SCM 4367 Midterm 1 material

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[Week 1 PPT & Video] In the Hurricane Sandy Food Distribution video within the lecture, the Toyota consultants reviewed the amazing results (such as reducing the time to pack a box from 3 minutes to 11 seconds and being able to feed 400 more families in less than half the time) and exclaimed:

"Although the list is shorter than when we started, we still have plenty of homework."

[Week 4 PPT and Video] The takt time has been calculated to be 9 minutes per product. The work cell is capable of producing at a pace of 6.3 minutes per product. The cell Capacity Utilization is:


[Week 4 PPT and Video] The following are all potential advantages to a cellular layout EXCEPT:

Allows workers to specialize and become experts in one, small task

[Week 3 PPT and Video] Which of the following is the best definition for a Value Added Task?

An activity that directly transforms an input into an output

[Week 4 PPT and Video] The process layout where transportation and WIP inventory is minimized is:

Cellular Layout

[Week 2 PPT and Video] From the lean "organism perspective", the best time to take care of a problem is as soon as it occurs. One reason for that is that:

Problems are easier to solve as soon as they occur.

[Value Driven Process Management Article] Value can be defined as the:

subjective evaluation of performance of a product, good, or service adjusted by cost.

[Week 6 PPT and Video] To become a lean organization, the main thing a company has to do is

teach everyone in the organization to see waste and look for ways to get rid of it

[LS Memory Jogger] The goal of any Lean Six Sigma deployment is:

that everyone becomes a capable agent who contributes to improve cost, quality, and delivery every day.

[LS Memory Jogger] When implementing lean, managers should focus their time and efforts on influencing:

the 60% of employees who are undecided about whether they should participate in lean.

[Week 4 PPT and Video] The takt time has been calculated to be 6 minutes per product. The cell Capacity Utilization is:


[Week 2 PPT and Video] PDCA is an improvement cycle that is the same (or similar to) (Planning, Doing, Checking, Acting)

the Scientific Method

[Week 4 PPT and Video] The takt time has been calculated to be 8 minuted per product. The work cell is capable of producing at a pace of 6.5 minutes per product. The cell Capacity Utilization is:


[Week 5 PPT and Video] By using the principles of One Piece Flow and work standardization, the hospital pharmacy highlighted in the opening profile video was able to reduce overall leadtime for prescription packs by:


[Week 3 PPT and Video] Making lemonade is an example of a transformation process (transforming a packet of lemonade mix and water into lemonade). In the process for making lemonade that is described below, which of these steps is considered Value Added (VA):

- Pour the lemonade mix into the pitcher of water - Stir the lemonade/water mix until the mix is fully dissolved

[Week 3 PPT and Video] Brushing your teeth is an example of a transformation process (transforming dirty teeth into clean teeth). In the process for brushing teeth that is described below, which of these steps is considered Value Added (VA):

-Scrub your teeth with the toothbrush

In the Toyota/Ace Metal Crafts Video that you just watched, the company utilized Lean principles to achieve amazing productivity gains such as producing an entire product that used to take 6 days in only 6 minutes. In order to achieve these results, the video suggests that the company used:

-Small improvements developed by everyone -"Simple stuff", like tape and signs

[Week 4 PPT and Video] A manufacturing operation is open 13 hours each day. There are two 15 minute breaks and a 1.5 hour lunch planned where the manufacturing operation stops. What is the available time in minutes?

660 minutes per day

[Week 4 PPT and Video] A manufacturing operation is open 14 hours each day. There are two 20 minute breaks and a 2.0 hour lunch planned where the manufacturing operation stops. What is the available time in minutes?

680 minutes per day

[Week 4 PPT and Video] The takt time has been calculated to be 7 minutes per product. Management would like the Capacity Utilization to be 85%. What is the design takt?

7.65 minutes

[Week 4 PPT and Video] The available time per day is 200 minutes. The organization would like to be capable of producing 4000 products each day. What is the takt time in seconds?

3 minutes per product

[Week 4 PPT and Video] In Dr. Miller's explanation of Product Families, he mentions that a sandwich shop like Quiznos or Subway probably has how many different Product Families?


Within Paul Akers' "Path to Success" video where he was explaining his production system in the UpFlip interview, Paul mentioned that the most important tool his people use (which they do at the very beginning of every day) is

3S (the first three steps of 5S)

[Week 4 PPT and Video] The available time per day is 400 minutes. The organization would like to be capable fo producing 6000 products each day. What is the takt time in seconds?

4 seconds per product (400/6000)*60

[Week 1 PPT and Video] Most companies know that Lean and Six Sigma are associated with world class performance. Some experts estimate that what percentage of companies have fully utilized Lean and Six Sigma tools, techniques, and and concepts in a meaningful and effective way?


[Week 4 PPT and Video] A manufacturing operation is open 10 hours each day. There are two 15 minute breaks and a 1.5 hour lunch planned where the manufacturing operation stops. What is the available time in minutes?

480 minutes per day

Within Paul Akers' "Path to Success" video where he was explaining his production system in the UpFlip interview, Paul explained that the moment he knew that he did not know anything about effective production processes was when the Japanese consultants were able to transform a 45 minute process to only take:

5 minutes

[Week 4 PPT and Video] A process cell has four workstations. Products must be processed by each workstation sequentially: Raw material - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - Finished product - The first station completes one product every 4 minutes - The second station completes one product every 5 minutes - The third station completes one product every 2 minutes - The fourth station completes one product every 3 minutes The Cell Capacity (pace that the cell can operate) is one product every:

5 minutes

[Week 4 PPT and Video] In the Zingerman's Tom Root interview at the end of the lecture, by moving to one piece flow, Zingerman's Mail Order is so fast at completing orders that they can take orders to ship the same day until what time?

5 pm

[Clean House With Lean 5S Article] As a rule of thumb, introducing good workplace organization (through 5S) reduces process defects by:


Which of the following is NOT an accurate statement about the Lean Tool, 5S?

5S is the same thing as having a designated "clean up" time at the end of every day

[Week 4 PPT and Video] The takt time has been calculated to be 7 minutes per product. Management would like the Capacity Utilization to be 95%. What is the design takt?

6.65 minutes

"25 Principles of Lean" is taken from a variety of Lean writers. According to this handout, the following is a true statement:

90% of problems are with the system, only 10% with the people

[memory jogger] Approximately what percent of a typical process is non-value added or waste?


[Week 3 PPT and Video] Within the manufacturing demonstration during class, Dr. Miller described how the "tool crib manager" is working in:

A cage

[LS Memory Jogger] Value from a customer perspective may be defined as:

A change in form, fit or function of the product or service

[Week 2 PPT and Video] A change in organizational culture typically originates with:

A change in management beliefs

[Week 6 PPT and Video] When FastCap puts a Kanban card in the Kanban slot, how does the "waterspider" (material handling worker) know that something is needed?

A light on top of a pole is illuminated

[Lean Six Sigma Memory Jogger] The statement associated with the SET IN ORDER or STRAIGHTEN step of 5S is:

A place for everything and everything in its place

[Week 2 PPT and Video] In a lean organization, the following individuals are encouraged and trained to discover and solve problems and make production improvements:

All employees, regardless of job role are encouraged and trained to discover and solve problems and make production improvements.

Within the video that you just watched, Paul Akers uses a process where you must complete the following task prior to becoming an employee:

Actually work at FastCap (paid) for one week, interacting with the other FastCap employees

Within Paul Akers' "Path to Success" video where he was explaining his production system in the UpFlip interview, Paul explained how his company is missing a lot of features of a typical company. The only item in this list below that Paul DOES have in his company is:

Clearly Defined Process

[Week 1 PPT & Video] In the Starbucks video, the barista mentions that making coffee is not like manufacturing. However, the professor mentions that making coffee does have some similarities to manufacturing. All of the following were mentioned as demonstrating coffee making similar to manufacturing EXCEPT:

Coffee making involves personal contact with the customer

The following is the best statement describing how Paul Akers explains why people at FastCap are willing to improve their processes

Because improving your processes makes your life better and improves the lives of the people around you

"25 Principles of Lean" is taken from a variety of Lean writers. According to this handout, the following is a true statement:

Because of variation, machines are typically loaded below 85%-90% utilization

[Week 6 PPT and Video] In FastCap's production process, the "raw material" inventory that is used to build products is located:

Below and next to the production work "cell" used to build each individual product

[Week 6 PPT and Video] The type of kanban that uses an empty box to signal production is called a:

Bin (or Multi-Bin) Kanban

[Week 2 PPT and Video] The following is a typical (and prevalent) behavior of employees within a "Mass Production" organization:

Blame and hiding problems

[LS Memory Jogger] The three Ms (Muda, Muri, and Mura) represent all of the following EXCEPT:

Bureaucracy: having a variety of levels of supervisory management

[Lean Six Sigma Memory Jogger] The combination of equipment, material, and people in close proximity to maximize flexibility, create flow, and minimize non-value added activities is called:

Cellular Layout

[Week 4 PPT and Video] The process layout that fosters communication and cooperation between team members to build an entire product is:

Cellular Layout

[Week 4 PPT and Video] The process layout that minimizes "pick ups and set downs" is:

Cellular Layout

[Week 4 PPT and Video] The process layout where an operator is more aware of quality issues because they are their own customer is:

Cellular Layout

[Lean Six Sigma Memory Jogger] To achieve ZERO DEFECTS, it is necessary to

Create devices that stop defects from passing into the next process

[Week 6 PPT and Video] The type of "kanban" that helps a production operator to answer questions about where to find more material, what do do when you run out, and what to do when you have finished your work is called a:


Materials and products that can never be used is called


[LS Memory Jogger] The (abbreviated) "five steps" of the Lean Six Sigma Improvement is

Define Value, Observe, Make Flow, Enable Pull, Seek Ideal State (DOMES)

[Week 1 PPT and Video] The five steps of the Six Sigma standardized improvement process in order are:

Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control

[Lean Six Sigma Memory Jogger] According to the Lean Six Sigma Memory Jogger, the key question in the SORT step of 5S is:

Do you really need this?

When implementing a Poka-Yoke Solution, utilize all of the following criteria EXCEPT

Does it collect data on errors for quality tracking purposes?

Within Paul Akers' "Path to Success" video where he was explaining his production system in the UpFlip interview, Paul described how when top managers have the following attitude, they will kill a lean effort (the lean effort will fail). [NOTE: The correct answer to this question is the attitude that PAUL describes as killing lean efforts.]

Doing Lean with the goal of making a profit

Within the video you just watched, Paul Akers mentions that the byproduct (NOT the target or goal) of lean is

Economic (profit and revenue) success

Within the video you just watched, Paul Akers mentions that the byproduct (NOT the target or goal) of lean is:

Economic (profit and revenue) success

[Week 6 PPT and Video] The following are all benefits of Kanban systems EXCEPT:

Eliminates the need to transport inventory

[LS Memory Jogger] PDCA and DMAIC are both methodologies based upon the principle:

Embrace scientific problem solving

[Week 6 PPT and Video] When using a Kanban system, the goal should be to:

Eventually get rid of the Kanban system because Kanbans are a waste

[Week 1 PPT and Video] Typical Lean and Six Sigma organizational results, such as 95% lead time reduction, 80% increases in quality, and 60% reduction in costs can be achieved by using:

Existing employees and existing technology

[Week 6 PPT and Video] In Step 1 of TWI Job Instruction, the teacher will:

Explain the purpose of the process and create a connection between this job and work the worker has completed in the past

[Week 6 PPT and Video] The type of kanban that limits the inventory between two connected workstations and signals which of the work stations may have a problem is called a:

FIFO Kanban

Within the video you just watched, the process had how many primary, important steps?


[Lean Six Sigma Memory Jogger] According to the Lean Six Sigma Memory Jogger, the 3Fs are:

Fixed location, item, and quantity

[Week 2 PPT and Video] From an organism viewpoint, the following is more important that optimization:


An assembly line conveyor starts on one side of the plant and runs in a straight line to the opposite side of the plant, with parts being transformed along the way is known as a straight cell or a:

Flow cell

[Week 4 PPT and Video] The process layout that REQUIRES mechanized transportation such as forklifts and conveyors is:

Functional Layout

[Week 4 PPT and Video] The process layout that is difficult to "scale up" when demand increases is:

Functional Layout

[Week 4 PPT and Video] The process layout that requires expensive software to schedule and coordinate work flows is:

Functional Layout

[Week 4 PPT and Video] The process layout that requires working in large batches is:

Functional Layout

[Week 4 PPT and Video] The process layout that typically fosters poor communication between work groups is:

Functional Layout

[Week 4 PPT and Video] The process layout that typically has very complex workflows that are difficult to see happen is:

Functional Layout

[Week 4 PPT and Video] The traditional (Mass production) layout where resources and departments are physically grouped by expertise is called a:

Functional Layout

[Week 3 PPT and Video] The process of going to the actual workplace, looking at the actual process, observing what is actually happening, and collecting the actual data is referred to as:


[Week 6 PPT and Video] The following are all typical components of a "Daily Huddle" or "Stand Up Meeting" EXCEPT:

Giving prizes to the individuals who had the highest productivity and the lowest defects during the previous day or shift

[Lean Six Sigma Memory Jogger] According to the Lean Six Sigma Memory Jogger, after 5S, all of the following will be experienced EXCEPT:

Green boxes are drawn around every item

In the "morning meeting" video shown at the end of the lecture, Paul Akers declares that the purpose of the morning meeting is to

Grow people

[Week 6 PPT and Video] JIT (Just-In-Time Production) is best described as:

Having the capacity in the system to perform work "just as soon" as demand signal arrives

[Week 2 PPT and Video] The "Mass Production System" is typically seen as being initially implemented within

Henry Ford's automobile production

[Week 2 PPT and Video] Mass Production is most often associated with:

High Labor Specialization and Low Labor Knowledge

[Week 5 PPT and Video] The following are all statements that represent standardization and standard work from a Lean perspective EXCEPT:

How can I create work instructions so that everyone will follow my directions for working Lean?

Week 5 PPT and Video] The following are all statements that represent standardization and standard work from a Lean perspective EXCEPT:

How can I put an outline around everything so that the work space will be Lean?

[Week 5 PPT and Video] The following are all statements that represent standardization and standard work from a Lean perspective EXCEPT:

How can I put labels on everything so that the work are is Lean?

[Week 5 PPT and Video] All of the following are true about the "Straighten" step of 5S EXCEPT:

If the process was already established prior to doing Sort and Shine, simply place items back into the work area in the location where you initially found them.

"25 Principles of Lean" is taken from a variety of Lean writers. According to this handout, the following is a true statement:

Improvement, but specifically continuous improvement, should be the concern of everyone.

Within the simulation you just saw, the person performing the simulation gives you one "secret" for why one piece flow is faster. One of the reasons is:

In batch production we pick up and set down items many times. In One Piece Flow, we never put the item down until it is done.

[Week 3 PPT and Video] Extra material, parts, or information that are not currently needed are called:


The following are characteristics of an ideal Poka Yoke device EXPECT

Involves written instructions or warning labels

[Week 2 PPT and Video] The following were all challenges for Toyota as they started planning their production of automobiles EXCEPT:

Japanese workers were not willing to work in manufacturing plants.

[LS Memory Jogger] The following deployment methodology brings together a small group of people to improve current processes and fix problems very quickly; typically over a period of 2-5 days:

Kaizen Event

[LS Memory Jogger] A deployment strategy used to enable rapid development and replication of Lean Six Sigma countermeasures is referred to as

Model or Learning Line

[Week 2 PPT and Video] In the "morning meeting" video at the end of the lecture, Paul Akers describes the title he gives to every employee:

Process Engineer

In the Toyota/Ace Metal Craft Video you just watched, this company utilized Lean principles to greatly improve the company's performance and profits. As a result of these improvements, Ace Metal Craft was able to

Keep the original workers and hire 20 more.

[Week 2 PPT and Video] Mass Production is most often associated with:

Large space requirements using expensive, specialized tools

[Week 2 PPT and Video] The following best represents a lean "organism perspective" on process optimization:

Lean organizations realize that optimization results are limited because market conditions are constantly changing

[Lean Six Sigma Memory Jogger] The process of assigning tasks so every person is doing the same amount of work to meet the takt time is called:

Line Balancing

[Week 2 PPT and Video] The Toyoda family business was not initially making cars, they made:

Looms for weaving cloth

[Week 2 PPT and Video] Craft Production is most often associated with:

Low Labor Specialization and High Labor Knowledge

Visual Management is used to

Make normal and abnormal conditions and waste visible

When a "traditional manager" (one with a mass production mindset) encounters a problem, they tend to enact policies and additional work instructions that:

Make processes more complex and harder to complete

[Week 6 PPT and Video] Once a company has been practicing Lean, the way they are able to continue experiencing amazing productivity and quality improvements is by

Making hundreds of very small improvements all the time

"25 Principles of Lean" is taken from a variety of Lean writers. According to this handout, the following is a true statement:

Management should happen by direct observation of that action that is happening

"25 Principles of Lean" is taken from a variety of Lean writers. According to this handout, the following is a true statement:

Maximize value to the customer by optimizing around the customer

[Lean Six Sigma Memory Jogger] The following are all types of Value Stream Maps EXCEPT:

Mechanical or machine

[Week 5 PPT and Video] When faced with a process that is producing defects, the following is a RELIABLE strategy to prevent defects from getting to the customer.

None of the above will prevent defects from getting to the customer

[Week 2 PPT and Video] Six Sigma concepts were originally developed and adopted in the 1980s and 1990s at two organizations:

Motorola and General Electric

[Week 3 PPT and Video] The following statement is most applicable when considering waste

Mura and Muri lead to Muda

[Week 2 PPT and Video] Mass Production is most often associated with:

Process speed determined by the manager

Within Paul Akers' "Path to Success" video where he was explaining his production system in the UpFlip interview, Paul clearly addresses the common misconception that Lean is the same as

OCD: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

[Week 1 PPT and Video] The traits that the customer expects: the minimum traits needed for a customer to consider your product or service are called:

Order Qualifiers

[Lean Six Sigma Memory Jogger] The three elements of Standard Work are: How long the operation should take (cycle time), the quantity of work in process that must be maintained (WIP), and the:

Order in which the operation should be completed.

[Week 2 PPT and Video] An "organism viewpoint" refers to each of the following assumptions about organizations EXCEPT:

Organizations must increasingly consume more resources in order to grow and change

[Lean Six Sigma Memory Jogger] According to the Lean Six Sigma Memory Jogger, the first step in implementing Visual Management is:

Organizing the workplace using 5S

[Week 3 PPT and Video] Doing an activity multiple times when it should be done only once is called:


[Week 3 PPT and Video] Producing or buying more than the customer needs before the customer needs it is called:


[Week 3 PPT and Video] Which of the following is considered the worst type of waste because it causes all other types of waste?


[Week 3 PPT and Video] Which of the wastes is the most serious of all wastes because it is the root of so many problems?


[Week 2 PPT and Video] One of the characteristics of a Lean Production System is that workers typically:

Perform a variety of tasks and have and have an understanding of the variety of processes that occur around them.

[Week 5 PPT and Video] The following are all characteristics of an ideal Poka Yoke device EXCEPT:

Poka Yoke devices are seldom seen in machines and items that we all use everyday

[Week 3 PPT and Video] Applying an ink stamp to a piece of paper is an example of a transformation process ( transforming a blank piece of paper into a piece of paper with an ink stamp applied). In the process for applying an ink stamp that is described below, which of these steps is considered Value Added (VA):

Press the rubber stamp into the piece fo paper to apply the ink

[Week 2 PPT and Video] Craft Production is most often associated with:

Process speed determined by the worker

[Lean Six Sigma Memory Jogger] The following are all "rules" used when implementing a kanban EXCEPT

Produce only the quantity forecasted by the demand software

The variety of products that require approximately the same process steps to be produced are called a

Product family

"25 Principles of Lean" is taken from a variety of Lean writers. According to this handout, the following is a true statement:

Pull should take place at the customer's rate of demand

[Week 2 PPT and Video] Mass Production is most often associated with:

Quality and production improvements initiated and developed by management

[Week 2 PPT and Video] Mass production is most often associated with:

Quality and production improvements initiated and developed by management

[Week 2 PPT and Video] Craft Production is most often associated with:

Quality and production improvements initiated and developed by the worker

[Week 2 PPT and Video] Craft production is most often associated with:

Quality and production improvements initiated and developed by the worker

[Week 4 PPT and Video] The goal of One Piece Flow (while it may never be possible to accomplish) is to:

Reduce the batch size to one

The Mass Production (Ford) method of production:

Represented World Class production methods in the early 1900s

Within Paul Akers' "Path to Success" video where he was explaining his production system in the UpFlip interview, there was a moment that Paul paused to discuss why he was so intentional about the way he put a piece of paper back into a slot on a shelf. He stated that when he carefully made sure that the paper was in the right place and in the right orientation, he was practicing the Lean principle of:

Respect for people

"25 Principles of Lean" is taken from a variety of Lean writers. According to this handout, the following is a true statement

Select the smallest, simplest machines possible while maintaining quality

To improve the process in the video you just watched from 46 seconds to 12 seconds:

Several people experimented and tried many very small changes. Several of the small improvements only saved one or two seconds.

[Week 6 PPT and Video] "Pull" production systems are created to:

Signal for work to begin only when customer demand occurs

[Week 3 PPT and Video] When improving a process using Lean principles, we would prefer that, in the improved process, a worker does the Value Added tasks in the process:


[Week 2 PPT and Video] Craft Production is most often associated with:

Small space requirements using inexpensive, general purpose tools

[Waste Definitions Handout] The following resource has the potential benefits of avoiding bottlenecks, improving flow, improving simplicity, increasing the flexibility of maintenance, improving cash flow, and enhancing technology adoption:

Smaller machines

Week 6 PPT and Video] The purpose of a Gemba Walk (or 5S Audit) is best described as

Spending time in the Gemba to help solve problems and improve processes

[Lean Six Sigma Memory Jogger] A typical kanban card contains all of the following EXCEPT:

Standard pricing for materials used in the kanban

The two steps of 5S most often overlooked by inexperienced lean practitioners, thus causing 5S to fail in companies are:

Standardize and Sustain

[Clean House With Lean 5S Article] The reason many companies fail at implementing 5S is because they neglect to:

Standardize and Sustain

Visual Management refers to:

Structuring a process so that work organization is obvious and waste is clearly visible.

[LS Memory Jogger] A major failure of most Lean Six Sigma deployment efforts is

That gains achieved are not sustained

[Week 4 PPT and Video] The best definition of Takt Time is:

The average pace of production that is required to meet customer demand

[Week 2 PPT and Video] The most important advantage of a "Lean Organization" over a "Mass Production Organization" is

The culture, where every employee has a lean mindset

[Week 3 PPT and Video] The idle time when materials are not being actively transformed is called:


Within the video you just watched, every time the group tried a change in the process with a goal of improving:

The group learned, even though sometimes the experiment resulted in a process time that was longer

[Week 6 PPT and Video] Before using TWI - Job Instruction, there is some specific information a manager must collect:

The important steps of the task, critical key points for each step, and the reasons why the work is done this way

[Week 2 PPT and Video] When a company utilizes lean tools and production techniques WITHOUT the managers and employees adopting a lean MINDSET

The organization will still exhibit the production problems seen in the Charlie Chaplin video

Within the video you just watched, when Paul Akers talks about "leveling the organization", he mentions that the most important people in the organization are the

The people on the shop floor that are actually creating value

Henry Ford's River Rouge plant was so large, it had all of the following characteristics EXCEPT:

The tallest building in the world (at the time)

[Week 6 PPT and Video] During Step 2 of the TWI Job Instruction Process:

The teacher demonstrates the work while explaining details about the work

[Week 6 PPT and Video] All of the following are primary ways you know a 5S effort has reached the "Sustain" step of 5S EXCEPT:

There are never any problems, errors, mistakes, or difficulties.

[Week 1 PPT and Video] TPS: Toyota Production System is sometimes referred to as the:

Thinking People System

Within the video you just watched, the "trainer" was using TWI Job Instruction to teach someone how to:

Wash hands

[Week 3 PPT and Video] Moving materials without transforming them is called:


[LS Memory Jogger] The following are all key points for overcoming resistance to change EXCEPT:

Use a variety of charismatic leaders to help implement the change process.

[Lean Six Sigma Memory Jogger] A graphic representation of the material and information flow from the beginning to the end of a process is called a:

Value Stream Map

[Week 3 PPT and Video] For a manager with a lean mindset, the following would be an indication that a process has very little waste:

Very little inventory and people are not moving much at all.

[Week 5 PPT and Video] The following is a FALSE statement about Visual Management:

Visual management requires that every object in the work area has a label and an outline

[Week 3 PPT and Video] A spaghetti diagram is used to

Visually demonstrate the non-value added activity of transportation and motion

[Week 3 PPT and Video] The waste that is commonly added as the eighth waste is:

Waste of untapped human potential

[Waste Definitions Handout] According to the definitions of waste, the following statement about waste is FALSE:

Waste reduction is the same as cost reduction

[Week 4 PPT and Video] The worker who drives a "trolley" or cart on a regular route around a manufacturing facility, picking up parts from a variety of work cells and delivering them to a shared resource and back again, we call a:


[Week 5 PPT and Video] One of the most common complaints Dr. Miller mentions that indicates that a 5S effort is needed is:

We have run out of space and need a bigger workplace to be efficient.

[Week 5 PPT and Video] One thing to practice when creating a red tag area within the SORT step of 5S is:

When in doubt, throw it out

[Week 6 PPT and Video] One situation in which it is appropriate to create a kanban system is:

When it is not practical to group machines

[Week 4 PPT and Video] Lean work cells will typically encourage "first time through quality" because:

Work cell operators typically handle the products from start to finish

[Week 5 PPT and Video] The following are all benefits of Standard Work EXCEPT:

Workers cannot change the process without management approval

[Week 2 PPT and Video] The introductory "How Toyota Changed the way we make things" video, descrived how Eiji Toyoda and Taiichi Ohno traveledto the US and visited Ford's large River Rouge Factory complex. While on their visit, they were especially impressed but the stocking system used within:

a Piggly Wiggly Grocery store

[Week 4 PPT and Video] In the Zingerman's Tom Root interview at the end of the lecture, the "Weekender" is:

a giftbasket

[Waste Definitions Handout] In a manufacturing operation, the following is an indication of waste:

a part or material that is not being transformed (having value added)

[Week 4 PPT and Video] If the machine cycle time is greater than the design takt time, one way to get around this problem is:

add a second machine to the work cell

[Week 1 PPT and Video] In order to alter the value delivered to a customer, you must:

alter the process(es) used to create the value

[Week 2 PPT and Video] In Henry Ford's Mass Production System, workers were treated like:

an interchangeable part that could be discarded and replaced

[LS Memory Jogger] To achieve its objectives, Lean Six Sigma focuses on:

applying principles instead of just pursuing results

[LS Memory Jogger] The role of people (line workers) in pursuit of lean improvement is to:

be responsible to transform their own processes using the 5 improvement steps.

In the video you just watched, you saw how a relief organization used the Toyota Production System (Lean) to create Visual Management of the rebuilding process for homes damaged in Hurricane Harvey. They reduced the time it takes to rebuild a home from 120 days to:

nearly 60 days - a 50% reduction!

[Week 5 PPT and Video] A list of tasks that is checked or crossed off the list as they are completed is:

called a checklist

[Lean Thinking in the Office Article] An office "cell" or "pod" is a

cross functional team of people, co-located to process information

[Value-Driven Process Management Article] The value-driven process is:

never-ending. After an improvement is made, it is time to repeat the improvement process.

[Waste Definitions Handout] The number of transport and material handling operations is:

directly proportional to the likelihood of damage and deterioration

[Week 3 PPT and Video] Within the video lecture, Dr. Miller mentioned that Toyota claims that if every worker at one of their car plants were to figure out a way of saving just one seconds, the plant would be able to produce:

eight more cars per shift

[Lean Six Sigma Memory Jogger] The Lean Six Sigma Memory Jogger indicates that the goal of the SHINE step of 5S is:

eliminate the need to clean

[Week 2 PPT and Video] One major difference between Toyota's Prod. System and Ford's Prod. System described in the introductory video, "How Toyota changed the Way we Make Things" enables Toyota to dramatically reduce errors and quality problems on the assembly line. While Ford's system addressed any quality problems or errors at the end of the production process, Toyota's system

encouraged workers to stop the assembly line to identify and solve problems during production

[Lean Thinking in the Office Article] Organizing and managing a service organization by "value streams" is also referred to as:

end-to-end process management

[Week 1 PPT and Video] Lean improves an organization at a macro-level by

establishing a foundational culture of continuous improvement

Within Paul Akers' "Path to Success" video where he was explaining his production system in the UpFlip interview, Paul states that the best lean leaders get ___________ to do lean

everyone in the organization

[Week 4 PPT and Video] The worker with 26 years of experience in the opening video has now been given the permission to:

fail and make mistakes

[Lean Thinking in the Office Article] The reason that many service organizations have had difficulty in applying lean principles is because they:

fail to implement flow and pull

[Lean Six Sigma Memory Jogger] The way that Kanban is used as a tool for continuous improvement is:

gradually reducing the number of Kanban

The best process with which to start an improvement initiative is one that:

has a lot of visible waste

[Week 6 PPT and Video] The employee at FastCap who was explaining FastCap's kanban system laughed as he stated that he is not worried about his job being eliminated because:

his job (like all employees at Fast Cap) is solving problems - and there will always be problems to solve

[Week 4 PPT and Video] Within the opening video this week, the managers now see their role and focus as

how to grow people and make them better problem solvers

[Value-Driven Process Management Article] To alter the level of value offered by a firm, we must:

identify the critical processes and rethink these processes or revise them.

[Value-Driven Process Management Article] The process of value-driven process management begins with:

identifying the customer and their order winners, order qualifiers, and order losers.

[Value Driven Process Management Article] Order Winners are any traits that:

if provided by the product and its processes, will win orders

[Week 1 PPT and Video] It is especially important that value be defined:

in the eyes of the customer, in terms that are meaningful to the customer.

[Value Driven Process Management Article] A process transforms

inputs into outputs

[LS Memory Jogger] According to the Lean Six Sigma memory jogger, the best approach for developing capable people is to blend lean monitoring (teaching) with:

learning by doing

[Lean Six Sigma Memory Jogger] Continuous Flow is also commonly referred to as "one piece flow" or

make one, move one

[Week 3 PPT and Video] The purpose of lowering the level of "water" in the river and rocks metaphor is to

make problems happen so that we can see where to improve

[Lean Six Sigma Memory Jogger] Takt Time attempts to align

manufacturing rate to demand rate

[Week 3 PPT and Video] According to Dr. Miller's (and Lean expert's) estimations, most processes, before they have been evaluated from a Lean perspective, are typically:

more than 95% waste

[Week 1 PPT and Video] In a lean organization, mistakes are seen as:

opportunities to improve

[Week 1 PPT and Video] The "ideal" from a lean perspective is:

perfect quality, zero waste and perfect customer satisfaction

[LS Memory Jogger] Lean Six Sigma is a management system that focuses on:

providing value to our customers by removing all waste, overburden, and variation from our processes.

[Week 4 PPT and Video] In the Zingerman's Tom Root interview at the end of the lecture, by moving to one piece flow to fold giftboxes,

quality and order accuracy increased

Within Paul Akers' "Path to Success" video where he was explaining his production system in the UpFlip interview, Paul described how the most basic principle to learn about Lean is to be able to

see waste and eliminate it

[Week 2 PPT and Video] In the ideal Lean System, process speed is determined by:

the customer

[Week 1 PPT and Video] Eli Whitney's contribution to Ford's Mass Production System is:

the interchangeable part

[Week 1 PPT & Video] In the Starbucks video, "it all comes down to the last 10 feet" is an acknowledgment of

the journey the coffee bean has been on within the Supply Chain

[Week 3 PPT and Video] In practicing "Gemba", if an organization has a problem or a decision to make, the first thing to do is:

the manager should go spend time in the actual workplace

[Week 4 PPT and Video] When Tom Root of Zingerman's (in the interview at the end of the lecture), asks the deli manager what she dreads about the weekend, the deli manager replies:

the pile of sandwiches

[Value Driven Process Management Article] The vehicle by which value is put into operation and delivered to the customers is:

the process.

[Week 1 PPT and Video] Processes contain all of the following characteristics EXCEPT:

the very best processes are always automated with robotics and technology

[Week 2 PPT and Video] The "no layoff" policy often (although not always) adopted by lean organizations is used:

to encourage line employees to participate in creating organizational improvements

[Week 6 PPT and Video] A supermarket kanban is used

to manage a range of different products that a production system produces

Within the video you just watched, Paul Akers explains how he manages the FastCap workers who are working from home during the COVID pandemic. He:

trusts them because he trained them

[Week 3 PPT and Video] The best definition for "Gemba" is

where the work happens

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