soc chapter 5 and 6

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after a woman's teenage son engages in deviant behavior, she says the reason for her son's behavior is that "he fell in with a bad crowd." which symbolic interactionist theory of deviance does this explanation Most closely resemble?

Differential association.

What term did sociologist George Ritzer use to describe the spread of rationalization and bureaucratic ways of operating into everyday life?


How do self-fulfilling prophecies work?

We respond not only to the objective features of a situation but also to its meaning. once meaning has been assigned to our behavior, the consequences of that behavior are determined by the meaning.

what makes a crime a hate crime? why are hate crime statistics unreliable

When criminals specifically target someone because of their race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or disability status. Because they are usually added to other criminal charges.

under what circumstances does a deviant label transition from primary to secondary deviance?

When the deviant label is internalized

emile Durkheim worries that individuals would feel less and less connected to groups in an increasingly fragmented modern world which would lead to

anomie and normlessness

Which of the following strategies could be used as a way to minimize social loafing?

finding ways to recognize individual effort

What do sociologist call when members of groups are influenced by other members

peer pressure

Which of the following statements about bureaucracies is true?

people who work in bureaucracies may feel alienation as a result of being treated in terms of roles, rules, and functions rather than as individuals.

which type of group is characterized by long term, intimate and face to face relationship


Which of the following is a factor that can lead to increased group cohesion

shared values

What is one of the principal reasons people turn to deviant behavior in the united states according to the structural strain theory of deviance as articulated by Robert Merton?

the goal of success is shared by a majority of people, but not everyone has equal means for achieving that goal.

According t max weber's typology of power, what type of authority does a king wield?

traditional authority

Which of the following is an example of Mcdonaldization as George Ritzer used the term?

A worker says, "Sometimes i felt just like a robot. I push a button and i go his way. It was like I was a mechanical nut."

A student at a university explains that he doesn't want to join a fraternity because he believes they create negative in-group and out-group dynamics. What perspective bet describes his views.

Conflict theory

Haw has the degree to which individuals base their identities on group membership change in American history

Americans are less likely to identify themselves as group members today than in the past

explain how reference groups influence individuals' behavior. give an example of a reference group in your own life

A reference group is a set of individuals that affect what we believe, the way we act, and or the way we behave. An example would be the way my parents influenced my religious beliefs as a kid or the way my doctor would influence me to buy or do something because he states it will benefit me

what is groupthink and how does it work? provide an example of the textbook

Groupthink is when people think with the group on a certain topic instead of thinking for themselves on things. It's like when people conform to what the majority of the group think to not stand out.

how do sociologist distinguish a group from a crowd

Individuals associate with a group feel shared identity

provide an example that illustrates a behavior that would have been considered deviant for women 200 years ago but is part of normal culture today

Interacial marriage would have been shamed 200 years ago, but is very normal today.

according to labeling theory, why were none of the pseudo-patients in david rosenhan's "on being sane in insane places" discovered?

It is difficult for anyone to see past the label once a person has been labeled "mentally ill"

A gay man joins a dating website. he tells his friends that he is frustrated when other men on the website describe themselves as "straight-acting, straight-appearing" he believes that these men are treating gay identity as a stigmatized identity by


Some Americans are angry about the number of immigrants who enter the country every year. ad adherent of structural functionalism would argue that this anger.

Promotes social cohesion among nonimmigrants as they come together and label immigrants as outsiders

There are many competing and often incompatible ideas about how to best deal with criminal behavior. Deterrence, revenge, incapacitation, and rehabilitation are all believed by some to have merit. Discuss the ways in which these different methods for dealing with deviance reflect the different ways society views criminals.

Society may view someone that was executed as one of the worst criminals on this planet, and view someone who was rehabilitated as someone whos trying to turn their life around

according to sociologists why is deviance related to the societal response to a behavior rather than to the behavior itself

Some sociologists theorize that deviant behavior is only deviant because it is labeled deviant by society. So the idea is that behaviors labeled deviant are labeled that from the societal response and that the behaviors are not inherently labeled deviant.

Asian american students are more likely to be placed in advanced placement classes, score higher grades, and be treated well by teachers. this is called

Stereotype Promise.

Members of a fraternity believe that they help create social cohesion by bringing together students with shared values. what perspective best describes their views.

Structural functionalism

some light-skinned African Americans have attempted to pass a white due to stigmatization. what is the process of passing and what was the historical motivation for African American to pass as white

The process of passing is concealing stigmatizing information, the historical motivation is for light skinned African Americans to be able to have white privelage

members of which of the following think of themselves as belonging together and interact with one another

a group

to what type of group does an individual belong if the members are mostly anonymous to one another

a secondary group

why is sociologist George Ritzer critical of what he calls the McDonaldization of society

because of the spread of bureaucratic rationalization and the accompanying increases in efficiency and dehumanization.

all left handed people in the united states would be classified as a


college professor has a large collection of controversial counterculture t shirts but makes sure to never wear these shirts to class. what is the kind of conformity called?


Samantha believes corporations are not punished enough for polluting the planet, manufacturing unsafe products, and manipulating prices. at the same time, she sees homeless people imprisoned for stealing food; she believes we should all have access to regardless of wealth. Samantha has taken a (blank) Perspective to explain the way deviance is viewed in society.

conflict theory

Traditionally, mot of the sociological literature on deviance focuses on.


some people utilize social media as an enhanced form of condescending attacks known as


The sense of solidarity or team spirit that an individual feels towards his or her group is called

group cohesion

what do sociologist call patterns of interaction between groups and individuals

group dynamics

The solomon asch experiment in which groups of participants are asked to compare the length of lines demonstrated that

groups have great power to induce conformity

What are group members engaging in when they withhold their reservations and criticism for the sake of consensus


What is the danger of too much group cohesion

it can lead to groupthink in which dissenting opinions are strongly discouraged

Most sociological studies of deviance focus on elements of an individual's background that would predispose him or her to act in deviant ways. what is the key problem with such an approach?

it cannot explain why some people with very similar backgrounds act differently.

When people attend high school class reunions they often compare their own personal and professional successes and failures with those of their former classmates. this means that classmates are a____ group


Individual members of a large group often neglect their responsibilities when a task needs to be completed because it is impossible for any one person to receive credit or blame. this phenomenon is called

social loafing

what do sociologist call the webs of direct and indirect ties that connect individuals to others who may influence them

social networks

The mother of a university student is worried about her son joining a fraternity. she worries that peer pressure and groupthink may lead her son to do activities he wouldn't normally do, such as binge drinking. what perspective best describes her views.

symbolic interactionism

what are the three different types of authority identified by Max W

the three types of legitimate authority are traditional, rational-legal, and charismatic.

Which of the following is a quality of charismatic leaders?

they posses extraordinary personal qualities.

which of the following statements about secondary groups is true

they tend to be based on specific roles or activity

which of the following would sociologists consider the best definition of deviance?

violations of social norms

some subcultures have adopted branding as a form of body art, though it is no longer used as a form of punishment in the united states. this demonstrates that.

what is considered deviant changes over time

Although individuals always feel loyalty towards their in-group under what circumstances would this loyalty be particularly strong

when the differences between the in-group and the out group are sharply defined

in terms of job leads and social networks how are men's networks different from women

women are less likely to hear about quality job openings if their social networks are composed of more women than men

which factor makes sociologists question the relationship between youth and crime?

young people may commit crimes that are visible and, therefore, are arrested more often.

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