safety net programs
entitlement program
a program that provides benefits for those who qualify under the law, regardless of income, not capped - college/health insurance/healthcare
able bodied adults without dependents - work requirements
means tested
eligibility requirements, coupled with stigma
emergency medical treatment and active labor act - only until stabilized because these are unreimbursed medical expenses
school lunch program
means tested: free or deduced lunches for kids mon-fri *government reimburses schools
means tested: low income home energy assistance program *helps pay bills
means tested: medical benefits for low income people
Section 8 housing
means tested: part of rent paid for through capped amount of vouchers to landlord
means tested: supplemental nutrition assistance program (USDA)
means tested: supplemental security income
means tested: temporary assistance for needy families *cash assistance to families with kids up to 18, provide job training, are usually eligible for other programs, replaced welfare in 96, families have to fulfill work requirements - school, substance use programs, 5 year federal limits before the state can take over
means tested: women, infants, and children *up to age 5 + pre and post natal care
social insurance
paid for through payroll taxes
social security
social insurance
unemployment insurance
social insurance
social insurance: national health insurance for 65+
social insurance: social security disability
safety net program
threshold for basic needs, government run