Science Test Chemical Reaction

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What happens when you combine sodium carbonate with a magnesium sulfate solution

A chemical reaction occurs with bubnling

What is a percipitate

A percipitate is a solid formed from a chemical reaction which is insoluable

Why on the molecular level does changing the amount of baking soda or vinegar affect the amount of carbon dioxide gas produced

By adding more baking soda or vinegar there are more molecules who's bonds are broken. There are more atoms that are released creating more molecules

Vinegar and baking sodas chemical formula nd chemical name

C2H4O2 (acetic acid) + NaHCO2 (sodium bicarbonate) = NaC2H3O2 (sodium acetate) + H2O (water) + CO2 (carbon dioxide)

Metane chemical formulas and chemical names

CH4 (methane) + 2O2 (oxygen) = CO2 (carbon dioxide) + 2H2O (water)

Forming a Percipitate chemical formulas and chemical names

CaCl2 (calcium chloride) + 2NaHCO3 (sodium bicarbonate) = CaCO3 (calcium carbonate) + 2NaCl (sodium chloride) + H2O (water) + CO2 (carbon dioxide)

What was the percipitate

Calcium Carbonate

What gas was prduced in the chemical reaction

Carbon Dioxide

What do you observe when you combined the baking soda solution with the calcium chloride?

Color change Solid at the bottom Bubbling

What is a limiting reactant

It is a reactant which does not have enough molecules to make more of the products

What does it mean to say something is soluble in a liquid

It is able to dissolve in a liquid

Could you keep adding more and more baking soda to the same amount of vinegar to get more carbon dioxide?

No because at some point all the vinegar molecules will have been used up in a chemical reaction and therefore the added baking soda will not have any vinegar to react with.

What would you do if you wanted to make more carbon dioxide? (baking soda and vinegar)

You would have to add more molecules to the equation. The more molecules the more atoms which could be made into a molecule like carbon dioxide

What happens when uou combine vinegar in a Chemical Reaction

a gas is formed

Is this a chemical reaction? why or why not

a new molecule was formed

Why does a covalent bond form

electron clouds between atoms overlap

Why does ionic bonds form

electron clouds touch but do not share electrons, electrical connection (NOT MAGNETIC)

What are the 3 signs of a chemical reaction

gas was formed percipitate was formed color change

What does it mean to say insoluble in a liquid

it can not dissolve

Why do you think a chemical reactiom occured

new molecules were created

Why was it important to rinse out the graduated cylinder in between the trials of the activity we did with the vinegar and baking soda

no extra reactants

Why is it that two groups followed the same "recipe" and got two different results

not accurate measurments of reactants didn't rinse weren't combined the same way reactants left at the top

Is evaporation a physical or a chemical change

physical change

What chemical reaction occure in your eyes after you chop onions

reactants= sulfenic acid products= sulferic acid

What soluble substance was formed

sodium chloride

What happened when we took the products from te Forming a Percipitate and put it on a coffee filter?

solid seperated from the liquid solid=calcium carbonate

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