's 3 Visions

1. cloud of locusts descending upon the land and devouring everything, echo of Exodus plagues 2. a firestorm (could be an electrical storm), destructive 3. YHWH standing next to a wall with a plumb line in his hand - this is the most important the plumb line is representative of the righteousness that is the relation of God, neighbor and person Amos observes that the people in Bethel are more concerned with straight lines than righteous lives. injustice will cause the "wall" to fall

The Philistines had a confederacy form of government made up of how many leaders?


The Number 5

5 Philistine rulers 5 mice 5 stones 5 tumors represents the wholeness of the Philistines

The accounts of the plagues in Exodus 7-12 blend the Yahwist and Priestly Tradition. How many plagues are found in the Yahwist traditions?

7 (why?)

Which Son of David was killed by Joab (against David's orders) after his hair got tangled in a tree?



Achan is a figure in the story of Joshua 7 when they failed to conquer the city of Ai and 36 men died because Achan stole gold and silver because he coveted them. He confessed when Joshua went through each tribe, clan and household. Achan is from the tribe of Judah. Achan's confession led to his possessions, himself and his family being stoned, burned and destroyed. The first attempt of conquering Ai was attributed to the selfishness of Achan who put himself before community.

Which Son of David raped his half-sister and then was killed by her full-brother?


Amnon and Absolom

Amnon is attracted to his half-sister (Absalom's full sister) Tamar Amnon gets Tamar alone and he rapes her Absalom goes to David in anger and David does not act, Absalom is disgusted with David and arranges Tamar to live with him so that he can take care of her 2 years later, Absalom holds a feast to kill Anmon

There are 4 classic prophets from the 8th century in the Hebrew Bible/Christian OT. Which are associated with the Northern Kingdom of Israel?

Amos and Hosea


Amos called the women of Bethel in Bashan as cows Bashan is a region known for its well fed and well taken care of cows wealthy women wore soft shoes and the poor went shoeless excessiveness and obesity of the Bashan women. they couldn't even see because of their eyes swelling from their weight and they wore gaudy jewelry made of human bones (maybe even the bones of the poor)

When David first met Saul (according to one version), he soothed him with music. What job did Saul give David?


Name the Philistine god who is laid low by the presence of Yahweh's ark of the covenant.

Dagon - on the 3rd day, the statue is broken off by the feet


David sees Bathsheba (a married woman - the wife of a mercenary, Uriah the Hittite, in David's army) bathing in the courtyard from his rooftop and gets a servant to bring her to him he proceeds to rape her and send her home *not adultery but sexual assault* she becomes pregnant with David's son David tries to get Uriah back home so that he will sleep with his wife so they can pretend the child is his, but Uriah does not go home but stays with his squadron so David send Uriah back with his own death sentence in a note for Joab that orders him to put Uriah in a spot that will get him killed David does the "right thing" and "lets" Bathsheba move in with him as his wife Nathan calls David out about this - David has a realization that he has done bad things the pregnancy is difficult and the child is sickly, David repents, assuming responsibility for his sins when the child dies, he celebrates in preparation to be with the child instead of morning, symbolizing his repentance and the new perspective that he has Bathsheba eventually gets pregnant again and gives birth to Solomon Bathsheba, along with Nathan, end up convincing David that Solomon should be the next king (over his eldest son)

Davidic Covenant

David wants to build a temple, and Nathan tells him to go ahead, the God is on his side. Yahweh then comes to Nathan and instructs him to tell David that He has been with him wherever he went since he brought him out of the fields of sheep and that he has been protecting him and that he will make a great name for him, and that he will appoint a place for His people Israel and that they will be free from evildoers. the Lord declares that He will make a house for David and that when he is dead, that He will raise up his offspring after him to establish his kingdom forever. They are to have a father son relationship and that he will be punished for his iniquities as a mortal but that the steadfast love of God will never be taken from him. this covenant echoes through the Christina NT and throughout history David is not established as the Son of God and King of Israel and Jesus of Nazareth will one day be called along with the Son of David - the Kingdom will never end in that sense even though in a physical sense it eventually ends.


David's military commander Joab makes it possible for Absalom to return to Jerusalem he is a "double agent" kills Absalom David warns Solomon against Joab - he cannot be trustworthy


David's prophet who helps communicate the Davidic covenant also convinces David alongside Bathsheba to make Solomon king following David's death also denounces David's behavior with Bathsheba and leads him to his repentance

Deuteronomic History

Deuteronomy is the rehearsed versions of the Exodus story there are 4 books - Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings Main theme of the Deuteronomic History: do the will of Yahweh and you will prosper, do not do the will of Yahweh and you will suffer you = universal you: all people


Exodus 20 - spoken alongside God Given to Moses on the top of Mt. Sinai First 4: people and Yahweh - a vertical relationship: 1. no other gods before me 2. you shall not make for yourself an idol 3. you shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God 4. remember the Sabbath and keep it holy 5-9: community, people & people relationship 5. honor your father and mother 6. you shall not murder 7. you shall not commit adultry 8. you shall not steal 9. you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor Last one: self-relationship, internal 10. you shall not covet (desire after what you do not have)

The Deuteronomic History as introduced in Deuteronomy and explores the Former Prophets covers what historical timeframe?

Exodus to the Exile

The central theme to Amos is:

God's justice and righteousness

Hosea's unfaithful wife was named



Hannah goes to the Tabernacle in Shiloh and gets as close to the ark of the covenant as she can get and prays fervently to the Lord, so much so that the priest Eli thinks that she is a drunk street woman and sends her away she gets sassy with him and her prayers are answered leading to the wonder conception by Hannah and birth of Samuel (asked of God, given of God) Hannah is audacious, she dressed Samuel as a priest and presented the child to the priest as a pretender - in Numbers it is stated that only the descendants of Aaron can be priests

Exodus 1 reports that Egypt had a new ruler (Pharaoh or King). The report only included one description of the ruler. What was it?

He did not know Joseph this does not seem plausible with he history this is all geopolitical - the new king decided that the Israelites and Joseph were not beneficial the Pharaoh is never named he was worried that the Israelites would pose a national security threat 4,000 years of political unrest in this area led to Egypt - the world power to work to identify and suppress potential threats as their way of remaining a world power.

Hebrew v. Israelite

Hebrew refers to the ethnic group and Israelite refers to the political

The drama of the plagues in Egypt takes the form of a competition. Which pairs are competitors?

Hebrews and Egyptians Yahweh and Pharaoh Moses and the Egyptian magicians

Gomer's Children

Hosea takes in Gomer's kids even though they are not his own Jezreel: Hosea names the baby Jezreel. this is the place where King Jehu got overexcited about power and unleashed a bloodbath that covered the Northern and Southern Kingdom of Isreal. Jezreel was one of the most heinous places of battle. these are watch words for excessive destruction. Lo-ru-amah: "not pitied", for YHWH will no longer have pity on the house of Israel or forgive them Lo-ammi: "not my people" for YHWH professed, "you are not my people and I am not your God"

Characteristics of the Classic Prophets - 5 Constants Among the Prophets

Interpreters of the Present: they mist consider the past & present to anticipate the future Social Critics: not whiners, they have suggestions on how to fix it Articulators of Moral Values: they align with Yahweh's character (i.e. Yahweh IS love) these values should be pursued by all people towards God: the Decalogue - Exodus 20 - spoken alongside God Use Yahweh's Character as a Compass: love God, neighbor & self, Yahweh's character as a compass and guide for all God's people Saying Something meaningful about God: theology itself

Which are associated with the Southern Kingdom of Judah?

Isaiah and Micah

What does Hosea name Gomer's first child?



King David spent his quiet time on the rooftop where David first sees Bathsheba where Absalom goes to have sex with all of David's concubines (sexual assault = the power and expression of domination)

What horrible event happened at Jezreel that made it a watchword for destruction?

King Jehu's bloodbath

King Ahaz

King of Judah in the time of Isaiah, at the time of the destruction of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, the successor of King Uzziah. in chapter 7 of Isaiah: King Ahaz trembles in far because the Assyrians are threatening to conquer the Northern Kingdom YHWH tells Isaiah to go meet with Ahaz. he tells him that the head of Aram is Damascus and the head of Damascus is Rezin. Ahaz is urges to take a broader look of things and ask for a sign from YHWH Isaiah's vision is most likely the coronation of Ahaz he practiced child sacrifice because of his fear of the Assyrians


Made King based on two different stories - the anti/pro-monarchy narratives are slightly different the people request a king from Samuel - one story says that Samuel tells them that they do not want a king and once he relents they do a lottery type deal (casting of the lots) where Saul is chosen from the clan of Benjamin and the Kish family he didn't show up, but was instead cowering among the baggage - hiding and refusing to become the anointed king, he was tall and good looking other story is that there was a prophesy of Samuel about Saul - that there would be a good-looking man looking for his father's donkey's and that in that he would be King Saul was a bad king - he served himself, not the people and not Yahweh had a tormented spirit Samuel 1: Saul is killed in battle after being wounded - the armor bearer refuses to kill Saul, he commits a self-inflicted mercy death Samuel 2: Saul is killed by a amekalite (as instructed, a mercy death).

The Succession Narrative found is 2 Samuel 9-20 and 1 Kings 1-2 is filled with intrigue, rapes, murders, and also offers a candid view of David's worst and best character. Which of the following characters is not included in the intrigue?


According to Robert Cate, the prophetic tradition in the Hebrew Bible begins with whom?



Moses and the signs Pharaoh and the plagues the Egyptian magicians

Exodus 1-2

Moses is born in Egypt to a Levite woman the Pharaoh had "forgotten" Jacob, but really he just needed a way to justify the oppression of the Israelites because they had become so numerous in the land of Egypt that they threatened the nation of Egypt should there be an outside attack the Pharaoh called for all male Israelite children be killed the midwives claimed that the couldn't do it because the Israelite women were so strong that they delivered without the help of the midwives before they could get there (basically throwing their superiority in the king's face and only exacerbating his fears) Moses' mother put him in a basket and floated him down the river and the Pharaoh's daughter found him and took him as her own, Moses' own mother acting as his nurse Moses became impatient with the mistreatment of his people and ended up killing an Egyptian. he fled to Midian where he married a Midianite woman and started a family as a shepherd


Samuel's birth changes the narrative and the history of the descendants of Abraham and Sarah Elkanah and Hannah - he loved her but she was infertile (again), but his other wife Peninnah was fertile Elkanah was from the tribe of Ephraim - the second son of Jospeh who received the first born blessing meaning that it was a blessed land - the ancestor to Israel Elkanah goes to Shiloh during the annual celebrations to sacrifice at the ark of the covenant in the Tabernacle Hannah and Eli interact His mother, Hannah presents him to Eli as a priest when he is a child and he is taken in to train as a Nazarite Eli is going blind and the light of the tabernacle, the faltering flame, showed him the plight of the Israelites Samuel hears a voice, incredible, hard to believe slept in the presence of Yahweh, the ark of the covenant Yahweh calls out the Samuel and he thinks that it is Eli Samuel realizes that it is Yahweh by way of Eli's guidance and he speaks to God, saying, here I am Yahweh tells Samuel that he will succeed Eli and that Eli and his sons will die, ending the aaronic priesthood because of the Eli's corrupt sons who were selling the sacrificial meat on the black market, took advantage of the women in the street and continued as liars and abusers Samuel becomes a Judge the people request a king from Samuel - one story says that Samuel tells them that they do not want a king and once he relents they do a lottery type deal (casting of the lots) where Saul is chosen from the clan of Benjamin and the Kish family he didn't show up, but was instead cowering among the baggage - hiding and refusing to become the anointed king, he was tall and good looking other story is that there was a prophesy of Samuel about Saul - that there would be a good-looking man looking for his father's donkey's and that in that he would be King Samuel then anoints David under Yahweh's command and without Saul's knowledge

Saul/David (relationship)

Saul is the Lord's anointed publicly and David, His anointed in secret both Saul and David were anointed while dealing with their father's animals - Saul, the donkeys & David, the sheep Saul is displeased with Yahweh, so He takes away his pure heart and gave him a tormenting spirit - David is introduced as a musician to play soothing music for Saul's anxiety Saul loved David so he made him court musician and armor bearer growing tension between Saul and David: 1. Saul offers David his daughter and he refuses 2. Saul is depressed and is doing all that he can to unseat David from the throne of public affection 3. Saul throws a javelin at David & misses fo David leaves the palace David protects Saul's life despite Saul trying to take David's life: he has immense respect for Yahweh's anointed 1. David and his men, fleeing from Saul and his men, are hiding in this cave where Saul comes to defecate and instead of killing him, David cuts off the fringe of his garment, embarrassing him & reminding the Israelites that they are not protecting the King well enough instead. when Saul is killed in battle (an Amekalite inflicted mercy death), David has the Amekalite killed as respect for the anointed

1 Kings 3:3-15

Solomon went to Gibeon for sacrifice - he admits that he is a child and lacks experience. David serves as an example of what to do and what not to do as King. Solom asks for wisdom - this is wise in and of itself. the ark of the covenant is where the Lord resides - Solomon goes there as a way of acknowledging the Lord and the wisdom he has granted to Solomon.


The High Priest of the Shiloh Tabernacle the last Aaronic priest see other entries to see his relationships with Hannah, his role in making Samuel a judge and the corruption of his sons and the battle with the Philistines

David's Story

There is just too much haha

Classic Prophets

Three minor and one major, 8th century, 700s, ethical monotheism shared 5 constants: 1. interpreters of the present 2. social critics 3. articulators of moral values 4. Yahweh's character as a compass 5. saying something meaningful about God Amos: a northern kingdom of Israel prophet: preaching in the streets, God is righteousness and justice Hosea: married a prostitute at God's command, prophet of suffering love, whoredom of Israel, Yahweh is love, northern kingdom Isaiah: holiness of God, vision in the temple, saw God and His holiness Micah: what is required of you by God - do justice, act kindly and love mercy, God is justice

Competitors in Exodus 7-15

Yahweh (NOT Moses) v. Pharoh Moses v. the Magicians Israelites (Hebrews) v. Egyptians

According to the books of Samuel, what did David call Saul?

Yahweh's anointed

The Day of the Lord is a central theme in the book of Amos. What does the prophet anticipate that day will be like?

a dark day of judgement (if the people do not redirect their ways)

Amos declines to accept the title of prophet. What was his profession?

a shepherd

David gains a strong reputation among the Israelites

after slaying the Goliath: David is at home in Bethlehem - Jesse send him with wine and bread to camp where they are preparing for battle against the Philistines in order to bride the commanders to not put his brothers in harm's way when he arrives there is this bellowing Philistine giant named Goliath who is speaking ill of Yahweh and His people & David says that someone needs to go shut him up Goliath taunts that Israel should send their best man against him (this would be Saul - he's not only the king but in this case, tall=best) David tells Saul that he has faced worse defending his father's sheep, so Saul insists that David wear his armor & it swallows him, he can't even move because it is too big around him David refuses the King's armor, not because it was too big but too small for his heart he picks up 5 rocks and his sling and the Goliath tumbles to the ground with the rock and David then takes the Goliath's own sword and beheads him

What is the meaning of the words messiah (Hebrew) and christ (Greek)?

anointed one

David is anointed King

before the death of Saul (the first time) and after the death of Saul (the second time) Samuel anoints David, son of Jesse which Saul is still the Lord's anointed - Yahweh instructs Samuel to be deceitful to Saul (anti/pro-monarchy narratives) the Lord instructs Samuel to look at the hearts of Jesse's sons - was Saul a bad decision? David is a man after God's own heart David becomes the King of Judah & eventually the King of the reunited Kingdom of Israel following 7 years of civil war

Isaiah 6 - Isaiah becomes a Prophet

chapter 6 is his call 1. becomes the prophet of the holiness of God 2. vision in the temple where he saw God, the holiness of God 3. he responded to that vision by accepting the call of the king on the throne (most likely Ahaz, as the vision took place at his coronation) to be a representative of the people his vision: seraph imagery, responds to YHWH "here I am, send me", most likely occurred at the coronation of King Ahaz because Uziah had died, pageantry that was involved in switching of power and coronation, involves an overwhelming description of the 5 senses. he volunteers to follow YHWH, not the King, therefore, he will reality check the king and help him see he is a representative of God and not that he is actually God or the king of the universe

The "hardening of the heart" of Pharaoh focuses attention upon a tension between two important theological concepts developed throughout the Bible. What are they?

divine providence and human freedom

Deuteronomic Theology

do the will of Yahweh and you will prosper, do not do the will of Yahweh and you will suffer you = universal you: all people

Ritual of Ancient Pharoh's

every morning at sunrise - the Pharaoh goes to the river to add water the sun goes up when Pharaoh shows up - known as the Sun Deity flow of the river by the presence of the Pharaoh the Pharaoh would be very adept at reading & understanding astrology and cosmology so they knew when things happened (like the sunrise and the flow of the river) created the illusion that the Pharaoh was divine

The narratives about David in Samuel and Kings reaches its highest point when

he is affirmed as Yahweh's anointed - when Yahweh extends the covenant - the Davidic covenant




major prophet, classic prophet known as the prophet of holiness


many gods, one is supreme; Greek mythology (Zeus is the chief in the pantheon); chief god among equals the thought before the 8th century prophets' introduction of ethical monotheism

Joab plays a significant role in David's court. What was his primary responsibility?

military commander


minor prophet classic prophet who fit into the 5 characteristics Micah raises the question of "what does YHWH require of you?" YHWH requires that you do justice, that you act kindly, and that you are merciful Micah is the prophet in the South and is the prophet of justice context of Micah and Isaiah are very similar. Word of YHWH came to Micah in similar timing of kings (same kings as Jeremiah) Micah saw concerning Samaria and Jerusalem Micah is more like a street prophet (like Amos) we begin with Micah in Jerusalem and he begins to build an audience issuing judgement against Samaria. we see Micah rousing up the crowd in the city of Jerusalem, he begins by throwing stones. across the border (per say). after getting their attention, he dooms the cities of Judah. Micah is talking about geopolitics. that are had building tension. after speaking judgements against Israel and Judah, Micah utters a promise (speaking on behalf of YHWH) 1. first word of hope in Micah 2. saying good things about the people of the Northern Kingdom there will be survivors in Israel Micah calls out false prophets that call peace in the face of destruction and call war in the place of sustenance Micah also says, just because you live in Jerusalem, doesn't mean that you'll be secure Micah makes a pointed statement against the excessiveness of King Ahaz because he was so afraid of the Assyrians that he practiced child sacrifice in Jerusalem


minor prophet dramatic story about Jonah, the reluctant prophet YHWH told Jonah to go to Nineveh, capital of Assyria, to proclaim the presence of YHWH to a hostile crowd. Jonah refuses and does the exact opposite. he boards a ship and a giant storm threatens to destroy the ship and the sailors toss him overboard to appease an angry God. a large fish swallows Jonah and swims him all the way back to Nineveh. Jonah's error was saying that he knew what YHWH was going to do Jonah preaches an uncertain future and the people believe him and they had a change of heart. Jonah gets mad at YHWH for not striking the Ninevites down. YHWH still gives him shade. the story of Jonah is a narrative to caution against predicting YHWH's actions


minor, classic prophet in the north he cried out over poverty, mistreatment of the poor, excessiveness on the part of the rich, identified a perversion of religious rituals he is consumed by injustice prophet of righteousness


minor, classic prophet in the north marries a prostitute and takes care of her children (he didn't father any of them) 1. he gives the babies horrible names 2. he stays awake all night with a candle burning in the room awaiting his unfaithful wife 3. the prophet of suffering love - YHWH is love. the book of Hosea is a reflection of YHWH's relationship to Israel


on of the former prophet books


only Levites (descendants of Aaron) can be priests


rehoboam was the first king of the Kingdom of Judah and was the son of Solomon and grandson of David jeroboam was the fort king of Israel after the revolt of the tribes of Israel against Rehoboam which ended the united monarchy and separated judah and israel

Amos's public preaching includes his descriptions of visions. In chapter 7, Amos describes three things he saw. Which is not one of the three?

rotting fruit the three were: 1. a firestorm 2. a swarm of locusts 3. a plumb line

What does the name Hosea mean?



sea people from the Mediterranean coast terrifying long time foes of the Israelites Eli's sons said let's take the ark of the covenant to defeat the Philistines - they had become unfaithful, seeing God as magic instead and Yahweh became a prisoner of war. their god Dagon fell on it's face before Yahweh and eventually broke at the feet (on the 3rd day) there came a great plague, so they returned the ark of the covenant along with 5 gold offerings

In the Christian OT, the book of Ruth completes the time of the judges and provides a transition to the accounts of the rise and the fall of the monarchy. Why is she important to the story of the monarchy?

she is the ancestor of Yahweh's chosen King - David, son of Jesse - and furthermore, the lineage of Jesus Christ


son of David, successor of David yada yada super wise and all that jazz

Sympathetic Magic

sympathy: sharing the feelings of another sympathetic magic: the attempt to use an action to evoke the same action on a greater scale ex: rain dance in Native American culture - sweating, drumming, etc of the dance evokes the rain and thunder - mimicking an act of nature for nature to respond


that's a long story haha

2 Samuel 7

the Davidic Covenant

Numbers 20:1-13

the Waters of Meribah


the book of Ruth in the Hebrew OT comes much later than in the Christian OT it is 4 short chapters with a short concluding genealogy she's not an Israelite but married an Israelite in Moab (her homeland) Naomi (her mother in law) released Ruth from her familial ties when her husband dies but Ruth goes with Naomi anyway to Israel Naomi arranges marriage between Ruth and Boaz - the ancestor of Obed and eventually David David is forced introduced into the Hebrew Bible before the birth of Samuel

Origin/Etiology of the Passover

the final plague of the Exodus narrative - the Lord warned Moses that He would kill every firstborn across the land of Egypt. YHWH gave Moses and Aaron instructions so that they could warn/protect the Israelites from the final plague the instructions were as follows: 1. the month marks the beginning of all months 2. on the 10th day of that month, they are to take a lamb for the whole household, sharing when necessary 3. they should be perfect (without blemish), a year-old male, from the sheep or goats 4. keep the lamb until the 14th day of the month and then the whole assembled congregation of Israel should slaughter them at midnight 5. they shall eat the lamb that same night, roasted over fire (not boiled in water or raw) with unleavened bread and bitter herbs 6. nothing should remain in the morning, and if it does, it should be burned 7. eat fully clothed, with sandals on your feet and a staff in your hand, eat it hurriedly 8. take hyssop and dip in the blood of the lamb in the basin and paint the two doorstops with blood as a sign to the Lord 8. this is to serve as a day of remembrance henceforth


the first born of David to be King Bethsheba and Nathan convince David to make Solomon his successor instead of Adonijah he experienced a power, sex struggle he asked Solomon to wed the woman, Abishag, who served his father on his deathbed, but Solomon refused, blocking him from any attempt at the throne

In the opening two chapter of Exodus, 4 women make the un-named Pharaoh look silly. Which of the following include the women?

the mother of Moses - she puts him in a basket and sends him into the river - she obeys the law the states that nay baby boy born of the Levites must be placed in the river (Nile) but she does so in a way that helps insure the survival of her child the daughter of Pharaoh - she found Moses in the river while she was there to bathe. she didn't actually want a child, she wanted a forbidden person to keep in defiance of her father. Moses' mother was able to raise him as his wet nurse - the hand of God can be seen here in the form of an Egyptian princess two Hebrew midwives - Shipurah and Puah - Pharaoh told them to kill the boys born, not the girls the midwives feared God so they did not abide when asked about it, they responded snarkily that Hebrew women were stronger than Egyptian women and gave birth before they could arrive, that they did not need assistance. they were saying in defiance that the Hebrews were better than the Egyptians

6th Plague

the plague of the boils the Pharaoh's magicians could not stand before Moses because of their pain and they laid prostrate (face on the ground) in "reverence" of Moses and YHWH

2nd Plague

the plague of the frogs the magicians were able to kill all of the frogs but were not able to get rid of them completely and they stunk up the place

3rd Plague

the plague of the gnats the magicians could not replicate the wonder in their secret arts and they saw and proclaimed the "finger of God" for the first time

Davidic Dynasty

the promise in the Davidic covenant that David's son will create a kingdom that lasts forever the covenant with David cannot be broken; the Deuteronomic history interprets that the kingdom of David will never end and the monarchy becomes the Blessed Monarchy of the Davidic line after the death of Solomon, the kings of the North deny the Davidic heritage in the rebellion during the Exile following the Babylonian invasion, those who held on to hope found a new understanding of the anointing of the Davidic monarchy and the covenant made in 2 Sam 7

All of the plagues in Exodus 7-12 are announced by Moses and Aaron to the Pharaoh. What was the first plague?

the reddening of the Nile

1st Plague

the reddening of the Nile - water into blood this is the fulfillment of the promise to Moses that YHWH gave at the burning bush

Exodus 1 includes the claim that the Israelites posed a potential threat to the Egyptian government. What was that threat?

they could become allies of an enemy & because of their number, they would overthrow the power of Egypt

Prophet identifies several characteristics of Hebrew prophets. Which is not one of them?

they could predict the future

Eygptian magicians

they were practitioners of a secret art and they were called upon by Pharaoh to replicate (dismantle and disprove) the miracles and wonders performed by Moses they could in the beginning, though YHWH's wonders were always superior in some way the 3rd plague (of the gnats) they could not replicate and acknowledged God for the first time faith always beats out magic

Succession Narrative - Solomon

tries to trace and support how Solomon became the king (succeeding his father) on his deathbed David promises Bathsheba and Nathan that Solomon will become the King when he dies David's failure as a father and king brought shame and horror upon the nation of Israel all the horrible things that happen are directly related to David's mess ups as a king and father

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