Science Cume 2

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which activity occurs in the process of photosynthesis?

light energy is converted into the chemical energy of organic molecules

in which cell structure is energy extracted from nutrients?


which two processes are most directly represented in this diagram

molecule transport and energy use

a variety of species of Galapagos finches evolved from one original species long ago through the process of

natural selection

the diagram below represents the organization of structures within an organism. Which term best indicated the structures represented by the circle labeled x?


The diagram below represents a cell in the field of view of a compound light microscope. In which direction should the slide be moved on the microscope stage to the center the cell in the field of view?

toward c

the diagram below shows a single-celled organism observed by a student using the low power objective of a microscope. How should the student move the slide on the stage to center the single-celled organism in the field?

toward herself and to the left

Which metabolic process is most closely associated with the organs,le represented in the diagram?

Cellular respiration

Mitochondria provide ribosomes with

ATP for protein synthesis

Which process requires cellular energy?

Active transport

If the leaves of a geranium plant receive an adequate supply of raw materials, which graph shows how the rate of photosynthesis is related to increasing light intensity received by the plant?

As the rate of photosynthesis increases, the light intensity increases

Base your answer on the diagram below of a microscope and on your knowledge of biology. While viewing a specimen under high power, a student noticed that the specimen was out of focus. Which part of the microscope should use to obtain a clearer image?


A student changes the objective of a microscope from 10x to 50x. If this is the only change made, what will happen to the field of view?

It's diameter will decrease

which grouping of organisms includes an ancestor and all of its descendants?


the diagram shows four different cells from the same animal. Which statement about the cells is accurate?

The four cells have identical DNA sequences

A green plant is kept in a brightly lighted area for 48 hours. What will most likely occur if the light intensity is then reduced slightly during the next 48 hours?

The rate at which oxygen is released from the plant will decrease.

Which substance is an inorganic compound?


The life function of transport in an organism directly in lives those activities used to

absorb and distribute material

the diagram below represents a portion of a cell membrane. The arrow indicates that the cell membrane is carrying out the process of

active transport

It may be harmful when people compete to see who can hold their breath the longest under water. Without oxygen, brain cells

cannot make enough ATP

an inorganic molecule required by green plants for the process of photosynthesis is

carbon dioxide

We now know that this conclusion is only partially correct because, in addition to water, photosynthesis also requires

carbon dioxide from the atmosphere

over time, a tree that once had a total mass of 300g increased in mass to 300kg. This increase in mass comes mostly from

carbon dioxide that enters through the leaf openings

the diagram below represents changes that take place within the human body. The diagram represents

dynamic equilibrium

the substance responsible for breaking down the Venus flytrap's prey most likely contains

enzyme molecules

which statement explains the effect of temperature on the rate of photosynthesis?

enzymes involved with plant photosynthesis are disrupted at temperature above 25C

Organisms that obtain and ingest organic molecules for their nutrition are classified as


which of these elements is found in the smallest amount in living matter?


A small lizard spends the morning hours lying in the sunlight until its body temperature rises. later on in the day, the lizard rests in a shady area until its body temperature cools. this type of behavior is important to

maintain homeostasis

which term includes all the activities required to keep an organism alive?


Certain seaweeds contain a greater concentration of iodine inside their cells than there is in the seawater surrounding them. The energy required to maintain this concentration difference is most closely associated with the action of


sailors in the past may have heard the greeting from a passing ship, "Avast ye scurvy dogs." This greeting would be a reference to a disease known as scurvy, which is due to inadequate intake of vitamin C. Which row in the chart below correctly identifies the cause of this disease and a possible treatment for it?

poor nutrition, fresh fruit

what must a student do to obtain a volume of 12.5 milliliters of liquid in the graduated cylinder shown in the diagram below?

remove 0.5 mL of liquid

which graph shows the relationship between the rate of photosynthesis and light intensity?

shaped like a curve pointing down

fruits and vegetables exposed to air begin to brown because of a chemical reaction in their cells. This may result in these foods being thrown out. Some people have found that adding lemon juice (citric acid) to apple slices keeps them from turning brown. The prevention of browning is likely the result of

slowing the rate of enzyme action

Which technique enabled scientists in the 1800s to identify cell organelles?


which statement concerning the structures within the cell is accurate?

structure 3 is a mitochondrion, where respiration takes place

which structural feature of the cell membrane allows molecules such as oxygen and carbon dioxide to diffuse into and out of the cell?

the cell membrane is made up of two layers of phospholipids

which drawing is a representation of a prokaryotic cell?

the cell with a flagelum, or a tail

Base your answer on the diagram below of a microscope and on your knowledge of biology. The diagram below represents a strand of algae viewed under the low power objective of this microscope

very zoomed in, one of the rectangles

which number would indicate the most recent common ancestor of the hyrax, elephant, and manatee on the section of this mammalian evolutionary tree?


a student determined that exactly 10 pollen grains could fit along the diameter of the field of view of a microscope. If each pollen grain has a diameter of 200 micrometers, what is the diameter in the milliliters of this microscope's field of view?

2 mm

A block of wood is measured, as shown in the diagram below. What is the length if the block in millimeters

26 mm

base your answer on the diagram below of a microscope and on your knowledge of biology. The highest possible magnification that can be obtained when using this microscope is


The diagram below represents the field of view I'd a compound light microscope. Three unicellular organisms are located across the diameter of the field. What is the approximate length of each unicellular organisms?


A student sees the image below when observing the letter f with the low power objective lens of a microscope

A regular, bigger f

Compound X increases the rate of the reaction below. Compound x is most likely

An enzyme

The equation below summarizes the process that produces the flashing light of a firefly. The molecule Luciferin is Brocken down, and energy is released in the form of heat and light. In this process, luciferase functions as

An enzyme

what parts of the microscope should the student use to bring the image into focus?

B and E

A student views some cheek cell under low power. Before switching to high power, the student should

Center the image being viewed

An iodine test of a tomato plant leaf revealed that starch was present at 5:00 pm on a sunny afternoon in July. When a similar leaf from the same tomato plant was tested with iodine at 6:00 am the next morning, the test indicated that less starch was present. This reduction in starch content most likely occurred because starch was

Digested into simple sugars

Which laboratory equipment is correctly paired with a unit it measures?

Graduated cylinder- milliliters

Stained yeast were added ti the paramecium culture, and some of the yeast were ingested by the paramecia. This activity is most closely associated with which life function?


The graph illustrates the growth curves for two types of bacteria (a and b) under differing pH values. Bacteria A grows best in a medium that is

Slightly acidic

Base your answer to the question on the graph below and on your knowledge of biology. Which is a true statement about the relationship between pH and enzyme action?

The activity of an enzyme is affected by pH

the graph below shows the effect of environmental temperature on a girl's skin temperature and on her internal body temperature. Which statement best describes what happens as environmental temperature increases from 20C to 30C?

The internal temperature increases by about 1C

What is a direct result of aerobic respiration?

The potential energy of glucose is transferred to ATP molecules.

Which substances are inorganic compounds?

Water and salts

a valid conclusion based on the information in the graph is that

a difference in the pH of an environmental changes enzyme activity

The role that the environment plays in determining which species survive is referred to as...

a selecting agent

a change in the external or internal environment of an organism is known as

a stimulus

Base your answer to the question on the information provided. To produce trypsin inhibitors, plants must synthesize these proteins from

amino acids

there are over 2000 kinds of edible insects in the world, and they are becoming an increasingly popular source of protein. One cup of cricket flour contains over 28 grams of protein. The building blocks of the protein in cricket flour are

amino acids

the food coloring is not harmful to the most people, but in a smaller number of individuals, it causes a reaction and affects their ability to breathe. this response to carmine is known as

an allergy

the structure of a cell nucleus would be seen in the greatest detail by use of

an electron microscope

in one of his experiments with pea plants, Mendel noted that 75% of the offspring of a certain cross had green pea pods. This statement would be considered

an observation

which statement explains the formation of the two subspecies from the original population of tufted-ear squirrels

as the canyon formed and the ponderosa forests disappeared, the original population was split into two isolated populations.

Base your answer to the question on the graph below and on your knowledge of biology. The most likely result of mixing both enzymes with their substrates in a single test tube is that

both enzymes would exhibit some activity at pH5

a group of students studied four different cell specimens under a microscope and recorded information about each cell in this table. Which cell specimen is a prokaryote?

cell 3

Some viruses attack cells by attaching to their outer covering, entering, and taking over their genetic "machinery." Viruses are able to invade cells after first attaching to their

cell membrane

Which pair of organelles works together to give structure and support in animal cells?

cell membrane and cytoskeleton

a scientists isolates a number of non-photosynthetic prokaryotes. which structure would be found in these cells?

cell walls

which statement best describes these two molecules

energy for life processes can be stored within chemical bonds of both molecules

which statement best describes one of the events taking place in the chemical reaction below?

energy is being released for metabolic activities

the process of transferring energy during respiration occurs in a series of steps. This prevents too much heat from being released at one time. Maintaining an appropriate temperature is beneficial to an organism because

enzymes need a proper range of temperatures to catalyze vital reactions

in the diagram, the arrows show the direction of movement of various substances. Which one of the cell's life activities are represented by the arrows?

excretion, transport, and respiration

to locate a specimen on the prepared slide with a compound microscope, a student should begin with the low power objective rather than the high power objective because the

field of vision is larger under low power than under high power

identify one molecule, present in this setup that will be able to pass through the dialysis tubing.

iodine or water

why is an organism in the diagram below considered a heterotroph rather than a autotroph

it absorbs organic nutrients

which statement is best supported by information in the table?

it is likely that birds from species A will only mate with birds from species A

which statement best describes van Leeuwenhoek's work?

knowledge gained by his work has led to the improvement and development of modern scientific concepts

which type of macromolecule store energy and provides thermal insulation for the body?


Increased perspiration, a higher body temperature, and a rapidly beating heart are all possible responses to a stressful situation. These body responses are most likely a direct result of the interaction of the

nervous and hormonal systems

protein synthesis is accomplished primarily by the interaction of which two cells structures?

nuclei and ribosomes

When an onion cell is stained with iodine, which organelle becomes more visible under the compound light microscope?


a student is using a compound light microscope to observe a wet mount of unstained human cheek cells. Which cell organelle will most likely become more visible after she adds iodine solution to the slide?


the presence of which structure helps classify an organism as eukaryotic?


maintaining a rich variety of genetic material that may lead to discoveries useful to humans can be ensured by

preserving biodiversity

the most recent fossil discoveries have filled in many of the gaps in the evolution of birds from dinosaurs. Before the latest fossils were found, there were some scientists who questioned this idea that birds evolved from dinosaurs. In general, scientists constantly work to

provide enough evidence and accurate predictions to allow for widespread acceptance

An ameba is a single-celled organism. It uses its cell membrane to obtain food from its environment, digests the food with the help of organelles called lysosomes, and uses other organelles to process the digested food. From this, we can best infer that

structures in amebas have functions similar to organs in multicellular organisms

scientists who have examined the fossil record have noted that some species have changed very little over long periods of geologic time. The lack of change in such organisms is most likely because

the environment that they lived in remained the same, and they were well-adapted to it

a genetic change that occurs in a body cell of a mouse will not contribute to the evolution of the species because

the evolution of a species can result from changes in reproductive cells, not body cells.

which statement correctly describes a possible result if starch indicator is added to the water in the beaker one hour after the potato cube was added?

the indicator would remain amber in color of starch molecules were not present in the water in the beaker

which statement describes two unsafe laboratory practices represented in the diagram

the opening of the test tube is pointed toward the student and the student is not wearing goggles.

which inference is supported b the data?

the plant produces more oxygen as light intensity increases

which statement is supported by the data in the graph?

the rate of oxygen production is greatest in section M

the diagram below shows a single-celled organism observed by a student using the low power objective of a microscope. As the student observes the organism under the high-power objective, the organism swims out of focus. To bring it back into focus, the student should

turn the fine adjustment

which statement provides a conclusion about the transport of water in and out if cells based on the results of the student's experiment

water movement into cell is dependent on the percent concentrations of solutes both inside and outside the cell.

the process of osmosis would explain the net movement of water into a cell if the percentage of

water was 90% inside the cell and 95% outside the cell

which diagram below indicates that the species D is more closely related to C than it is to either A or B

where c and d are connected together

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