SOC 220 Exam 2

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Women are ________ as likely to be evicted as men.


In the documentary, When the Bough Breaks, we discover that black women in the U.S. have ______ times the number of underweight or early-term babies as their white counterparts.


In the A House Divided documentary, how much in returns per year to investors make on new projects in NYC?


In the Brand New You documentary, they cited a study that found that _______ % of personal makeover tv show candidates were non-white.


What percentage of renters in the U.S. spend 70% or more of their income on rent?


Ben's family was very poor growing up but was considered middle class by the time he reached the age of 18. This is an example of ______.

Social mobility

What percentage of the people evicted in his court survey data did Desmond (2012) found paid 80% or more of their monthly income in rent?


What is the youngest age that a child has been when arrested at a Pinellas County school, as reported in The Class Divide documentary?


How many homeless people does the A House Divided documentary report live in New York City?


Sociologist Matthew Desmond uses the stories of several families to show the impact of eviction on children. He argues that we need new policies that protect renters to fix this social problem. What warrants is Desmond using here?

Desire to protect children

Representative Bruce Borders introduced a bill to prevent transgender individuals from changing the gender on their birth certificates. Representative Cindy Kirchhofer denied the bill a hearing because it would be a case of _____________________________ against transgender people.

Disparate treatment

Which of the following would NOT be considered a "death of despair?"


Ben's family was very poor growing up but was considered middle class by the time he reached the age of 18. This is an example of ______.

social mobility

If we define social mobility as moving from one quintile of income to another:

social mobility is a zero-sum game (if one person moves up, another person has to move down)

Which of the following industries were most affected during deindustrialization?

steel manufacture and automotive production

The product cycle theory of the economy asserts that economies, like the one in the rust belt area, shift as businesses simply move to places where they can purchase the labor and materials they need more cheaply. Which sociological perspective best fits with this theory?


A sociologist is studying how newspapers present people suffering from opioid addiction from differing backgrounds. She finds that middle-class addicts are presented in a more hopeful light, with pictures from before their addiction. Addicts from working class backgrounds are more likely to be shown at the height of their addiction. Which sociological perspective is this sociologist most likely working from?


If our friends, family, and teachers continually tell us that we are clever, then we are likely to see ourselves as clever. This is an example of what sociological perspective?


If our friends, family, and teachers continually tell us that we are clever, then we are likely to see ourselves as clever. This is an example of what sociological perspective?

symbolic interactionism

What do personal makeover shows focus on as the central problem that needs to be fixed?

the self

Why do most opioid addicts end up in jail?

theft or prostitution charges

Efforts to measure U.S. mobility rates across history find that:

there has always been some social mobility, but the U.S. is not an outlier in this effect

What made the biggest differences to the relationships between doctors and opioid addicts in New York vs. the opioid addicts and their doctors in Vermont in Tiger's (2017) study?

there was less of a class-gap in New York

How does Desmond (2012) argue that eviction and incarceration are similar?

they are both consequential to the reproduction of poverty in poor black communities

Why don't the police or courts stop landlords from participating in the gentrification process?

they charge the landlords, but the landlords pay the fines and keep up the practice

How are the parents in Pinellas County's southside reacting to the changes they see in their children's schools in The Class Divide documentary?

they protest and testify at the school board hearings every month

How did the Title I office react to Jesse Williams showing up to their office for in The Class Divide documentary?

they threatened to call the police

Why do millionaires and billionaires from around the world buy apartments they don't live in in NYC?

they treat them as offshore investments

NYC is the ________ most segregated city in the U.S.


In The Class Divide documentary, we find that Pinellas County arrested students at school at _____ times the rate of Miami schools.


What does the school board member that Jesse Williams talks to in The Class Divide documentary say was their reasoning behind their 2007 vote?

to attract more diversity to the area

What population did Desmond (2012) focus on in his study of eviction?

urban poor

What does Lyson (2014) say is the biggest mistake of focusing too much on access to healthy food when talking about peoples' health?

we ignore the broader failings of the healthcare system

When do reality shows fail to capture the audience?

when the contestants don't seem "authentic"

Holding all else equal, upward mobility in the U.S. is greatest for:

white individuals

What is the fastest growing demographic in rural jails?

white men and women

What kind of norms and values do personal makeover shows enforce as the most desirable?

white, middle class

Early in the claims process, claims maker use large statistics because:

Large numbers catch peoples' attention better than smaller numbers

The #metoo movement encouraged people around the world to share their stories. What warrants did this movement tap into by making a social problems claim like this?


In what city does Desmond (2012) study eviction?


A state decides that the best way to address the opioid overdose epidemic is to ban doctors from prescribing opioids for any reason or to any patient. Several groups protest the proposed law, arguing that many people suffering from severe chronic pain conditions have valid and pressing needs for the medications. Banning prescription opioids will only make these individuals turn to illicit pain treatments, leading to more possible overdoses from synthetic opioids. They are arguing that this policy is _______________________________.


Which of the following is NOT considered part of the rust belt?

Northern West Virginia

How would Joel Best, under the Social Construction of Social Problems theory, characterize the activists in in Ferguson, MO after the Mike Brown shooting?

Outsider claimsmaker

Melinda uses a wheelchair. She finds out that she cannot get a mammogram when she turns 45 because her doctor's office does not have the equipment they need to accomodate her. Her doctor's office is in violation of:


Who is usually the first social problems worker to come into contact with someone addicted to opiates (about their addiction and complications from it)?


The "Southern Strategy" successfully attracted what population into which political party?

Poor white southerners, the Republican Party

Which sociological perspective would best help us understand how the changing definitions of "affordable housing" are creating new pockets of segregation with cities?


A sociologist from which perspective would study how the change in the FBI's definition of rape increased access to structural supports for a wider variety of people than before?

Social constructionist

There are four cultural centers on campus. Students from all backgrounds are welcome to use these centers for their resources and to learn more about the different groups they represent on campus. They also serve as a point of first-contact for members of marginalized groups who experience discrimination and prejudice on campus. The people who work in these centers are:

Social problems workers

A sociologist coming from the ________________________ perspective would argue that the policy changes we saw in the 1990s around disability and access came about at that point because not having these changes was causing dysfunctions in social life. For example, the lack of ramps, auditory queues, and accessible buses were harming the economy.

Struc funct

Jennifer asserts that women and men naturally have different roles to fill at home and work. These roles are key to keeping our social world running as it should. Jennifer is coming from a _______________________ perspective.


A sociologist from the _____________________ perspective would analyze how shifts in the national and global markets are shaping trends in homelessness across the country.

Structural functionalist

The product cycle theory of the economy asserts that economies, like the one in the rust belt area, shift as businesses simply move to places where they can purchase the labor and materials they need more cheaply. Which sociological perspective best fits with this theory?

Structural functionalist

A sociologist coming from the ________________________ perspective would study shifts and patterns in the names of mobile home parks across the country to better understand how people are framing these kinds of neighborhoods.


Rosa's Law was signed by President Obama in 2010. It removes words like "mental retardation" from federal records and replaces them with terms like "individual with an intellectual disability." Before, the words like "idiot" were used. Which sociological perspective helps us best understand how and why language around disability is changing?

Symbolic interactionist

Michelle Alexander argues that the radicalized nature of the War on Drugs was a "push back" against:

The rights black Americans gained from the Civil Rights Movement

Under the social model, disability comes from:

The social environment

Which of the following is NOT a way that expert knowledge may be biased?

There are no real checks on what experts publish; reputable academic journals will publish anything

Which of the following is not one of the consequences Desmond (2012) finds for individuals who are evicted?

increased access to public housing

Greater education:

increases one's chances of being upwardly mobile

What social tension in the U.S. does the alternative movement best highlight?

individual freedom vs. government intervention

Why does Cowell (2014) argue that "deindustrialization" is a poor name for what happened in the rust belt?

industry didn't actually disappear from the area

What does Lyson (2014) mean when she refers to the alternative food movement as a "master frame?"

it is now a dominant orientation that people use to contextualize a variety of problems

Where do most poor Americans who are addicted to opiates receive their first healthcare for their addiction?


Which of the following is NOT a structural factor that leads to black women living in poor, black neighborhoods being disproportionately evicted?

landlords prefer evicting women over men because they see men as breadwinners who are supporting their families

Which of the following would offer the best healthcare outcome, on average?

large teaching hospital

The ______ is a large and growing network of private corporations engaged in the business of supplying health-care services to patients for profit services that used to be provided by government, nonprofit institutions, or individual practitioners.

medical-industrial complex

What demographic group dominates landlords in Desmond's (2012) article?


What kinds of television programs were extremely popular after WWI and WWII in the U.S.?

misery programs

Don't Ask, Don't Tell had some ironic consequences. Because of this, people would argue under the social constructionist perspective that it was a/an ______________ policy.


Because they are private companies seeking to further their profits, pharmaceutical companies actually benefit from a ______.

sicker society

Sociologists would consider all of the following flawed assumptions about health EXCEPT ______.

social conditions often influence people s choices and the options available to them

Some sociological theorists argue that medicine has gone beyond its functional role of enhancing health and instead is used as a form of ______.

social control

The consistent finding that inequality and health are related, with those at the top of the social system being healthier, is known as ______.

social gradient of health

Which of the following helped lead to deindustrialization in the late 1970s and early 1980s?

1979 energy crisis

In the documentary, When the Bough Breaks, we find out that the average cost of a one-month stay in a NICU is:


In his quantitative data analysis, Desmond (2012) found that the city he was studying evicted an average of ______ families per day.


When was the term "American Dream" coined?


In what year was the first public "personal makeover" done?


Several claimsmakers argue that the current universal sign for disability (a person in a wheelchair) needs to be changed. They point out that 93% of people with disabilities do not use wheelchairs and they believe this symbol perpetuates an inaccurate image of what disability looks like. The group Visability93 has even developed a set of complex symbols to replace the current universal one. What are the grounds of this claim?

93% of people

In The Class Divide documentary, what percentage of the students on the southside of Pinellas County are testing below their expected reading and math levels?


Michelle Alexander argues that we need to establish an "underground railroad" for newly released incarcerated people to re-enter society AND need to:

Abolish the system of mass incarceration as a whole

Who can make a claim about the deindustrialization of a region in a country being a problem?


Martina's family was evicted from their home 6 months ago. They moved into another rental house that is charging them more than the fair market rate for the area and needs repairs that the owner refuses to do. Martina joins a national organization that is fighting for tenants' rights. She is a ___________________ constituent.


When a city gentrifies, it typically means that ____________ residents are pushed out by ________ residents.

Black, white

Recently, more cities have begun erecting memorials in places where black towns or sections of cities were destroyed to make way for development. These cities are trying to re-shape our _________________________ by telling these stories.

Collective memory

Proponents of the "Green New Deal" want the government to fund large environmentally-friendly projects that employ hundreds of thousands of people as a way to combat climate change, fix national infrastructure, and give people good jobs. The Green New Deal is the _______________ to their social problems claim.


Many of the proponents for "bathroom bills" used images of young girls in their commercials and pamphlets. What warrants were they appealing to?

Desire to protect children

A _________________ sociologist would focus on how soldiers use sexual assault against civilian women to gain power over a populace during war.


A sociologist from the _______________ perspective would focus on how landlords lobby politicians to create policies that are favorable to them, rather than protective for tenants.


A sociologist from which perspective would focus on the ways that wealthy people have worked to structure and pass laws that benefited them and helped them remain wealthy?


______ theorists explain the U.S. health-care system as a central part of the capitalist economy that functions to produce profit, not to deliver health care.


A large steel factory announces that it is closing its doors in Ohio and moving the operation over to Thailand. There is a public outcry. Ohio's senator makes use of this ____________________ to push forward trade regulations.

Cultural opportunity

What place does The Epidemic documentary focus on?

Dayton, Ohio

A disabilities rights group who wants a universal basic income to provide a better quality of life for people who cannot work due to a disability reaches out to a homeless rights group to see if they would like to join their cause. The disabilities rights group points out that a universal basic income would also help homeless people have a better quality of life as well. What kind of frame amplification is the disabilities rights group doing?

Frame bridging

Which of the following sociological perspectives would most likely state that social inequality is necessary and inevitable?


From 2016-2019 Fox aired a show called "Speechless," which focused on the DiMeo's family life. Their oldest son, J.J. had cerebral palsy and was unable to use his voice. Each of the episodes delved into some part of J.J.'s relationships with his parents, siblings, peers, teachers, and case worker. It was one of the first shows to focus on a character living with cerebral palsy. "Speechless" was a form of _____________________.


Jim was attacked in the parking lot by April, the woman he dated for 3 years but broke up with 2 months ago. What is Jim the victim of?

Intimate partner violence

Providing fast-acting NARCAN to first responders around the country is controversial. Some feel that you are just giving people permission to overdose if you provide this safety net. Others feel that you should take any action possible to save lives. This controversy makes providing NARCAN a/an ________________ issue.


The argument that cities should prevent gentrification is a hotly debated subject. It is a _____________ issue.


Aarav is excited about going to a Pokemon tournament in Houston. He registers and attends the first panel of the morning, but quickly finds that there isn't enough time between sessions for him to make it across the convention center in his wheelchair. The convention center is large and crowded. There are few elevators to take people to the different floors sessions were sessions are scheduled in the time allocated by the organizers. What kind of barrier is Aarav experiencing?


Groups have used social media or created specific websites to rank women by their sexual attractiveness. The prevalence of this practice is an indication that we live in a ____________________.

Rape culture

What does the "ban the box" movement focus on?

Removing the "have you ever been convicted of a felony" box from job and service applications

When the doctors featured in the documentary, When the Bough Breaks, discovered the pattern that black women were have a disproportionately high rate of underweight and early term births, what did they think would explain it?

SES differences

Which of the following areas is NOT also turning into a rust belt area?

Samara, Russia

What happens when you miss your scheduled eviction court date?

The judge passes down a default eviction judgement.

Children do NOT have the right to have their parents present before they waive their Miranda Rights at arrest.


People in the U.S. are among the most individualistic in the world.


An interior design firm makes sure that every project they work on is accessible to the largest number of people possible. For example, they make sure that all cabinets have pull-out shelves and that counters are built at varying heights. This firm specializes in _______________________.


Farid's family owns a yacht. That yacht is part of his family's __________.


How do most opioid addicts begin taking this class of drugs?

a doctor's legal prescription

A study of the management of appendicitis revealed that, compared to Caucasian children in the United States, African American children have ______.

a longer delay in surgical management of the condition

Lyson (2014) identifies "body-policing" as:

a top-down form of control

In the Brand New You documentary, they reported that audience members typically felt _________ of watching shows like The Swan.


Lucy is diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, but doesn't want to go to the Disability Resource Center (DRC) on campus to see what accommodations she is eligible for. She worries that her peers and professors will treat her differently if they know she has access to things like a quieter room for test taking or the ability to work with professors to have extensions on due dates. Lucy is afraid of:

attitudinal barriers

Why does Desmond (2012) reject the idea that high residential mobility is due to individual families moving because they do not like the house or neighborhood?

because the families typically move to similarly impoverished neighborhoods

Working class parents in Gengler's (2016) study were more likely than higher-SES parents to:

completely trust the doctor

Lyson (2014) talks about the People's Grocery store, which is rooted in the food justice perspective. Which sociological perspective does this organization best fit under?


In general, sociologists' writings about the American Dream are:


Which of the following is not a consequence of high residential mobility?

decrease in the rate of adolescent violence

Which of the following would NOT be considered a "death of dispair?"


Which of the following is NOT a charge that an elementary student received in Pinellas County for an arrest discussed in The Class Divide documentary?

felony assault for putting thumbtacks sharp-point-up in a teacher's seat cushion

We have a lot of _______ mobility in the U.S., but not a lot of _______.

geographic; class

Tiger (2017) published a book about how the punitive and medical frames merge together during drug epidemics. When do claimsmakers establish these orientations in the social problems process?


Desmond (2012) found that men facing eviction were much more likely than women to do what?

handiwork around the landlord's properties to make up the rent

Which of the following is NOT a reason why Desmond (2012) found landlords were likely to dislike renting to adults with children?

having children in a building makes it less attractive to other potential renters

Sociologists have consistently demonstrated a strong correlation between socioeconomic status and ______.


What would a sociologist uncover by studying the media coverage of people debating the pros and cons of gentrification?

how different groups are framing the troubling condition

The US Postal Service (USPS) announces that the majority of fentanyl entering the country is coming through the mail. They warn that we should care about this because of the rise in overdose deaths. The USPS wants money to buy more and better drug scanners for their large distribution centers. What are the grounds of their claim?

most fentanyl in the US comes through the mail

How did the addicts in Tiger's (2017) view the social problems workers assigned to work with them?


The United States operates under a ______ system of governance, with a health-care sector dominated by private rather than government interests.


Sociologists, Case and Deaton, found that since the 1990s, one demographic group began seeing a decline in their life expectancy. Which group was that?

non-Hispanic white Americans

Disparities in medical treatment between members of indigenous groups and nonindigenous groups can be attributed to which of the following?

not having any clinical services set up to serve indigenous communities

Which of the following is NOT a way that Desmond (2012) found that renters made quick cash to pay their bills when emergency expenses came up?

sell their car

The marked inequalities in access to health services is most prevalent in ______.

preventative care

What do reality shows make contestants give up to access this version of the American Dream?


At the end of the documentary, When the Bough Breaks, one of the doctors is talking about "all men and women" being "created equal." What part of the claimsmaking process is he engaging in here?

providing warrants

You are tired of the way so many workers are treated in the U.S. and around the world. You join the local chapter of a group that is working to overthrow the current economic system and reshape it into a socialist society. You have joined a __________________ social movement.


Where did Gengler (2016) find that many of the working class families found out what they knew about healthcare and their children's hospital?


Which of the following is NOT a general message that personal makeover shows are making claims about?

that homosexuality is immoral

What does Jesse Williams find when he reads through copies of the state audits in The Class Divide documentary?

that some of the schools that qualified for Title I funds actually received less funding than non-qualifying schools in the county

What is Tiger's (2017) main argument about drug epidemics?

that we underplay the role of class when we focus too much on race

What do people refer to when they talk about the "reflexive self?"

that you can see your "self" from the outside and reflect on what you find

Why do members of the Tenants' Rights Movement disagree with Mayor DeBlasio's law about new, expensive developments?

the affordable housing included in contracts is still not affordable for the people currently living in the areas

What do the teachers in The Epidemic documentary say about the children they work with?

the kids don't have dreams

Why does the family at the beginning of the A House Divided documentary lose their home?

the landlord decides not to renew their lease

What does Gengler (2016) identify as one of the greatest differences between middle class and working class families when getting healthcare for their children?

the level of cultural health capital

How did a Pinellas County southside elementary school discipline two male students who got into a fight in the lunch room in The Class Divide documentary?

the local police arrested them

What is one of the best predictors of a healthy pregnancy?

the mother's education level

Social mobility is best defined as ______.

the movement from one social class to another

A state's governor puts forward a policy that mandates pharmaceutical companies to spend at least ten percent of their profits from selling drugs in their state to treatment centers every year from now on. Who is the target of this policy?

the pharmaceutical companies

The term "the American Dream" comes from:

the popular historian, James Truslow Adams

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