Role of business quiz

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What is a pop up business

A pop up business is a temporary store that a company sets up for exposure

Classification as legal structure

Unlimited liability/ unincorporated Limited liability/ incorporated Government enterprises Franchises Cooperatives

quinary industry

Services that have traditionally been performed in the home e.g childcare

quaternary industry

Services that involve the transfer and processing of information and knowledge e.g education

How can businesses be classified (4 things)

Size, geographical spread, industrial category, legal structure


Small and medium enterprises are considered together as a business sector


$$ in a SME

Why is a medium business

20-199 employees. Owned and operated by a few people and/or private shareholders. Partnership or private company. Financed by owners savings, investments by private shareholders and loans. Medium to strong market presence in a geographical region

What is a large business

200 or more employees, owned by thousands of public shareholders. Public company. Large market share, often across many countries



Some industrial sectors

Agriculture, mining, medical, construction, financial services, fisheries, retail


Also called transnational cooperation (TNC). Large businesses with a homemade in one country . Operations in other countries may be partly or wholly owned by the parent company. Employees, finances, goods, technology, information flow freely from one country to another


Creating new products, quality and quantity

What is a small business

Less than 20 employees, independently owned and operated by one or two people, sole trader or partnership. Financed by owners savings

What is a micro business

Less than 5 people working, mostly are just one person, most are sole traders and/or partnerships

geographical spread

Local, national, global

What are the size of businesses

Micro, small, medium, large


Mostly SME's but medium enterprises are t always local

Sole traders

One person who owns the business. Small cost of registering a business. Owner is responsible for managing and financing their enterprise (capital). They receive all profits and bear all the loses


Operates within one country, offers a wide range of products. Often will develop from a local business


Organising goals. Knowing how many employees you need, how much you need for your business to run

tertiary industry

Performing a service e.g banking


Planning, forecasting sales, expenses, revenue and product

Personal qualities of an entrepreneur

Prior experience as an employee in their industry, determination, risk taker, being able to set goals, seeing opportunities and taking advantage of them

Limited liability

Private company or public company where business pays companies tax on profits

primary industry

Production from natural resources

secondary industry

Production of finished or semi-finished goods e.g car manufacturing

Unlimited liability

Sole trader or partnership owners pay personable income tax. Personal assets may be used to repay business debts

Main activities of a business

management, production, marketing and finance

nature of business

producing goods and services such as profit, wealth, entrepenuership and risk, choice, income and innovation

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