Smart Book Chapter 3

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An intelligence quotient (IQ) of would be calculated if the person's mental age is the same as his or her chronological age.


Julissa is in Piaget's formal operational stage of thought. Of the following ages, she would most likely be ______ years old.


One study found that working memory capacity age to years of age predicted foreign language comprehension two years later.

9 to 10

Who is credited with the development of the first intelligence test?

Alfred Binet

According to the dual-process model, decision making is influenced by which systems? (Select all that apply.)

Analytical Gist-based intuition

Which of the following elements did Vygotsky emphasize and Piaget minimize as playing a role in shaping thought?

Education Sociocultural context Language

What types of attention are recognized by psychologists depending on they way individuals focus their mental efforts?

Executive Sustained Selective Divided

True or false: A person's mental age is always the same as chronological age.


True or false: Preoperational thinkers have conservation skills.


True or false: Scientists have found that adolescents' brains undergo minimal structural changes.


True or false: Working memory is another term for short-term memory.


The effect is the worldwide increase in intelligence test scores that has occurred over a short time frame.


Which of the following is an example of adolescents' tendency to think more logically during the formal operational stage?

Hypothetical-deductive reasoning

Adolescent egocentrism includes which of the following?

Imaginary audience Personal fable Risk taking

Which of the following is NOT one of the types of intelligence discussed in Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence?

Imaginative intelligence

Which of the following are possible causes of the rapidly increasing IQ test scores around the world? (Select all that apply.)

Increasing levels of education attained by the world's population The greater amount of information to which people are exposed

What can an intelligence test identify?

Individual differences

Memory encompasses which systems?

Long-term memory Short-term memory Working memory

Which of the following statements about long-term memory is true?

Long-term memory increases substantially in the middle and late childhood years.

Improved critical thinking in adolescence includes which of the following skills? (Select all that apply.)

More content knowledge in a variety of domains Considering alternative strategies Increased information processing speed

______ are mental concepts or frameworks that help to organize and interpret information.


thinking produces one correct answer.


Marcus is 3 years old. He is in Piaget's ______ stage of cognitive development.


memory is like a mental "workbench" where individuals manipulate and assemble information when they make decisions, solve problems, and comprehend written and spoken language.


Which of the following are important cognitive changes that occur during adolescence? (Select all that apply.)

Abstract thinking Critical thinking

______ is an important transitional period in the development of critical thinking.


Which of the following index is NOT part of the Wechsler Intelligence Scales?

Analytical Index

thinking produces many answers to the same questions.


______ attention involves concentrating on more than one activity at the same time, whereas ______ attention is the ability to maintain attention to a selected stimulus for a prolonged period of time.

Divided; sustained

Which statement about adolescent brain development is true?

During adolescence, the brain undergoes structural development.

Which four are among Gardner's proposed types of intelligences? (Select all that apply.)

Interpersonal Musical Visual-spatial Verbal-linguistic

The best known and widely discussed theory of adolescent cognitive development was that developed by the psychologist .


In comparing and contrasting Piaget's theory to Vygotsky's theory, which of the following statements best describe their viewpoints? (Select all that apply.)

Piaget emphasized individual needs, and Vygotsky emphasized social interactions. Piaget and Vygotsky viewed teachers as guides of learning. Piaget's final stage of development is formal operational thought; Vygotsky proposed development is dependent on culturally specific tasks.

Match each concept on the right to the constructivist theory on the left that it belongs to.

Piaget's theory Piaget's theory answer drop zone Children organize and reorganize previous knowledge. correct toggle button unavailable Children organize and reorganize previous knowledge. Vygotsky's theory 2 of 2 Vygotsky's theory Vygotsky's theory answer drop zone Children organize knowledge through social interactions. correct toggle button unavailable Children organize knowledge through social interactions.

Metacognition involves which the following?

Planning Evaluation Self-regulation

Which of the following form part of executive attention?

Planning actions Allocating attention to goals Dealing with novel circumstances Monitoring progress on tasks

Troy is an architect. According to Gardner's theory, in which area of intelligence is Troy likely to score the highest?


Which of the following assertions about the neuroconstructivist view are accurate? (Select all that apply.)

The brain is context dependent. Development of the brain is closely linked with cognitive development. The brain has plasticity. Biological processes influence brain development.

Which model states that decision making is influenced by both analytical and gist-based cognitive systems, which compete against each other.

The fuzzy-trace theory dual-process model

Select all of the following that are involved in critical thinking.

Thinking reflectively Evaluating evidence Thinking productively

In Piaget's theory, children will construct knowledge by doing which of the following?

Transforming and organizing

Identify which of the following are separate indexes included on the Wechsler Intelligence Scales?

Verbal Comprehension Processing Speed Working Memory

What does Vygotsky call the range of tasks that are too difficult for the child to master alone but can be learned with guidance and assistance from adults or more-skilled children?

Zone of proximal development

Formal operational thought is more ______ than concrete operational thought.


Lauren's teacher notices that she is skilled at acquiring new information because of her ability to plan, consider alternatives, and construct new combinations of knowledge. Lauren is most likely in


Gayle has a heightened sense of self-consciousness, which is reflected in her belief that others are as interested in her as she is in herself. Gayle also has a sense of personal uniqueness and invulnerability. This example illustrates

adolescent egocentrism.

In _______, the schema does not change. In ______, the schema changes.

assimilation; accommodation

Cognitive control involves effective control of ______, reducing interfering thoughts and being cognitively flexible.


refers to the concentration and focusing of mental effort.


According to Piaget, adolescents are motivated to understand their world because doing so is

biologically adaptive.

According to Piaget, one way 17-year-old Jacklyn furthers her understanding of the world is

by adapting her thinking to include new ideas.

Information processing is influenced by both the and the of processing.

capacity, speed

involves effective control and flexible thinking in such areas as controlling attention, reducing interfering thoughts, and being cognitive flexible.

cognitive control

When confronted with difficult decisions, Cam looks at his various options and alternatives and determines which decision best fits the situation. Cam is demonstrating

cognitive flexibility.

Capacity and speed of information processing are known as

cognitive resources.

According to Piaget's ______ stage, children are able to do mentally what earlier they did physically.

concrete operational

Piaget's third stage of cognitive development is called the stage.

concrete operational

refers to a characteristic of concrete operational thought in which a person recognizes that the weight and other properties of an object can stay the same even if the object's appearance changes.


According to Kuhn, by the time a child reaches adolescence there is ______ in cognitive functioning across individuals.

considerable variability

According to Vygotsky, the social approach focuses on the social contexts of learning and the building of knowledge through social interactions.


Vygotsky's theory stresses the importance of sociocultural influences on development, which fits the belief that it is important to evaluate ______ factors in learning.


is the ability to think in novel ways and discover unique solutions to problems.


Frankie is admired by his teachers and classmates for his ability to discover unique solutions to problems. If Frankie doesn't understand something, he comes up with a novel solution. Frankie is demonstrating


A criticism of Piaget's theory is that ______ have a larger effect on cognitive development than Piaget claimed.

culture and education

and exert stronger influences on cognitive development than Piaget maintained.

culture, education

The ______ is the receiving part of the neuron, and the ______ carries information away from the cell body to other cells.

dendrite; axon

Adolescent is a word that describes the heightened self-consciousness of adolescents.


Ryland is not a mindful adolescent. He is likely to

engage in automatic behavior.

According to Piaget, a shift in thought from one state to another is called .


Seventeen-year-old Brandon experiences cognitive conflict as he attempts to understand certain aspects of the world, such as religion and politics. Eventually, Brandon resolves these conflicts. This example illustrates


Piaget argued that individuals move back and forth between states of cognitive and .

equilibrium and disequilibrium

In adolescence, functioning involves managing one's thoughts to engage in goal-directed behavior and exercise self-control.


Wally is preparing a report on the Amazon rain forest. He has selected sources and set a time line for writing. When Wally realized that one of his sources was outdated, he found an updated source and corrected what he had written. Wally is demonstrating

executive attention.

involves managing one's thoughts to engage in goal-directed behavior and exercise self-control.

executive functioning

The neuroconstructivist view emphasizes the importance of interactions between and in the brain's development.

experiences and gene expression

Distractions that can interfere with attention in adolescence and emerging adulthood come from the __________ or ________ competing thoughts.

external environment; intrusive distractions from

operational thought includes an increase in abstract thinking.


Piaget's fourth and final stage of cognitive development is called the ______ stage.

formal operational

- reasoning involves coming up with a theory, considering its implications, and testing it out.


A(n) ______ test aims to indicate whether a given student can reason better than others who have taken the same test.


Alfred Binet developed the first test.


quotient is a person's mental age divided by chronological age, multiplied by 100.


- memory is a relatively permanent memory system

long term

The retention of information over time is defined as .


age is Binet's measure of an individual's level of intellectual development compared with that of others.


"Knowing about knowing" is also called


involves being alert, mentally present, and cognitively flexible while going through life's everyday activities and tasks.


According to the _______ view, biological processes and environmental experiences influence the brain's development.


are also called nerve cells.


Research reveals that the presence of (peers/siblings) in risk-taking situations increases the likelihood that adolescents will make risky decisions.


Research suggests that the _______ plays a more important role in working memory in late adolescence than in early adolescence.

prefrontal cortex

The ______ plays an important role in the cognitive processes that underlie executive functioning.

prefrontal cortex

In the second stage of Piaget's theory, the stage, children begin to represent the world with words, images, and drawings.


Piaget's second stage of cognitive development is the ______ stage.


According to Lev Vygotsky, the range of tasks that are too difficult for a child to master alone but can be mastered with guidance is known as the zone of development.


Critical thinking is thinking and evaluating evidence.

reflectively, productively

Piaget was especially interested in how children and adults use _______ to organize and make sense out of their current experiences.


Martin is able to focus on his mother's voice among many in a crowded room. Martin is demonstrating attention.


- thoughts, such as worrying, self-doubt, and intense emotionally laden thoughts may especially interfere with focusing attention on thinking tasks.

self oriented

Having confidence is one's ability to adapt thinking to a particular situation is an aspect of -.


Baby Zander is 8 months old. Zander is in Piaget's _______ stage of cognitive development.


Piaget's ______ stage lasts from birth to about 2 years of age.


In Piaget's stage, infants construct an understanding of the world by coordinating sensory experiences with physical, motoric actions.

sensorimotor, second

The worldwide increase in intelligence test scores that has occurred over a short time frame has been called

the Flynn effect.

Adolescence is an important transitional period in the development of critical .


Robert Sternberg's ______ theory of intelligence claims that intelligence consists of analytical intelligence, creative intelligence, and practical intelligence.


According to Deanna Kuhn, young children attain largely ______ cognitive levels, whereas older children and adolescents approach cognitive levels that they _______ obtain.

universal; may or may not

Sixteen-year-old Ted is extremely upset because his girlfriend broke up with him. Ted is more likely to make a(n) ______ decision because of his emotions.


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