Religious Practices

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Describe Believers Baptism

1. Candidate tells how they became a Christian (testimony) 2. Enter the water 3. Minister/Pastor asks them to confess their belief in Jesus 4. The candidate confesses their faith by saying 'I do' 5. Totally immersed in water and brought back up 6. A chance to meet with friends and family after

Describe Infant Baptism

1. Child brought to the Font by parents and Godparents 2. Minister/Priest will ask parents some questions about their faith 3. Parents respond 4. Minister puts water on the head of the baby three times in the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (In Roman Catholic Holy Water) 5. Roman Catholic also anoint with oil 6. May be a candle lit, maybe a white shawl given

Explain the behaviour code in Christianity

10 commandments such as don't steal and lie Jesus' summary of the 10 commandments in Matthew 22: Love God with heart, soul and mind, and Love neighbour as yourself The Golden Rule - Treat others as you want to be treated. Sermon on the Mount - Love your enemies, inward thoughts on adultery and anger are as bad as the outward acts

Dietary/Food Laws

Christianity no rules - some eat fish instead of meat on Friday Islam - Halal meat - No pork, no blood in it, kneck cut and dedicated to Allah, no alcohol Judaism - No pork / any unclean animal (does not have a split hoof or chew the cud) / meat with blood in it / meat and milk products not to be eaten in the same meal- only kosher food allowed

Explain why religious festivals are held

Christmas (birth of Jesus) Good Friday (death of Jesus) / Easter (resurrection of Jesus). Islam Eid ul Fitr (festival of fast-breaking) / Eid ul Adha (festival of sacrifice). Judaism Rosh Hashanah (New Year celebration) Pesach (Passover of angel in Egypt, and subsequent freedom).

How is it difficult to keep food laws today

Difficult to buy Halal and Kosher food in somewhere like Northern Ireland Difficult to know what goes into processed food. Takes time to follow rules, people too busy today Makes it difficult to go out for dinner/socialise with non-religious friends Halal rules seen as cruel today

Explain the behaviour code in Buddhism

Do not kill or harm other living beings Do not steal Avoid sexual misconduct Do not lie or gossip Don't take drink and drugs

How might Muslims celebrate their festivals

Eid ul Fitr: paying for a poor person to celebrate the feast / visiting family and friends / attending special prayers at the mosque. At Eid ul Adha: sacrificing an animal / giving some of the meat to the poor / attend special prayers at the mosque / visiting family and friends, etc

Everyone (Including non believers) should take part in religious festivals

Everyone should be welcome to celebrate a festival It is a way of advertising the religion Other people may learn about the religion by joining in They can understand the meaning without following the whole religion Festivals can bring people together from different communities and prevent prejudice.

Prayer and Meditation are not a waste of time

God tells us to pray and says he will answer Prayer is not about changing God's mind but our own - sometimes he says no It brings peace of mind Prayers are answered strengthening faith Meditation brings good Karma Can bring about a mystical experience with God

Explain why behaviour codes are important

How you live your life may bring Good and Bad Karma How you live your life may result in heaven or hell Living a good life (practising what preach) may win converts Holy books containing the codes claim to be the words of God They tell us how God wants us to live, especially how we treat others.

Meaning of Believers Baptism

It does not make you a Christian It is done in order to obey Jesus' command to be baptised. It is a witness to other people that you have become a Christian. (Possibly convert others)

Explain why marriage is important to religious believers.

It is a bond of love between two people Family is the place to teach children about God Brings two families together strengthening the community God commands marriage in Genesis For Catholics it is a sacrament that cannot be undone Symbolic of Christ's love for the Church

Why are religious funeral services important?

It shows respect for the person who has died It is an opportunity to give thanks for their life In Christianity it involves entrusting the soul of the dead person to God In Hinduism it releases the soul from the body so that it can be reincarnated It is an opportunity to mourn and to comfort and bring hope to the mourners,

Why do people celebrate religious festivals/why they are important+

It unites followers of a religion/sense of belonging It is fun, rewards the faithful/children May remind them of religious history(Easter) Teach key religious beliefs to the community/kids Gives thanks to God -harvest thanks God for food


Known as Brit Milah God commanded the Jewish people (Leviticus 12:2), "On the eighth day, the flesh of his foreskin shall be circumcised." Performed when boy is 8 days old Performed by a trained rabbi - Mohel Prayers and Blessings are said

Explain how Muslims Pray

Known as Salat - 5 pillars 5 times a day facing Mecca Perform Wudu first Repeat actions and words of the Rakah Series of kneeling and prostration Personal prayers -dua

Dietary/Food Laws not Needed

Live in multicultural countries so impossible to keep Traditions could lead to losing friends/excluded Reflect health concerns of ancient people not a problem today Method of slaughter not in keeping with animal rights today First Christians left Kosher rules behind-not binding

Why are religious marriage services not important today?

Many people are not religious but still want to get married People should not have to say words which they do not understand or mean The important thing is that the two people are in love and committed to each other Religious weddings may restrict who can get married such as homosexuals

Value and Importance of Coming of Age Ceremony

Marks a commitment to Church/Synagogue. Reaffirm promises made at baptism (Confirmation). Become an adult responsible for keeping the commandments (Bar Mitzvah). Receive the Holy Spirit (Confirmation). Can take communion (Confirmation). Can be part of a minyan (Bar Mitzvah).

Explain how Christians Pray

May put hands together/kneel May use aids such as icons or rosary beads May use extempore (made up prayers) May repeat lturgical prayers (Lord's Prayer) Use different types of prayer - Adoration, confess, thanksgiving and petition

Coming of Age-Bar Mitzvah

Means son of the commandment. Happens when boys are 13. Public assumption of the law (10 commandments). Can count in a minyan. Involves a reading from the Torah.

Believers should not follow all the rules of their religion

No-one is perfect so always a need for forgiveness Some rules are not practical today - turning other cheek when attacked Some rules may seem out of date today such as Sharia imprisoning a pensioner for having alchol It is more important to follow God than manmade religious rules-Jesus often fought with leaders

Dietary/Food Laws are Needed

People today are concerned about what they eat, how it is killed etc. so very relevant Could lead to a healthy diet - no alcohol Multicultural societies seek to show respect to those with differences The rules are contained in Holy Books so relevant

Coming of Age-Confirmation

Preparations begin in p6/7. Involves renewing baptismal promises made on their behalf. Bishop anoints and blesses the child. Children called to be active members of the church. Promise made to abstain from alcohol/drugs. Godparent acts as sponsor.

People should not be punished for breaking behaviour codes

Religion is unimportant, only law of the land should be followed Emphasis should be on repentance and restoration rather than punishment Jesus practised forgiveness and grace May not have known they have broken a religious rule No one is perfect Rules of religion are too old fashioned such as treatment of women and sex before marriage.

Rite of Passage

Religious ceremonies at a key moment in a person's life Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage, Funeral Circumcision, Bar Mitzvah, Marriage and Funeral

Only religious believers should take part in religious festivals

Religious festivals have special meanings only understood by the followers of the religion Some festivals are a reward, e.g. Id ul Fitr is for those who have completed the fast If other people celebrate a festival they cheapen it /lose the meaning The way non-believers celebrate may be inappropriate, e.g. drunken parties at Christmas.

Meaning of Infant Baptism

Roman Catholics believe it makes you a Christian so is essential Protestants tend to see it as a stage in your becoming a Christian-must be a later stage when faith is own decision Second part of Baptism is Confirmation when you make own promises.

People should be punished for not following behaviour codes

Breaking rules may harm others Breaking rules will offend God Not punishing causes more disobedience Breaks the harmony and unity of a community They could lose place in heaven, bad karma leads to problems in next life In some countries religious law is law of the land so legal problems

Parents should not raise children to follow a faith

Children should be free to choose. (democratic) It is better to be open minded about the value of all religions than believing one is true Many parents have no faith so how can they Some religious rules are out of date and harmful such as attitudes to homosexuality

Describe a funeral service in Christianity

Can be a burial or cremation Service with prayers, hymns and a sermon Often a tribute to person's life Takes place in church or crematorium chapel If buried, there is another service at the graveside-Ashes to ashes, dust to dust Roman Catholics may have a Requiem Mass to remember the dead person.

Why Coming of Age Ceremony not important

Can become tradition-do it because you have to not because it is your choice Irrelevant to increasingly secular society In UK children become adults at 16/18 - religious ceremonies very young.

Birth Ceremonies No Longer Relevant

Birth is an everyday event No Longer dangerous so don't need God's help Majority of people are not religious so irrelevant By 2011, only 1 in 10 baptised into Church of England Democratic society thinks should be child's choice

Explain the behaviour code in Islam

5 Pillars govern general behvaiour - E.g. Zakat- Donate regularly to charity via 2.5% charity tax "He is not a believer who eats his fill when his neighbor beside him is hungry" Words of prophet in Hadith "Instead, accustom yourselves to do good if people do good and not to do wrong if they do evil." Hadith

Parents should raise children to follow a faith

All religions teach children to follow guidance of parents e.g 10 commands -respect parents It is important if the religion is to continue Parents know better so have a duty to protect God's ways are best, give kids what is best Bible tells parents it is their duty "These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."

How might Christians celebrate their festivals

At Christmas: giving presents / singing carols / decorating the house / attending Midnight Mass / attending Church on Christmas day At Easter: following a procession / decorating the church with flowers / attending a vigil on Saturday night / a sunrise service on Sunday / giving eggs, etc

How might Jews celebrate their festivals

At Pesach: sharing the Seder meal with family / eating unleavened bread / other symbolic food / re-telling the story of Passover At Rosh Hashanah (New Year): eating apples dipped in honey / attending a special service in the synagogue / blowing the shofar (ram's horn)

Examples of Punihsment for Breaking rules

Bad Karma in Hinduism Suffer consequences for not living as God designed us to - adultery and relationship problems Excommunication from the church Ostracised by community Sharia law - long prison sentences for minor offences, death penalty for blasphemy

Birth Ceremonies are Relevant

Baptism and Circumcision commanded by God. Important to religious people Celebrate and give thanks to God for new life-fitting to mark it. Meaning is important - might make the child a Christian or a member of the community in Judaism.

Believers must follow all rules of their religion

Being a member of a religious group is a commitment to obey the rules A disciple is a follower, word Muslim means to submit to what God wants Rule breakers are called to repent and follow God Can be excommunicated if don't follow Rules are from God so absolute Reward in heaven for obeying

Why are religious marriage services important

The couple remember that God is a witness to their vows so take their promises seriously. Marriage is God's idea as outlined in Genesis In Roman Catholic church it is a sacrament Other religious believers and a religious leader are present and can pray for / support the couple in their marriage,

Prayer and Meditation are a waste of time

Time spent praying could be spent doing charity God is not real so cannot respond to prayer God is real but does not answer prayers God not affected by our words and devotion

Describe a funeral service in Hinduism

Usually a cremation on the same day as the death Body is washed, wrapped in a cloth and garlands of flowers placed on body Eldest son or male relative lights the pyre prayers and readings are recited, incense poured on flames Ashes go into a river (Ganges if can)

Symbolism of Baptism

Water=Washing of sin Candle = Jesus is the Light of the world Believers = Old life is dead and buried, new life has begun.

A funeral is the most important rite of passage

Yes - marks the reunion with God-fulfilment of their religion Yes- an opportunity to remember someone's life. No - Baptism more important as would be no afterlife without cleansing of sin No - They are all sacraments for Christians so equally important

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