Religion chapter study guide

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His first covenant was with Noah, then with ____________, Moses, and finally with David.


What is another term for the Ten Commandments


The prophet __________ brought hope to the Jewish people by predicting a time when God would __________ Israel and the people would return to the ____________________.

Ezekiel, restore, Promise Land

true or False? Jesus interpreted the messianic way to Salvation as a path of earthly glory and domination, not a path of suffering and service.

False. Jesus interpreted the messianic way to Salvation as a path of suffering and service, not a path of earthly glory and domination.

True or False? The Decalogue summarizes the Law of Abraham and expresses what humans know in their hearts, and deduce by reason, to be right or wrong.

False. The Decalogue summarizes the Law of Moses and expresses what humans know in their hearts, and deduce by reason, to be right or wrong.

__________, his son, succeeded David as king and was known for his _______________ and the building of the __________ in Jerusalem which became the center of worship and _______________ for the Chosen People.

Solomon,wisdom, temple, pilgrimmage

How did the prophets describe the messiah

The suffering servant as well as Emanuel

What does Isaiah 60: 1-5 reveal about God's plan for Salvation?

These verses express the belief that God's Salvation is meant for all, not just the Chosen People.

Jesus Christ was the _______________ of his promise God made with the people of ancient __________.

fulfillment, Israel

The __________ period of Israel's monarchy was during the reign of King __________.


What was the key promise of God's covenant with David?

israel would be a royal dynasty

Disagreement among Jewish leaders and __________ divided Judaism into different sects,


What messages did the prophets proclaim to the people?

proclaiming the need for the Chosen People to worship the one, true God in fidelity and truth • warning the people of their need to repent • urging the people to live according to the Law • asking the people to look out for the needs of the poor and powerless

Solomon's building projects severely _________ the people, and his many foreign __________ led him to worship their _________.

taxed, wives, idols

Define the new covenant

the covenant established by God in Jesus Christ to fulfill and perfect the Old Covenant. (Also called the law of the gospel)

True or False? God sent prophets to both the north and the south to remind people of his covenant with them.


True or False? The key promise of God's covenant with David led the Israelites to believe in the Messiah, one who would come and save them from their enemies.


How does Abraham's status as an immigrant compare to the experiences of immigrants in the world today?

He listened to god's call and moved to a new place

The Jews fought efforts to ______________ them and faithful Jews kept their religion alive through __________ worship and by meeting in _______________.

Hellenize, Temple, Synagogues

According to the prophet Jeremiah, how would the new covenant be different from the old covenant?

"It will not be like the covenant I made with their them, and write it upon their hearts; I will be their God, and they shall be my people. or Law would no longer be written only on tablets of stone or in law books. Rather, God would touch people's hearts so that he might live within them."

Summarize the covenants God made with Abraham, Moses, and David.

Abraham-Promise: blessing for Abraham's family, promised land, blessing to nations Conditions: circumcision Outcome: god did eventually allow Abraham's descendants into the Promised Land.Moses-Promise: chosen people will be a beacon of God' s revelationConditions: Israelites were to worship God alone and confirm to the law.Outcome: people turning their back on God and continuing to idolatry.David-Promise: messiah would ascend from the house of David.Conditions: the chosen people were to live the law as a beacon.Outcome: god remained faithful to his promises.

What do the servant songs describe

An individual (jesus) also at the bottom of page 65

Which outside powers conquered the northern and southern kingdom?

Assyria & Babylons

Why is Abraham called the "Father of Faith"?

BC he heard god's call, believed & obeyed it

How would the Chosen People be a beacon of God's Revelation to the whole world?

By worshipping the Lord alone as the true God, and by living a life conformed to the Law.

the Book of __________ predicted much about the Messiah which applied to Jesus.


What did Isaiah's prophecies remind the Israelites?

Isaiah's prophecies reminded the Israelites that God called them to draw other nations to the worship of the one, true God.

After his death, the kingdom divided into the northern kingdom of __________ - consisting of ten tribes - and the southern kingdom of __________ - consisting of the tribes of _____________and Judah with Jerusalem as its _____________.

Israel, Judah, ,Benjamin, capital

He made ______________ its capital and brought peace, culture, and _______________ to the land.


Why did the kingdom split in two?

King Solomon taxed the people

It was the latter in which he announced that the _____________ and Savior would come from David's ________________.


The Old Testament covenants foretold a _____________ that would be written on the __________ of humankind.

New Covenant,Hearts

Why is it important for Catholics today to understand the relationship between the covenants of the Old Testament and the new covenant?

Old Testament covenants foretold a new covenant that would be written on the hearts of the humankind. God entrusted the people of ancient Israel with knowledge of his promises. In addition to narrating the Old Testament, it is god's revelation. The new test allows us to understand it.

Prior to the birth of Christ, __________ rule gave way to the Greeks, then to the Seleucid dynasty, and finally to the __________.


including the ______________, Sadducees, Essenes, and _______________.

Pharisees, Zealots

Name three compounds of the law of Moses.

Priesthood, sacrifices, and foreshadowing the pascal mystery.

What are the two sacred parts of biblical covenants?

Promise, conditions

Name three ways God helped the chosen people remain faithful to their covenant with him prior to the birth of Christ.

Promised a new covenant, sent prophets, and sent king David.

After the Babylonians had conquered the Jews, what did God send the prophets to do?

Sent his prophets to give the Jews hope for their future including their new covenant.

It includes the ____________________ that describes "the servant" whom God will use to usher in a glorious __________.

Servant songs, future

What caused the destruction of the kingdom of Israel 722 BC? The kingdom of Judah in 587 BC?

The northern kingdom chose idolatry from the beginning, as the king tried to create new worship sites that would rival the Temple in Jerusalem. Although God sent prophets to the north to warn the leaders that idolatry would lead to their downfall, they did not change, and the kingdom fell to Assyria in 722 BC. The southern kingdom had a few faithful kings, but most succumbed

What are the two sacred parts of biblical covenants? What condition did God establish with Abraham?

The promise God made and the conditions God asked the person or group entering into the covenant to fulfill. In the covenant with Abraham, Abraham and all of his descendants were to be circumcised.

True or False? While the Jews were suffering the consequences of many years of infidelity and sin in Babylon, God sent prophets to give them hope about their future.


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