sectional test 2

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There are three layers of intercostal muscles:

(1) external (2) internal (3) innermost.

The branches of the aortic arch are, from right to left:

- Brachiocephalic trunk or innominate artery - Left common carotid artery - Left subclavian artery

describe the Ligamentum nuchae:

- Broad band from external occipital protuberance to cervical spinous processes - Site of muscle attachments

describe the right lymphatic duct:

- Drains the right upper side of the body - Empties into the right subclavian vein

describe the Alar ligaments:

- Dual bands extend from sides of odontoid to occipital condyles - Function to limit rotation and flexion of head

describe the Transverse ligament:

- Extends across C1 to form a sling over posterior odontoid - Also called the cruciform ligament because of its cross shape

describe the Apical ligament:

- Extends from apex of odontoid to anterior foramen magnum

describe the thoracic duct:

- Main vessel of the lymphatic system - Drains from below the diaphragm and the left side of the body above the diaphragm - Begins at L2 and passes into the thoracic cavity through the aortic hiatus of the diaphragm - Empties into the left subclavian vein

describe the right ventricle:

- Receives blood from right atria - Pumps blood though pulmonary semilunar valve into pulmonary artery

describe the left ventricle:

- Receives blood from the left atria - Pumps blood through aorta semilunar valve into aorta

describe the right atrium:

- Receives deoxygenated blood from superior and inferior vena cavae - Pumps blood through right atrioventricular (AV), or tricuspid, valve into right ventricle

describe the left atrium:

- Receives oxygenated blood from pulmonary veins - Pumps blood through left AV, or mitral, valve into left ventricle

describe the intercostal muscles:

- The external muscles act primarily to elevate the ribs during inspiration - The internal group is most active in expiration, moving the ribs inferiorly - The innermost group assists the internal group.

functions of the pharyngeal muscles:

- move the tongue - constrict and elevate the pharynx and larynx during swallowing and speaking

what are the 2 spinal column ligaments?

1. Anterior Longitudinal Ligament 2. Posterior Longitudinal Ligament

what are the 3 major veins of the spinal cord?

1. Anterior and posterior central veins 2. Radial veins 3. Anterior and posterior median (spinal) veins

what are the 4 major arteries of the spinal cord?

1. Anterior spinal artery (1) 2. Posterior spinal arteries (2) 3. Spinal branches 4. Great anterior radicular artery

what are the 5 great vessels of the heart?

1. Aorta 2. Pulmonary arteries 3. Pulmonary veins 4 Superior vena cava 5. Inferior vena cava

what are the 3 hiatuses of the diaphragm?

1. Aortic hiatus Allows passage of the descending aorta, azygos vein, and thoracic duct 2. Caval hiatus Allows passage of the inferior vena cava and the right phrenic nerve 3. Esophageal hiatus Allows passage of the esophagus and the vagus nerve

2 types of valves in the heart:

1. Atrioventricular (AV) valves 2. The semilunar (SL) valves

unique feature(s) of left lung:

1. Cardiac notch on medial surface of superior lobe 2. Lingula - tongue-like flap that lies over the heart

Two pockets are located within each pleural cavity that function to allow room for the lungs to expand. The spaces are named:

1. Costodiaphragmatic Lateral pocket at junction of ribs and diaphragm 2. Costomediastinal Anterior pocket at junction of mediastinum and costal cartilage

The spinal cord is protected and surrounded by three layers of meninges:

1. Dura mater - tough outer layer 2. Arachnoid mater 3. Pia mater

what are the 3 layers of the heart?

1. Endocardium Thin, inner endothelial layer 2. Myocardium Thick, muscular middle layer 3. Epicardium Thin, outer layer in contact with pericardium

The pharyngeal muscles are divided into three groups:

1. External (circular) muscles 2. Internal (longitudinal) muscles 3. Tongue muscles

what are the 2 layers of the pericardium?

1. Fibrous pericardium Attached to the diaphragm 2. Serous pericardium 2 layers Space between layers contains serous fluid for lubrication of the tissues during heart motion

what are the 4 cervical ligaments?

1. Ligamentum nuchae 2. Apical ligament 3. Alar ligaments 4. Transverse ligament

3 parts of the sternum:

1. Manubrium - superior portion 2. Body 3. Xiphoid - inferior process

what are the 3 sections of the pharynx?

1. Nasopharynx 2. oropharynx 3. laryngopharynx

what are the 2 layers of the serous pericardium?

1. Parietal pericardium Adheres to fibrous pericardium 2. Visceral pericardium Also called the epicardium Adheres closely to heart muscle and proximal portion of great vessels

what are the 2 primary coronary arteries?

1. Right coronary artery 2. left coronary artery

list the 3 Subgroups of the deep muscles, listed from the most superficial to the deepest:

1. Semispinalis 2. Multifidus 3. Rotatores

The breast is composed of three tissue layers:

1. Subcutaneous 2. Mammary 3. Retromammary

what are the 3 deep cervical fascia layers of the face?

1. Superficial (investing) layer 2. Middle (visceral) layer 3. Deep (prevertebral) layer

what are the two apertures, or openings, that are associated with the thorax:

1. Thoracic inlet 2. Thoracic outlet

The 4 primary muscles of the posterior triangle are the:

1. Trapezius 2. Levator scapulae 3. Splenius capitis 4. Scalene muscle group (anterior, middle, and posterior)

what are the 4 peripheral nerve plexuses?

1. cervical 2. brachial 3. lumbar 4. sacral

what are the 2 areas where the spinal cord is enlarged?

1. cervical 2. lumbar

primary features of the oropharynx?

1. palatine tonsils 2. lingual tonsils 3. valleculae

what are the 2 primary terminal collection lymphatic vessels of the thoracic cavity?

1. thoracic duct 2. Right lymphatic duct

Generally, each lobe of the lung has how many segments?


How many thoracic vertebrae are there?


left lung has how many lobes?


right lung has how many lobes?


how many quadrants does each breast have?


how many sections of the coccyx are there?


what. brings oxygenated blood to the left atrium?

4 pulmonary veins

how many sections of the sacrum are there?


How many cervical vertebrae are there?


which valves are connected to the heart wall by papillary muscles and chordae tendineae?

AV valves

This strong, thick ligament begins as a continuation of the atlantoaxial ligament and attaches inferiorly to the sacrum:

Anterior Longitudinal Ligament

what are the two small veins that drain directly into the right atrium?

Anterior cardiac veins

describe the structure of the larynx:

Approximately nine cartilaginous C-shaped rings form the anterior, medial, and lateral walls, while the posterior aspect is a flexible membrane

All of the following are elements of the bony thorax except for: a. Ribs b. Thoracic vertebrae c. Scapulae d. Sternum


where do the cervical peripheral nerves arise from?


where is the larynx located?


where are the brachial peripheral nerve plexuses located?


where is the cerebrospinal fluid located?

Central canal

Origin of the diaphragm:

Central tendon at the center that attaches immediately below and blends with the pericardium

_________ is the main vein of the heart

Coronary sinus

Openings in the diaphragm that allow structures to pass from the thorax to the abdomen=


function of the anterior longitudinal ligament:

It is slightly thicker in the thoracic spine region and serves to prevent hyperextension of the spine

where is the sacral peripheral nerve plexus located?


where is the lumbar peripheral nerve plexus located?


The trachea bifurcates into the right and left primary bronchi at about the level of:


what are the borders of the larynx?

The upper border of the larynx is the laryngopharynx and the lower border ends at the trachea

All of the following are major arteries of the neck, except for: a. Brachiocephalic artery b. Common carotid artery c. Vertebral artery d. External carotid artery


On the left side of the tracheobrochial tree, there are ______ secondary bronchi. a. 2 b. 3 c. 5 d. 10


The cone-shaped end of the spinal cord is called the: a. Conus medullaris b. Cauda equina c. Arachnoid mater d. Dorsal horn


The diaphragm originates at the: a. Central tendon b. Crura c. Visceral pericardium d. Bodies of L1 through L3


The intercostal muscles layers include the: (1) External intercostals (2) Internal intercostals (3) Intermediate intercostals a. 1 and 2 only b. 1 and 3 only c. 2 and 3 only d. 1, 2, and 3


The laryngeal muscle that acts as a powerful vocal fold adductor is the: a. Arytenoid transverse oblique b. Vocalis c. Posterior cricoarytenoid d. Cricothyroid


The ligament of the spine that helps to prevent hyperextension is the: a. Anterior longitudinal ligament b. Posterior longitudinal ligament c. Supraspinous ligament d. Interspinous ligament


The ligament that extends from the apex of the odontoid process to the anterior margin of the foramen magnum is the: a. Apical ligament b. Alar ligament c. Anterior longitudinal ligament d. Ligamentum nuchae


The main lymphatic vessel is the: a. Thoracic duct b. Primary lymphatic duct c. Aortic duct d. Cardiac duct


The muscles that belong in the superficial group of spinal muscles are the: (1) Splenius capitis (2) Splenius cervicis (3) Splenius thoracis a. 1 and 2 only b. 1 and 3 only c. 2 and 3 only d. 1, 2, and 3


The portions of the tracheobronchial tree that enter each lobe of the lungs are termed: a. Secondary bronchi b. Tertiary bronchi c. Terminal bronchi d. Acini bronchi


The superior thoracic aperture is also called the: a. Thoracic inlet b. Thoracic outlet c. Thoracic foramen d. Upper costal space


The tongue muscle that functions to move the tongue backward is the: a. Hypoglossus b. Genioglossus c. Styloglossus d. Palatoglossus


The trachea functions to convey: a. Air to the lungs b. Food to the stomach c. Food and air for the respiratory and digestive systems d. Lymph fluid to the venous blood


Which cervical lymph nodes are located in Region Ia? a. Submental b. Submandibular c. Upper internal jugular d. Lower facial nodes


Which chamber of the heart receives oxygenated blood from the pulmonary veins? a. Left atrium b. Right atrium c. Right ventricle d. Left ventricle


Which great vessel drains the head, neck, and upper limbs? a. Superior vena cava b. Inferior vena cava c. Azygos vein d. Hemiazygos vein


Which group of deep muscles attaches at the T1-T11 laminae? a. Rotatores b. Multifidus c. Semispinalis thoracis d. Erector spinae thoracic


Which of the following is located in the posterior portion of the inferior compartment of the mediastinum? (1) Azygos vein (2) Thoracic duct (3) Thyroid gland a. 1 and 2 only b. 1 and 3 only c. 2 and 3 only d. 1, 2, and 3


Which of the following is part of the retromammary layer of the breast tissues? (1) Muscles (2) Deep connective tissues (3) Lactiferous ducts a. 1 and 2 only b. 1 and 3 only c. 2 and 3 only d. 1, 2, and 3


Which portion of the spinal cord is drained by the anterior and posterior central veins? a. The central gray matter b. The white matter c. The meninges d. The cauda equina


Which portion of the vertebral column has unique foramina that transmit the vertebral artery and vein? a. Cervical b. Thoracic c. Lumbar d. Sacrum


the 1st vessel to branch off the aortic arch is the: A. brachiocephaglic artery B. left common carotid C. left subclavian D. left vertebral


how many lymph nodes in the neck?

a little more than one-third of the body's lymph nodes with as many as 75 dispersed on each side

the inferior point of the heart is known as the:


where do the coronary arteries anastomose?

at the heart apex when the anterior and posterior descending arteries join.

where is the thyroid gland located?

at the level of the cricoid cartilage, which is the base of the larynx and the beginning of the trachea

C1 is aka:


C2 is aka:


The ___________ provides collateral circulation between the superior and inferior vena cavae

azygos venous system

All of the following are primary muscles of respiration, except for the: a. Intercostals b. Pectoralis major c. Serratus posterior d. Diaphragm


Lymph nodes are easily recognizable on sectional images: a. When they are normal b. When they are abnormal c. Only when contrast is administered d. At the level of the carina


Some of the muscles of the pharynx are grouped into ____ groups. a. Suprahyoid and infrahyoid b. Internal (longitudinal) and external (circular) c. Anterior and posterior d. Prevertebral and postvertebral


The inferior border of the superior compartment of the mediastinum is: a. A coronal plane through T4. b. A horizontal plane at the level of the sternal angle and T4-T5. c. A sagittal plane through the hila. d. A horizontal plane at the level of the lung apices.


The largest of the salivary glands are the: a. Sublingual b. Parotid c. Submaxillary d. Parathyroid


The natural curve of the lumbar portion of the vertebral column is: a. Kyphotic b. Lordotic c. Scoliotic d. The lumbar portion does not have a natural curve.


The posterior border of the anterior portion of the inferior compartment of the mediastinum is the: a. Sternum b. Pericardium c. Thoracic vertebrae d. T4-T5 level


The suprahyoid muscles of the anterior triangle of the neck include all of the following, except for: a. Digastric b. Omohyoid c. Stylohyoid d. Geniohyoid


The suspensory (Cooper's) ligaments of the breast are part of the ____ tissue layer of the breast. a. Subcutaneous b. Mammary c. Retromammary d. Supportive


The thyroid is part of the ___ body system. a. Digestive b. Endocrine c. Respiratory d. Lymphatic (immune)


Which ligament is located between the spinous processes of adjacent vertebrae? a. Posterior longitudinal ligament b. Interspinous ligament c. Ligamentum flavum d. Supraspinous ligament


Which of the following bony thorax articulations occurs between the tubercle of the rib and the transverse process of the thoracic vertebra? a. Costovertebral joint b. Costotransverse joint c. Costochondral joint d. Interchondral joint


Which opening in the diaphragm allows the passage of the vagus nerve and esophagus? a. Aortic hiatus b. Esophageal hiatus c. Vagal hiatus d. Crural hiatus


Which plexus arises from C5-C8 and T1? a. Cervical b. Brachial c. Lumbar d. Sacral


Which portion of the vertebral column has a natural kyphotic curve? a. Cervical b. Thoracic c. Lumbar d. A kyphotic curve is an abnormal curvature of the spine.


pulmonary veins bring blood to the: a. right atrium b. left atrium c. right ventricle d. left ventricle


which of the following is located between the thoracic vertebrae and trachea? a. aorta b. esophagus c. thoracic duct d. azygos vein


which of the following is not considered a mediastinal structure? a. heart b. lungs c. trachea d. thymus gland


The pharynx extends from _______ to ________

base of skull to esophagus

All of the following are muscles in the intermediate layer of spinal muscles, except for: a. Iliocostalis cervicis b. Spinalis thoracic c. Semispinalis cervicis d. Longissimus capitis


How does the pectoralis major muscle of the anterior thoracic wall assist with respiration? a. It assists the pectoralis major during forced inspiration. b. It elevates the ribs during expiration. c. It helps expand the thoracic cavity for deep inspiration. d. It helps contract the thorax during forced expiration.


How many arteries pass down the posterior aspect of the spinal cord? a. None b. One c. Two d. Three


How many layers of meninges protect the spinal cord? a. One b. Two c. Three d. None. The meninges are the protective covering of the brain


The fissures are lined by: a. Both layers of the pleura b. Parietal pleura c. Visceral pleura d. Specialized fibrous tissue


The heart and great vessels are located in the _____ compartment of the mediastinum. a. superior b. anterior portion of inferior c. middle portion of inferior d. posterior portion of inferior


The largest vein of the neck is the: a. External iliac vein b. Common carotid vein c. Internal jugular vein d. Anterior jugular vein


The layer of the heart wall that is in contact with the pericardium is the: a. Endocardium b. Myocardium c. Epicardium d. Perimyocardium


The lymph nodes of the thorax are generally found clustered around all of the following, except for: a. Esophagus b. Bronchi c. Intercostal muscles d. Great vessels


The main vein of the heart is the: a. Great cardiac vein b. Anterior cardiac veins c. Coronary sinus d. Left posterior ventricular vein


The most inferior portion of the pharynx is the: a. Nasopharynx b. Oropharnyx c. Laryngopharynx d. Tracheopharynx


The right lung has ____ lobes and the left lung has ____ lobes. a. 1; 2 b. 2; 3 c. 3; 2 d. 3; 1


The sacral plexus exits from the levels of: a. L1-S1 b. T12-S2 c. L4-S4 d. L2-S2


The vein that provides collateral circulation for the thorax is the: a. Superior vena cava b. Inferior vena cava c. Azygos vein d. Brachiocephalic veins


Which artery supplies the inferior two-thirds of the spinal cord? a. Anterior spinal artery b. Posterior spinal arteries c. Great anterior radicular artery d Spinal branch at T10


Which ligament extends across C1 to form a sling over the posterior odontoid? a. Alar ligament b. Apical ligament c. Transverse ligament d. Atlantoaxial ligament


Which neck space is located between the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles? a. Prevertebral b. Perivertebral c. Posterior cervical d. Visceral


collateral circulation between the superior and inferior vena caves is supplied by the: A. thoracic veins B. subclavian veins C. azygos veins D. intercostal veins


another name for the medial angel of the lung is the:

cardiophrenic sulcus

where are the lymph nodes in the thoracic cavity?

clustered near the great vessels, esophagus, carina of the trachea, and the bronchi.

The lungs are _______ shaped


function of the laryngeal muscles:

control the vocal cords and glottis

The __________ binds the ribs to the sternum to support the anterior thorax.

costal cartilage

the lateral angle of the lung is termed the:

costophrenic sulcus

the diaphragm is attached to the lumbar spine via:


Lymph drainage for the right upper side of the body is provided by the: a. Hemiazygos vein b. Azygos vein c. Thoracic duct d. Right lymphatic duct


The borders of the superior thoracic aperture include the: (1) First thoracic vertebra (2) First pair of ribs (3) Manubrium of sternum a. 1 and 2 only b. 1 and 3 only c. 2 and 3 only d. 1, 2, and 3


The larynx functions to: a. Transmit substances for both the respiratory and digestive systems b. Convey food from the mouth to stomach Incorrect c. Secrete saliva to aid in digestion d. Produce the voice and other sounds


The narrow upper portion of the lung is termed the: a. Base b. Diaphragm c. Hilum d. Apex


The superficial muscles of the spinal column act together to: a. Flex the spine laterally b. Turn and rotate the trunk c. Flex the head and neck d. Extend the head and neck


The thickest, strongest muscle in the heart is located in the: a. right atrium b. left atrium c. right ventricle d. left ventricle


The tough outer covering of the heart that is attached to the diaphragm is the: a. Visceral pericardium b. Parietal pericardium c. Serous pericardium d. Fibrous pericardium


Where are the parathyroid glands located? a. Along the interior border of the mandibular body b. Just inferior to the gonion c. Just anterior to the auricle of the ear d. Along the posterior aspect of the thyroid lobes


Which ligament functions to preserve the natural curves of the spine? a. Supraspinous ligament b. Anterior longitudinal ligament c. Interspinous ligament d. Ligamentum flavum


Which neck space lies posterior to the retropharyngeal space (RPS) and anterior to the prevertebral fascia? a. Perivertebral space b. Carotid space c. Parapharyngeal space d. Danger space


Which of the following are located in the posterior triangle of the neck? (1) Trapezius (2) Levator scapulae (3) Anterior scalene a. 1 and 2 only b. 1 and 3 only c. 2 and 3 only d. 1, 2, and 3


Which of the following articulates with the sternum? a. Heads of the ribs b. Tubercles of the ribs c. Angles of the ribs d. Costal cartilages of the ribs


Which of the following veins collect blood from the small radial veins? a. Anterior and posterior central veins b. Greater radial veins c. Anterior and posterior radicular veins d. Anterior and posterior median (spinal) veins


superior vena cava is formed by the junction of the: a. internal jugular veins b. external jugular veins c. subclavian veins d. brachiocephalic veins


the aorta arises from the: a. right atrium b. left atrium c. right ventricle d. left ventricle


which of the following makes up the apex of the heart: a. right atrium b. left atrium c. right ventricle d. left ventricle


what does the phrenic nerve innervate?


During inspiration, the diaphragm moves _________ allowing the lungs to expand more and enlarging the thoracic cavity.


whats located between the pericardium and the heart wall and is most prominent around the inflow and outflow of the heart?

epicardial fat

the oropharynx is separated from larynx by _________


The ________ is the proximal passageway for the gastrointestinal tract,


what is the soft tissue structure just posterior to the trachea and anterior to the vertebral structures?


whats the largest lumbar peripheral nerve plexus?

femoral nerve

How many lumbar vertebrae are there?


The sacrum has openings, called ________, that transmit spinal nerves to the periphery


describe the parathyroid glands:

four in all with two on each posterior aspect of the thyroid lobes

there superior vena cava collects blood from the:

head, neck, upper limbs, and thorax

located on the medial wall of each lung and is the location of openings for vessels and bronchi:


the laryngopharynx is located between the _______ and ______

hyoid bone and the level of the larynx and esophagus

the ____________, formed by the articulations of the vertebrae, transmit the spinal nerves of the peripheral nervous system.

intervertebral foramina

Anteriorly, the two lobes of the thyroid are connected by a strip of tissue termed the _________


The thoracic portion of the vertebral column has a natural ________ curve.


the ________ continues as the esophagus at the level of the laryngeal cricoid cartilage


whats the narrowest part of the pharynx?


_______ is our voice box


the nanopharynx conveys air from nasal cavity to _______


The _____________ is somewhat v-shaped and lies against the lamina on each side, forming a portion of the posterior surface of the vertebral canal. It connects the laminae of adjacent vertebrae from C2 to S1.

ligamentum flavum

_______ are portions of lungs and are created by fissures and lined by pleura


what are the 2 prevertebral muscles?

longus capitis and longus colli

what type of natural curvature do the cervical vertebrae have?


the _____ layer off the breast consists of glandular tissue, excretory ducts, and connective tissues


what does the lumbar peripheral nerve plexus innervate?

medial thigh muscles and lower abdominopelvic area

The spinal cord is an extension of the ___________ of the brain

medulla oblongata

the ______ is the middle muscular layer of the heart wall


the heart is lined by a serous membrane called the:


the heart is protected by the:


what are the 2 primary features of the nasopharynx?

pharyngeal tonsils and auditory (Eustachian) tube

The _________ is the proximal passage for both the respiratory and digestive tracts


whats the primary cervical peripheral nerve?


primary feature of the laryngopharynx?

piriform recesses

The ________ are groups of peripheral nerves involved with the spinal cord


which is narrower, the posterior or anterior longitudinal ligament?


what does the sacral peripheral nerve plexus innervate?

posterior pelvis, thigh, and feet

function of the posterior longitudinal ligament:

provides support and stability, helping to prevent hyperflexion by attaching to the posterior vertebral bodies and intervertebral disks

function of lymph nodes:

receive lymphatic fluid from the lymph vessels and filter toxins before returning the fluid to venous blood.

muscle that lies deep to the trapezius muscle=


what supplies blood the the right atrium and right ventricle of the heart?

right coronary artery

The brachiocephalic artery immediately gives rise to the __________ and ___________ at about the level of the right sternoclavicular joint.

right subclavian and right common carotid arteries

whats the major nerve of the sacral peripheral nerve plexus?


what do the brachial peripheral nerve plexuses innervate?

shoulder and upper limb

the oropharynx is located between the ______ and ______

soft palate and the hyoid bone

the nasopharynx is bordered inferiorly by ______ and _______

soft palate and uvula

The ____________ is one of the largest veins in the body

superior vena cava

The _____________ is a continuation of the ligamentum nuchae. It begins at the C7 spinous process and connects the tips of all of the spinous processes of the vertebral column to the top of the sacrum.

supraspinous ligament

the secondary bronchi further divide into:

tertiary bronchi

______ is the primary muscle of respiration

the diaphragm

_________ divides the thoracic and abdominal cavities

the diaphragm

the spinal cord extends from ______ to ______

the foramen magnum to the L1-L2 disk space

The trachea divides into two main, or primary, bronchi at what level?

the level of the carina

the "dens" is aka:

the odontoid process

There is one muscle, other than the SCM, that borders both triangles of the neck:

the omohyoid

The neck is divided into two major regions by what?

the sternocleidomastoid muscle

what allows for the passage of nerves, vessels, and viscera from the neck into the thoracic cavity?

thoracic inlet

the thymus gland produces a hormone known as _______ thats responsible for the development and maturation of lymphocytes


The neck is the location of two important glands of the endocrine system: the ______ and the _______

thyroid and parathyroid glands

In sectional images of the neck in the axial plane, the _________ is readily identified as the air-filled, oval-shaped structure anterior to the vertebral column and soft tissue shadow of the esophagus.


The deep muscles of the spine are collectively referred to as the ___________ group.


The diaphragm moves _________ during expiration


spinal cord is protected by the _________

vertebral foramen

the __________ provides for the passage of the spinal cord

vertebral foramen

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