Research Methods Study Guide

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Which one of the following is NOT a guideline for reporting analyses

Be a little vague on your conclusions to encourage the reader to become more involved

. Professor Miller argues that there are three aspects to the quality of a relationship: 1) belonging/affirmation, 2) interdependence, and 3) intimacy. These "aspects" of quality of a relationship are called


William Robinson, a sociologist, found that during the 1930s there was a positive relationship between the literacy rate and percentage of the population that was foreign born. If you concluded on this basis that your neighbor, Yasmine, who is a foreign-born resident, has a higher literacy rate than other native-born residents, you would be committing the

ecological fallacy

Questions about operationalizing "success" and social interventions reflect which section of the evaluation criteria to be used in reading a research report?

evaluation research

Desiree did a study on the causes of juvenile delinquency. Specifically, she examined if living in a city as opposed to the suburbs caused adolescents to become more delinquent. Which purpose of research did she pursue?


. Dr. Jordan chronicles people's attitudes toward an upcoming property tax levy. Jordan is doing explanatory research


. In nomothetic explanations, exceptions disprove the causal relationship.


. It is a good idea to drag out the suspense over whether X causes Y.


. Longitudinal studies may be either trend or cohort studies, but not panel studies


. Several sports coaches are interested in studying the effect of a new training regimen on the performance of their respective teams. The unit of analysis is the sports teams.


A good research report should read like a good novel.


A good summary reviews every specific finding


A necessary condition represents a condition that, if it is present, guarantees the effect in question.


Causality can be established by only proving correlation and nonspuriousness -


Cohort studies are based only upon the age group of participants


Cohorts are defined by year of birth only


Cross-sectional data can never be used to approximate longitudinal data


For a causal relationship to be true, it must apply to a majority of cases


If two variables are correlated with each other, there must be a causal relationship between them


Making inferences about a police department based on surveys of the officers who work there is an example of the ecological fallacy


Mr. Smith found that males and females were equally likely to support his political platform. Smith correctly concludes that there is a correlation between gender and support for his platform


Operationalization is the process of clarifying what is meant by the concepts being used in a study.


Research designs are descriptive, explanatory, or exploratory—never more than one


Research reports are written for one purpose only


Researchers ignore previous work on a topic so that their research can be original


The aim of a report may be exploration, description or explanation but never action


The ecological fallacy refers to drawing conclusions about individuals based solely on the observation of groups.


The independent (effect) variable must occur later in time than the dependent (cause) variable


Websites are subject to the peer review process


A journal article should always be read from beginning to end


The purpose of the literature review is to

familiarize the reader about the topic and what is known about it

Ricardo studied married couples in order to see if length of marriage affected the nature and quality of communication patterns. Which unit of analysis did he use?


Andrea studied Native American women to learn more about how they cope with their minority status. What was her unit of analysis?


An important first rule for writing social research is to

have good language skills

Indicators can be interchanged with one another because

if indicators measure the same concept, the results should be the same

The method used to select a sample from a population and how they were asked to participate in a research project should be addressed in the


A researcher selects a sample of citizens in a community and interviews them before a new factory is built in the community. The researcher interviews these same citizens six months later and one final time a year later. The researcher has engaged in ______ research design.


Arianna is planning to study the future criminal behavior of individuals currently enrolled in a diversionary juvenile program. What type of research method may she use


Attrition of study participants is most critical for which of the following designs?


Research studies that follow the same people at different times, collecting data at specified intervals, are what kind of study?


__________ mortality is a problem for a specific form of longitudinal study, in which the participants drop out of the project or disappear completely


A problem that plagues panel studies specifically is

panel mortatlity

. When we fall into the trap of believing that terms have real meanings, we are guilty of


In testing a new survey that he developed, Marcus asked his introduction to sociology class to fill out the survey for extra credit, and then a week later asked the same class to take the survey again. Marcus was testing the exam's


If a reader asks, "Who originally collected the data being reanalyzed?" or "When were the data collected?", that reader is most clearly examining issues that focus on

research design

Questions about the unit of analysis and the purpose of the study reflect which section of the evaluation criteria to be used in reading research reports?

research designs

A(n) ___________ is a book-length research report, either published or unpublished.

research monograph

A short version for reporting research that might be included in a journal is

research note

As an assignment for one of his classes in graduate school, Maron developed a brief set of conclusions regarding the students and their perspectives on a notable campus crime. What would be the most appropriate way to report this?

research note

. Which method for establishing reliability does not depend on using the measure itself?

research worker reliability

Questions about who was studied and how they were selected reflect which evaluation criteria to be used in reading research reports?


A(n) _____ locates where specified terms appear on web sites.

search engine

Paul is performing a research study in which he is looking at the presentation of gender in children's picture books. His unit of analysis is the book, so what is he studying?

social artifacts

The positive relationship between shoe size and IQ is what kind of relationship?


When the relationship between the number of firefighters and the amount of fire damage disappears once we control for the size of the fire, we say that "size of fire" is a ___________ variable.


There is a strong correlation between the number of firefighters that show up at a fire and the amount of damage produced by the fire. The size of the fire influences both the number of firefighters and the amount of damage. This illustrates that the relationship between the number of firefighters and the amount of damage is


. A scientific report should

stimulate and direct further inquiry

which is a cohort study

surveying teenagers now, then 20 year olds in a decade, then 30 year olds a decade after that

. Descriptive research answers the question "What's so?" and explanatory research answers the question "Why?"


A major shortcoming of exploratory studies is that they seldom provide satisfactory answers to research questions.


According to Babbie, tables indicating results should be included in the body of the research pape


Any research report that is written should be as in-depth and specific as possible when it comes to methodology and analysis


As a rough guide, 25 typed pages is good length for a journal article


Chen wrote a research paper in which she didn't quote, but paraphrased another article and forgot to cite it. Chen has committed plagiarism.


Facebook has been suggested by Rhodes and Marks (2011) as a way to deal with panel mortality


One way to determine if your Internet data is valid is to cross-check the data with other professional data sets


Online journal articles can be as reputable as their printed counterparts


Panel attrition is comparable to experimental mortality.


Plagiarism may be intentional or accidental


Reading and writing social research should be treated as it would be in any other discipline True


Some web sites advocate particular political, religious, social, or other points of view


Students should be prevented from using Wikipedia in writing research reports


The date a website was accessed is an important part of an Internet citation


The easiest way to identify the unit of analysis is to examine a statement regarding the variables under study.


The literature review is an important and necessary component of a research proposal


The nomothetic model of explanation is probabilistic in its approach to causation


The peer review process is performed in order to ensure that research published will be the most sound and of the highest scientific quality


The presentation of data analyses should provide a maximum of detail without being cluttered.


The term research monograph refers to published books only


The website is a valid site for researching professional articles


For a causal relationship to exist there must be evidence

that one variable precedes the other in time, that the two variables are correlated and that this relationship is not spurious.

In Sweden, there is a very strong correlation between the number of storks and the number of babies born. However, both of these variables are associated with region (rural vs. urban). This illustrates

that there is no causal relationship between the number of storks and the number of babies.

Correlation between two variables means that

the dependent variable changes proportionally with the independent one

Spurious relationships are relevant for which criterion for establishing nomothetic causality

the effect can't be explained in terms of some third variable

. A good abstract does NOT include a statement about

the findings of each table and a graph

Which of the following is usually NOT included when citing Internet resources

the number of words in the resource

Operationalization is:

the procedures which we go through to identify and measure variables

When writing a research report, it is important to remember that one of the most important aspects of a qualitative research study is that

the study must be replicable.

Committing the error of reductionism is most closely tied to the selection of a(n

theoretical paradigm

Tyler finds that in burglary cases men and women are equally likely to vote to acquit. Tyler should conclude that

there is no relationship between gender and verdict in burglary cases

Which of the following guidelines is(are) FALSE for reporting on analyses

If you're using quantitative data, the reader does not need to be able to recompute percentages in the direction opposite from what you used in your presentation

. Which of the following statements is FALSE about the purpose of a literature review?

Literature reviews should point out general agreements and minimize the disagreements among previous researchers.

A measurement that is inaccurate, but consistently reports the same results is

Not Valid but precise

. Measuring how people feel about proposed income tax hikes when you really want to know how well informed they are on the proposal is a problem of operationalization concerning

Relevant Range of variations

When you are worried about whether you will get the same results if you repeat your experiment again in the future, you are worried about


A weighing scale that consistently tells Susie that she is 115 pounds—5 pounds lighter than she really is—every time she stands on the scale is __________, but not

Reliable, Valid

. Juan wanted to be particularly careful to represent all levels of feelings about how ethical members of Congress are. So, instead of just asking how much respondents agreed with a statement that "Members of Congress are ethical," he instead asked for responses ranging from "Members are completely unethical" to "Members are always very ethical." Juan was responding to which operationalization choice?

Range of Variation

. Which of the following would be an example of a ratio variable?


The definition of a phenomena that represents the objective, unquestionable "truth" of it, which is rarely used by sociologists is an example of a

Real Definition

The real definition of a phenomena is the most important for researchers to understand


The test-retest method for assessing reliability assumes that the phenomena under study does not change.


Validity refers to the link between the operational and conceptual definitions


When one's research purposes aren't clear, it is advisable to choose the highest level of measurement possible


A complete conceptualization involves

c. specifying dimensions and identifying the various indicators of each dimension.

Predictive validity is another term for criterion-related validity


A particular focus of the questions provided to help assess Internet sites

data quality

. The average length of a research note is usually

1-5 pgs double spaced

Oral presentations at scholarly meetings are typically

15-20 mins

The typical professional presentation of research findings is how long

2 mins or less

. Professor Spence decided to define socioeconomic status as a combination of income and education. Spence then determined the questions to be asked and the categories of responses. Spence was assigning socioeconomic status

A nominal and operational definition

Which of the following employs the nomothetic model of explanation?

An isolation of the three most important reasons as to why men were selected to all the leadership positions at a former women's college that went coed.

Which of the following hypotheses best fits the criteria of causality

As education increases, income tends to increase even after controlling for gender and race.

Professor Tyler wrote a proposal to study the impact of authoritarianism on child rearing practices. She began her research by reviewing the meaning of authoritarianism in the sociological and psychological literature. Based on this review, she formulated her own definition of authoritarianism. This process illustrates


Sophie developed a measure of job satisfaction. She validated her measure by seeing if it related to other variables that she logically expected to be related to job satisfaction. Which type of validity does this example reflect?


In assessing a measure of sexual attitudes Troiden and Jendrek examined the link between the measure of sexual attitudes and sexual experience. They reasoned that people expressing liberal sexual attitudes would have a wider range of sexual experiences than those expressing conservative attitudes. They were concerned with examining the ______

Construct Validity

Maurice is developing a new measure of psychopathy that he hopes to use in his research. His measure includes a series of psychiatric diagnoses and a well-thought out questionnaire. However, when compared to results of other proven measures of psychopathy, his results are incorrect. What kind of validity is lacking

Construct Validity

Professor Tyler believes that her measure of authoritarianism is valid after finding that it varies, as predicted by theory, with child rearing practices and voting behavior. Tyler is relying on a _____ approach to validity

Construct Validity

involves determining the extent to which a measure represents concepts it should represent and does not represent concepts it should not represent.

Construct Validity

Theoretical creations that are based on observations but that cannot be observed directly or indirectly are known as


After noting that there are three aspects to the quality of a relationship (belonging/affirmation, interdependence, and intimacy) Professor Miller designed an instrument to measure the quality of a relationship. In looking at her questionnaire, she noticed that there were no items tapping intimacy. Her measure lacks

Content Validity

Ignatius wanted to be sure he covered the full range of meanings in his measurement of happiness among college students. Given this, he was particularly concerned with

Content Validity

Professor Willard was interested in examining whether countries with higher GNPs tend to have more gangs than countries with lower GNPs. Willard's unit of analysis was


. Predictive validity is another name for:

Criterion Related Validity

A measurement that does not reflect the logical relationship between the variables lacks what kind of validity?

Criterion Related Validity

Hudson et al. (1983, Journal of Sex Research) developed a series of questions to examine sexual attitudes (SAS). The SAS scores of religious fundamentalists, a group believed to be conservative regarding sexual expression, were compared with the scores of social work graduate students, a group believed to be liberal regarding sexual expression. The researchers were examining the instrument's

Criterion Validity

By itself, the 2000 Census exemplifies a study that when compared to another decennial census could be considered a study.

Cross sectional, trend

. Which of the following statements is FALSE?

Definitions are more problematic for explanatory research than descriptive research

The topic of surrogate mothers interested Professor Snyder. Snyder read the available materials on the topic and wanted to develop an age, education, and income profile of women who serve as surrogate mothers in the United States. To develop this profile, Snyder should undertake a(n)

Descriptive Study

Marlinda developed three aspects for her concept love: communication, trust, and attraction. These aspects are known as


. Which of the following is a nominal variable


If a researcher wanted to know why there was a noticeable increase in the number of burglaries in the town of Southpaw during 2005, the researcher should design a(n)

Explanatory Study

Nakeia was studying the literature on homicide survivors and found that no studies had been conducted examining the special condition of children of terrorism victims. If she wanted to examine this topic she should perform what type of study

Exploratory Study

. Distances between attributes in ordinal data is meaningful and quantifiable


A nominal measure is one that is already quantified and ready to measure


Achieving validity is more important than achieving reliability.


It is ethical to frame questions in favor of your position as long as you openly admit to the bias.


Numerical values on an interval scale can legitimately be added, multiplied, subtracted, and divided.


Real definitions appear quite frequently in social science research


The level of measurement in a research study only impacts the theory being used


Unlike other elements of a research study, the level of measurement has no ethical considerations.


Lucinda established the validity of her religiosity measure by making sure it corresponded with our common agreements and our individual mental images concerning her concept. She did this by checking with other people, particularly those familiar with religious issues. Which measure of validity did she use?

Face Validity

Nominal definitions most closely parallel which type of validity measure

Face Validity

. Conceptualization is the development of research procedures that will result in empirical observations representing those concepts in the real world.


. It is impossible to have several indicators of only one concept.


. Precision and accuracy are synonyms


A nominal measure can have only two categories


Concepts have a single unambiguous meaning


If a measure is reliable, it must also be valid


Numbers assigned to ranks on an ordinal scale can legitimately be added, multiplied, subtracted, and divided.


Precise measurement is more important than accurate measurement


Which one of the following is the BEST example of the ecological fallacy

Felisha studied Census tracts for her study on crime, but then wrote up her conclusions in terms of individuals.

Measuring a respondent's age on an online survey would be considered a(n):

Indirect Observable

In order to determine if his uncle is a psychopath, Jerry interviews his uncle, who has a long criminal record. He compares the interview with other corroborating information (e.g. police reports, interviews with other family members and friends, etc), and applies the information to the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (a well-known 20-item scale for measuring psychopathy developed by a criminologist). In using a scale to determine whether his uncle is a psychopath, Jerry is studying ____________.

Indirect Observables

. Larry has developed ten indicators for the concept alienation. He's not yet sure exactly which ones are best. One approach he takes is to see if all the indicators behave the same way when related to Larry's independent variable, gender. Larry is employing

Interchangeability of indicators

When you are worried about whether you are actually measuring what you think you are measuring, you are worried about __________.

Internal Validity

Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is a variable that is measured at which level


What is the lowest level of measurement in which there is an exact difference between attribute values?


. Professor Twist created the categories of less than 20 hours, 20 hours to 40 hours, 40 hours to 60 hours, and 60 hours or more for the variable "number of hours employed outside the home." Salton's scheme is

Interval Variable

While evaluating a research report, Dr. Childs focused on the issue of research design. Which of the following questions would be the LEAST useful for evaluating the design?

Is the study cross-sectional or longitudinal?

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a cross-sectional study?

It concentrates on the changes that take place among a specific sample over a period of time

An example of an established measure would be

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Index

Luke developed a measure of religious affiliation that included these attributes: Protestant, Baptist, Catholic, Jewish, Other, None. Which quality of measures does this measure lack?

Must Be Mutually Exclusive

When the variable religious affiliation is classified as Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish, this variable has the important quality of being

Mutually Exclusive

A researcher examined newspaper editorials that focused on the Patriot's Act. She examined the editorials published in the major newspapers in major cities in the United States. The unit of analysis was

Newspaper Editorials

. Region (East, West, South, Midwest) is what level of measurement


A measurement of religion in which the indicators include Christian, Muslim, Judaism, and Other would be at what level?


In terms of specification, which of the following statements about nominal definitions is FALSE?

Nominal definitions assign a definition to a concept

A researcher who defines "elite families" as those with annual incomes larger than $250,000 has __________ this concept.


A measure of recidivism risk for juveniles completing a diversionary program instead of a traditional residential sentence, which ranks their level of risk as low, medium, or high is using which level of measurement?


Letter grades given at the end of the term are an example of ________ measurements; calculated GPAs are a type of _________ measurement

Ordinal, Interval

Which one of the following is the best example of reductionism?

Sam reduced his sample of church members from 500 to 200 so that it was more manageable.

. Professor Rogers created two surveys, each containing five different indicators for his measure of student engagement. She asked students in the two different sections of her research methods course each to voluntarily answer the five indicators. Which type of reliability is she likely testing?

Split Half

Monty used his ten-item scale on love to see how separate sets of five indicators correlated with each other. Which type of reliability is reflected in this example


Chan created a composite measurement to determine how likely a child is to engage in delinquency from the age of 10 to 14. She tests the reliability for this instrument by performing a pilot study in which two groups each received five of the ten questions. She then compares the results, hoping they are similar. What method did Chan use?

Split-Half Method

. Specification is the process through which concepts are made more specific.


Face validity is essentially whether or not a measurement is related to the concept it is intended to measure


Numerical values on a ratio scale can legitimately be added, multiplied, subtracted, and divided


The split-half technique for assessing reliability is closely linked to the concept of the interchangeability of indicators.


Monique developed a measure of religiosity and gave her instrument to her sample on two different occasions to see how reliable it was. Which type of reliability is reflected in this example?


Conceptions are mental images that summarize collections of seemingly related observations and experiences


To look at changes in the average age of marriage for men and women in the United States, Professor Torme studied the U.S. Censuses over a period of decades. Torme was doing a(n)

Trend study

. A particular variable can usually be measured in several distinct ways using different sources of information and various observation techniques.


Changing definitions almost inevitably results in different descriptive conclusions


Explanatory studies are designed to find answers to which of the following questions?

Why are people changing careers in midlife

Cindy established that gender came before voting in her study of adults in her city, so the time order was clear. She also ruled out the effects of age, religiosity, and other "third" variables. Which criterion for causality remains for her to establish?

a causal relationship exists

Sampling is a way to learn about ______ by obtaining information from _______ of a larger population.

a larger population, a subset

The brief summary of a journal article that quickly presents the theory and findings to the reader is known as the


The following are commonly used formats for citing bibliographic sources

all the above

the final stage of the research process involves


The form of reporting research that is included in an academic journal is


The research report that is probably the most popular is


Andrew studied family conflict as portrayed in the media by reading letters to advice columns. What was his unit of analysis?


Techniques used to create reliable measures include

asking about things relevant to respondents.

While reporting on the work of others, authors should be especially alert to

avoiding plagiarism

. A review of the literature pertaining to your topic of study should be completed _________ you formulate your hypotheses.


Yugorsky studied five fifth-grade classes over three years to determine how friendship patterns established in the fifth grade affected friendship patterns in the eighth grade. He studied the same group of students over time, but not necessarily the same individuals. Which design did he use


Which of the following designs uncovers only net changes

cohort and trend studies

When a researcher has only cross-sectional data but wants to apply longitudinal strategies, he or she may be able to if

cohorts are available

Brunelle concluded from her study on gender and delinquency that it is not just probabilistic that men commit more delinquency, but that gender is the only relevant factor in that high levels of delinquency are always committed by men. Which false criterion for nomothetic causality is reflected in this example

complex causations

Once you have a well-defined purpose for your study and a clear description of the kinds of outcomes you want to achieve, the next step in your research design is


Which of the following sequences illustrates the progression of measurement steps?

conceptualization, nominal definition, operational definition, and measurement in the real world

Elmer worked hard to establish the meaning of the term "prejudice" for his study on police officers. He consulted the literature and consulted with colleagues who have studied prejudice in order to come to an agreement about what the term means. Elmer engaged in


In reporting the design and execution of a survey, which of the following does NOT need to be reported

cost of administering survey

Which of the following does NOT need to be considered when examining experimental research?

cost of the experiment

Because low marital adjustment should lead to divorce, Professor Rogers checked his measure of marital adjustment by examining whether couples with low marital adjustment scores were more likely than couples with high marital adjustment scores to later obtain a divorce. This illustrates the use of

criterion related validity

Which of the following is NOT usually a part of a final research article, paper, or book?

criticism of research by a colleague

Which one of the following designs is the most likely to be used for descriptive purposes?

cross sectional

A second researcher decides to select a LARGE sample of citizens in a community to interview before a new factory is built in the community. This researcher does not believe there is a need to re-interview these citizens at a later date. This researcher has engaged in _________ research design


This type of research design examines a phenomena at a single point in time


A single U.S. Census exemplifies a

cross-sectional study

. Questions about response rates and social desirability reflect which type of research report?

data analysis

Questions about the appropriate use of control variables and about whether particular research findings really matter reflect which section of the evaluation criteria to be used in reading a research report?

data analysis

Professor Root was studying the arrest rates for drunken driving in urban and rural areas of Ohio. It was found that the arrest rate was higher in the rural areas. Professor Root concluded that people who live in rural areas are more likely to drive while intoxicated than are people who live in urban areas. Root's conclusion

illustrates the ecological fallacy

In recent years, the popularity of mixed models has


A measurement of fear of crime, ranked from 1 to 10 with 10 being "most fearful" and 1 being "not fearful at all" would be an example of

indirect observable

Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning data on the web?

info that is placed on the web is typically screened for accuracy

. Which of the following is NOT a suggestion used for evaluating a web site?

is the website aesthetically pleasing

Akerlof and Kennedy (2013) suggest all but which of the following ways in which social research can be used to design and evaluate programs to fight environmental degradation?

isolate those who disagree

After compiling a work of nearly 25 pages to study the effectiveness of a sex offender treatment program, Rodrigo has a work with a clear, tested theory. The analysis is definitive, and it was methodologically sound research. Which would be the best way for him to share his work with the public

journal article

. A literature review serves to

lay the groundwork for your research

. Questions about the researcher placing the project in the context of previous research and also about the researcher reporting flaws in the study reflect which section of the evaluation criteria to be used in reading a research report

lit review

Nate wants to make some causal assertions in his cross-sectional study about the effects of high school involvement on violence among young adults (all the people he studied are in their early 20s). He can approximate a longitudinal study by

making logical inferences based on the time order of his variables

Questions about dimensions of variables used and the appropriateness of indicators reflect which section of the evaluation criteria to be used in reading research reports?


Which of the following would NOT constitute an outlet for social science research


In writing her research paper for her class on juvenile delinquency, Layla paraphrased several paragraphs in one of her reference articles, and passed them off as her own. She claims that it is not considered plagiarism because she did not quote the author verbatim. Is her assumption correct


The specification of concepts in a scientific inquiry depends on

nominal and operational definitions.

The period of a research study in which data is actually collected is what step?


. When one defines a concept by specifying how it will be measured, what definition has he or she created

operational definition

Which of the following is NOT a commonly used style of citing work in research


. Professor Tilton measured the variable "feelings toward drafting women" with the categories strongly agree, agree, indifferent, disagree, and strongly disagree. Professor Tilton was using the _____ level of measurement


. Professor Stone designs a study to examine the effect of a teenage pregnancy on young women's career choices. Stone wants to interview a sample of teenage women during their pregnancy, after the baby's birth, and once a year after that for a ten year period. Stone is using a

panel study

Margot wants to examine how student nurses change in their orientation towards patients over the course of their three years in nursing school. She is particularly concerned with following changes within the same individuals. It would be best to use a

panel study

Which of the following is NOT plagiarism

paraphrasing and citing information from a journal article in your own paper

A downloadable electronic copy of a journal article that is paginated exactly the same as a printed copy is usually in which format


Plagiarism can be a problem in which of the following:

plagiarism can affect any work

Which of the following is NOT a factor that research reports should be evaluated upon?

political perspective

The overall group in which a smaller portion is selected for study is known as the


Doing well in reading and writing social research requires


Which of the following guidelines for reporting on the analysis of qualitative data is FALSE?

provide only those data that support your interpretations

Abstracts do all of the following EXCEPT

provide specific details of statistical analysis

A typical report begins with a

purpose and overview statement

After reading the abstract, it is a good idea to

read the summary and conclusions

Jenny decided to read an article published in Law and Society Review. Babbie would urge her to begin reading the article by

reading the abstract

Longitudinal studies are particularly useful for addressing which criterion for establishing causality?

time order

The two purposes of an abstract to a journal article are

to help you determine if you want to read the article and to establish a framework for reading the article

Exploratory studies are done for all EXCEPT which one of the following purposes? a. to satisfy the researcher's curiosity and desire for better understanding

to sort out the ethical implications of a study

Senator Robertson wants to know how voter interest in issues in his district has changed over time. It would be best to use a

trend study

The ecological fallacy is most relevant in terms of which one of the following

unit of analysis

A researcher focuses on the ________when faced with the question "From whom or what will the information be gathered?"

unit of anlaysis

Professor Myth asked respondents whether they had ever been divorced. One year later Professor Myth asked the same respondents the same question. Myth found that with repeated applications of the measure, different responses were obtained for the same respondent. This means that the measuring instrument was

unreliable or the value on the variable had changed.

. Professor King examined all the reasons given by 50 couples for their marriages. In the final research report, King listed all the reasons given by the 100 people for their marriages. Professor King is

using an idiographic explanation for marriage

. If we can establish that variable X comes before variable Q in time, then we can say a. variable X is a cause of variable Q.

variable Q is not a cause of variable X.

The best location to place your tables or figures is

where the table or figure is referenced within the text

The aim of the report should reflect which one of the following?

whether the purpose of the study was exploration, description, or explanation

. An important first question to ask when assessing a web site is

who is the author

If a researcher was conducting a study of women's attitudes toward abortion, the unit of analysis would be


Edgar is looking to present some tentative research findings he found from a recent ethnographic study. He feels his findings are quite interesting and wants to share them, but they are not entirely verified and does not want to risk his reputation on submitting questionable research results. What outlet should Edgar present his research in

working paper

Lisa wants to present her tentative findings on a very complex project to a research audience. The most appropriate form for her presentation would be a(n)

working paper

The main reason you need to know the level of measurement for your variables is so that

you can try to change the variables to higher levels of measurement

Which one of the following is NOT one of the functions of scientific reporting?

your report should illustrate what can go wrong in research

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