S. S. Chapter 8 Arrival in Canada

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Define and/or explain and give an example of: Monopoly

A monopoly is complete control of the market for a certain good or service. In the end of the fifteenth century, Portugal had a monopoly on trade with Asia.

Define and/or explain and give an example of: Artifact

An artifact is something made by people. The artifacts left behind by the Vikings show us they were the first Europeans in North America.

The French explorer who discovered the St. Lawrence River was


What did Columbus discover that excited so much interest back in Europe?

Columbus discovered a new continent to colonize, exploit its natural resources, and trade with.

Its primary purpose was to develop the fur trade in New France

Company of a Hundred Associates

The first governor of New France, he led French forces at the age of 70

Count Frontenac

France had its major territorial wars in North America with


the Italian explorer, John Cabot, was employed by the king of


Define and/or explain and give an example of: Filles Du Roi

Filles du roi translated to "the King's daughters." These women were recruited to come to New France. Often these women were orphans and had no family in France.

Which country sponsored Cartier's explorations?


Name the two military commanders involved in the battle on the Plains of Abraham.

General James Wolfe for the British and Marquis de Montcalm for the French.

Its plentiful cod attracted many Europeans who extablished fisheries

Grand Banks

What is imperialism?

Imperialism is the policy of extending control of a region or regions by one nation. Imperialism usually involves both economic and political control

The Native group most hostile to the Hurons was the


His voyages into the St. Lawrence failed to colonize Canada

Jacques Cartier

Claimed "New Found Land" for England in 1497

John Cabot

Occupied a strategic site and considered impregnable to attack


Encouraged nations to expand their colonial possessions


Explain why there was a sudden burst of American exploration in the 1400's?

Monarchs, beginning with the Portuguese and Spanish, wanted to explore "new worlds," gain riches and search for the Northwest Passage.

In what province is L'Anse-aux-Meadows?


A coureur de bois who traveled into the Hudson Bay region

Pierre Radisson

A British victory resulted in Quebec's surrender

Plains of Abraham

Perhaps the most famous of the coureurs de bois were

Radisson and de Groseilliers

Define and/or explain and give an example of: Raw Materials

Raw materials are natural sources, such as trees or animals. Raw materials are used to make other items. For instance, a tree is used to make paper, furniture and lumber. Usually transforming raw materials into consumer goods increases what is charged for it.

Called the "Father of New France"; established post at Quebec in 1608

Samuel de Champlain

Define and/or explain and give an example of: Scurvy

Scurvy is a terrible, often fatal, disease caused by a lack of vitamin C. Early explorers often got this disease until people found out how to prevent it.

Which native group was an ally of the French?

The Hurons were allies of the French

What was the 'Northwest Passage' and why was it important?

The Northwest Passage was thought to be a sailing route through North America. If it existed, these Europeans thought it would have provided another sailing route to Asia.

Explain the causes of the Seven Years' War. How did it affect Acadia?

The Seven Years' War had its origins in North America. The growing colonies of New England resented the fact that by treaty, they were not allowed to cross the Allegheny Mountains and settle in the rich farm lands of the Ohio Valley. Fighting had already been occurring along the border even before war was declared. The people of Acadia were removed from their homes and sent away with only what they could carry.

the European group that first arrived in North America was

The Vikings

Mercantilism is an economic theory that states

a nation's prime objective is to accumulate wealth

The parties of men that Champlain sent out to explore and live with the Native peoples were

coureurs de bois

The Company of a Hundred Associates was required to

establish farming settlements

After Cartier's third voyage, the French

established a colony

The natural resource which first attracted Europeans to the east coast of North America was


By the end of the sixteenth century, France had developed a trade with its colony in


The most popular pelt in the early fur trade in New France was prized most when made into


Champlain and the French wanted to

have a monopoly in the fur trade

Jean Talon wanted New France to become

more self-sufficient

Wht did the British do to the Acadians' houses?

occupied them

What could the Acadians take with them?

only what they could carry

For the French, the purpose of a colony was to

provide land for settlement

When wintering at Stadacona, French sailors died of


Which of the following was the system of land tenure in New France?


The government official in New France who improved the base for economic activities was

the Intendant

In the 15th century, European explorers were first attracted to North America because they were looking for

the Northwest Passage

The British won control of New France in the Battle of

the Plains of Abraham

The pelts of which of the following fur-bearing mammals wer the "rage" in Europe when Champlain was trying to raise money for trading ventures?

the beaver

Colonies could trade only with

their home country

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