SOC 100 Test 2

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In the United States, imprisonment as a method of punishment was rare until what century?

19th century


A professor tells a colleague that he does not think he has prepared enough for the classes he must teach this semester.


A professor walks into the first day of a new class with a complete syllabus and expresses to the students an enthusiasm about how this semester will go


A shift manager expresses worry to his boss that a new employee may never get the hang of the job

traditional authority

A volatile, immature young boy is crowned king. Because of his lineage, being king is his birthright.

Which leader or organization relied on a "team of rivals" to challenge groupthink?

Abraham Lincoln

Identify the organizations that Robert Putnam's research might argue would keep anomie at bay

Boy Scouts of America

Not a Fairly Realistic Prediction

Highly rationalized systems will lead to a society that runs smoothly, logically, and with fairness.


In a bureaucracy, rules come before people; no individual receives special treatment.


Mark eats a whole pint of chocolate double fudge ice cream because he wants it.

Secondary Groups

contingent membership

A psychology experiment (Rosenhan 1973) applied labeling theory to the diagnosis of schizophrenia in a psychiatric setting. Identify the results of this experiment.

Patients initially diagnosed with schizophrenia were kept under observation for several weeks, despite behaving normally all that time.

Which of the following are examples of Edwin Sutherland's differential association theory?

Shanice finds some classmates defacing the women's bathroom with spray paint and joins in.

Nicholas Christakis and James Fowler

Social networks can influence not only an individual's health but also can spread everything from obesity to smoking and substance abuse.

Duncan Watts

Social networks can shape our actions, such as voting behavior, because of which individuals make up those social networks.

Mark Granovetter

Social ties follow social-class lines and link high socioeconomic status (SES) individuals with a vast array of high-SES contacts who can provide job leads.

Sherry Turkle

Societies value technology over relationships.

Not a Fairly Realistic Prediction

Society will become more bureaucratic in the economy and in politics, but more warm and personalistic in education and religion.

examples of socialization

Someone acts visibly uncomfortable when a coworker tells a sexist joke

Instrumental Leadership

The CEO of McDonald's knows that laying off 500 workers will bring discord among other employees but knows they must do so to meet quarterly goals.

Identify the true statements about tech-induced anxieties.

Users of social media may actually be more connected with others than nonusers.

Identify the statements that correctly describe "the strength of weak ties."

Weak ties provide access to valuable information.

Identify the true statements about deviance

What is considered deviant can change over time.

Identify the true statements about deviance

What is considered deviant can vary across different cultures.

Instrumental Leadership

Your boss does not care that forcing employees to work through the weekend may hurt morale. The project must be done by Monday.

What, in broad terms, is the definition of deviance?

a behavior trait belief or other characteristic that violates a norm and cause a negative reaction

experience management

a black child enrolls in violin lessons hockey and a french immersion school

ascribed status

a status that is born usually difficult or impossible to change

role exit

a straight a student decides to quit her sorority to focus on her grades

Secondary Group

a tailoring shop that makes bespoke (fully custom) suits for men


breast augmentation

Which of the following are currently considered deviant behavior throughout all regions of the United States?

cannibalism and cyberbullying


classy:laid back

Produced by Social Influence


Identify the following as either white collar crime or street crime.

crime that does not involve force

role exit example

dropped out of the labor force

Solomon Asch

examined how research subjects responded when multiple other individuals clearly answered a question incorrectly

role strain

experienced when there are contradictory expectations within one role

role conflict

experienced when we occupy two or more roles with contradictory expectations

Genie, the child who was deprived of practically all social interaction, eventually recovered to live a normal life complete with language and social awareness of her surroundings.


Someone who admits that he has a problem, such as alcoholism, but wants to shake the stigma associated with it and change his life for the better, is experiencing tertiary deviance.


The term "deviant" refers to a moral, not a social, judgment.


emotional labor is the process of helping to manage the emotions of others in order to neutralize emotionally charged situations


genie the child who was deprived of practically all social interaction, eventually recovered to live a normal life complete with language and social awareness of her surroundings



fraternity and sorority members are required to devote a significant amount of time to social events and community service each semester

How did Stanley Milgram test participants' obedience to authority?

he had "experimenters" coax "teachers" into shocking "learners"

identify the statement as supporting either the nature or nurture side of debate

high school levels of testosterone contribute to stereotypically masculine traits such as aggressiveness and competitiveness

Identify the aspects of group dynamics.

how groups achieve goals

Identify the aspects of group dynamics.

how groups disintegrate

Produced by Social Influence


the Suri

inserting plates to enlarge the lower lip

if adolescents share ---- with others they are most likely to form peer subculture with them


An employee at the local Department of Motor Vehicles puts in an eight-hour shift and then goes to a local bar and grill to celebrate a coworker's birthday. What aspect of bureaucracy does this situation highlight?

interpersonal interactions help humanize bureaucracies

the Padaung

neck stretching

Researchers in a psychology experiment (Rosenhan 1973) applied labeling theory to the diagnosis of schizophrenia in a psychiatric setting. What was the experimental design?

nonschizophrenia persons first feigned mental illness then reverted to normal behavior the goal was to see how doctors would interpret the change

Louwanda Evans's book on emotional labor and flight attendants adds which dimension to Arlie Hochschild's original conception of emotional labor?



reject institutionalized means accept cultural goals

Correct label: rebel

renounces society's approved goals and means entirely and instead works toward their own goals using new means


renounces society's approved goals and means entirely and lives outside the conventional norms altogether

Violent Crime

robbery, rape, aggravated assault, murder

Worries about the effects of social media on social engagement are an extension of whose earlier research?

robert putnam

Which of the following is an example of positive deviance?

rosa parks refusing to give up her seat to a white man

social media has the potential to increase the number of point of view we are exposed to and socialize us in ways never conceived of before. someone who has been influenced and pieced together through whatever sources available is an example of which sociological concept

saturated self

Which term, coined by Robert Merton, is based on the W. I. Thomas theorem that "if men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences"?

self fulfilling prophecy

examples of socialzation

someone acts visibly uncomfortable when a coworker tells a sexis joke

Which of the following is an example of the hidden curriculum?

students are taught to dress and behave in a specific manner by teachers and other staff members

the young girls with eating disorders in fiji in the late 1990s conveys the strong influence of which agent of socialization

the mass media

what is the definition of socialization

the process of learning and internalizing the values, beliefs, and norms of our social group, by which we become functioning members of society

online interactions

these kinds of interactions allow us to contain and reduce risks not risk to life and limb necessarily but risk to self

Erving Goffman suggests there are three main types of stigma: physical, moral, and ____


People who play games such as World of Warcraft or Fortnite make up virtual communities.


When leadership styles do not match with traditional gender roles, the disconnect can lead to feelings of surprise or upset


the location time period and family into which individuals are born affect their set of meanings about how the world works


The phenomenon of social deviance can be studied through many different sociological lenses. Identify how social deviance would be viewed through the lens of symbolic interactionist theory.

a focus on individual psychology rather than on the social dynamics of large populations

a primary group

a group of close friends and family members who get together to watch Saturday Night Live on television each week

Primary groups

a married couple


accept institutionalized means accept cultural goals

Howard Becker

applied labeling theory to the question of how deviance begins

An educator is disgusted with standardized testing and teaching methods that lead students to simply gain a credential rather than actually learn about the world. She decides to start a charter school that employs innovative teaching methods, doesn't give students grades, and encourages creative thinking over rote learning. How would Robert Merton's strain theory of deviance classify this educator?

as are rebel

which of the following scenarios are violations dominate feeling rules in the united states

snorting and expressing disgust at the brides dress at the wedding

identity the the findings about the effect of the show (13 reasons why) in the several months following its debut

suicide rate among young people ages ten to seventeen surged in the month after the series came out

Identify the aspects of group dynamics.

how groups form

Solomon Asch studied people's tendency to conform to group norms by staging gatherings where members of a group were asked to compare a straight line to a set of three reference lines. Identify Asch's findings

Most people seek to align themselves with the group majority.


feature the filtered version of who you are and how you want to be seen


attending class because you think that the material in the class is worth learning


attending class so that you can pass and get a degree


may represent a more genuine dedication of your true self

which statement captured a major point sherry turkle makes about communication in her lastest book reclaiming conversation

online communication reduces our ability to conduct meaningful face to face communication

expressions given

saying "good job" to a teammate

expressions given according to Goffman

saying "good job" to a teammate

second goal of socialization

school teach students the gainful employment is something to be valued and respected

first goal of socialization

schools teach students how to gain employment that will allow them to provide for themselves

The increase in incarceration rates over the last twenty years coincides with which of the following?

the increase in privatization of prisons

According to the textbook, which of the following is most important?

the interaction between nature and nurture

justine nevertheless really thought of herself as a funny person but her new friends always tell her shes very funny. justine has started telling more jokes to her friends and recently signed up for improv comedy class. which sociological concept best explains Justine's interactions with her friends and beliefs about herself?

the looking glass self

Quinn is on a high-school volleyball team and has chemistry during first period. If she wanted to assess her team's performance, which of the following could serve as a reference group and which could not?

the men's volleyball team at Quinn's school


A manager tells a new employee that he will get the hang of things soon enough.

examples of socialization

A parent teaches a child not to burp at the dinner table

A psychology experiment (Rosenhan 1973) applied labeling theory to the diagnosis of schizophrenia in a psychiatric setting. Identify the results of this experiment.

An initial diagnosis of schizophrenia tended to color the medical staff's interpretation of patients' later behaviors.

Identify the organizations that Robert Putnam's research might argue would keep anomie at bay

Boys and Girls Clubs of America

Correct label: hierarchy

Bureaucracies always feature the supervision of subordinates by higher-ranking managers and bosses.

For her study of the experiences of people with criminal records, sociologist Devah Pager sent out equally matched pairs of job applicants—one Black and one white—and had them apply for actual entry-level jobs. The men took turns presenting themselves as having a criminal record.Identify the results of Pager's study.

Criminal records close many doors for both white and Black applicants.

functions of deviance

Deviance can promote social cohesion.


Ed has the opportunity to cheat on his wife but chooses not to because he knows it will hurt her and possibly destroy their marriage

Identify the true statements about social media engagement and our social connections.

Eric Klinenberg and Claude Fischer make the case that despite a rise in social media use, Americans are no more or less lonely or detached from one another than they have ever been.

environment management

a black family moves to a predominantly white neighborhood

examples of socialzation

a child show a parent how to check email using a smartphone

stages of child development on the timeline in chronological order according to george herbert meads theory of the development of the social self

preparatory stage -> play stage -> game stage

secondary deviance

the subsequent deviant identity or career that develops as a result of being labeled deviant


a history major at the University of Michigan

Although the term often references race, which of the following is also an example of "passing"?

a man with wrist scars from an attempted suicide covers them by wearing long sleeves even in the summer

appeals to respectability politics

a mother forbids hoodies and low hanging jeans saying people will think you're a thug

examples of socialzation

a parent teaches a child not to burp at the dinner table

archived status

a status earned through individual effort or imposed by others

master status

a status that is always relevant and affects all others statues we possess

role conflict

a straight a student who spent most of her time studying in high school joins a sorority and faces increased pressure to spend less time studying


accepts society's approved goals but rejects the means to achieve those goals

Diamond believes that humans have free will and are not deeply constrained by their social circumstances. Diamond is a big believer in which sociological concept?



aidan insists on wearing certain brands and styles because he want to fit in with his friends


amalia sees herself as overweight because she compares her body to bodies she sees on social media

Which concept refers to a state of normlessness that is kept in check by group membership?


Quinn is on a high-school volleyball team and has chemistry during first period. If she wanted to assess her team's performance, which of the following could serve as a reference group and which could not?

another school's volleyball team


her sister who is a student at Michigan State

which of the following scenarios are violations dominate feeling rules in the united states

laughing and expressing joy at a funeral

Stanley Milgram

led research subjects to believe they were shocking another individual in a different room when the person got a question incorrect

what in a nutshell does the dramaturgical theory of society say about human life

life is essentially a play


passing a law that states that anyone caught stealing an item or items valued at $1,000 or more will have one hand cut off


passing a law that states that anyone committing fraud will be imprisoned for a minimum of twenty years


passing a law that states that first-time offenders for any violent crime will be submitted to a psychological evaluation and given mental health treatment

second goal of socialization

peers teach youth what type of clothing is stylish ad desirable

The way that the My Lai massacre ended during the Vietnam War is an example of what?

positive deviance

For her study of the experiences of people with criminal records, sociologist Devah Pager sent out equally matched pairs of job applicants—one Black and one white—and had them apply for actual entry-level jobs. The men took turns presenting themselves as having a criminal record Identify the results of Pager's study.

A white man with a criminal record was more likely to receive a job call-back than a Black man with no criminal record.

Identify the statement that offers a conflict theory perspective on anti-sodomy laws.

anti-sodomy laws were a way for the heterosexual majority to exercise control over same sex minorities


any physical or social attribute that devalues a person or group's identity and that may exclude those who are devalued from normal social interaction

Erving Goffman

applied social interactionist theory to the dynamics of stigma

In their research, Matt Hoffman and Lisa Torres found that the number of women in a person's network did not affect the quality of job information that the person received from their network.


which of the following are examples of role taking emotions

you feel embarrassed that you forgot your brothers birthday

Which of the following are examples of role-taking emotions?

you feel sadness for you friend who has just lost her mother to cancer

which of he following are examples of role taking emotions

you feel sadness for your friend who has just lost her mother to cancer

direct tie

your sibling

The phrase "keeping up with the Joneses," which means to display wealth more than one's neighbors, is an example of what group concept?

reference group


reject institutionalized means reject culture goals

Which international business chain is referenced by George Ritzer's theory of spreading bureaucratic rationalization and increased efficiency?


Identify each statement about social network analysis during the Covid-19 pandemic as describing either South Korea or the United States.

Monitoring social networks resulted in fewer cases of Covid-19.

banishment from the community

Native Americans


Colonial Americans

Function(s) of Deviance

Deviance can help clarify moral boundaries.

formal written communication

Documents such as memos (or e-mails) are the heart of the organization and the most effective way to communicate

Who coined the term "anomie"?

Emile Durkheim

Secondary Groups



butt augmentation

Identify the following as either white collar crime or street crime.

crime that is committed by high social status individuals

which of the following statements correctly explain why the family is such an important agent of socialization

families create early emotional and social bonds

which of the following statements correctly explain why the family is such an important agent of socialization

families teach us about gender roles

an aggregate

the audience at a taping of Saturday Night Live

Pablo comes from a low-income family but worked hard in school and earned a full scholarship to Stanford University. Pablo is worried that his peers and professors will recognize his background and treat him differently, so he wears new clothes and attempts to hide his accent on the first day of classes. When Pablo goes home for the weekend, he leaves his new clothes behind in his dorm and does not mask his accent.Which sociological concept best explains Pablo's behavior and interactions with others?

impression management

which of the following terms apply to this scenario? an employee works to appears as they care about in reality does not feel the emotions they're expressing


embodied status

status generated by physical characteristics

online interactions

teens use these kinds of social spaces as getaways from the pressures of parents teachers and other adults


the set of behaviors expected of someone because of their status


viewable to close friends acquaintances and even people the user has never met

online interactions

while we may have lots of connections we experience less depth in our relationships with them

Which of the following situations is an example of deviance avowal?

a man decides to quit smoking but asks his friends and family to identify him as a smoker not an ex smoker because he believes the addiction is life long

Secondary Group

a professional football team

expressions given off

a raise of an eyebrow

expressions given off

a shrug of the shoulders

expressions given off

a thumbs up

online interactions

adults tweet and post to expand their social circles and spread the world about their accomplishments

a category

all of the people watching Saturday Night Live on television last Saturday

Lana was always spoiled during her youth. As an only child, she was lavished with praise and gifts from her parents. Unfortunately, they died when Lana was in college, and since then, Lana has remained single and has made no close friends. Her contact with other family members is limited.By virtue of her limited group membership, which of these concepts is Lana is more likely to experience?


achieved status

college graduate

Mark just bought a brand-new Subaru hybrid after driving a twenty-year-old car for a long time. He is really impressed with his new car and takes every opportunity to drive his friends around in it. Over the next year, three of his friends buy new Subarus and three others are seriously considering doing so. Which concept best describes what is happening in Mark's network?


achieved status


achieved status


Which of the following describes an interaction that occurs in copresence?

having coffee with your mom

Correct label: specialization

All members of a bureaucracy are assigned specific roles and tasks.

embodied status


embodied status



the Amish

Group cohesion is likely to be highest among which group?

a secret an ivy league university


likely include inside jokes and unflattering selfies

Honor killings are primarily seen in Middle Eastern and ____________ cultures.

south Asia

Identify the true statements about social media engagement and our social connections.

According to the Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project, users of social media are more connected than nonusers.

Correct label: legal-rational authority

After an election, a person says, "I didn't vote for her, but I'll support her because she was elected mayor."

technical competence

All members are expressly trained and qualified for their specific roles within the organization.

Robert Putnam

Americans have drastically reduced their levels of civic engagement over time.

Identify each statement about social network analysis during the Covid-19 pandemic as describing either South Korea or the United States.

Covid explore was traced through passively obtained cell phone data and cashless transaction records.

Which of the following are examples of Edwin Sutherland's differential association theory?

Justin begins using drugs regularly after hanging out with a group of peers who pressured him to do so.


Justine wants to copy her roommate's homework but is afraid her roommate will catch her.

Solomon Asch studied people's tendency to conform to group norms by staging gatherings where members of a group were asked to compare a straight line to a set of three reference lines. Identify Asch's findings

Many people are reluctant to be the sole dissenting voice in a group.

Joseph Conti

The United States is one of the most powerful members of the WTO not because of its outcome in disputes but because of its centrality

Joseph Conti

The United States is one of the most powerful members of the WTO not because of its outcome in disputes but because of its centrality.

charismatic authority

The high school class president isn't particularly politically skilled, but their classmates find them winsome and likeable.

rules and regulations

These are meant to make all operations as predictable as possible.


parents instill a conscience (superego) in children through rules that govern their instinctual behavior (id) until children mature and are self-governing (ego)

first goal of socialization

parents teach children how to eat food

the story of christopher knight is an example of which sociological concept

social isolation

a secondary group

the cast members of Saturday Night Live

describes behavior considered deviant in either India or Ethiopia.

the customer begins eating with their left hand.


an Ohio State student who went to Melissa's rival high school in Michigan

Primary Group

a close-knit group of adult friends who have been together since middle school


a current community college student with whom Melissa went to high school


a position in a social hierarchy carries a particular set of exceptions

Which theoretical perspective would suggest that group memberships are used to separate and differentially treat individuals on the basis of their categorization?

conflict theory

which of the following terms apply to this scenario? an employee works to appears as they care about in reality does not feel the emotions they're expressing

emotional labor

Primary groups

enduring membership

Correct label: ritualist

gives up on achieving society's approved goals but accepts the means to achieve those goals

Why is Colin Kaepernick seen by some as a "deviant hero"?

he accepted the consequences for kneeling during the national anthem hoping to create positive change

Identify the aspects of group dynamics.

how groups change

The National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance (NAAFA) is an example of what stigma-related concept?

in group orientation

identity the the findings about the effect of the show (13 reasons why) in the several months following its debut

in the nine months after the show premiere there was 195 more suicide deaths in the 10-17 age group than would have otherwise been expected

A researcher examines the effects of learning communities on a college campus. In these communities, students live in a small dorm hall together, have one faculty advisor, attend a first-year seminar together, and participate in social activities together. After completing her study, the researcher finds that compared to students living in regular dorms or off-campus, students in these communities are less likely to engage in either underage drinking or cheat on assignments and tests, and have fewer disciplinary actions on their records. Which sociological perspective best explains this finding?

social control theory

works of fiction such as the jungle book are retellings of myths about feral children. these stories highlight the sociological concept of ------ but some real world examples of kidnapping and abuse are no myth

social isolation

Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, has a rule that if a team cannot be fed by two pizzas, the team is too large. The "two pizza" rule exemplifies the concept of ________

social loafing

based on scientific evidence about social isolation and lack of socialization which of the following are likely outcomes for a child who is deprived of contact with agents of socialization

the child will be unable to related to other humans

Identify the individuals who are most likely to serve as weak ties.

your cousin's friend

indirect tie

your cousin's friend. your friends cousin

Identify the individuals who are most likely to serve as weak ties.

your father's business partner's son

examples of socialization

A child shows a parent how to check email using a smartphone.

Expressive Leadership

The owner of your local coffee shop considers requiring workers to open the store at 4:30 a.m. but after considering the undue stress it may add to employees, decides not to implement the change.

Fairly Realistic Prediction

Workers' movements will be monitored in order to maximize predictability and efficiency.

Which of the following statements about crime and gender have been supported by data from the last decade?

as women gain power in the labor market through education and income crime rates among women rise to match those among men more closely

Philip Zimbardo

assigned research subjects to play either a prisoner or a guard for a two-week mock-prison simulation.


attending class because you think your professor and classmates are smart and have interesting ideas


boipelo can read and write because a teacher instructed her in these skills although her parents cannot read or white

Jennifer's soccer league is quite large. It includes twelve teams, and each team has approximately fifteen members. Jennifer is very popular and has the most ties with individuals throughout the league. Which social network concept best describes Jennifer's situation?


A sociologist believes that students with less money or connections who are caught plagiarizing are punished harshly and have fewer options afterward, whereas students with more financial or social resources can either transfer to another school or rely on their parents for help. What theoretical perspective does this thinking represent?

conflict theory

American criminologist Richard Quinney theorized that capitalism—and the exploitation and oppression of the working class—make deviant and even criminal behavior nearly inescapable for workers. The ruling class can make laws that target the poor. When the poor act out against repression, they become targets for law enforcement, while the rich and powerful remain free to do what they like. Quinney's theory falls under which sociological perspective?

conflict theory

The opening text of this chapter suggests that William Randolph Hearst pressured politicians in early twentieth-century America to make marijuana illegal. Over many decades, social scientists have examined how the selective application of drug laws and the penalties attached to them have favored some groups while harshly penalizing others. Which sociological perspective best explains this finding?

conflict theory

Identify the principles that were explained in Nicholas Christakis and James Fowler's 2009 work on social networks.

contagion and connection

Identify the following as either white collar crime or street crime.

crime that is policed and typically punished less strenuously than other types of crime

Robert Merton

developed strain theory as a functionalist account of social deviance

Primary Groups

ends in themselves

Secondary Groups

instrumental in purpose

Produced by Social Influence


the most predominant agents of socialization

schools, the family, peers, and the media

In labeling theory, what is the difference between primary deviance and secondary deviance?

secondary deviance is an eventual effect of primary deviance which is the initial deviant behavior



According to Erving Goffman, when one is labeled a deviant and experiences stigma, what does that individual acquire?

spoiled identity

Which Greek word does "stigma" come from?


based on scientific evidence about social isolation and lack of socialization which of the following are likely outcomes for a child who is deprived of contact with agents of socialization

the child will not learn how to communicate through language with others

primary deviance

the first act of rule breaking

identify the statement as supporting either the nature or nurture side of debate

the human genome project promises to reveal important answers to questions of human behavior

Which statement about Nikki Jones's 2012 ethnographic study of inner-city African American girls in Philadelphia is true?

the intersectionality of race class and gender places these young women in bind as they navigate respectability and practicality

Émile Durkheim

Group membership prevents a state of normlessness.

Identify the organizations that Robert Putnam's research might argue would keep anomie at bay

Habitat for Humanity

Identify the true statements about tech-induced anxieties.

In vulnerable times of life, such as adolescence, the internet and especially social media may lead to more loneliness.

Fairly Realistic Prediction

Individuals with unique personal traits and needs may feel depersonalized by systems that treat all persons the same.

Identify the statements that correctly describe "the strength of weak ties."

Weak ties provide benefits that strong ties do not.

The phenomenon of social deviance can be studied through many different sociological lenses. Identify how social deviance would be viewed through the lens of symbolic interactionist theory.

a recognition of the impact of assigning labels to behaviors and to people


accept institutionalized means reject cultural goals

property crime

arson, burglary, motor vehicle theft, larceny

arlie hochschilds 1983 research on emotional labor focused on people in two professions; bill collectors and

flight attendants

Susan is a Black job candidate, and Alison is a white job candidate. Which outcome is predicted according to David Pedulla and Devah Pager's research on race and social networks?

members of alisons social network make more effective connections on her behalf than do susan's

the family

mia values equality between spouses because that is what she observed between her two parents

Not Produced by Social Influence


Émile Durkheim

offered a functionalist theory of deviance

What term describes "actions considered deviant within a given context but are later reinterpreted as appropriate or even heroic"?

positive deviance

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