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13. Joseph does exceptionally well in his math exam. Which of the following represents internal attribution as an explanation for Joseph's good performance?

A. His hard work

93. In the context of psychological factors in conformity, which of the following best describes informational social influence?

A. It refers to the influence people have on an individual because the individual wants to be right.

61. Which of the following is generally considered to be a more powerful medium for changing attitudes in the context of persuasion?

A. Television

66. Which of the following is a difference between the central and peripheral route to persuasion?

A. The central route is effective when people have the ability and the motivation to pay attention, while the peripheral route is not.

35. According to research on stereotype threat, individuals should be especially concerned about tests of ability if they:

A. ask for race or ethnic information before the test starts.

10. The process by which individuals come to understand the causes of others' behavior and form an impression of them as individuals is called _____.

A. attribution

92. In the context of social influence, Solomon Asch's experiment demonstrates _____.

A. conformity

23. Joey and Phillip are high school students, in the same class. Joey imitates Phillip's stammer in front of his friends and laughs. When none of his friends comment on his imitation, Joey assumes that they find Phillip's stammer funny as well. This scenario best exemplifies the _____ effect.

A. false consensus

30. In a basketball game, Jaquin made the winning shot and scored the maximum number of baskets. According to the self-serving bias, Jaquin is likely to attribute his victory to:

A. his excellent skill in the game.

88. According to research done on aggressive behavior, when compared with adolescents who do not play violent video games, adolescents who play such games are:

A. more likely to engage in delinquent acts.

26. Despite evidence to the contrary, Denise thinks she is smarter than most of the people in her class. Denise's unfounded attitude about herself is an example of a(n):

A. positive illusion.

51. In the context of attitudes, _____ theory contends that behaviors can influence attitudes.

A. self-perception

78. In the context of social behavior, _____ is the key to altruism.

A. sympathy

6. Mr. and Mrs. Lee warn their new babysitter that their son, Dennis, is very aggressive and mischievous and must be strictly disciplined. As a result, Alison is over-strict with Dennis and does not let him out of her sight. This facilitates Dennis' aggressive and mischievous behavior. This scenario best illustrates:

A. the self-fulfilling prophecy.

31. If Cathy blames her history teacher for her poor performance on a history test she is engaging in:

A. the self-serving bias.

57. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic that increases the credibility of a communicator and helps the communicator persuade other people?

B. Prejudice

22. Gerald, a high-school senior, sees another student stumble and drop her books in the hall. If Gerald makes the fundamental attribution error, how would he most likely explain the student's behavior?

B. She is a clumsy person.

38. Which of the following statements is true of social comparison?

B. Social comparison provides distinctive characteristics of a person and helps in building an identity.

42. According to studies over the past half-century, which of the following is a condition under which a person's attitude will guide his or her actions?

B. When the person has a vested interest in the issue

4. Chuck is a highly ambitious graduate student who does not intend to let anything get in the way of excelling in each of his classes and graduating at the top of his class. When he learns that the professor for one of his course modules is an attractive young woman, he opts for a different module. He believes that attractive women cannot be good educators. Chuck's attitude toward attractive women best illustrates:

B. a stereotype.

18. Lauren is watching a live golf tournament on television and sees a golfer frown after he makes his shot. Lauren would make the fundamental attribution error if she assumed that the golfer:

B. has a volatile personality.

19. Sheila is late for class. Assuming that she is the actor and her teacher is the observer, her teacher is most likely to attribute Sheila's tardiness to:

B. her lack of organizational skills

20. Rachel's new roommate, Berta, has not done laundry for an entire week. Her clothes are lying all over their room. This leads Rachel to assume that Berta is an untidy and undisciplined person. What Rachel does not know is that Berta is currently taking finals and working 40 hours per week. In the context of social cognition, Rachel is primarily _____ to explain Berta's behavior.

B. making a fundamental attribution error

75. Caroline has volunteered to work with the underprivileged children who are participants in her professor's literacy project. She is hoping that her professor will take this into consideration when calculating her grades. In this scenario, Caroline is demonstrating an expectation of _____.

B. reciprocity

83. If a person is demonstrating aggressive behavior, it is likely that he or she has low levels of _____ in the brain.

B. serotonin

21. Kaylee is in her car at a traffic light waiting for the light to turn green. Just as it does, a man driving a red truck goes speeding past Kaylee and just about misses crashing into her car. Kaylee abuses him and thinks to herself that his license should be revoked. What Kaylee does not know is that the truck's breaks have failed. In this scenario, Kaylee is demonstrating _____ while attempting to explain the man's behavior.

B. the fundamental attribution error

15. Greg feels that he did poorly on his first job interview only because the interviewer did not like him. He knows that he will perform better at other interviews. According to the attribution theory, Greg is attributing his performance at the first interview to:

B. unstable factors.

41. _____ are people's opinions and beliefs about other people, objects, and ideas, and how they feel about the world.

C. Attitudes

80. Which of the following is true of agreeableness in the context of prosocial behavior?

C. It is related to greater volume in the posterior cingulate cortex

17. Samantha studied all night for her history exam and felt well-prepared. However, she did not get to give the exam because the power went out in the school and the exam was rescheduled for a later date. In the context of the attribution theory, which of the following best describes why Samantha did not give her exam on the original date?

C. Uncontrollable causes

58. In the context of persuasion, attempts at persuasion may be more difficult when

C. a source has a vested interest in the message.

43. An individual's psychological discomfort caused by two inconsistent thoughts is known as:

C. cognitive dissonance

Professor Jenkins conducts research on how the behavior of candidates in interviews differs when they are interviewed by one interviewer and when they are interviewed by a panel of interviewers. His area of interest fits best into the field of _____ psychology.

C. social

84. The hormone that is typically implicated in aggressive behavior is _____.

C. testosterone

9. In the context of research in the area of physical attractiveness, which of the following faces will most likely be rated as most attractive?

D. A composite of multiple faces that have been digitally blended to produce an "average" face Answer: D

79. _____ is the personality trait most strongly associated with prosocial behaviors.

D. Agreeableness

72. In the context of prosocial behaviors, which of the following is an accurate description of egoism?

D. All of these.

82. Which of the following behaviors is an example of aggression?

D. All of these.

85. According to research on aggressive behavior, which of the following personality factors is mostly associated with aggression?

D. Low levels of conscientiousness

94. Joyce has the potential to be an honor student. However, she frustrates her teachers because of her actions. Rather than using her skills to excel, she tends to hide her intellectual abilities to act more like the students she is friends with. She sometimes answers questions incorrectly just to be more like her friends. In the context of the key aspects of social influence, which of the following perspectives explains Joyce's behavior most accurately?

D. Normative social influence

55. According to the self-perception theory of attitudes, if people are not sure how they feel about something, what should they do?

D. They should consider their behavior.

99. In the context of group influence, _____ occurs when being part of a group reduces personal identity and erodes the sense of personal responsibility.

D. deindividuation

25. The _____ effect means individuals overestimating the degree to which other individuals think or act the way they do.

D. false consensus

68. Samuel walks up to Katie and asks if she would be willing to wear a ribbon to show support for his cause. Though the ribbon is unattractive, it is small, so Katie agrees to wear it. Once Katie has agreed to this request, Samuel asks her if she would be willing to make a donation of $15 to his cause. Katie cannot refuse because she feels that Samuel is relying on her. In the context of persuasion, this scenario best demonstrates the _____ technique.

D. foot-in-the-door

27. Tommy hit the game-winning home run for his team. In the context of the self-serving bias, Tommy is the actor, and he is most likely to attribute his success to:

D. himself.

37. Teresa asks herself whether she is as popular as Cathy. This question is an example of gaining selfknowledge through the process of:

D. social comparison.

89. Which of the following statements best defines conformity?

A. A change in a person's behavior to coincide more closely with a group standard

53. Which of the following is proposed by the self-perception theory?

A. Behavior can change and influence the attitude of a person.

56. Which of the following is a similarity between the cognitive dissonance theory and self-perception theory?

A. Both theories suggest that behavior can change attitudes.

44. According to the cognitive dissonance theory, when attitudes and behavior conflict, individuals are most likely to reduce cognitive dissonance by:

A. changing their attitudes to fit the behavior.

46. Millicent knows that she puts on weight whenever she eats cake, yet she bakes a cake every week. In the context of social cognition, Millicent will most likely experience _____.

A. cognitive dissonance

49. Hugh buys a new calculator for $125 from the PaperMills stationery store. A week later, he sees an ad from another stationery store, StationMax, selling the same calculator for $65. Hugh feels guilty about having wastedso much money on the calculator but justifies his action by saying that StationMax items are always of poor quality. In the context of attitudes, Hugh's statement reflects an attempt to reduce his:

A. cognitive dissonance.

76. Betty sent Christmas cards to everyone in her address book and received Christmas cards in return from most of the recipients. This result is consistent with the social behavior known as:

A. reciprocity.

1. Which of the following is true of social cognition in social psychology?

All of these

95. Which of the following cultural factors is most likely to increase conformity?

B. A collectivist culture

36. Which of the following statements is true of stereotype threat?

B. A person who experiences stereotype threat is well aware of stereotypical expectations for him or her as a member of a group.

16. In the context of the attribution theory, which of the following best illustrates a stable cause of behavior?

B. A woman, who loves children, breaks up with her boyfriend because he does not want children of his own.

50. _____ means coming up with a rationale for the amount of work a person puts into getting something, typically by increasing the value associated with things that are difficult to attain.

B. Effort justification

70. _____ helps individuals to resist persuasion.

B. Inoculation

86. Which of the following statements is true of the frustration-aggression hypothesis?

B. It states that frustration can lead to aggression or passivity.

39. The theory of social comparison was proposed by _____.

B. Leon Festinger

97. Which of the following conclusions was drawn from the Stanford prison experiment conducted by Zimbardo?

B. People are more likely to be evil when personal responsibility is removed.

65. Which of the following statements is true of the elaboration likelihood model of persuasion?

B. The central route works by engaging the audience thoughtfully with a sound, logical argument.

67. The advertising committee for a politician is going door-to-door and asking people to place a big, unattractive election sign on their lawns. Assuming that most people will refuse at first, the advertising committee is prepared to ask them to place a small sign on their lawns, which is the actual plan. Which strategy for successful persuasion is the advertising committee using in this scenario?

B. The door-in-the-face strategy

33. According to studies done in the area of self-objectification, which of the following statements is true?

B. Women who feel objectified are less likely to engage in social activism.

74. Paula tumbles down the steps and twists her ankle. Parker, a passerby, stops to help Paula. He supports her to her car and drives her to the hospital so that she gets immediate treatment. Once she is with the doctor, he leaves, leaving Paula with no way to contact him. In the context of prosocial behavior, Parker has best demonstrated _____.

B. altruism

47. Gary's mother tells him that he must complete his homework before he goes out to play. Gary does not like to disobey his mother but he really wants to go out and play. He convinces himself that his mother has been mean to him lately so he can disobey her just this one time without feeling guilty. Gary is trying to change his attitude to fit his behavior most likely to reduce the _____ he is experiencing.

B. cognitive dissonance

14. Eric is known for his calm temperament, but one day he yelled at his roommate for not doing the laundry. When asked, Eric said he had been fired from his job that morning. According to the attribution theory, Eric's yelling can best be attributed to _____ causes.

B. unstable

52. When Cameron was asked if he liked animated movies, he said yes. According to the self-perception theory, which of the following statements is the best explanation for Cameron's answer?

C. Cameron likes animated movies because he has watched and enjoyed all of them.

60. Professor Green has to make an important presentation to his company's board members. He is struggling to choose between a PowerPoint presentation and a short video to get his point across. Which element of persuasion is the professor struggling with?

C. Medium

98. _____ refers to an individual's motivation to reject attempts to be controlled.

C. Reactance

73. If Jennifer is ready to donate one of her kidneys to anybody who needs it, she is demonstrating _____ behavior.

C. altruistic

45. Dan tells himself that even though smoking is injurious to health, he needs to smoke because he puts on too much weight if he stops, and that is worse for his health. In the context of social cognition, this justification best illustrates an attempt to reduce:

B. cognitive dissonance.

11. Maria believes that her roommate did not clean the dirty dishes last night because she was exhausted after an unusually busy day at work. Maria is explaining her roommate's behavior through _____.

B. external attribution

96. Stanley Milgram's experiment demonstrated the effect of _____.

B. obedience

81. In the context of social behavior, which of the following best explains why the bystander effect occurs?

D. All of these.

48. Chelsea is a chain smoker. She plans to stop smoking because she knows that smoking will harm her health. In this scenario, Chelsea is trying to change her behavior to fit her attitude, which will most likely reduce her

B. cognitive dissonance

28. When Karen does poorly on a weekly test, she blames it on the distractions she had at school that week. In this scenario, Karen is using the _____ to justify her performance on the test.

B. self-serving bias

5. Hiroko's fifth-grade teacher was disappointed when he performed poorly in math. She believes that Asian students are academically excellent and never perform poorly. In this scenario, the teacher's beliefs best illustrate:

B. stereotyping

59. According to Carl Hovland, which of the following is NOT an element of persuasion?

C. Intention

62. Jeremy is struggling with whether the presentation he makes should consist of strong logical arguments, or should be short with elements of surprise in it. In the context of the elements of persuasion, which element is Jeremy struggling with?

D. Message

29. In a recent softball game, Cindy misplayed a ground ball, which was scored as an error, causing her team to lose the game. According to the self-serving bias, Cindy is likely to reason that she misplayed because:

D. of a bad bounce.

71. Random acts of kindness, such as helping a visually impaired person cross the street, are examples of _____.

D. prosocial behaviors

7. Research in psychology suggests that many attractive people possess a number of positive characteristics. One explanation for this is that expectations cause individuals to act in ways that serve to make their expectations about attractive people come true. This is known as the _____.

D. self-fulfilling prophecy

87. John Dollard's frustration-aggression hypothesis states that:

C. frustration always leads to aggression.

69. In the context of persuasion strategies, the door-in-the-face technique involves:

C. making the biggest pitch first.

The processes by which individuals use social stimuli to form impressions of others is known as _____.

C. person perception

Billy is a third-grade student with a reputation for bullying his classmates. Billy is punished by his teacher even when he unknowingly hurts someone or unintentionally makes a mistake. When Billy tries to explain his innocence to his teacher, she refuses to believe him because he has always been a "troublemaker." In this scenario, Billy's teacher is encouraging Billy's indiscipline through the _____.

C. self-fulfilling prophecy

63. Allison is attending a seminar where a presenter is attempting to persuade people to make a rather risky but potentially profitable financial investment. The presenter provides a rational and factual explanation for why the investment is profitable, even though there are risks involved. Alison finds the presenter's idea compelling and decides to invest. The way the presenter persuades Allison to invest exemplifies the:

C. central route to persuasion.

100. June is usually very quiet, but she recently discovered a different side of herself. She was at the Mardi Gras and found herself swept up in the festivities, doing the things that the other party-goers were doing. These were not behaviors that she would have ever considered engaging in on her own. Social psychologists would most likely attribute June's behavior to:

C. deindividuation.

40. Eric gets a C on his science quiz, and rationalizes his performance by telling himself that he did not do too badly considering most of his friends got a D. In this scenario, Eric is making a(n) _____ social comparison.

C. downward

32. Mary is a very shy young woman. She wants to buy a dress to wear at a friend's wedding. Mary tries on many dresses but does not buy any of them because she feels that they all will make her attract too much attention from the opposite sex. In this scenario, Mary is giving into the feeling of _____.

C. self-objectification

54. Avery returns home after being away for one year. When she sees her dog again, she is overcome with happiness and hugs him. Based on her reaction, she determines that she must like him more than she thought she did before she left home. Her opinion about her dog can be best explained with the help of the _____ theory of attitudes.

C. self-perception

77. Which of the following statements is true of the biological factors associated with prosocial behavior?

C. Dopamine receptors in the brain are associated with prosocial behavior.

91. Lily and her classmates are asked to write an essay on what they want to be when they are older. Although Lily wants to be a florist, she does not write about it. Instead, she writes about wanting to be a doctor because most of her friends want to be doctors. In the context of social influence, Lily is best exhibiting _____.

A. conformity

12. Felicia tells her mother that she failed the biology test because her professor made the test too difficult. Felicia is attributing her performance to _____ factors.

A. external

64. Twelve-year-old Ryan's father returns from work tired. Ryan wants his father to take him to his favorite movie, which starts in an hour. Which route of persuasion should Ryan attempt to obtain the highest rate of success?

B. Peripheral

90. Several of Sheldon's friends suggest that the new girl in their class is very pretty. Sheldon does not think that she is pretty. If Sheldon is exhibiting conformity, he will probably:

C. agree with his friends and say that she is very pretty

24. A very attractive woman walks by Henry and his friends while they are playing basketball. His friends begin to whistle at her, but Henry feels that it is demeaning for the woman and does not participate. According to the false consensus effect, Henry's friends are most likely to think that:

D. Henry feels the way they do.

34. Sally is very intelligent and has a great personality. However, she has always seen herself as unattractive and, as a result, is often depressed. Sally's depression is most likely facilitated by feelings of:

D. self-objectification.

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