SOCI-2319 Intro to Ethnics Exam 2 Review

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What is wealth?

collective value of what one owns

Indentured Servants

contract laborers who are obligated to serve another person for a specified length of time, usually without pay but in exchange for free passage to a new country

Colonized Minority Groups

created by conquest or colonization by the dominant groups

Immigrant Minority Groups

created by their more or less voluntary movement into the territory of the dominant group


first-generation immigrants from Japan


form of dominant-minority relations marked by extreme inequality in power, property, and prestige. It is often associated with labor-intensive agrarian technology.

Be familiar with Howard Zinn's involvement with SNCC (for example, he viewed SNCC as the heart of the civil rights movement, not the NAACP). Why did he say that people turn to protests (hint: something about the "normal channels and mechanisms")?

they were trying to set an example for activism.


third generation Japanese Americans

Non-Violent direct Action

the central tactic used by the civil rights movement to confront de jure segregation


the movement to abolish slavery

Civil Rights Movement

the organized effort of African Americans and their allies in the 1950s and 1960s to end de jure segregation in the south

What is white flight?

the phenomenon of white people moving out of urban areas, particularly those with significant minority populations, and into suburban areas.


the tendency to judge other groups by the standards of one's own group, culture, or society

What does ethnocentrism mean?

the tendency to judge other groups by the standards of one's own group, culture. or society

What happened to Japanese-Americans during World War II?

They were being held in detention camps, where they were imprisoned behind barbed-wire fences patrolled by armed guards.

What was Kurihara's experience like during internment and what did he do after the war was over?

They were treated cruel and harsh. They were treated like aliens. Kurihara renounced his US citizenship so he could become 100% Japanese.

-There are several hypotheses as to why residential segregation persists today, but not all of these have actual empirical support. What is the argument about segregation reflecting class differences and is there much evidence supporting this explanation?

We've done little to desegregate neighborhoods, believing their racial homogeneity is "de facto", tied to private prejudice, personal choices, realtor discrimination or income differences that make middle-class suburbs unaffordable to most African Americans. Under our constitutional system, if neighborhoods are segregated by private activity, we can do little about it.

How many Japanese-Americans were born in the US and held in internment camps?

2/3 of the Japanese Americans placed in internment camps were born in the US

What did Klinberg's study about Asian Americans in Houston demonstrate in regards to the model minority myth?

"The survey makes it clear that Asians have been relatively successful in Houston primarily due to the education and middle class backgrounds they brought with them from their countries of origin. One of the key messages from the survey is that we have to discard the 'model minority' stereotype that is so often applied to Asians in America. [It overlooks] the fact that a high proportion of Asian immigrants come from an occupational and educational elite."

Malcolm X

1952; renamed himself X to signify the loss of his African heritage; converted to Nation of Islam in jail in the 50s, became Black Muslims' most dynamic street orator and recruiter; his beliefs were the basis of a lot of the Black Power movement built on seperationist and nationalist impulsesto achieve true independence and equality

What does the "Asian Tax" refer to when considering college admissions?

A Princeton study found that students who identify as Asian need to score 140 points higher on the SAT than whites to have the same chance of admission to private colleges, a difference some have called "the Asian tax."

Ethnic Enclave

A place with a high concentration of an ethnic group that is distinct from those in the surrounding area; Chinatowns are an example of this

How much wealthier, on average, are White families than Black or Hispanic families?

Among lower-income families, the gap between white households and their black and Hispanic counterparts shrank by about half from 2007 to 2016. But among middle-class families, it increased and shows no sign of retreating.

Howard Zinn

An American historian, wrote "A People's History of the United States"

What is income?

Any money received on a regular basis from work or investments

Antiracist aesthetic

Art that challenges racial domination and promotes racial justice


Fourth-generation Japanese Americans

How is democracy more than just counting up votes according to Zinn?

He states that is is a counting up of actions


In the late 1950s CORE turned its attention to the South, challenging public segregation and launching voter registration drives for African Americans. It became one of the leading organizations of the civil rights movement in the early 1960s by organizing activist campaigns that tested segregation laws in the South

What was the result of Brown v. Board of Education?

In this milestone decision, the Supreme Court ruled that separating children in public schools on the basis of race was unconstitutional. It signaled the end of legalized racial segregation in the schools of the United States, overruling the "separate but equal" principle


Interracial organization founded in 1909 to abolish segregation and discrimination and to achieve political and civil rights for African Americans.

Be familiar with how the New Deal and GI Bill of Rights created wealth for whites and we are still seeing the effects of this on wealth inequality today

It made it to where whites could move to surburban areas for cheap, without african americans living there with them.

What does Issei and Nisei and Sansei and Yonsei refer to?

It refers to the different generations of Japanese Americans

The Devah Pager (2009) reading highlights how race and having a criminal record affect employers' decisions in hiring applicants, even though it is not legal to make hiring decisions based on race or criminal background information in many circumstances. Does the effect of race or criminal record have a greater impact on being hired according to this data?

Of course it does. Employers can not come out and voice why they will not hire a minority, whether its based on race or criminal history.

What is redlining?

Redlining is an unethical practice that puts services (financial and otherwise) out of reach for residents of certain areas based on race or ethnicity.

What is stereotype threat vs. stereotype promise among Asian-Americans

Stereotype promise is the promise that most Asian Americans students have of being viewed through a "positive stereotype" (e.g., the stereotype that Asian Americans are naturally smart). Lee argues that in some ways stereotype promise is similar to sociologist Robert Merton's idea of a self-fulfilling prophecy: If teachers believe their Asian American students are smart then they may place them in Talented and Gifted programs or may continually comment on how intelligent these students are, which (in turn) may actually boost their academic performance.


Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, was a civil-rights group formed to give younger blacks more of a voice in the civil rights movement.


The actions of the SCLC directly contributed to the passing of legislation in the 1960s designed to eliminate segregation and racial discrimination. The SCLC was founded as a direct result of the American Civil Rights Movement and was designed to promote the movement's goals of social equality.

Gender and Black Protest

The civil rihts and black power movement organizations reflected widely held stereotypical ideas about gender that existed at the time and, which remain to some degree today. Thus, men dominated the leadership and many members often viewed women as supporters of men rather than equal partners in the fight for racial equality. The battle against racism and the battle against sexism were separate struggles with separate and often contradictory agendas. Although women were denied organizational leadership roles and decision making positions, they were key participants in the civil rights movement and and the black power movement.

Why weren't indigenous peoples used as slave labor to the same extent as blacks in the US?

The colonies sometimes exploited the closest tribes for their labor power. By the time the plantation system had evolved, the local tribes had dwindled in numbers as a result of warfare and disease.

Devah Pager

The correlation between racism and finding a job, especially with a criminal record. The white man, regardless of record, is more likely to be hired than the black man.

Are income and wealth gaps closing or widening?

The expanding gap between rich and poor is not only widening the gulf in incomes and wealth in America. It is helping the rich lead longer lives, while cutting short the lives of those who are struggling

What is the "model minority" myth about Asian Americans?

The myth of the model minority is based in stereotypes. It perpetuates a narrative in which Asian American children are whiz kids or musical geniuses. Within the myth of the model minority, Tiger Moms force children to work harder and be better than everyone else, while nerdy, effeminate dads hold prestigious—but not leadership—positions in STEM industries like medicine and accounting.

As outlined in your textbook reading, what are some of the issues with African-Americans and the criminal justice system?

There is considerable mistrust and resentment of the police among minorities, especially African Americans, and the perception that the entire criminal justice system is stacked against them is common. There is a biased criminal system, war on drugs and racial profiling.


associations based on the region of China from which immigrants originated. They performed various social and welfare functions

What are some of the things we can learn from Yang's graphic novel American-Born Chinese?

Tolerance and intolerance of those who are different; Self-concept versus group identity; Cultural definitions and boundaries; Folklore and its influence in cultures, customs, and values; Irony and justice; Concept of "hero" and his / her personality traits versus physical characteristics Means of achieving acceptance and redemption.

Martin Luther King Jr.

U.S. Baptist minister and civil rights leader. A noted orator, he opposed discrimination against blacks by organizing nonviolent resistance and peaceful mass demonstrations. He was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee. Nobel Peace Prize (1964)

Some structural issues with poverty: 1/3 of primary earners in American families make less than $10 an hour

US spends less of its wealth on anti-welfare programs than other industrialized countries with the exception of Japan.

Do most whites support the open housing laws (laws that prohibit individuals from discriminating about who to sell to based on race)?

When the Fair Housing Act first came into effect in the late 1960s and early '70s, a substantial share of white Americans supported the kind of discrimination the landmark law made illegal. They believed that whites had a right to keep blacks out of their neighborhoods

Detention Camps

Where Japanese Americans were sent during WWII

-Be familiar with MLK and Malcolm X's distinct approaches to civil rights as highlighted in the video clip on blackboard. What was MLK's perspective on how whites view nonviolent resistance (i.e., are whites "comfortable" with these tactics according to MLK)?

Whites are not comfortable with it. According to MLK, Nonviolence is a way of life for courageous people.It is active nonviolent resistance to evil.It is aggressive spiritually, mentally and emotionally

Is Malcolm X advocating for violence in this interview?

Yes, he believes african americans will have to prepare to use self defense.

Was slavery as caste system?

Yes. Slave status was for life and was passed on to any children a slave might have.

Racist aesthetic

art that depicts people of color in negative ways and/or distorts the past and present realities of racism; doesn't ignore people of color but never represents them in their full humanity


a moveable item of personal property. A system of chattel slavery defines slaves as property, not eople.

GI Bill of Rights

a name given to the Servicemen's Readjustment Act, a 1944 law that provided financial and educational benefits for World War II veterans


a struggle between two or more parties for control of some scarce resource

Caste System

a system of stratification in which there is virtually no movement or mobility between social positions or levels.

Differential in Power

any difference between groups in their ability to achieve their goals

Political Disenfranchisement for African-Americans (e.g., poll taxes, terrorism, literacy tests)

in the United States of America was based on a series of laws, new constitutions, and practices in the South that were deliberately used to prevent black citizens from registering to vote and voting.

Black Power Movement

loose coalition of organizations and spokespersons that encompassed a variety of ideas and views, many of which differed sharply from those of the Civil Rights Movement. Some of the central ideas included racial pride, interest in African heritage, and Black Nationalism. Most adherents of the Black Power Movement believed that white racism and institutional discrimination, forces buried deep in the core of American culture and society, were the primary causes of racial inequality in America.

Alien Land Act

passed by the California legislature in 1913, declared aliens ineligible for citizenship, Asian immigrants could not own land

What was the Alien Land Act

passed by the California legislature in 1913, declared aliens ineligible for citizenship, meaning immigrants could not own land.

Chinese Exclusion Act

passed by the US Congress in 1882, banned virtually all immigrants from China

What was the Chinese Exclusion Act

passed by the US Congress in 1882, banned virtually all immigration from China

White aesthetic

presents an un-raced representation of the social world, with whiteness as the default category, "the universal"; seeks to normalize 'whiteness'

De Facto Segregation

racial separation and inequality that appears, on the surface, to result from voluntary choice. Often, defacto segregation is really a disquised form of de jure segregation.

Urban Underclass

refers to African Americans and other minority groups of color who are marginalized and separated from the economic mainstream

Black Power Movement

rose to prominence in the 1960s as a coalition of groups. Some of the central themes of the movement were Black Nationalism, autonomy for African American communities, and pride in heritage.


second-generation Japanese Americans


secret societies in Chinatown that sometimes fought with each other and with other organizations for control of resources

Blauner Hypothesis

states that minority groups created by colonization will experience more intense prejudice, racism, and discrimination than those created by immigration

Be able to describe two of the tactics mentioned by Massey that realtors have used to discriminate against blacks and impede "black entry into white neighborhoods"?

•Treated discourteously in hopes that they will leave. •Told unit has just been sold or rented. •Only shown the advertised unit and told that no others are available. Only shown houses that are in predominantly Black or racially mixed neighborhoods and led away from White neighborhoods

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