Social Interaction Exam 8

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On Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?, which of the lifelines tends to be most effective? a. Call an expert. b. Ask the audience. c. Eliminate two wrong answers. d. All lifelines on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? are equally effective.

Ask the audience.

Why do corporations like teamwork? a. Teams are typically less financially costly. b. Teams typically produce outstanding ideas. c. Teams typically make the best decisions. d. Teams typically benefit employees psychologically.

Teams typically benefit employees psychologically.

Which type of diversity seems to benefit groups the most? a. sex b. age c. skills d. race


Patterns of binge eating were rarely noted prior to ____. a. 1960 b. 1975 c. 1980 d. 1990


Which statement about marriage is most accurate? a. All known societies have some form of marriage. b. All known societies define marriage in a similar fashion. c. All known societies use marriage to protect and provide for women. d. All known societies rely on the idea of raising a family in defining marriage.

All known societies have some form of marriage.

Which of the following is the best example of deindividuation? a. Since all of her friends drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes at parties, Jessica feels that she has an "excuse" to do the same—even though she would normally feel guilty about engaging in these behaviors. b. Stanner is a teenager who puts on a "front" when hanging out with his friends. In these instances he does not act true to himself at all, and instead seems to be playing a role or acting a part. c. Anna is a soldier who is so mentally wrapped up in the war that she actually stops thinking about herself as an individual who is separate from her unit, and fails to ask herself whether or not she is behaving responsibly. d. Petra is a novelist who becomes so focused on her writing—she calls it "being in the zone"—that she actually loses track of the day and time, often forgetting to eat dinner.

Anna is a soldier who is so mentally wrapped up in the war that she actually stops thinking about herself as an individual who is separate from her unit, and fails to ask herself whether or not she is behaving responsibly.

Your boss at work has asked you and three other employees to come up with some fundraising ideas. "Just put your heads together, speak freely among yourselves, and think up as many ideas as you can," she says. She is asking you to engage in ____. a. a commons dilemma b. brainstorming c. negotiation d. concessions


____ is a form of creative thinking in groups, using a procedure in which all group members are encouraged to generate as many ideas as possible. a. T-grouping b. Brainstorming c. Open ideation d. The commons dilemma


Of the following people, who will be most inspired to perform well simply because others are watching? a. Jacob, who has low self-esteem b. Antione, who has high self-esteem c. Chris, who is a narcissist d. Luke, who is high in self-efficacy

Chris, who is a narcissist

Given existing research on individualism versus collectivism, what kinds of differences (if any) should we expect between individualists and collectivists in terms of social loafing? a. Collectivists are likely to loaf more than individualists. b. Collectivists are likely to loaf less than individualists. c. Collectivists are likely to be more tolerant of loafing than individualists. d. Collectivists are likely to loaf in small groups as well as large groups, while individualists are likely to loaf in large groups only.

Collectivists are likely to loaf less than individualists.

Suppose that four students are working on a group project regarding the Cultural Revolution in China. Who is most likely to engage in social loafing? a. Tom, an older student who is the only group member to have actually lived in China during the Cultural Revolution b. Gina, an East Asian Studies major who is obsessed with having a perfect GPA c. Priscilla, who is convinced that most of the other group members are incompetent d. Frank, who is certain that he will get an "A" in the class no matter how he performs on the group project

Frank, who is certain that he will get an "A" in the class no matter how he performs on the group project

Which of the following is FALSE regarding altruistic punishment? a. It involves punishing oneself. b. Its goal is improving the common good. c. It involves self-sacrifice. d. It is concerned with punishing free riders and system cheaters.

It involves punishing oneself.

Consider the advantages of working in a team (as opposed to working independently). Which positive outcome is least likely to occur in a team setting? a. People enjoy their work more. b. People bond with others more. c. People accomplish more. d. People feel more confident.

People accomplish more.

Which statement about polygamy is most accurate? a. Polygamy offers heterosexual women more choices. b. Polygamy provides benefits to men, especially powerful men, but not women. c. Polygamy is associated with social reforms that favor equality among men d. Polygamy clearly favors the majority of men.

Polygamy offers heterosexual women more choices.

Suppose that Office Building X makes use of an open floor plan with many shared spaces (rather than cubicles or offices). This kind of floor plan is likely to increase productivity among some employees but decrease productivity among others. Of the people below, who is likely to suffer most? a. Tom, a copy machine operator b. Suzanne, an analyst c. Moe, a typist d. Ursula, a janitor

Suzanne, an analyst

____ is the tendency for shared or jointly owned resources to be squandered and not used in an optimal or advantageous fashion. a. The resource trap b. Social loafing c. The commons dilemma d. The bad apple effect

The commons dilemma

Which of the following is the most accurate summary of social facilitation theory? a. The presence of others increases the dominant response tendency. b. The presence of others elicits evaluation apprehension. c. The presence of others improves task performance. d. The presence of others leads to competition.

The presence of others increases the dominant response tendency.

Suppose that you are working on a group project with four other people, and that you need to come up with ideas about how to find research participants to complete a survey for free. Should you brainstorm ideas as a group or work independently? a. Brainstorm—productivity will be about the same, but morale will be higher. b. Brainstorm—both productivity and morale will be higher. c. This depends on your goals—brainstorming will be less productive, but will raise morale more. d. Work independently—morale will be about the same, and productivity will be higher.

This depends on your goals—brainstorming will be less productive, but will raise morale more.

Which of the following does NOT qualify as a group, according to the definition given in the text? a. A married couple b. One hundred people running a marathon together c. English students at a local university d. Three people who have never met before and have nothing in common

Three people who have never met before and have nothing in common

Suppose that Office Building X makes use of an open floor plan with many shared spaces (rather than cubicles or offices). This kind of floor plan is likely to increase productivity among some employees but decrease productivity among others. Of the people below, who is likely to benefit most? a. Tom, a copy machine operator b. Suzanne, an analyst c. Mike, an attorney d. Irene, a customer service specialist

Tom, a copy machine operator

Given Max Ringelmann's early research looking at group size and individual effort, should we expect Student X to put in a different amount of effort depending on whether she worked on a history project in a five-person group or a two-person group? a. Yes, we should expect her to work harder in the five-person group. b. Yes, we should expect her to work harder in the two-person group. c. No, we should expect her to work equally hard in both groups. d. This is impossible to determine; it appears that there are no predictable patterns regarding group size and individual effort.

Yes, we should expect her to work harder in the two-person group.

Suppose that you have just joined a local volleyball team. Which factor would be least likely to make you feel bonded, or unified, with your new team? a. You learn that there is a rival team in a nearby neighborhood. b. You and your team share an emotional experience when one team member is hurt while playing. c. You learn that people on your team come from a wide range of backgrounds and lifestyles. d. Your team selects a mascot and comes up with a team song.

You learn that people on your team come from a wide range of backgrounds and lifestyles.

Suppose that you own a rowboat and sometimes go rowing in the summer. In June, you are planning to go rowing with two of your friends (three people total in the boat), and in July, you are planning to go rowing with just one friend (two people total in the boat). Will you put in more effort (row harder) on the three-person trip or on the two-person trip? a. You will put in more effort on the three-person trip. b. You will put in more effort on the two-person trip. c. You will put in the same amount of effort on both trips. d. It is impossible to say—no research has examined this question.

You will put in more effort on the two-person trip.

Transactive memory is ____. a. a process that takes place in groups b. a type of memory associated with the automatic mind c. the same thing as a "false memory" d. a memory for a specific behavior or event that occurred in the past

a process that takes place in groups

Research on deindividuation and mob violence indicates that the level of ____ is the single biggest factor in predicting aggression. a. accountability b. anonymity c. self-awareness d. self-esteem


Binge eating is defined by ____. a. eating until you feel full b. alternating periods of uncontrolled eating and severe restraint c. restricting caloric intake to starvation levels d. eating past when you feel full

alternating periods of uncontrolled eating and severe restraint

A traditional economist—who believes that humans always behave in rational, self-interested ways—would be MOST shocked to learn about the human tendency for ____. a. evaluation apprehension b. social loafing c. the bad apple effect d. altruistic punishment

altruistic punishment

Even though Joey suffered because of it—his peers at school teased him for months—he filed a report with the principal's office when he heard that two of the popular kids at school had cheated on a big exam. Joey filed the report for everyone's good. Social psychologists would say that in reporting the students, Joey engaged in ____. a. the commons dilemma b. altruistic punishment c. self-censorship d. the risky shift

altruistic punishment

People sometimes punish those who cheat the system, even when they need to make sacrifices or suffer losses to do so. According to the text, this phenomenon is known as ____. a. the bad apple effect b. altruistic punishment c. Vladimir's choice d. the vigilante correction

altruistic punishment

As defined in the text, a group is a collection of at least two people who ____. a. have a common goal b. are being or doing something together c. have a common identity d. think, feel, or act similarly

are being or doing something together

Research on diversity in groups indicates that, compared to more homogeneous groups, diverse groups tend to ____. a. be more creative b. be more cooperative c. have higher group morale d. communicate more effectively

be more creative

When groups make use of transactive memory, they tend to ____. a. be more effective b. be less effective c. develop a stronger group bond d. develop a weaker group bond

be more effective

Research on college sororities has found that ____. a. binge eating leads to social exclusion b. binge eating levels depend mostly on geographic region c. binge eating patterns seem to be contagious d. binge eating occurs among the most isolated sorority members

binge eating patterns seem to be contagious

As discussed in the text, human groups are ____. a. social but not cultural b. cultural but not social c. both social and cultural d. neither social nor cultural

both social and cultural

Based on early research by Norman Triplett with racing cyclists, we should expect that people who exercise for half an hour on rowing machines at a gym, among other people, would be more likely to ____ than people who exercise for half an hour on a rowing machine in the privacy of their home. a. burn more calories b. burn less calories c. feel a sense of accomplishment d. feel a sense of failure

burn more calories

Similarity is important to membership in a human cultural group because it ____. a. cements one's allegiance to the group b. promotes physical well-being of group members c. increases information sharing within the group d. promotes diversity within the group

cements one's allegiance to the group

In his early social psychological research regarding bicyclists and racing performance, Norman Triplett's initial interpretation of his finding was that the presence of others stimulated a ____. a. competitive instinct b. desire for social approval c. willingness to sacrifice for the greater good d. person's dominant response

competitive instinct

While many modern offices make use of open shared spaces (rather than cubicles or offices), this office style can hinder productivity. Indeed, this office style is likely to be particularly detrimental for employees who work on ____. a. simple tasks that they have performed many times b. simple but novel tasks c. complex tasks that they have performed many times d. complex, novel tasks

complex, novel tasks

In one of the earliest social psychological experiments to be conducted, Norman Triplett examined the records of teams of cyclists. He found that cyclists who raced against each other ____ than those who raced alone (against the clock). a. were more aggressive after the race b. got into more accidents c. cycled more quickly d. enjoyed the race less

cycled more quickly

As described in the text, ____ was at the core of the fascist movements of the first half of the twentieth century. a. deindividuation b. social facilitation c. optimal distinctiveness d. social loafing


John is taking part in a student protest, marching across police lines into an important administrative building on campus. He is so wrapped up in the group mentality that he actually stops thinking about himself as an individual who is separate from the group, and fails to ask himself whether or not he is behaving responsibly. John is probably experiencing ____. a. deindividuation b. optimal distinctiveness c. social facilitation d. social loafing


Social psychologists have coined the term ____ to refer to the loss of self-awareness and of individual accountability in a group. a. deindividuation b. optimal distinctiveness c. social facilitation d. social loafing


The text quotes Stanislaus Lezczynski, King of Poland, who stated that "no snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible," to capture the notion of ____. a. deindividuation b. optimal distinctiveness c. social facilitation d. social loafing


Jonah is really worried about playing the piano at his recital in front of his girlfriend, who has expressed a desire to be at the recital. Jonah keeps thinking about her instead of concentrating on playing his music. Which of the three processes that influences social facilitation does this scenario most emphasize? a. evaluation apprehension b. distraction c. bodily arousal d. social loafing


Research on diversity in groups indicates that ____. a. diverse groups suffer from poor communication and are less creative and flexible than homogeneous groups b. diverse groups are more creative and flexible than homogeneous groups, and tend to perform better than other groups c. diverse groups are capable of being more creative and flexible than homogeneous groups, but tend to suffer from poor communication and perform worse than other groups d. diverse groups are far more communicative with one another than homogeneous groups, but tend to be less creative and flexible

diverse groups are capable of being more creative and flexible than homogeneous groups, but tend to suffer from poor communication and perform worse than other groups

Which of the following best describes the condition(s) essential to the "wisdom of crowds" effect? a. diversity of opinion b. independence of thought c. confidence d. diversity of opinion and independence of thought

diversity of opinion and independence of thought

As discussed in the text, there are a number of items that make groups feel united. Which of the following is least likely to unite groups? a. the presence of an outgroup b. shared emotional experiences c. a group name or uniform d. diversity of opinions

diversity of opinions

In a nutshell, the research on diversity in groups indicates that ____. a. diversity is almost always a minus rather than a plus b. diversity is almost always a plus rather than a minus c. diversity presents numerous challenges, but can sometimes be a plus d. diverse groups have more fun than homogeneous groups, but get less done

diversity presents numerous challenges, but can sometimes be a plus

Early research in social psychology conducted by Max Ringelmann revealed that people ____ when they work as part of a group (e.g., pushing a car off of the road with two other people) compared to when they work alone at the same task. a. do not work as hard b. work harder c. feel like they are doing more work d. feel like they are doing less work

do not work as hard

Rohit is a very good golfer when he is alone, and an excellent golfer when he is with others. In the language of social facilitation theory, playing golf well appears to be a(n) ____ for Rohit. a. central response b. dominant response c. default response d. optimally distinctive response

dominant response

Jane joined a sorority her freshman year of college and moved into the house her sophomore year. She had never engaged in binge eating before moving into the sorority. After the end of her sophomore year of living in the house, she is most likely to ____. a. still refrain from binge eating b. engage in extreme binge eating c. engage in limited binge eating d. engage in the level of binge eating that most of her sorority sisters do

engage in the level of binge eating that most of her sorority sisters do

Social facilitation theory suggests that tasks like walking, brushing one's teeth, or counting will be ____ by the presence of others. It also suggests that tasks like solving a difficult math problem or crossword puzzle will be ____ by the presence of others. a. unaffected; enhanced b. enhanced; enhanced as well c. enhanced; unaffected d. enhanced; hindered

enhanced; hindered

Diversity within a group with respect to ____ is more likely to more readily result in misunderstandings, distrust, and other communicative problems. a. knowledge b. ethnicity c. skills d. education


Social psychologists use the term ____ to refer to concern about how others are evaluating your performance. a. self-monitoring b. evaluation apprehension c. social evaluation d. self-referencing

evaluation apprehension

Research indicates that if eight people work jointly in a brainstorming session, they are likely to come up with ____ eight people working independently. a. fewer ideas than b. about the same number of ideas as c. just a few more ideas than d. significantly more ideas than

fewer ideas than

Social loafing is also known as the ____. a. free rider problem b. bad apple effect c. bait and switch technique d. narcissism effect

free rider problem

Research suggests that group decision-making is superior to individual decision-making when ____. a. group members discuss the pros and cons of each point of view b. group members engage in active, collaborative brainstorming c. group members work independently and contribute their separate ideas d. groups have a strong leader

group members work independently and contribute their separate ideas

After decades of research on the effect that others have on task performance, social psychologists have concluded that the presence of others ____. a. almost always improves performance, because it stimulates competition b. almost always hinders performance, because it elicits evaluation apprehension c. has mixed effects, because it elicits evaluation apprehension d. has mixed effects, because it elicits a person's dominant response

has mixed effects, because it elicits a person's dominant response

Research on diversity in groups indicates that, compared to more homogeneous groups, diverse groups tend to ____. a. be less creative b. cooperate more c. have lower group morale d. communicate more effectively

have lower group morale

Research on diversity in groups indicates that, compared to more homogeneous groups, diverse groups tend to ____. a. have the potential for better performance b. be less creative c. have higher group morale d. be more cooperative

have the potential for better performance

Most research suggests that—compared to when several people think up ideas independently—when people work together and brainstorm as a group they tend to have ____ morale and to come up with ____ ideas total. a. higher; more b. higher; fewer c. about the same level of; about the same number of d. about the same level of; more

higher; fewer

It would be most accurate to say that "groups are smarter than individuals" when ____. a. only the experts in the groups are allowed to express opinions b. groups engage in brainstorming tasks c. individual group members work independently and all make contributions d. they have a dominant leader

individual group members work independently and all make contributions

Group sexual activity involving more than two people ____. a. has become much more common b. is quite rare in practice c. accounts for about 10% of sex acts d. is inevitably associated with societal decline

is quite rare in practice

As discussed in the text, when a group experiences a shared emotional experience (whether positive or negative), they tend to feel ____. When they are given a name or uniform that identifies them as a group, they tend to feel ____. a. more united; more united as well b. more united; neither more united nor less united c. neither more united nor less united; more united d. neither more united nor less united; neither more united nor less united.

more united; more united as well

The fact that humans engage in altruistic punishment fits one of the themes of the text, namely that ____. a. natural selection has favored humans who are able to participate in a cultural society b. cultural animals copy things that they see others doing c. humans process information using the duplex mind d. humans are born with access to a "collective unconscious"

natural selection has favored humans who are able to participate in a cultural society

The so-called bad apple effect refers to the idea that ____. a. at least one person in every social group tends to loaf b. one social loafer can cause others to loaf as well c. people are more prone to copy negative behaviors than positive behaviors d. it is not always easy to tell at a distance who is loafing and who is not

one social loafer can cause others to loaf as well

We should expect social loafing to be greatly reduced when ____. a. people are held accountable for their inputs b. people are anonymous within the group c. the task at hand is unimportant to people d. people think that others in the group are superior to them in terms of the task at hand

people are held accountable for their inputs

As defined in the text, narcissists are ____. a. people who regard themselves as better than others and are constantly trying to win the admiration of others b. people who have a total disregard for ethics and morality c. essentially the same as people with healthy levels of self-esteem d. people who overvalue superficial qualities (e.g., physical attractiveness) and undervalue deeper qualities (e.g., loyalty)

people who regard themselves as better than others and are constantly trying to win the admiration of others

Unlike groups that are merely social groups, cultural groups ____. a. promote safety b. find and share food c. can complete tasks that individual group members cannot complete alone d. preserve information

preserve information

Altruistic punishment is BEST described as ____. a. punishing others for their own good b. punishing others for their own good—and making sacrifices in order to do so c. punishing those who cheat the system d. punishing those who cheat the system—and making sacrifices in order to do so

punishing those who cheat the system—and making sacrifices in order to do so

Humans need to find uniqueness within the context of their group memberships. What structural elements of groups help humans do this? a. roles b. norms c. communication patterns d. membership applications


Research on social facilitation would suggest that, in general, runners would ____ when running alongside others as opposed to running alone. a. run faster b. run slower c. be more likely to fall d. be more likely to injure themselves

run faster

The term deindividuation is best defined as a loss of ____ that people sometimes feel in group situations. a. self-awareness and individual accountability b. self-esteem c. morals and ethics d. sense of time, place, and space

self-awareness and individual accountability

The so-called commons dilemma involves two kinds of conflicts: one concerning ____ and one concerning ____. a. self-interest; time b. communication; self-esteem c. accountability; self-awareness d. norms; self-esteem

self-interest; time

Belonging to a human cultural group has two competing demands. They are ____. a. similarity and uniqueness b. happiness and sadness c. approach and avoidance d. religion and secularism

similarity and uniqueness

Many modern offices have open, public shared spaces (rather than cubicles or offices). This office style works best if the employees are working on ____. a. simple tasks that they have performed many times b. simple but novel tasks c. complex tasks that they have performed many times d. complex and novel tasks

simple tasks that they have performed many times

Cockroaches completed simple mazes more quickly when they ran in the presence of other cockroaches (as opposed to alone), and completed complex mazes more quickly when they ran alone (as opposed to in a group). This finding illustrates that, even among cockroaches, ____. a. social facilitation happens for dominant responses b. both social facilitation and social inhibition can happen for dominant responses c. social facilitation happens for non-dominant responses d. both social facilitation and social inhibition can happen for non-dominant responses

social facilitation happens for dominant responses

People tend to reduce effort when working in a group as opposed to when working alone. This phenomenon is known as ____. a. social facilitation b. evaluation apprehension c. the bad apple effect d. social loafing

social loafing

The term "free rider problem" is sometimes used to refer to ____. a. social facilitation b. evaluation apprehension c. the bad apple effect d. social loafing

social loafing

What is NOT one of the three processes upon which social facilitation depends? a. evaluation apprehension b. distraction c. bodily arousal d. social loafing

social loafing

It would be most accurate to say that the results of deindividuation are ___. a. almost always negative b. almost always positive c. somewhat violent d. somewhat erratic

somewhat erratic

Steve is very unhappy in his job and often displays his unhappiness by playing on his phone during meetings. Soon, Leslie begins playing games during meetings and Leslie is followed by Judy. This office is suffering from ____. a. altruistic punishment b. the social facilitation effect c. the bad apple effect d. deindividuation

the bad apple effect

The idea that one social loafer can cause others to loaf as well is known as ____. a. social facilitation b. evaluation apprehension c. the free rider problem d. the bad apple effect

the bad apple effect

Suppose that you are the manager of an electronics store, and that you have asked the salespeople in two different departments—the camera department and the computer department—to come up with regular, weekly ideas about how to increase sales. However, you have asked the people in the camera department to think up ideas independently, whereas you have asked the people in the computer department to get together as a group every week and brainstorm. You should expect, after several weeks of this, that ____. a. the camera group will come up with more ideas, but the computer group will have a stronger group bond b. the computer group will come up with more ideas AND have a stronger group bond c. the computer group will come up with more ideas, but they will not necessarily have a stronger group bond d. the camera group and the computer group will likely come up with the same number of ideas, but the computer group will have a stronger group bond

the camera group will come up with more ideas, but the computer group will have a stronger group bond

Suppose that you are working on a group project with several classmates, wherein you are required to put together a presentation on Impressionist art. You are least likely to engage in social loafing if ____. a. the professor has indicated that just one grade will be given for the presentation (i.e., everyone in the group will receive the same final grade) b. there are a number of Art History majors in the group (and you're not one of them) c. the professor has indicated that group members will all rate each other at the end of the semester d. the presentation is a very small part of the course grade

the professor has indicated that group members will all rate each other at the end of the semester

Suppose that you are working on a group project with several classmates, where you are required to put together a presentation on Islamic artists. You are most likely to engage in social loafing if ____. a. the professor has indicated that just one grade will be given for the presentation (i.e., everyone in the group will receive the same final grade) b. no one in your group knows anything about Islamic art c. the professor has indicated that group members will all rate each other at the end of the semester d. the presentation is a very large part of the course grade

the professor has indicated that just one grade will be given for the presentation (i.e., everyone in the group will receive the same final grade)

In the language of social facilitation theory, the so-called dominant response is ____. a. the response that is most common for a given person in a given situation b. the response that is most common among most people in most situations c. the response that is most socially valued within a given situation d. an aggressive response

the response that is most common for a given person in a given situation

Narcissists seem to be especially affected by ____. a. altruistic punishment b. the social facilitation effect c. the bad apple effect d. deindividuation

the social facilitation effect

We should expect social loafing to be greatly reduced when ____. a. people are not held accountable for their inputs b. people are anonymous within the group c. the task at hand is important to people d. people think that others in the group are superior to them in terms of the task at hand

the task at hand is important to people

The text notes that the effect of role differentiation in cultural groups is the ____. a. the preservation of information across generations b. the efficient production of food c. the enhancement of the benefits of deindividuation d. the utilization of experts for job functions

the utilization of experts for job functions

People are least likely to overharvest resources in the commons dilemma when ____. a. they communicate with others b. others are behaving badly c. they are anonymous d. they are highly self-interested

they communicate with others

People are more likely to engage in the commons dilemma when ____. a. they do not communicate with others b. others are behaving well c. they are held accountable for their behaviors d. they have a long-term perspective

they do not communicate with others

When people are in a group situation in which they feel deindividuated, they are most likely to behave badly when ____. a. they are highly self-aware b. they are anonymous to one another c. they are focused outward, on what others are thinking about them d. they feel anonymous to outsiders who may be watching them

they feel anonymous to outsiders who may be watching them

Suppose that you and your family are moving to a new apartment. Because your little brother has an excellent memory for things in general, he is put in charge of remembering what is packed with what. Because your mother usually takes care of bill payment, she is put in charge of remembering with what companies your family needs to file a change-of-address form. And because you have been the one handling most of the logistics of the move (hiring a company to inspect the new apartment for termites, making sure that you received your deposit back on your old apartment, etc.), you are put in charge of keeping track of these things. This is an example of ____. a. deindividuation b. the commons dilemma c. groupthink d. transactive memory

transactive memory

The term ____ refers to a process by which members of a small group remember different kinds of information. a. transactive memory b. groupthink c. brainstorming d. collective unconscious

transactive memory

According to social facilitation theory, for most people, task performance for tasks such as ____ should be enhanced by the presence of others, while task performance for tasks such as ____ should be hindered by the presence of others. a. washing dishes; walking b. solving a difficult math problem; walking c. solving a difficult math problem; washing dishes d. washing dishes; solving a difficult math problem

washing dishes; solving a difficult math problem

The commons dilemma refers to the tendency for people to ____. a. be less likely to assist others in need when many other onlookers are present as opposed to when few or no other onlookers are present b. waste, deplete, or use in a less-than-optimal way resources that are shared with others rather than private c. be more likely to behave inappropriately or aggressively when part of a group rather than alone d. refrain from punishing others who "cheat the system" for fear that they will be suffer some negative result

waste, deplete, or use in a less-than-optimal way resources that are shared with others rather than private

According to social facilitation theory, task performance is sometimes enhanced by the presence of others and sometimes hurt by the presence of others. Generally speaking, this depends upon ____. a. whether the task at hand is easy or hard. b. whether or not the others who are present are engaged in the same task. c. whether the person is an introvert or an extrovert. d. whether or not the others who are present are members of a social ingroup.

whether the task at hand is easy or hard.

Compared to human groups, the social groups formed by animals are much less tolerant of ____. a. within-group diversity b. within-group hierarchy c. within-group competition d. between-group competition

within-group diversity

Based on research on social facilitation, we should expect that—all else being equal—children who work on a set of easy puzzles alone will ____ than children who work on the same puzzles side by side in a big group of other children. a. work more slowly b. work more quickly c. second-guess themselves less d. second-guess themselves more

work more slowly

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