Research Design Final
Positive relationship
A psychological study finds the following correlational effect: The more students feel under pressure to complete their homework successfully and on time, the more they procrastinate. This is a...
Nominal level
A researcher is assigning participants to categories by occupation in which a 1 ="Blue collar work", 2 = "White collar work", 3 = Educational work, and 4 = Other. Which level of measurement is being used?
Applied/ Basic
A(n) ________ study is one that focuses on a practical problem, like effective therapies to treat PTSD. A(n) ________ study is one that focuses on a question of interest that may not have practical implications, like the types of music people like most.
Confounding variable
An extraneous variable that differs on average across levels of the independent variable, that is it varies systematically with the IV, is referred to as a...
Perception of Attractiveness
Consider the following psychological experiment: Participants are put into either a happy or a sad mood by having them look at short videos of either an uplifting or depressing nature. They are then asked to rate pictures of people on their attractiveness. What is the dependent variable?
Consider the following psychological experiment: Participants are put into either a happy or a sad mood by having them look at short videos of either an uplifting or depressing nature. They are then asked to rate pictures of people on their attractiveness. What is the independent variable?
Reliability is almost always tested using the following statistical test:
Which of the following is an accurate definition AND example of correlational research?
DEFINITION: A type of experimental research in which two variables are related statistically in which there is considerable effort to control for extraneous variables; EXAMPLE: A study of the relationship between participant self-ratings of self-esteem and anxiety.
Kaitlyn was a Confederate
Dr. Marion decided to do an experiment ont he effects of negativity on self-esteem. In this study, she submitted for the Institutional Review Board approval, created an informed consent and then recruited student Brad to come into the lab and participate in a group with other students. She asked her TA Kaitlyn to sit in on the group pretending to be one of the participants. Kaitlyn's task was to plant subtle but consistent statements that were either positive (group one), negative (group two), or neutral (group three)about the comments made by the other members of the group representing levels of deprecation. Then she asked participants in all groups to fill out the Rosenberg self-esteem scale. What was Kaitlyn's role?
Quantitative variable
Height, SAT scores, and age are...
In a study of happiness, 100 people rate their level of happiness on a 1-to-10 scale. What kind of variable is this?
In the above study, which of the following describes the procedure of discussing with the reasons you had Kaitlyn come to their group and say negative things about them?
Socially Desirable responding
In this study, the extent to which participants may be answering based on their perception of what Dr. Marion is studying is known as...
levels of deprecation (positive, negative, neutral)
In this study, which of the following is the best description of the independent variable?
Ratio level
Participants' weight is measured in kilograms. This is an example of which level of measurement?
Interval level
Scores on the SAT represent which level of measurement?
Ordinal level
The answers on the Rosenberg Scale are given in a likert scale in which the answers represent a person's perception of themselves by asking them how much they agree with10 statements, "Strongly Agree", "Agree", "Disagree", or "Strongly Disagree". Which level of measurement does this represent?
Scatterplot/ Correlational
The following figure is known as a ________ and it is the usual way researchers use to represent or show the results of __________ research.
Dependent variable
The measurable effect, outcome, or response in which the research is interested.
Self-Report and Sampling
What are the two S's of survey research? (be able to write about why random sampling is important for achieving a strong survey study)
Non-response bias
What kind of bias would be exemplified by the fact that only some people fill out a survey you email to the entire university?
(get test 2 corrections back)
When Dr. Marion created her IRB for this study, what kind of review was she likely to have gone through?
She used an Exempt Review
When Dr. Marion created her IRB for this study, what kind of review was she likely to have gone through?
Your question is about a causal relationship and you have both random assignment of participants into groups that have been manipulated.
Which of the following is NOT a reason you would utilize non-experimental research?
Free association measure
Which of the following would NOT be considered a psychological construct?
Which term describes the extent to which the scores from a measure represent the variable they are intended to measure?
Operational definition
a definition of a variable in terms of precisely how it is to be measured
a tentative explanation for an observation, phenomenon, or scientific problem that can be tested by further investigation
Example of confirmation bias
based on my BELIEF that getting vaccinated for covid-19 will make me disabled, I pay more attention to information I hear confirming this
Confirmation Bias
describes the tendency to focus on the evidence that seems to prove our already held beliefs while discounting evidence that would disprove our own beliefs
Eye color
example of a categorical variable
example of a quantitative variable
Exempt Review
lowest level risk/ involves a informed consent form
pretends to be a participant of an experiment but is really working for the researcher
Reliability refers to...
the consistency of a measure
the most common way to graphically present correlations between quantitative variables
Bar graphs
the most common way to present statistical information about differences between groups
Directionality Problem and Third-Variable Problem
two main reasons that "correlation does not imply causation"?