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characteristics of serious leisure

-high standard of performance (Effort) -participation for the experience of it (intrinsic motivation) -set of values, resources and schedules constructed around the activity (career) -involvement in groups engaged in the same activity (durable benefits) -self-identification with the activity (durable benefits) -need to persevere

PLEASURE (3 types)

1. Sensory (Ex: sex, food) 2. Expressive (Ex: dance, art) 3. Intellectual: pleasure from thinking

Cultural change components /terms: 1. Innovation 2. Diffusion 3. Culture Loss 4. Acculturation 5. Assimilation 6. Integration 7. Rejection

1. change discovery that gains acceptance 2. spread of customs from one culture to another 3. change results in loss of tradition 4. exchange of cultural features as result of prolonged contact between groups 5. adopt ways of main culture 6. combining parts to form a whole 7. denial and avoidance of others marginalization:one group is pushed to edge or viewed as "lower" group

3 categories of Lesire

1. free time 2. recreation (debatable; ex: tv, sleep) 3. special spirit (perception matters)

perception of freedom (2)

1. freedom TO: more rewarding 2. freedom FROM: less fulfilling

Neulinger's Leisure States of Mind

1. pure leisure (intrinsic motivation) 2. lesiure-work (intrinsic and extrinsic) 3. Lesiure-job (extrinsic motivation) *1-3=perceived freedom**** 4. Pure work (instinsic motivation) 5. work-job (instrinsic and extrinsic) 6. pure-job (Extrinsic) **4-6=perceived constraint**** NUTSHELL: best state of happiness=pure leisure that is fully intrinsic *non-leisure= perceived constraint


4 characteristics: loss of self-consciousness, merging of action and awareness, sense fo self-control, altered sense of time (can speed up and slow down) 3 requirements: clear set of goals, intrinsic motivation, balance between skill and challenge -stress when challenge exceeds skill level -bored when skill exceeds challenge

Leisure and the ECONOMY (negative)

ADAM SMITH injuries from leisure decreased productivity around the holidays

High cultures (Consumption)

Application of money and other resources to display high social status -- consumption to be seen



Taboo Recreation


CONFLICT vandalism

LAZY way to do it, doing something logical but goes against facility design ex: cutting through front lawn instead of going on sidewalk

2. Differential Association

Peer pressure ex: youth in after school programs/gangs


Work and Leisure below:

Sight Sacralization

a tourist destination is considered sacred


ability of individual to fill free time w/ activities they find satisfying high SAE: able to fill time effectively Low SAE: leads to thinking there's "nothing to do"


addiction to work, nOT same as being hard worker

Anti-Structure Theory

allows individuals to go against societal/cultural structures


allows people with different backgrounds to come together (promotes inclusion) provides common ground


any customarily repeated act

Self-expression Vandelism

attempt to be noticed ex: graffitti

Biological Time

based on what's going on in your BODY


behavior that violates group norms

FORMAL deviance

behaviors that violate formal, written, cultural norms ex: laws, codes of conduct, police and procedure

Sensate Mentality

believe something is bad based on our own experience

1. Surplus energy

burning up excess physical energy

Ancient Rome

copied Greek architecture and art; mass leisure, gladiator fights f

Polychronic Groups

cultures in which time is organized horizontally; people tend to do several things at once and value RELATIONSHIPS over schedules

Monochronic Groups

cultures in which time is organized in sequentially; times schedules and deadlines are valued

Endogenous Rhythms

cyclical physicological rythims within organism: what your brain tells you to do ex: hunger, hormones, heartbeat


damaging/defacing private or public property

Instrinsic meaning

do it because you like doing it

extrinsic meaning

doing something for another reason, such as for status or a reward

SLOVENLY vandelism

expression of carelessness ex: literring

Thrill vandalism

form of leisure, doing it for the thrill/Adrenaline often comes from peer pressure


forms bonds through leisure that ignore/break through social norms ex: employee goes to gym with boss

INFORMAL deviance

go against informal cultural norms doesn't have same weight as codified norms ex: in texas, all elders go by Mr. and Mrs.

Sports Violence

harmful behaviors occurring outside of rules or unrelated to objective of the game

8. Competence-effectance

having an effect on things ex:making snow angels in backyard

Reversal Theory

human behavior is organized into 4 domains w/ two opposite motivators each 1. Means End motivators= telic (serious) and Paratelic (playful) 2. Rules: you oriented motivators: conforming, negativistic/rebellious 3. Transactions: how you socially interact with others motivators= Mastery, sympathy 4. Relationships motivators=Autic (self interest), Alloic interests (other)

culture characteristics/basics

i. culture is learned ii. new cultures learned through ENCULTURATION iii. is integrated iiii. is based on symbols


idea that man is supposed to be player pro-leisure: leisure is primary driver for humans; leisure meant to overcome all negative aspects of work..fix problems that work introduces


idea that the man is supposed to be a maker real purpose of being human pro-work: work is primary driver for humans leisure is supposed to help us w/ work

Cyber vandalism

internet-based defacement ex: links to wrong pages, trojan horses in software

Leisure and the ECONOMY (positive)

leisure can increase economic productivity by increasing moral and decreasing burnout businesses are attracted to areas w/ leisure (Ex: amazon moving to bigger cities where there is more to do because they find this increases productivity when employees are able to engage in leisure)

IDEAL(pure) leisure

leisure experiences that are freely chosen for intrinsic reasons


leisure is not structured


letting off emotional steam

Mechanical Time

like mechanical clocks; humans follow time from a machine rather than from nature; view time as a resource because it cannot be recovered always aware of time

VALS (values, attitudes, and lifestyles)

looking for consumers, trynig to sell things INNOVATORS- high self-esteem, take charge, like fancy stuff THINKERS- mature, satisfied, respect status-quo leisure is centered around home and familiarity BELIEVERS- idealistic, conservative, conventional people w/ concrete beliefs leisure is in routine/repetition and organized around community and traditions ACHIEVERS- busy, goal-oriented, career-committed, value stability leisure focused in social lives and structured around work STRIVERS-trendy, fun-loving, care of people's opinion leisure, are active consumers of shopping as a social activity and get easily bored EXPERIENCERS- young and energetic, comfortable with new ideas leisure in seeking excitement and high risk MAKERS- practical people who have constructive skills and value self-sufficiency leisure in physical forms of recreation SURVIVORS-narrowly focused on surviving, low financial resources, are comfortable w/ familiarity leisure is tv watching and low cost pursuits

6. Psychoanalytic

mastering disturbing or thoughts ex: child yelling at toys after receiving scolding from parent

Folk (commercialism)

more responsive to environment than popular things, specific community or ethic group have limited technology and have prevailing agricultural economy vary from place to place at a given time

Ancient Greece

olympics, big on leisure

Leisure Satisfaction

our perception of how satisfying leisure experinces are

REACTIVE Agression

outside rules; typically emotional=taboo

No-other-way-to-do-it Vandalism

performing vandalism act b/c there's no alternate

2. Preparation

practice for adult life

3. relaxation


Cyclical Time

reoccurring patterns in nature, time is nOT lost or wasted it will simply repeat itself Feel less in control about time


response to a pleasurable stimulus

Circadian Clock

rythm of daily activities and rest

7. Arousal seeking

seeking optimal stimulation ex: bored student counting professor's mannerism in class


socially useful behavior

Ideation Mentality

something is bad based on our own ideas

Explanations for Taboo Rec 1. Anomie

state of isolation that happens when once viable social norms no longer work for an individual ex:LESIURE BOREDOM=bored of your leisure and happens most w/ extrinsic motivational activities


take hours off to give yourself time for leisure


turn to popular culture for amusement

INSTRUMENTAL agression v...

w/in rules of sports

MALICIOUS vandalism

way of "getting back" at a person/organization/society

Compensation and Spillover

when work is not satisfying, leisure follows COMPENSATION (you choose leisure as opposite of what you do at work) when work is satisfying, leisure follows SPILLOVER (work spills over to leisure activities)

Pop Culture

widespread, highly visible, contemporary leisure expressed in the community you live Practiced by large heterogeneous groups -social conflicts/contradictions are represented in pop culture -influences individuals and their leisure choices INTERNALIZE what we're exposed to

Central Life Interest

work empowers us and plays CENTRAL role in people's lives people identify first w/ their occupation

Non-linear Life Plan

work hard during prime time and enjoy retirement later, does not follow this linear path: life begins with play, education, long-term work, then returns to play ex: gap years in college, taking sabbatical to raise kids


workaholism manifested in leisure treat leisure like work, scheduling leisure feeling of anxiety/wasting time w/ leisure that is not scheduled

3. Retreatism

you pull away from norms purposely to express yourself ex:dropping out of school, sexual experimentation

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