SNAP tests lab

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"Tiger top" tube top

(Serum separator) Gel - clot activator, product is Serum, sued for chemistry panels and drug tests.

if you need 1 whole blood ml, draw __ whole blood ml


ACTH procedure

1 mL EDTA plasma (spun, separated into a plastic tube with a plastic pipette, labeled as EDTA plasma, and frozen) after an overnight fast

T4 procedure

1 ml serum in SST (tiger top tube)

SNAP fPL procedure

1-2 working days | 1 mL serum (fasting specimen preferred)

Spec cPL canine procedure

1-2 working days | 1 mL serum (fasting specimen preferred)

SNAP Feline proBNP procedure

1-2 working days | 1 mL serum or 1 mL EDTA plasma (LTT; spin and separate plasma into an RTT or plastic tube)

Cardiac Test procedure

1-2 working days | 2 mL serum, 1 mL LTT, 1 mL EDTA plasma for Cardiopet® proBNP 2 ml serum means 3 ml whole blood

SNAP Parvo procedure

1-3 working days | 1 mL LTT, 1 mL serum, 3-5 g fresh feces

SNAP giardia procedure

10:00 a.m. | 3-5 g (0.2 g minimum) fresh feces in a clean, plastic container

If you need 1 serum blood ml, draw__ whole blood mls


Snap 4dx plus procedure

8 am, 1 mL serum so draw 2 whole ml blood with purple tube top

SNAP feline triple

8:00 a.m. | 1 mL serum or EDTA plasma- purple top

SNAP FIV/FeLV combo procedure

8:00 a.m. | 2 mL serum, 1 mL LTT

Immuno-fluorescent antibody testing (IFA)

Antigen-antibody reaction causes color change Done by reference laboratories - often more accurate than ELISA

Pancreatic Tests

Assess canine pancreatic health in minutes Benefit from more diagnostic information with the only pet-side ELISA to measure pancreas-specific lipase levels


Assess canine pancreatic health in minutes Benefit from more diagnostic information with the only pet-side ELISA to measure pancreas-specific lipase levels


Assess feline pancreatic health in minutes Use the only pet-side test to measure feline pancreas-specific lipase levels.

SNAP Parvo

Canine parvovirus is a highly contagious and life-threatening disease. Test puppies and dogs that present with sudden onset of lethargy, vomiting, fever and diarrhea; does not cross-react with modified live vaccines.1

Coagulation tests PT/PTT,

Citrated plasma (one full BTT spun, separated into a plain plastic tube without clot activator (WTT), labeled as citrated plasma, and frozen)- blue top

Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)

DNA of organism amplified so that it can be identified even when present in very small amounts in the patient's blood Tick borne diseases

SNAP Lepto procedure

Daily | 2 mL serum, 1 mL LTT, 5 mL urine in a sterile container

Snap Heartworm RT procedure

Daily, 1 mL serum, 2 mL LTT


Feline immunodeficiency virus (antibody) Feline leukemia virus (antigen)


PTT is 'partial thromboplastin time', and PT is 'prothrombin time.' Both PTT and PT are tests used for measuring the time taken for the blood to clot. These two tests are mainly conducted for checking for bleeding problems or the chances of excessive bleeding during surgery

SNAP feline proBNP

Quickly assess cats with cardiac risk factors Test apparently healthy cats considered at risk for cardiac disease (murmur, breed, history, arrhythmia), any cats with respiratory signs to help rule out cardiac causes, and adult cats prior to anesthesia.

SNAP Heartworm RT

Screen and detect heartworm infection even in patients with low heartworm burden

SNAP 4Dx Plus

Screen for six vector-borne diseases Heartworm Lyme disease Ehrlichia canis Ehrlichia ewingii Anaplasma

SNAP Feline Triple

Screen test for feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and heartworm disease

Lavender/ purple top

Sodium EDTA, product is Whole blood/ plasma, used for CBC

Blue top

Sodium citrate - product isWhole blood/ plasma, used for Coagulation tests

SNAP lepto

Test every sick dog that presents with signs consistent with leptospirosis, including fever, lethargy, and anorexia.

sample well


Agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) Antigen

antibody reaction moves through agar plate and causes color change Equine infectious anemia (Coggins test) - reference labs only

control spots


activation circle




SNAP Giardia

identify the presence of Giardia in dogs and cats as an adjunct to a fecal flotation. Giardia is a microscopic parasite that causes the diarrheal illness known as giardiasis.

C6 Lyme Ab

lyme disease, 1 ml serum

PCR tests (Polymerase chain reaction)

process that enables the production of virtually unlimited copies of genetic material in the laboratory. PCR testing identifies a pathogen based on the presence of the pathogen's DNA or RNA in the patient specimen, before antibody can be detected, making it a useful diagnostic tool for early disease detection in sick animals.

Plain Red tube

product is Serum, used for Chemistry panels and Drug levels

the bigger the number, the smaller the needle. A 25 g needle is much ____ than an 18 g needle.



testing thyroid hormone level

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