Search Engine

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What are Boolean operators for?

Boolean operators are for literal searches that allow the user to refine and extend the terms of the search.

How is each search engine unique?

Each search engine has unique algorithms, and the individual factors of these algorithms are why a search engine query turns up different results on Google that Bing or Yahoo..

What are off-page factors?

Off-page factors are such things as click-through measurement (the frequency in which users select to click a web link to sites from those identified by a specific search sting) and linking.

What is web crawling?

Web crawling is a process of systematically going from web page to web page via the web links on what page to seek out new content.

How does a search engine algorithm check relevancy?

a search engine algorithm will scan for keywords, or at how the keywords are used. It will check for keywords in the title and text of the page. The frequency of the keywords is important to relevancy.

What is a group of terms called?

A group of terms is called a search string or a search query.

Define a search engine algorithm.

A search engine algorithm is a sett of rules, or a unique formula, that the search engine uses to determine the significance of a web page, and each search engine has its own set of rules.

What is a search engine?

A search engine is a set of programs which are used to search for information within a specific realm and collate that information in a database.

What does a search engine do once a user enters a query into the search engine?

The engine will examine its index and provide a listing of best-matching web pages according to its criteria, usually with a short summary containing the document's title and sometimes part of the text.

What is the most widely used method for navigating in cyberspace?

The most widely used method to navigate through cyberspace is using a search engine.

How to do the programs index the information?

The programs pull out specific keywords to categorize the information.

What is the purpose of an index?

The purpose of an index is to allow information to be found as quickly as possible.

What are the three aspects to search engines?

The three aspects to search engines are crawling, indexing, and searching.

What are terms?

The words that you enter in the basic search box of a search engine are called terms.

Name the three parts of search engine algorithms.

There is relevancy, individual factors, and off-page factors.

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