Review Exams 6 and 7

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Selina is meeting with her subordinate Mike for his annual performance review. At the end of the review, Mike tells Selina that he is confused about some things she said. By asking Selina to explain certain things in more detail, Mike is engaging in which component of the communication process? a. Encoding the message b. Selecting a channel c. Decoding the message d. Providing feedback e. Sifting through noise


Which of the following is the arousal, direction, and persistence of behavior? a. Commitment b. Rewarding behavior c. Satisfaction d. Motivation e. Behavior modification


All of the following are interpersonal influence tactics, except: Selected Answer: a. rely on the rule of demand. b. develop allies. c. ask for what you want. d. help people like you. e. make use of higher authority.


At Rightway Industries, new hires spend a significant portion of their first week of training just walking around the factory, observing other workers and watching them get rewarded for doing their jobs well. This is an example of: a. vicarious learning. b. experiential learning. c. self-efficacy. d. delegation. e. self-reinforcement.


Louise, a top-level manager at INF Inc., has the difficult task of informing 12 employees that they are about to be laid off. Which communication channel should Louise use to break the news? a. Face-to-face b. Telephone c. Handwritten letter d. Instant messaging e. E-mail


Nelson is motivated by a strong need for recognition and is continually seeking credit for his contributions to the organization. According to Maslow, Nelson is motivated by which category of needs? a. Esteem b. Belongingness c. Self-actualization d. Physiological e. Safety


Sally is a member of a work team at Beauty-R-Us Corporation. She often proposes new solutions to team problems. This is an example of which task specialist role? a. Initiation b. Reduce tension c. Harmonize d. Compromise e. Seek information


The early research on leadership traits was referred to as the: Selected Answer: a. great man approach. b. situational theory of leadership. c. contingency theory of leadership. d. behavioral approach. e. path-goal theory of leadership.


Which of the following behaviors is NOT consistent with the socioemotional role? a. Energize b. Compromise c. Follow d. Harmonize e. Encourage


Which of the following is NOT a common method for reducing a perceived inequity? Selected Answer: a. Change equity b. Distorts perception c. Change outcomes d. Change inputs e. Leave the job


Which of the following is NOT a manager quality? Selected Answer: a. Personal power b. Organizes c. Maintains stability d. Analyzes e. Rational


Which of the following is NOT one of the four key strategies for achieving a win-win solution through negotiation? a. Keep the demands at the center b. Insist that results be based on objective standards c. Focus on interests d. Generate many alternatives for mutual gain e. Separate the people from the problem


means being unpretentious and modest rather than arrogant and prideful. a. Humility b. Altruism c. Reserved d. Assurance e. Egotism


All of these behaviors are consistent with the role of a task specialist, except: a. summarize. b. compromise. c. energize. d. initiation. e. seek information.


Andrea is team leader of the focus group at her organization. In the past, the group was plagued by lack of cooperation and disrespect. Today, she told team members that if anyone tried to undermine another member, that person would be kicked off the team. This is an example of a(n): a. accommodation. b. explicit statement. c. experiential carryover. d. implied norm. e. critical event.


Fred, a software engineer, is in charge of scrutinizing electronic communication patterns as part of his role within a virtual team at work. Fred's role fulfills which virtual team practice? a. Administering rewards b. Monitoring progress and rewards c. Using technology to build relationships d. Shaping culture through technology e. Using global teams to develop technology


One of your fellow students is continually late to class. The professor has tried numerous verbal warnings and recently took points away from the student's grade. Based on the above, the professor's actions are consistent with which of the following reinforcement techniques? a. Avoidance learning b. Punishment c. Negative reinforcement d. Positive reinforcement e. Rewards enhancement


Samuel, a sales associate at an electronics store, learns that his base pay is higher than any other sales associate in the store. He justifies his higher salary to the idea that he must be a top sales associate, generating more revenue than anyone else. This example demonstrates which method for reducing perceived inequity? a. Leaving the job b. Changing perceptions c. Working harder, not smarter d. Changing outcomes e. Changing work effort


Which of the following teams are created outside the formal organization structure to undertake a project of special importance or creativity? a. Vertical b. Functional c. Command d. Special-purpose e. Cross-functional


Which of the following theories emphasize the needs that motivate people? a. Situational b. Contingency c. Reinforcement d. Content e. Process


Which of the following theories places an emphasis on behavior and its consequences? a. Need hierarchy theory b. ERG theory c. Two-factor theory d. Reinforcement theory e. Equity theory


____ is necessary for communication to be considered two-way. a. Noise b. Message c. Circuit d. Feedback e. Channel


A high need for _____ is associated with successful attainment of top levels in the organizational hierarchy, according to McClelland. a. expertise b. achievement c. success d. affiliation e. power


According to the Leadership Grid, _____ means the absence of a management philosophy, where managers exert little effort toward interpersonal relationships or work accomplishment. a. authority-compliance management b. low-road management c. solitary management d. middle-of-the-road management e. impoverished management


Channel richness refers to the: a. speed in which messages can be carried. b. number of channels available at any one time. c. profitability potential of a proposed channel. d. number of messages a channel can carry at one time. e. amount of information that can be transmitted during a communication episode.


The forming stage of team development is characterized by: a. conflict. b. problem solving. c. cooperation. d. the establishment of order and cohesion. e. orientation.


The leader who stimulates high standards and champions dedication to vision is a _____ leader a. Level 5 b. Level 2 c. Level 1 d. Level 3 e. Level 4


Which of the following is the most familiar and obvious flow of formal communication? a. Vertical communication b. Gossips c. Upward communication d. Horizontal communication e. Downward communication


Which of the following statements is true? a. Absenteeism rates are substantially higher with cohesive teams. b. Morale always suffers in cohesive teams. c. Satisfaction is lower in cohesive teams. d. Productivity is lower in cohesive teams. e. Morale is higher in cohesive teams.


Which of these is sometimes called negative reinforcement? a. Extinction b. Neutral learning c. Punishment d. Positive reinforcement e. Avoidance learning


Work team effectiveness is based on three outcomes: productive output, capacity to adapt and learn, and: a. leadership. b. norms. c. commitment. d. cohesiveness. e. satisfaction.


task force is sometimes called a(n): a. vertical team. b. executive team. c. special-purpose team. d. command team. e. cross-functional team.


To be effective communicators, managers should: a. enhance lateral communication opportunities by encouraging teams. b. encourage the use of multiple channels of communication. c. strictly push for face-to-face communication. d. focus primarily on enhancing downward communication in the organization. e. limit use of communication technology.


When informing your staff of the date for the company picnic, a _____ would be most practical and successful. a. video conference b. memo c. newspaper notice d. face-to-face contact e. telephone


When interviewing prospective employees, Samuel, a seasoned manager, often observes hand gestures, facial expressions, and use of space to gauge individuals' personalities. These are all examples of: a. listening. b. nonverbal communication. c. empathizing. d. nuance communication. e. direct communication.


Which term, in goal-setting theory, refers to the need to make goals highly ambitious but achievable? a. Goal motivation b. Goal difficulty c. Goal acceptance d. Goal specificity e. Feedback


Frank is primarily driven by a need to establish close social relationships with other people. Alderfer would say he is motivated by: a. self-actualization needs. b. physiological needs. c. relatedness needs. d. existence needs. e. growth needs.


Most executives now believe that important information flows from the: a. top down. b. internal to external. c. bottom up. d. diagonal level. e. horizontal level to diagonal level.


Recently, Beagle Boutique was attempting to hire a middle manager. They were looking for an intelligent, confident, and honest individual. Which approach to leadership was Beagle using? a. The situational approach b. The behavioral approach c. The trait approach d. The contingency approach e. The substitute approach


The avoiding style of conflict resolution is based on a _____ degree of assertiveness and a _____ degree of cooperativeness. a. low; medium b. high; high c. low; low d. low; high e. high; low


What percentage of a manager's time is spent in direct communication? a. 40 percent b. 100 percent c. 80 percent d. 50 percent e. 20 percent


Which of the following is a follower who participates actively in the organization but does not use critical thinking skills? a. Effective follower b. Alienated follower c. Conformist d. Pragmatic survivor e. Passive follower


ne of Ruby's few flaws is that she does not consider possibilities beyond what she is told, accepting her supervisor's ideas without thinking. She can best be described as what type of thinker? a. Transformational b. Transactional c. Uncritical d. Servant e. Critical


About 75 percent of effective communication is: a. asking questions. b. the ability to persuade. c. telling. d. listening. e. choosing the channel.


Colleen Farney at TeleTech shows vast knowledge, intelligence, cognitive ability, and keen decisiveness. Which personal characteristic of leadership is she showing? a. Social background b. Personality c. Social characteristics d. Intelligence and ability e. Physical characteristics


Information distortion or loss of message content is a major problem with: a. horizontal communication. b. upward communication. c. formal communication. d. downward communication. e. informal communication.


Leadership is reciprocal, according to your text. This means: a. redundant. b. it is a problem-solving activity. c. it is dynamic. d. it occurs among people. e. it always creates conflict.


Marion is a great manager and he has a number of special skills. In particular, Marion has the ability to get his subordinates to do more than would be normally expected. Which of the following terms best describes Marion? a. Production-oriented leader b. People-oriented leader c. Supportive leader d. Charismatic leader e. Transactional leader


Michael's team has evolved to the storming stage of team development. As team leader, what should Michael be emphasizing? a. Task accomplishment b. Goal achievement c. Lots of informal interaction d. Participation by all team members e. Disbanding the team


Sally enjoys her job as a teacher, not because of the pay or benefits, but because she feels good about shaping the minds of tomorrow's leaders. Sally is motivated by: a. extrinsic rewards. b. power factors. c. hygiene factors. d. intrinsic rewards. e. leadership factors.


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