Soc Final Exam

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net migration

The net migration is defined as the difference between out migration and in migration


The process of a population moving toward urban environments


There are a lot of definitions but they all include geographic movement. Usually involves change in place of residence and change in daily life (outside country lines).

gross migration

This is the total number of in-migrants and out-migrants

population pyramid

a graphical display of the age and sex composition of a population at a given point in time. the ages are displayed vertically, with the youngest ages at the bottom and the oldest ages at the top. data for males are shown on the left and for females on the right

youth dependency ratio

number of people in the population younger than the working ages per 100 people in the working ages. it is usually calculated as 100*(population age 0-14)/(population age 15-64). also called the young dependency ratio

population projection

the calculation of a population's size at one point in time, given its size at an earlier point in time. This can be done assuming an exponential population growth rate.


the definition of urban usually relies on a combination of: 1) population size, 2) space (land area), 3) ratio of population to space (population density), 4) economic, political and social organization

old age potential support ratio

the number of people in the working ages (15-64) divided by the number of people older than the working ages (65+)

potential support ratio

the number of people in the working ages divided by the number of people not in the working ages

migration flow

the number of people migrating within a certain time frame

dependency ratio

the ratio of the sum of the population aged 0-14 and that aged 65+ to the population aged 15-64. the child dependency ratio is the ratio of the population aged 0-14 to the population aged 15-64. the old-age dependency ratio is the ratio of the population aged 65 years or over to the population aged 15-64. all ratios are presented as number of dependents per 100 persons of working age (15-64)


this is a person who is outside his or her country of citizenship and is unable or unwilling to return to that country because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution

international migrant

this is a person who migrates between one country and another country


this is a person who migrates into a country


this is a person who migrates out of a country

internal migrant

this is a person who migrates within the boundaries of a country

urban growth

this is growth of the urban population

migrant stock

this is persons in a country who were born in a different country

forced migrant

this is someone who has been forced to leave his or her home because of a real or perceived threat to life and well-being

old age dependency ratio

this is the number of people above the working ages per 100 persons in the working ages. it is usually calculated as 100*(persons age 65+)/(persons age 15-64)

urban-rural reclassification

when a geographic area is classified as rural in one point in time and as urban at another point in time. usually this is a reclassification from rural to urban as cities expand, as population density increases and as the basis of the economy changes

residential mobility

when a person or a household changes their place of residence without a major change in most aspects of their lives. it is sometimes defined as a residential move within the same county.


when a person or an area changes from one category to another. individuals can be reclassified by changing their ethnic or racial identification. areas can be reclassified from being rural areas to being urban areas or vice versa.

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