Science Chapter 1

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-A point of view. -Attitude towards or way of regarding something. -a strong belief that affects one's judgement

Universal negatives

-A statement that excludes everything that uses the words "all" or "none" -example "there are no living things in outer space"

Control group

-Lacks the experimental factor (variable) - important so the scientist can compare test results to control group.

What do scientists do

-Scientists solve problems using scientific method, which must be *observable*, *measurable*, and *repeatable*.

Task God set before humans

-dominion mandate -humans must take great care of God's creation (earth, animals)

When making a decision, consider these

1) The principles taught in the Bible 2) The wisom that God gives 3) The Knowledge available from yours and others perspectives

Two ways Scientists think

1. Curious 2. Cautious

How do scientists think?

1. Curious--They ask questions, especially why? 2. They think cautiously (knows not everything he hears or sees are true) -they know the limits of science - deals with only Observable results -Universal negatives cannot be proven, so for example scientist cannot say "all dinosaurs are dead" -cannot make Value judgement -there are no absolutes

Scientific Method

1. Establish the problem 2. Form a hypothesis (an educated Guess) 3. Test the hypothesis using survey or experiments 4. Analyse the Data 5. Verify Answer 6. Predict outcomes

Experimental errors example

1. Human error (e.g., measurement error) 2. Environmental condition can also affect measurement error

3 requirements of science

1. Observable 2. Measurable 3. Repeatable

Value judgement

A determination of the worth of something. Science CANNOT make value judgement, the beauty of something and the morality of a decision is not determined by measurable or repeatable obsetvations.

Explain how one's worldview will influence his presuppositions.

A person's world view is their belief and point of view. A presupposition is something one takes for granted and assumed to be true and don't need proof for. A person's fundamental belief will affect their presupposition. For example, I am Christian and believe that the Bible is the only complete reliable thing in the world and I don't need to prove it.


An educated gusess.


An idea that a person takes for granted, something a person assumes to be true without having convincing proof for it.

Why is Evolution not an example of science?

Because we cannot go back in time to observe evolution or repeat evolution.

Biblical or Christian World View

Beliefs that the Bible is the Word of God and that it is the only completely reliable thing in this world. 1) God made the world and everything in it (Creation) 2) The world has fallen into a tragic state because of sin ( the Fall) 3)God is working to redeem this world to Himself (Redemption)

Life Science

Cellular Genetics Zoology Anatomy Biology

Formal Science

Computer Math Logic


Data is obtained throygh observations of many existing entities.

Dominion Mandate

Dominion means to have control over. Dominon mandate describes the responsibility mankind has over God's creation (earth and animals).

5 categories of science

Earth science Life science Social Science Physical Science Formal Science

Earth Science

Geology Oceanography Meterology Astronomy

Experimental group

Group that experience the experimental factor (variable)


Information collected from observation of experiments.


Information gained from the 5 senses-sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste. Information gained from research and experiment. A good scientific observation is *measurable* and *repeatable*.


Making logical conclusion from multiple observations and experiments.

If you cannot observe something, can you study it scientifically? Explain your answer.

No. If you cannot observe something, you cannot study it scientifically. Science is based on observation and deals only with observables. The three requirements of science is that it must be observable, measurable, and repeatable. If you cannot observe something, you cannot measure it or repeat the experiment.

Did Dr. Goldberger's results mean that anyone who does not eat meat, milk, and eggs will get Pallegra?

No. Science cannot prove universal negative. It cannot say everyone who don't eat meat, milk, and eggs will get Pallegra. Vegans don't eat meat, milk and eggs and not vegans have Pallegra.

What can't science prove?

Opinon. Science cannot say Yorkies are cure or black hair is beautiful, etc.


Person trys to control all the factors (conditions) of two or more groups.

Physical Science

Physics Chemistry

Social Science

Sociology Psychology


The knowledge gained from careful & systematic investigation of the *natural *world.


The perspective from which a person interprets all evidence in life.

How Christians approach science

Through Biblical World View

Experimental variable (experimental factor)

When a factor is altered.

Is it important that an experiment has a control group?

Yes, it is important to have a control group when conducting an experiment so scientist can compare the results of the test group against the control group to form conclusion. The control group in a drug study do not get medicines, they get placebos.

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