SOC 100, Unit 5: Sex, Sexuality, & Gender

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How does femininity benefit women?

- Femininity benefits women by them obtaining higher jobs through there bodies. - Another way is through babysitting. Women are more likely good with that because they are nurturing. - women are not seen as a public threat.

What's Gender?

- Gender: it's social - (Precise) Gender: a social construction; a concept that describes how societies determine, and manage sex categories. It can change over a period of time. - Gender involves social norms

What's Sex?

- Sex: refers to the anatomical. It's your biological parts. - (Precise) Sex: It's the biological traits such as genitalia chromosomes, and/of other physical ascription (born into) that societies.

What's a privilege?

A Privilege Is: - Something your allowed to do - Your entitlement - Opportunity - It's something you have you don't have to earn it.

What's Biological Determinism?

Biological Determinism is: our social behavior determined by our biological characteristics. Examples Are: - "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus" - "Men Are naturally better leaders or women are naturally more nurturing" - "Females Are feminine because they have two X Chromosomes."

What does Biological Determinism means?

Biological Determinism means: your behavior is determine by your DNA. Which is not true it doesn't dictate by how you behave. It's your norms and how you grow up that do.

What's Black Feminism?

Black Feminism Is: - A strand of feminist theory that highlights the multiple disadvantages of gender, class, and race that shape the experiences of nonwhite women. - Gender equality rests of racial and class equalities of nonwhite women. - Patricia Hill Collins On Black Feminism "a process of self-conscious struggle that empowers women and men to actualize a humanist vision of community."

What's Cis-Gender?

Cis-Gender: is people whose biological body they were born into matches their personal gender identity. It's based on how you perceive yourself.

What Does FGM Stand For?

FGM Means: Female Genital Mutilation

Why Is FGM practiced?

FGM is practiced because women's bodies are being objectify and sexualize

How does femininity constrain women?

Femininity constrains women by portraying them as very emotional which can be viewed as clouding there judgement.

What's Feminism?

Feminism: it's the idea that men and women are equal and deserving equal opportunity; the counterforce against patriarchy.

What's Gender Essentialism?

Gender Essentialism is: the idea that women and men are intrinsically different.

What does Gender Essentialism means?

Gender Essentialism means: that just because your born into two categories your are essentially different. Ex: women are born leaders

What's Gender Socialization?

Gender Socialization: is the learning of gender roles through factors such as schooling, the media, and family

What's Gender Identities?

Gender identity is in your mind

What's Gender Roles?

Gender roles: are sets of behavioral norms assumed to accompany one's status as a male or female. It has more to do with social status.

What's Glass Ceiling?

Glass Ceiling: is a promotion barrier that prevents a women's upward mobility within an organization.

What's Glass Escalator?

Glass Escalator: is when men move up to higher positions in female-dominated occupations in disproportionately higher numbers

What type of Privileges would a Cis-Gender have than a Trans-Gender would have?

Here Are The Privileges That A Cis-Gender Would Have: - You don't feel unsafe - Don't have to worry about bathrooms - Shopping: they have Privilege - Fitting rooms are not a problem for Cis-Gender Here Are The Privileges That A Trans-Gender Would Have: - They don't have money for surgery - They Are attack in bathrooms - Shopping: it's hard because of the cost of the clothing - Fitting rooms - Transgender is a social construction

What involved Gender Attraction?

In Gender Attraction We Have: - opposite sex - asexual = not attracted to either sex - homosexual

What's Liberal Feminism?

Liberal Feminism: - Builds On Liberal Political ideas of individual rights - Socialization is the origin of gender differences - Gender inequality is produced by unequal access to civil rights and certain social resources, such as education and employment, based on sex - Seeks solutions through legislation

How does masculinity benefit men?

Masculinity benefits men by them having power which can lead them to leadership positions.

How does masculinity constrain men?

Masculinity constrain men by allowing society to limit men where they are supposed to be looked at as masculine and they are supposed to be manly and toughen up. They are not allowed to be vulnerable.

What's "Opting Out"?

Opting Out: is a perceived trend that many women leaving the workforce to be full-time wives and mothers, in large part because of frustrations with the obstacles they face on the job.

What's Patriarchy?

Patriarchy: it's the idea that men and masculinity are valued above women and femininity.

What consist of Postmodern Feminism?

Postmodern Feminism: - Focus On "differences" - Feminist perspective that challenges the idea of a unitary basis of identity and experience shared by all women - There is no overarching solution to gender inequality - Challenges claims that only rational thoughts and scientific methodology can lead to valid knowledge

What's Sex Segregation?

Sex Segregation: is the concentration of men and women in different occupations.

There are 3 waves. What's the First one?

The 1st Wave: - Based on the 19th through early 20th century - Focus on women's suffrage and abolition of slavery - The Seneca Falls Convention (1848) declaration of sentiments, cornerstone of American woman's suffrage movement. - Major achievements the opening of higher education for women, the widening of access to the professions, especially medicine

What's the Second Wave About?

The 2nd Wave: - Based On the 1960s - 1970s - Raising Consciousness about sexism and patriarchy - Major Issues ~ equal pay, abortion & contraception, equal education opportunity - Differentiation between sex & gender - "The personal is political" - High profiled protest against the Miss America Beauty Contest In 1968 (the myth of "bra-burning feminists").

What's the Third Wave About?

The 3rd Wave: - A response to shortcomings of the second wave - More racially and sexually diverse - Reclaim not reject the term "feminism"

What Are The Categories That Fall Under Gender Inequality At Work?

The Categories That Fall Under That Are: 1. Glass Ceiling 2. Glass Escalator 3. Opting Out

What's the root cause of social problems?

The root cause of social problems is patriarchy

How many genders are out there?

There are 1 out 1,000 babies that are born intersex babies

What's Trans-Gender?

Transgender: Is one's biological sex does not align with their gender identity.

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